View Full Version : Discuss typos

Mikachu Yukitatsu
15th February 2009, 12:41 AM
So, what are typing errors you tend to make? What about your opinions, do you tolerate them? Have you got any rules of your own, that is, do you regard a way to type a word as a correct one while some people say it's wrong? (I'm not sure if the last question is enough related to typos, but at least this warns people about complaining you made a type, right?)

I myself type too fast and with two fingers. I memorize where the keys are, but I often push a letter that is next to a letter I wanted and have to edit. Or I push them in the wrong order. Sometimes I just don't want to edit the message after I have posted it because I don't like the edit text "Last edited by" although it is really reasonable and I'm not saying forums should't have it.

Here's one of my own rules. Perhaps it doesn't make sense, but when I begin a sentence with a TPMer's name like mr_pikachu, which doesn't begin with a capital letter, I begin the sentence with lowercase! An example:

"There's a TPMer named mr_pikachu. mr_pikachu is a moderator."

Do you think that's illogical?

15th February 2009, 01:05 AM
In casual conversation and posting, I'm a little more lenient on myself. For instance, I'll sometimes make a post using consecutive prepositions even though that's incorrect just because thinking about the proper correction would take too much time.

In my fiction, however, I won't stand for such errors (except in the speech of my characters). My only exception is the use of "..." to end sentences in WotF, when it really should be "...." in that case. I didn't realize that until after having used it incorrectly countless times, so to maintain consistency I've continued omitting that last period. Maybe someday I'll go back through all my previous pages and redo them.

As for having that "Last edited by" message, it doesn't appear unless you make your edit two minutes or more after submitting the post.