View Full Version : ASB Movelist
5th May 2009, 08:13 PM
My god folks, we've come a long way. 4 generations in-over a decade of this game somehow permeating our lives. Finally, we have one Ginormous movelist for ASB. Much credit to Crazy Elf Boy for helping me with this undertaking.
Few things.
1) 90% of the moves have not changed. So don't cry, they haven't been massively edited, they just look prettier.
2) For the 10% of moves that have changed, or for any move you feel is still inadequatly represented, let your voice be heard. We tried to stick to the core concept of Anime induced fighting, but alot of the moves nowadays in the Anime are the same as the games.
((Still, for those that are vastly different, kudos to Chris 2.1 for thinking them up way back when.))
3) When reffing-these are guidelines (the damage and energy parameters) I know people may not follow them exactly and that's ok. They're there to show everyone around what range these moves should be around. Its ok to be over/under. Not trying to pidgeonhole ya.
Ok. Without any further Ado!
Damage Key:
Light Damage: 0%-4%
Good Damage: 5% - 8%
Excellent Damage: 9%-12%
Incredible Damage: 12%+
Fatigue Key:
Light Fatigue: 0%-4%
Moderate Fatigue 5%-8%
High Fatigue 9%-12%
Extremely High Fatigue: 12%+
Absorb: -GRS- The user grabs the victim with a tentacle or whatever and sucks out some energy, healing itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Heals back a small percent of HP
Acid: -PSN- The user sprays a blob of caustic goo at their victim.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Minor chance of burn. Special
Acid Armor: -PSN- The user turns invisible or partially invisible for a short while, allowing them to evade attacks more easily.
Fatigue: Moderate
Other: Raises evasiveness. Snatchable
Acupressure: –NRM– A random stat (Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp.Attack or Sp.Defense) is boosted by two levels.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: None
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Snatchable
Aerial Ace: -FLY- The user's body part (ex: wing) glows and then strikes the opponent, much like a flying version of Iron Tail. It never misses.
Fatigue: Light/Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Aeroblast: -FLY- The user creates a huge blast of air. It hits. Hard.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Acid Spray: -PSN- An incredible volatile splash of substances is hurled at any offending foes, with the desired result of melting it.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Can Sharply lower opponents SpD.
Acrobatics: -FLY- Using its nimbleness, the user attacks with a flurry of graceful blows.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
After You: The user immediately post-empts the enemies attack and will use it against them with more force.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Varies on Attack
Agility: -PSY- The user starts moving really, really fast, allowing them to dodge attacks more easily. Additionally, they can set up their attacks faster and therefore can aim better, so accuracy goes up along with evasion. Lasts a short time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Snatchable
Air Cutter: -FLY- The Pokemon in questions beats its appendages rapidly, forcing wind to sear past the opponent, dealing good damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Air Slash: –FLY– The pokemon closes its wings, concentrates and then unleashes a blade made out of highly concentrated air by re-opening its wings. Similar to Razor Wind, but without the charge-period. The pokemon using it loses some altitude since it's wings are occupied by the attack. This attack can strike the targets weak points more effectively.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Ally Switch: -PSY- A little sleight of hand...and the user instantly switches places with any other Pokemon on the field!
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Amnesia: -PSY- The victim forgets whatever attack they’ve just used and can’t use it until Amnesia wears off. The user can only make a victim forget one attack at a time; if they attempt to Amnesia another move the first is remembered again.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Ancientpower: -RCK- The user telekinetically throws rocks. There is a very low chance that the user may be possessed by an ancestral spirit for a short while, which gives the user massive stat boosts due to the cunning of the elder spirit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Chance of all stats being raised.
Aqua Jet: –WAT– The user speeds towards the foe like a torpedo, encased in a jet of water.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Always strikes first
Aqua Ring: –WAT– A large ring of water is sprayed around the user and the water ring restores HP gently over the next 5 turns. It acts like a clerical protector, surround the user, but the water ring can be destroyed by the right attacks or techniques.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Moderate Healing
Aqua Tail: –WAT– The user’s tail glows blue and they strike down on the foe.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Arm Thrust: -FGT- The user gives several quick open-palm (if applicable) thrusts, which each deal light damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Cumulative Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Aromatherapy: -GRS- The user lets out a strong fragrance which has the same properties as smelling salts. All nearby Pokemon (user, friends AND enemies, as well as any wild Pokemon not in balls) who can smell the aroma will be jolted awake from sleep, calmed out of confusion, and given a slight jolt which would slightly ease paralysis. It also gives the effect of Sweet Scent, possibly aiding in the same effect as Attract. The effectiveness of the attack depends on how close the target is from the user, and whether or not the target can smell the odor, etc.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Depends on proximity
Aromatic Mist: -FAI- Using a mysterious aroma, the user sharply raises the Sp Def of the target.
Fatigue: Moderate.
Damage: None.
Accuracy: Great.
Assist: -NRM- The user's appendage glows and a random move from another Pokemon on your team is used (ex: Skitty uses Assist and Razor Leaf comes out of the appendage, an attack that belongs to the trainer's Bulbasaur).
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Depends on attack
Assurance: –DRK– The user gains more strength in their attack if the opponent has already received damage in that round.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. More damage is dealt if the foe has just taken damage (that round)
Astonish: -GHO- The user darts in, dealing light damage with a tackle-like attack and trying to briefly confuse the opponent, using speed to hit the opponent from an angle where it wasn't expecting.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Slight chance of confusion.
Attack Order: –BUG– A powerful bug attack which can home in on a Pokemon’s weak areas.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Attract: -NRM- The victim becomes romantically interested in the user. Can only be used on a target that is opposite-gender to the user. When interest is piqued, the victim will sometimes choose to ignore orders that sound like they might interfere with the victim’s romantic chances with his or her love interest.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Accuracy: Good.
Aura Sphere: –FGT– The user throbs and fires off an exploding projectile that cannot miss its target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Never Misses
Other: Special. Said projectile is quite large.
Aurora Beam: -ICE- The user shoots a narrow ray of ice crystals at a victim, causing numbness.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Autotomize: -STL- The user tucks in any portion of its body that might create drag when moving at high velocities. This has the side effect of making the user lighter by a sizeable amount.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Sharply raises Speed. Lowers weight.
Avalanche: –ICE– A sweeping mass of whipped snow and thick ice crystals, this attack does more damage if the user has been attacked that round.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Baby-doll Eyes: -FAI- The user stares at it's target with a look akin to a Disney Princess, dropping the target's Atk stat sharply.
Fatigue: Low.
Damage: None.
Accuracy: Depends on proximity.
Other: Always goes first.
Barrage: -NRM- The user’s eggs pummel the opponent from a distance and then telekinetically return to their original location. It is a multi-hit attack, capable of breaking Substitute.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Physical.
Barrier: -PSY- The user produces a transparent (but visible) screen of force around themselves, effectively enclosing themselves in a fort. This Barrier is flat, thin, square, and mobile. It is virtually indestructible, but it does fade in power over time. While erected, the Barrier will heighten a Pokemon's Defense. Barriers last a while, but not forever.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Baton Pass: -NRM- The user switches out, but does not faint like normal. The user’s trainer sends out another pokémon from their collection, which gets the benefits of all of the user’s stat boosts, positive and negative (basically, anything that goes away with time, referee’s adjudication). The pokémon that is switched out is “locked in” as a battler in this particular battle and must be sent out again before the battle ends. This move cannot be used by the last unfainted pokémon on a team. This one of the only legal ways to switch out a pokémon midbattle without fainting/disqualifying it. Once Baton Pass is used, the rest of the round is continued as normal.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Beat Up: -DRK- For each ally still conscious on the bench, the user summons up a shade representing that ally. The shades in question attack in rapid succession. The attack appears just like a regular attack the template ally would have used, but it functions with a dark elemental instead of its normal element. Shades fade away within a few seconds whether attacked or not, so they have to get in their attack quickly. It is very difficult to defend against this whole attack, since each attack comes at a slightly different time from a slightly different angle. Protective shields raised against one shade may or may not be shattered or bypassed by the cumulative attacks of the other shades, according to the adjudication of the referee. The move itself has good accuracy, but each shade must check accuracy as well.
Fatigue: Depends on amount
Damage: Individual shade-Low. Cumulative: Depends on size of match
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Belch: -PSN- The user swallows a lot of air before belching a harsh belch. Everyone on the field, aside from the user, will flinch momentarily.
Fatigue: High.
Damage: High.
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Special. User will be completely vulnerable to attack while gathering energy for the attack.
Belly Drum: -NRM- The user slams its fists into its belly, mentally psyching itself up for battle. The user reaches a sort of battle frenzy, totally ignoring all defense in favor of crushing the opponent with highly-buffed attacks. This is the strongest attack buff in the game, but the user cannot even attempt to dodge or reduce damage from enemy attacks.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Snatchable. Maxed attack, heavily weakened defense
Bestow: -NRM- Feeling generous, the user allows the foe one free self-beneficial move..
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Free turn! Use with caution!
Bide: -NRM- All attacks that hit the user will deal damage as normal, but the energy will be absorbed. At the end of the Bide, this energy will be directed at any one target as a single massive attack. This attack is always of good accuracy and is of the Normal element. Its power is increased however. The duration of the technique cannot be controlled precisely, however; it will last a number of actions up to the referee and then discharge. In general, however, it should last more than one action and less than a full round unless the user attempts to concentrate on an unusually long Bide, in which case they might or might not succeed, depending on whether they can maintain concentration.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Depends on attacks
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Bind: -NRM- The user grabs the opponent and holds them still. The opponent remains in place until it can extricate itself from the grapple, which takes some effort.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Damage: Low/Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Bite: -DRK- The user chomps down with a toothy maw onto the victim. Dark energy crackles between these teeth into the victim’s flesh. Low chance of startling opponent the first time or two the energy crackles. Note that this is not exactly equivalent to an improvised bite, which is usually another move. Fatigue: Low
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Slight chance of flinching.
Blast Burn: -FIR- The user creates a very large, very hot fireball which is sent towards the victim(s). This attack uses up so much energy that the user needs to take a quick rest after using it, just like Hyper Beam. Also like Hyper Beam, however, the attack could have varying levels of intensity, including a "quick fire" version which doesn't require a break.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. User recharges for an action.
Blaze Kick: -FIR- The user's leg becomes covered in flames a la Fire Punch, and the user deals a powerful kick which does both fire damage and solid physical damage.
Fatigue: Moderate/Good
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Blizzard: -ICE- The user produces a blast of crystalline ice shards that emanate in a wide cone in whichever direction the user is ordered. An enemy that cannot escape in time will be encased in rime, which hinders movement. The attack must charge for a few brief seconds and it takes time for the ice shards to get to where they’re going, so it can be dodged more easily.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Moderate chance of freezing. Special
Block: -NRM- The user gets in such a position such that the victim's trainer cannot connect a Pokeball's recall beam with the victim, the victim cannot return to its Trainer via Baton Pass or U-Turn. This prevents immediate recall. The move can also be used to seal off exits and other pathways if need be. The move's energy usage and accuracy is dependent on the user, the arena, and any other factors.
Fatigue: Depends
Accuracy: Excellent
Blue Flare: -FIR- Don't let the color fool you, this bright blue flame will lure you in with its radiance, and scorch you with its power-which is what the user seeks to incur upon its foes.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Body Slam: -NRM- The user jumps on top of its opponent and bears it to the ground. The target takes damage according to the mass of the user (bigger pokémon have better Body Slams) and may be pinned in place under the bulk of the other unless it can wriggle free. The user will maintain the pin without taking an action as long as it avoids movement unless the victim can work its way free. The more movement the user makes, the easier it is for the victim to wriggle free.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Highly variable
Accuracy: Good
Other: Slight chance of paralysis. Physical
Bolt Strike: -ELE- The user envelops itself in a massive coarse of electricity-before charging into the foe.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical.
Bone Club: -GRD- The user swings its bone club at the opponent, striking hard and fast. Obviously, a pokémon can’t use this move without a manifestation or suitable replacement for a bone club whether it knows the move or not.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Bone Rush: -GRD- The user rushes forward and smacks the opponent with a hefty club. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the bone just keeps coming back for another hit. Obviously, a pokémon can’t use this move without a bone club whether it knows the move or not.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Physical
Bonemerang: -GRD- The user throws its bone club at a distant opponent. The bone bounces off, but then the user telekinetically calls it back. The club may hit an incautious opponent a second time as it returns, but it almost invariably returns to its owner. Obviously, a pokémon can’t use this move without a bone club whether it knows the move or not.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Boom Burst: -NRM- The user attacks everything around it with a powerful, concussive shriek.
Fatigue: High.
Damage: Excellent.
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Special.
Bounce: -FLY- The user uses its own body to bounce or jump as high as possible, and landing on the opponent for good damage, depending on the Pokemon, height of jump, etc. This move takes two actions to complete.
Fatigue: Moderate/Good
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Brave Bird: –FLY– A powerful, risky attack that sees the user drive themselves into their foe. The user receives recoil damage from the strike.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Brick Break: -FGT- An even more focused form of Rock Smash, the user concentrates their energy into their hand or other part and hits the opponent with an open-hand chop, which deals good damage, but even moreso on breakable objects such as panes due to the increase in power thanks to the follow- through.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Brine: -WAT- A foamy swathe of water that does double damage if the foe is below 50% HP.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good to Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Bubble: -WAT- The user spits a mass of watery bubbles out. These bubbles are very slippery, so moving through them at high speeds may be hazardous to health.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Bubblebeam: -WAT- The user spits a stream of watery bubbles very hard. These bubbles are very slippery, so moving through them at high speeds may be hazardous to health.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Bug Bite: –BUG– An insectoid chomp on the foe. The following can also happen:
If the foe has recently healed themselves – the user recovers 5% health
If the foe has recently recovered from a status condition – the user is immune to that condition for 3 rounds
If the foe has recently used a stat boost – the user has that stat boost for two rounds.
The use of ‘recent’ suggests in the past one or two rounds.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. See above
Bug Buzz: –BUG– A powerful sonic blast created by wings. Similar to Sonicboom.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Bulk Up: -FGT- The user toughens up, focusing energy on physical attack, and is able to take physical punishment slightly better. The increases are less than Curse, but there is not a significant loss of speed.
Fatigue: Low
Other: Slight raise in Atk and Defense. Snatchable.
Bulldoze: -GRD- The user slams its hands and/or feet into the ground, in order to cause enough ground shivers to trip up the opposition.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Can lower Spd
Bullet Punch: –STL– A move that always strikes first with a searing, metallic first
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Always hits first
Bullet Seed: -GRS- The user shoots out 10-12 small, but fast moving seeds at the opponent. Each seed does very minimal damage, but the total damage from the attack can reach mediocre levels.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Cumulative Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Calm Mind: -PSY- The user meditates, focusing itself to deal out more powerful special attacks, and not to be irritated as much by special attacks. With a calm mind in place, the user is less prone to be controlled by telepathy.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Slight increase in SpAtk & SpDef Snatchable
Camouflage: -NRM- The user consumes some energy to blend in with their background, except for certain parts which can't change (Staryu's jewel and Kecleon's stripe). The attack works quicker and with less energy for Kecleon, as Camouflage is a natural attack.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Captivate: –NRM– If the foe and user are opposite genders, then the user successfully lowers the foe’s elemental (special) power by two levels.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Sharp stat reduction.
Charge: -ELE- The user charges up their electric energy, which makes the next few electric attacks used by it launch quicker and have a slight boost in power. While Charge itself doesn't use energy, the electric attacks affected by Charge will have a slight decrease in energy consumption.
Fatigue: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Charge Beam: –ELE– A fantastic beam of volts and sparks. A high chance of the user’s special attack being boosted.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Charm: -FAI- The user appears cute and innocent, and buffs this impression with psionic manipulation. It is difficult to tempt an affected opponent to harm the user, at least as long as the charm lasts. It is typically destroyed by hostile action, although the memory may linger and hinder attacks for longer than that.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Good
Other: Can weaken attack prowess
Chatter: –FLY– An incessantly irritating sound wave blasts into the foe, confusing them.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Confuses the foe
Chip Away: -NRM- Oblivious to anything the opponent has done to augment their abilities, the Pokemon steps in close and attacks soundly.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Circle Throw: -FGT- Waiting until the opponent is finished with its assault, the Pokemon uses its tail to fling the Pokemon far far away.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Clamp: -WAT- The user locks its shell onto a portion of its opponents body, usually a limb or other handy protrusion, preventing that opponent from getting away. Damage slowly grows as the Clamp is maintained, and there is sometimes also the threat of environmental hazards.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Physical
Clear Smog: -PSN- A strange mixture of ground is sprinkled upon an opponent, and casts a spell that nullifies any boosts they may currently be exhibiting.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Resets all parameters
Close Combat: –FGT– A powerful close set of strikes that leaves the user very open to all sorts of attacks.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Users defenses are lowered
Coil: -PSN- The user retracts all appendages and tightens its core body, in order to better receive forthcoming damage.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Atk, Def and Acc. Snatchable
Comet Punch: -NRM- The user smacks the opponent with fists. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the fists just keep coming back for another hit. .
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Confide: -NRM- The user tells the target a confusing secret, forcing the target to drop its guard momentarily. Lowers target's Sp Atk.
Fatigue: Low.
Damage: None.
Accuracy: Excellent.
Confuse Ray: -GHO- The user fires a ray of whitish glowing light at a target. A pokémon hit by this ray will begin to hallucinate, and may injure themselves in their confusion.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Causes confusion
Confusion: -PSY- The air ripples in a surreal manner accompanied by waves of unnatural light. The minds of any or all targets in the user’s field of vision are momentarily scrambled and twisted, leaving them disoriented.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Slight chance of lingering confusion
Constrict: -NRM- The user wraps tentacles around the opponent and squeezes.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Conversion: -NRM- The user can align its type to one that it has been struck with within a short period (two rounds). It will remain this type until it is hit by Gastro Acid, uses Conversion again or it faints.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Conversion2: -NRM- The user will change into a type that resist the last attack that it received. It will remain this type unless it is hit by Gastro Acid, uses Conversion 2 again, or it faints.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Copycat: -NRM- Uses the last move performed by anybody on the field.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Depends on the attack being copied
Accuracy: Good
Other: Can only copy the last attack used. Drains energy since the user is forced to perform an unfamiliar and foreign attack.
Cosmic Power: -PSY- Consuming a significant amount of psychic energy, the user summons the heavens to gain a blessing, mysteriously gaining solid increases in their physical defense and ability to resist damage from special attacks.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Cotton Guard: -GRS- A shielding of cotton envelops the user, shielding them from harm.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Sharply raises Defense, Snatchable
Cotton Spore: -GRS- Wool or cotton encircles the opponent and wraps it up tightly. It will hinder the victim’s movement until it is cut away, burned away, or the like.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Hinders movement
Counter: -FGT- The user shimmers and glows, and physical attacks are redirected back toward their source. The user of Counter still suffers some damage and fatigue from the strain of countering incoming attacks, although typically less than it would have had it not Countered. The redirected attack is of the Fighting element, the power is increased, and always has good accuracy and does not take any time to charge.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Covet: -NRM- The user attempts to charm the victim, approaching while maintaining an alluring facade. The user then darts in, attempting to steal whatever item the user is holding, and dealing light damage with a tackle-like attack while doing so. Covet works better if the victim is already in a Charm-like state, and will be modified by the current emotions in battle. Items which are the lifeblood of the victim (Marowak bone, etc.) will be much harder to steal than any other item.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Crabhammer: -WAT- The user smacks the opponent with a hefty pincer. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the pincer just keeps coming back for another hit.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Crafty Shield: -FAI- The user creates a large, albeit flimsy, shield designed to protect it and any allies from any attack that doesn't cause direct damage. However, any damage-dealing attack will destroy the shield and hit its target anyway.
Fatigue: Moderate.
Damage: None.
Accuracy: Excellent.
Cross Chop: -FGT- The user strikes repeatedly in a vaguely cross-shaped manner, dealing extensive damage as weak points in the target are pummeled repeatedly with expert skill.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Low
Other: Physical
Cross Poison: –PSN– A strong, sliced attack that leaks poison onto the foe’s skin/body.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Can inflict poison
Crunch: -DRK- The user chomps down with a toothy maw onto the victim. Dark energy crackles between these teeth into the victim’s flesh. The user then twists its head violently, ripping and tearing flesh as the dark energy crackles. The extent of the injury could potentially make the victim feel light-headed for the duration of the battle, but this side effect is not overwhelming.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Crush Claw: -NRM- The user focuses energy into its claw and slams it hard into the opponent for very good damage. Essentially, it's Mega Punch in claw form.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Crush Grip: –NRM– The user grabs the enemy in its hands/pincers/etc. and squeezes hard. This attack becomes less powerful if the foe has less HP.
Fatigue: Extremely High-Light
Damage: Incredible-Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: The fatigue and damage scale down according to the following scale: 100% HP / 75% HP / 50% HP / 25% HP.
Curse: -???-
Def 1.) Utilized by ghosts; the user sacrifices half their health to cause ongoing damage to their opponent. If the user is above 50% health, then Curse only takes 25% of their full health. The effect is invisible, but as time passes the opponent suffers spontaneous cell death. However, a pokémon maintaining a Curse cannot heal themselves by any means except ending the Curse (by casting curse again on the same Pokemon, which doubles their remaining health and stops the ongoing damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Half of users health, up to 25%
Accuracy: Good
Def 2.) Utilized by non ghosts; The user concentrates, moving slowly and deliberately. In this state, it is as steady as a rock, and cannot be thrown off balance or out grappled easily. When slowed in this manner, the user will have more difficulty catching an opponent in its grip, but once it obtains a grip the user will be able to do what it wants with less fear of the opponent wriggling out, since it has a bit of an edge over said opponent.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Cut: -NRM- The user hacks out with a sharp surface and causes bleeding.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Dark Pulse –DRK– A fizzing pulse of darkened energy is unleashed at the foe, which can cause the foe to flinch.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Can cause flinching
Dark Void –DRK– The user creates a temporary void around any and all foes in range, reducing their air supply. This causes the foes to fall asleep. The further the targets are from each other (ie, the bigger the void has to be), the more energy is exerted.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Good
Other: Puts any defending Pokemon in range to sleep
Dazzling Gleam: -FAI- User flashes a brilliant gleam of light, causing the target to go blind temporarily.
Fatigue: Moderate.
Damage: Good.
Accuracy: Excellent.
Defend Order -BUG- The user boosts their physical and elemental defenses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Snatchable.
Defense Curl -NRM- The user curls into a ball. As long as it stays curled up (a position in which many attacks are difficult to execute), it suffers less damage from most attacks, since most vital areas are in the center of the ball. Releasing the Curl occurs for free whenever its ordered, but sometimes it happens by accident when an attack hits the user or the user attempts a move that cannot support being curled into a ball.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Defog –FLY– A swirling wind clears away all sandstorms, mists, fogs, hazes or smoke, allowing perfect vision in the arena.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Essentially an attack-version of Cloud Nine/Airlock
Destiny Bond -GHO- If any pokémon knocks out a pokémon that is using Destiny Bond, that pokémon also faints. Destiny Bond can only be used in response to an direct attack, and burns a great deal of fatigue, so it shouldn’t be used unless fainting is imminent. Attacks that indirectly harm the user of Destiny Bond can bypass the threat; for instance a collapsing ceiling knocking out a Destiny Bond user will end up trying to faint the ceiling, which is not possible since the ceiling was never conscious in the first place. Given this, Destiny Bond works best as a surprise, so it is not advised that you alert your opponent to your intent.
Fatigue: High
Damage: N/a
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Insta-ko opponent if directly hit and KO’ed
Detect -FGT- The user uses senses that border on precognition and telepathy to determine many details about the opponent’s next action, including attack method, attack vector, attack target, attack source, etc. This knowledge can be used in whatever way is plausible, but the most common way is to move to a location that is not within the attack vector or attack area. The ability operates slower each time it is used due to mounting fatigue, so if used repeatedly the chance that the user will be able to act on the newfound knowledge in time decreases. Detect also burns an unusual amount of fatigue, so caution is warranted.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Accuracy: Excellent but decreasing
Dig -GRD- The user digs very quickly into relatively soft materials such as regular dirt. Hard materials such as metal, of course, are too hard to burrow through. The user can duck into such a tunnel with surprising speed, potentially foiling attackers that did not expect such a move. Once underground, the user can move around slowly without coming up to the surface. While underground, the user can either sap out a portion of the arena to create a big hole or burrow up quickly for a surprise attack. Creating a hole under an opponent will cause trivial damage but now the opponent will be stuck in a hole. Surprise attacks are more likely to bypass defense mechanisms. It is very difficult to follow a Digging pokémon, since they move the earth from in front of themselves to the tunnel behind themselves, thus sealing it up as they proceed. A follower, whether hostile or friendly, must stay very close. Two Diggers are unlikely to run into each other by chance, although some pokémon would be able to detect the vibrations associated with Digging. Pokémon that do not know Dig can dig, but they will be much slower at doing so and therefore will not be able to act quickly enough to evade attacks or allow for either basic attack strategy. However, they may be able to dig down to find a Digger, given time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Disable -PSY- The victim is lined in a red glow and is unable to move so long as the user of Disable continues concentrating on the psionic grapple. The user cannot do other actions without breaking this concentration, but a sudden attack may be able to catch the suddenly-released victim by surprise. The power fails over time if held too long, regardless of how much the user concentrates.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Disarming Voice: -FAI- The user insults its taget with a nasty cry.
Fatigue: Moderate.
Damage: Low.
Accuracy: Never misses.
Other: Special.
Discharge –ELE– A sudden and bright flash of sparks are expelled by the user, shocking the foe. High chance of paralysis.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special.
Dive -WAT- The user dives deep down, coming back up after several seconds to deliver a solid physical blow.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Dizzy Punch -NRM- The user swings a glowing white fist, charged with chi energy that immediately crackles through whatever the fist hits, causing disorienting confusion for a short while.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Low chance of confusion. Physical
Doom Desire -STL- The user calls on a steel-version Future Sight which can come down from the heavens in anywhere from 1 to 3 rounds. Halfway before the attack comes, snowflakes of energy come raining down gently which calm the victim. The beam of energy which rains down is Steel-type. Stat changes or switching after Doom Desire has been launched don't change the damage. Furthermore, you can't use Doom Desire while one is still pending.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Double Edge -NRM- The user attacks with a series of basic attacks in an incredibly violent frenzy. This does significant damage, but the user may injure itself due to the incautious nature of the frenzy.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Recoil damage
Double Hit –NRM– Two sharp attacks are dealt to the foe in quick succession. Each individual attack is weak.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Double Kick -FGT- The user kicks out with two legs, kicking the target viciously.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Doubleslap -NRM- The user slaps a target with open palms. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the slaps just keep coming back for another whack.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Double Team -NRM- Several images (usually 2-6) split off from the original user, each of which appears exactly like the user. Each of these images follows the orders of the original’s trainer, but each does so in slightly a different way so that the genuine article is virtually impossible to determine. They aren’t perfect mirror images; if they’re ordered to attack, for instance, they’ll all aim at the requested target instead of simply firing their attacks in parallel lines. These images have no substance and are destroyed if jarred in any way, but as long as they last they provide a distraction. Attacks that are aimed at an image instead of the original won’t harm the original, and attempts to dodge the original’s attacks will also have to contend with dodging several illusory attacks—after all, there’s no way to know which ONE attack is real.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Draco Meteor –DGN– A ferociously intense dragon attack: the user summons a catastrophic meteor to crash and explode upon the foe. The meteor is very large and very difficult to manipulate with psychic attacks. However strong tier attacks may help hold it off or break it. The attack can lower the user's special attack stat.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Absolutely destructive. Sharply lowers the user's Sp. Atk.
Dragon Claw -DRG- The user focuses Dragon energy into their claws and then swipes at the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Dragon Dance -DRG- The user performs a Swords Dance-esque spin, which increases their speed and attack prowess. All movement done after Dragon Dance, like Agility, will consume slightly less energy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable . Raises the user’s Atk and Spd
Dragon Pulse –DRG– Draconian power is expelled through a pulsating beam of energy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Dragon Rage -DRG- The user spits a mass of pinkish-red dragon energy, which is then shaped into a favored shape (usually a tornado or a spheroid) which engulfs the opponent. Most defenses have difficulty blocking this particularly energetic attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Dragon Rush –DRG– The user leaps and charges, diving down at the foe. They are swathed in draconian energy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Dragon Tail -DRG- Waiting until the opponent is finished with its assault, the Pokemon uses its tail to fling the Pokemon far far away.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Dragonbreath -DRG- The user spits a stream of pinkish-red dragon energy, which may cause the muscles of the target to lock up in an erratic manner.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Can cause paralysis
Drain Punch –FGT– The user deals a swift punch and recovers half the damage they inflict.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Classed as an indirect recovery move.
Draining Kiss: -FAI- User kisses the target and recovers over half the damage they inflict.
Fatigue: Moderate.
Damage: Moderate.
Accuracy: Excellent.
Other: Special. Classed as an indirect recovery move.
Dream Eater -PSY- The user reaches out with an ethereal feeding tube into the dreams of a target that is either sleeping or in a healing trance. The forcible removal of these dreams causes massive psychic trauma, but this move alone reinforces sleep enough so that the victim is no more likely to awaken than if they’d never been attacked in the first place. Devoured dreams can be rapidly metabolized for healing, generally for a significant fraction of the damage caused.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Excellent.
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Heals user a significant amount
Drill Peck -FLY- The user pecks an opponent really, really hard. Repeatedly.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical.
Drill Run -GRD- The user spins so fast that it imitates a drill, as it crashes into its opponent with a focused intensity.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Can cause a crit hit.
Dual Chop -DRG- Two sharp attacks are dealt to the foe in quick succession. Each individual attack is weak.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Dynamic Punch -NRM- The user swings a glowing white fist, charged with chi energy that immediately crackles through whatever the fist hits, causing disorienting confusion for a short while.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Low
Other: Physical. Causes confusion.
Earth Power –GRD– A majestic attack that takes energy from the earth around and comprises it in a fantastic blast that strikes the foe. It may lower the foe’s physical defenses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can lower Def.
Earthquake -GRD- The user slams a paw or other appendage into the ground, giving the strike a telekinetic boost so that a widening cone of seismic unrest proceeds through the ground ahead. Anything caught in this cone will be slammed about as the earth buckles and jumps. This move may cause certain constructs, such as tunnels, to collapse, in which case environmental damage may be sustained by anything under the falling debris. Conceivably, pokémon could be pinned in place if sufficient debris fell on them. This move is dependent on the presence of a ground that is subject to seismic disturbances, and anything that is not in contact with the ground is unlikely to be directly affected.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Echoed Voice -NRM- The Pokemon using this attack uses its voice as a weapon-forcing sonic waves to harm its foes. If used in unison, this attack grows in effectiveness.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent if more than one uses it.
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Eerie Impluse: -ELE- The user exposes its target to an unsettling impulse, lowing their Sp Atk harshly.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Egg Bomb -NRM- The user throws an explosive resembling an egg at a given location. All targets in the blast radius suffer damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage. Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Electric Terrain: -ELE- The user charges the ground below, creating a vibrant effect for five rounds. Any pokémon touching the ground will be unable to fall asleep.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Electrify: -ELE- The user strikes the target in such a way that their body remains unharmed. However, if they try to attack, that attack will now be an electric-type attack instead of it's regular type.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Electro Ball -ELE- A electrical sphere is created and flung toward the foe. The damage ranges on the foe’s speed:
Light Damage: The Pokemon is slow and labored.
Good damage: The foe has a generally good speed.
Excellent damage: The foe has exceptional speed.
This may be measured in a variety of ways; species (Snorlax is naturally slower than say a Manectric) or status (confused, paralyzed or injured Pokemon may be slower). It can also depend on how much evasion has been used during the match or if the foe has any stat boosts.
Fatigue: Varying (depending on damage)
Damage: See above. Maximum 12%
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Electroweb -ELE- A charged blitz of energy expands and encumbers the opponent while causing pain.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Lowers Spd
Ember -FIR- A wide-angle, short-range spray of fire that may burn.
Fatigue: Light
Damage. Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Slight chance of burning
Embargo –DRK– The user manages to unleash a cold energy that envelops the foe’s body, making its fingers and hands numb. Grasping is difficult, and punching attacks suffer because of it. Also consider the lack of picking items up with fingers and grabbing onto something for protection or safety. The freeze effect goes over the next few rounds but can be sped up by heat or movement.
Fatigue: Light/Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Encore -NRM- The victim’s trainer’s orders are rewritten so that the last move taken is done again, overwriting whatever was there before. The victim pokémon will be under the mistaken impression that it has successfully carried out its trainer’s orders, so ordering substitutions to bypass Encore is an exercise in futility. For instance, if a Clefable’s attack orders were “Clear Skies, Moonlight until successful, and then Flamethrower if you have time” and the Clear Skies was Encored, the Clefable would Clear Skies twice and then Flamethrower, under the mistaken impression that its second order was successful. However, it is difficult to maintain this illusion if the Encore is overused.
Fatigue: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent but decreasing
Endeavor -NRM- The user performs a flail like attack, which deals more damage depending on the situation the user is in. If the user is in a tough spot, it will focus its energy greater. A " tough spot" is up to interpretation, but can include anything from a death-defying scenario to facing a fresh opponent while near-KO. Damage is also based on the amount of energy left, and many times, Endeavor will consume all remaining energy, depending on the situation.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Depends on scenario
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Endure -NRM- The user braces itself for incoming attacks. All incoming attacks inflict significantly less damage than normal, and they never successfully reduce the user of Endure to less than 1% health, unless it is already below 1% health. Endure burns no relevant fatigue, but constant abuse from an opponent will break through this defense eventually.
Fatigue: None.
Accuracy: Excellent
Energy Ball –GRS– A ball of smooth, concentrated natural energy that can lower the foe’s defenses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special.
Entrainment -NRM- Always the life of the party, this move gets the foe and the user to dance about and shake their groove thang. By the time the jig is over, the Pokemon both share the user's ability.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Eruption -FIR- Using a large amount of fire energy, the user focuses and sends out a thick stream of fire and rocks which can easily burn the victim.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special. Chance of burning
Explosion -NRM- The user creates an explosion, centered on itself. Anything in the blast radius will suffer multiple exposures to incredible damage. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the shockwaves just keep washing through the blast radius. Unfortunately, the user itself will not be able to outlast the explosion without fainting itself, regardless of what countermeasures it attempts.
Fatigue: Incredible
Damage: Multiple waves of incredible damage.
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. User faints after using this move.
Extrasensory -PSY- The user shoots out a beam of psychic energy which deals slightly higher than moderate damage, but also attacks one of their senses at random, which can startle, irritate or confuse the victim.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Small chance of confusion or flinch
Extreme Speed -NRM- The user channels all of its speed into one brutal series of physical attacks. If used properly, it can surprise opponents, aid in evading attacks, and/or deal greater damage due to elevated speeds.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
5th May 2009, 08:23 PM
Façade -NRM- The user performs a physical rage-induced attack that is boosted if the user is or recently was affected with a status affliction, including attraction and other related mental statuses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Faint Attack -DRK- The user turns invisible and moves silently to attack a target by surprise. Attacks directed at the user are far less likely to succeed, since sight does not help a bit. The move is difficult to defend against due to the fact that the user can take a little extra time to attack from a poorly defended angle when the victim is not expecting it without so much risk of being attacked itself.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Fairy Lock -FRY- By locking down the battlefield, the user keeps all Pokémon from fleeing during the next turn.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Fairy Wind -FAI- The user stirs up a fairy wind and strikes the target with it.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Fake Out -NRM- The user darts in as quickly as possible and gets in a light hit, which can startle the opponent. The hit, unlike Astonish, is a straight on attack, not from the side, which makes repeated usage nigh impossible.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Can make the opponent flinch
Fake Tears -DRK- The user pretends to cry, which may leave the victim(s) open to being attacked. Success rate is akin to Charm, in that the victim's mental state and the current battle must be taken into account.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Good
Other: Sharply drops foe’s SpD
False Swipe -NRM- The user takes a swipe with an appropriate limb at the opponent but feints the attack. This does not deal real damage, but it costs less fatigue than normal and can intimidate the opponent into submission. Additionally, an opponent that has gotten over the intimidating effects of the move may be less wary of further swipes, assuming them to be false as well.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Trivial or none
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Fast Guard -FGT- The user raises a barrier that is able to withstand increased priority attacks from all directions for the user and its teammates for one action.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Featherdance -FLY- The user performs an intricate dance in an attempt to calm the victim, lowering its attack power if successful.
Fatigue: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Drops foe’s Atk
Feint -NRM- A weak attack that only works if the foe is protecting or detecting from an attack.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Only works when the foe protects or detects.
Other: Physical
Fell Stinger -BUG- When the user knocks out a target with this move, the user's Attack stat rises sharply.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Fiery Dance -FIR- Fire burns the recipient. Alot
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can raise SpA
Final Gambit -FGT- Knowing the risks are larger than the gain at this point, the user commits to a last gambit of explosive power! After this attack is done, the user faints.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Extremely high
Accuracy: Excellent
Fire Blast -FIR- A powerful blast of fire in the shape of a kanji (a Japanese letter) plows through the arena burning everything it runs into until it hits something it can’t ram out of the way. Takes a while to charge, and therefore can be dodged more easily.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special. Chance of burning.
Fire Fang –FIR– Fangs sink into the foe and a mass of curling flames and projected into the wound. This attack has a high chance of burning the foe.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate/Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Chance of burning the foe
Fire Pledge -FIR- This move causes ample damage to an area with flame energy-though if mixed. Its effect increases if mixed with the Grass or Water Pledge Manuvear.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Power rises with use of another Pledge move.
Fire Punch -FIR- The user’s fist flames as they punch their opponent.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Chance of burning.
Fire Spin -FIR- A tornado of flames rushes toward a particular location in the arena and stays there for a few actions. Anything that tries to pass through the sides of said tornado of flames will take fire damage and may or may not be pushed back by the crackling flames.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Low
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special. Chance of burning
Fissure -GRD- The user smashes the ground with a telekinetic boost, causing a huge chasm to tear open in the arena. The chasm warps and shifts for a short while as the seismic disturbance continues, and anything too slow to dodge that falls in will get severely injured by the grinding rock. This move develops fairly slowly, so an alert and cautious opponent can usually get to safer territory, but the consequences are dire if the opponent for some reason fails to escape. This move is dependent on the presence of a ground that is subject to seismic disturbances, and anything that is not in contact with the ground is unlikely to be directly affected.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Abysmal
Other: Physical
Flail -NRM- If used in desperation when the user is at a disadvantage (not necessarily health-wise), the power of Flail goes up a great deal. If successful, the violent flailing of the user extricates itself from whatever sticky situation it is in, at the expense of the opponent. Flail is very tiring, and it is not always possible to counterattack, since not all attackers will be near enough to be struck by the flailing.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Highly variable
Accuracy: Variable
Other: Physical
Flame Burst -FIR- The user unleashes a torrential cauldron of fire, that will explode upon contact and douse any nearby victims with its unforgiving fury.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good, Variable in vicinity.
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Flame Charge -FIR- The user fights with fire, literally. Flares shoot from its appendages as it lays the hurt on its foe, but it keeps some of that energy to attack even faster next time.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Increases Spd
Flame Wheel -FIR- Flames encircle the user for a moment, burning anything that’s gotten too close. Short range.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Slim chance of burning.
Flamethrower -FIR- The user blasts a long stream of fire at an opponent.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Chance of burning.
Flare Blitz –FIR– A powerful flaming skid attack that the user executes by flaming up and tearing across the arena. The speed helps boost the attack power but accuracy is lowered slightly and the user will receive recoil damage.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible damage
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: High chance of burning the victim. Physical
Flash -NRM- The user emits a dazzling flash of light. Pokémon who accidentally look directly at the flash will suffer temporary eye damage and have difficulty performing vision-dependent moves, leading to a loss of accuracy.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Lowers foe accuracy.
Flash Cannon –STL– A charged beam of sparkling liquid steel is blasted from a cannon, mouth or focus point by the user. It can lower the foe’s attack power.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Lowers the foe’s attack
Flatter -DRK- The user attempts to flatter the opponent(s), which initially startles them, leaving them slightly confused, but will also boost their confidence in their own attacks, usually the last 1 or 2 the victim performed before the Flatter. Success rate is akin to Charm, in that the victim's mental state and the current battle must be taken into account.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Raises foe’s Sp Atk,-but confuses them
Fling –DRK– The user finds an item nearby and hurls it at the foe. The power ranges from what the foe hurls, but do not expect any more than 10/11% to be dealt MAXIMUM. Also consider what the Pokemon can and cannot hurl.
Fatigue: Light to Moderate
Damage: Ranging
Accuracy: Ranging (depending on the item’s weight, size, texture etc)
Other: Physical
Flower Shield -FAI- The user raises the Defense stat of all Grass-type Pokémon in battle with a mysterious power.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Fly -FLY- The ability to use this move implies mastery of the defensive elements of airborne combat. A pokémon using Fly is unusually difficult to hit with many attacks, as it is focusing on changing direction and speed in a wholly unpredictable manner, thus making it difficult to target. Melee attacks by earthbound attackers are absolutely hopeless, and ranged attacks by earthbound attackers or attacks by other flyers suffer significant accuracy impairment. This evasive benefit goes away when the user ceases to concentrate on defense in this manner (although it may still remain out of range of melee attacks), but the momentum provided by mastery of the air can conceivably be taken advantage of to press an attack, if that attack is benefited by increased inertia.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Flying Press -FGT/FLY- The user dives down onto the target from the sky.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Focus Blast –FGT– A focused, precise exploding projectile of concentrated energy. May lower the victim’s defenses.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Low
Other: Special
Focus Energy -NRM- The user concentrates on entering a state of readiness for battle. If it successfully achieves this state, it will be more able to shrug off the affects of glamers (illusory images, invisibility, etc.) and mind affecting manipulations (Attract, confusion, etc.) when these are used, although disorienting affects may ruin the Focus Energy even as they’re eliminated by it. Additionally, the intense concentration on the battle will allow it to hit vital points on the opponent more accurately and to protect its own with greater success.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Snatchable
Focus Punch -FGT- The ultimate fighting attack, the user spends significant time and energy charging up the attack, and then releases a devastating punch. The user's fist, glowing with fighting energy, is impervious to damage during the attack. Energy and damage are equivalent to Hyper Beam, with damage also being modified by the user of the move. The charge time, as well, is like Hyper Beam, with a full charge doing the lethal damage, but consuming a very significant amount of time and energy.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Follow Me -NRM- The user taunts the opponent(s), coaxing them to attack the user instead of anything else. Success rate is akin to Charm, in that the victim's mental state and the current battle must be taken into account.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Attacks go toward the user.
Forest's Curse -GRS- The user puts a forest curse on the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Adds Grass Typing to the opponent
Force Palm –FGT– The user unleashes a powerful force that strikes the foe and can induce paralysis.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Can paralyze the foe
Foresight -NRM- A red beam of light is emitted from the user’s eyes, sweeping the arena. All pokémon in the area of effect, including the user itself, are stripped of their abilities of manipulating illusions and phasing, leaving them on equal footing with the user of Foresight. Illusions regardless of power will shatter instantly and cannot be restored for a long time, while ghosts will be locked into the real world, totally visible, vulnerable to virtually any attack.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Foul Play -DRK- Instead of working for supremacy, this move allows its user to let its opponents prowess be its power-vicariously. The stronger the opponent, the more powerful this hit will be.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Freeze Dry -ICE- The user rapidly cools the target. This may also leave the target frozen.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Super effective on Water Types
Freeze Shock -ICE- A chilling orb of blue tint is charged. Upon its maximum intensity, it is fired at an opponent. Its power is so great that it exudes a electrical charge around its exterior. For such a powerful maneuver, it need an action to charge.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can cause Paralysis
Frenzy Plant -GRS- The user sends vines down through the ground where they spring up and lash at the enemy repeatedly. This attack takes a lot of energy, so the user has to spend the next turn getting that energy back.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. User recharges for an action.
Frost Breath -ICE- The chilling feel of a cool breath encumbers the receiver of this attack, and leaves them hurting more than they thought possible.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Damage: Low/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Frustration -NRM- The user attacks with a series of basic physical attacks with whatever body parts are appropriate (claws, bites, tentacles, whatever). If the user is feeling strong negative emotion, this series of attacks will deal more damage than normal, approximately proportional to the intensity of their negative emotions. However, this technique also has a calming effect, since working out your Frustrations through physical exertion leaves you feeling better. The user will be more calm and centered after using Frustration.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Light to Excellent.
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Fury Attack -NRM- The user stabs the opponent with an appropriate sharp body part. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the beak, stinger, or spike just keeps coming back for another stab.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good.
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Fury Cutter -BUG- The user swipes repeatedly at the victim with sharp claws or whatever analog is appropriate. The user attacks with increasing frenzy, psyching itself up to new height of ferocity. As this attack continues without interruption (more than one action can be paid to use it longer), this greater ferocity allows it to deal increased damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Low to Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical.
Fury Swipes -NRM- The user swipes the opponent with its claws. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the claws just keeps coming back for another slash.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Fusion Flame: -FIR-
Lazy. Will get to these later
Fusion Thunder: -ELE-
See above
Future Sight -PSY- The user’s eyes glow as it looks into the future and finds the best possible time to attack. A delayed psionic blast is then set to go off at that time directed at whatever point the victim will be occupying then. The pokémon itself decides exactly when the attack goes off; generally speaking it won’t be when the victim sets up a defense to ward it away and is never after the end of the battle (if there’s no other choice but to go off after the battle, then Future Sight just plain fails). A wise trainer does not try to tell their pokémon when to have Future Sight go off. After all, the pokémon is the one with Future Sight, not the trainer. When the attack finally goes off, the victim will be struck with a tremendous ball of brilliant psychic energy.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate.
Other: Special
Gastro Acid –PSN- A sickly acid sinks into the foes skin, canceling out any new moves that they have learned already through Mimic or Sketch. It also causes Ditto to revert to its original form and any Conversion or Conversion2 types to go back to normal. Abilities will also be canceled out by this acid.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Good
Gear Grind -STL- A disc shaped weapon is flung at the foe, acting as a boomerang. It hits on the launch and on the return.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Geomancy -FAI- The user absorbs energy and sharply raises its' attacking power and speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Sharply raises Sp Atk, Sp Def and Speed. Snatchable
Giga Drain -GRS- The user grabs the victim with a tentacle or whatever and sucks out some energy, healing itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Giga Impact –NRM- The user attacks the foe with a super-powerful physical blow, focusing all their energy into one attack. This attack needs recovery time afterward.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Takes an action to recover
Glaciate -ICE- Calling upon the Arctic winds, the user sweeps these chilling gales across the field, rendering the foe immobilized in frost.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, lowers Spd
Glare -NRM- Staring at the opponent with dark eyes so that the two gazes are locked, the user uses a combination of intimidation and psionic power to instill a loss of muscular coordination in the victim. The victim must be able to lock eyes, of course, but this will happen involuntarily unless the trainer wishes to spend actions preventing this.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Gravity –PSY– The Pokemon examines the foe. For the next few rounds a strong force surrounds the foe, which stops it from flying, levitating (ie: Koffing, Magnemite, etc) for a few rounds. This also included evasion by leaping up and jumping attacks.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Grass Knot –GRS– The power of this grass-type attack increases the heavier the foe is. The damage is essentially up to the ref, but the weakest is 3% (very light Pokemon like Azurill or Natu) to 14% (Snorlax, Tyranitar, Dragonite etc).
Fatigue: Depends on the Pokemon’s weight: it is higher the heavier the foe
Damage: See above: the heavier, the higher
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Generally used as a grabbing slam attack-creativity is welcomed.
Grass Pledge -GRS- This move causes ample damage to an area with nature energy-though if mixed. Its effect increases if mixed with the Fire or Water Pledge Maneuver.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Power rises with use of another Pledge move.
Grasswhistle -GRS- The user gyrates or blows air such that a soothing faint whistle emanates from it. The noise is very soothing, and after a while, all Pokemon who can hear it will start to become drowsy.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Grassy Terrain -GRS- The user creates a grassy knoll out of the surrounding area. Anyone who touches the ground restores health at a meager rate.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Growl -NRM- The user intimidates all opponents that can hear with a fierce growling noise.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Growth -GRS- The user draws energy from the sun, charging up an internal battery so that attacks that draw a great deal of energy charge more quickly and therefore deal more damage for the same expenditure of time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable.
Grudge -GHO- The user, summoning power akin to Destiny Bond, accepts defeat, and gives up all of its ghost energy, absorbing the final attack and fainting. Upon fainting, the energy is immediately transferred to the Pokemon who KO'ed it (If multiple Pokemon KO it at once, both Pokemon are affected half as much). If the move has any kind of energy attached to it (Mentioned as "glow" in this list), that kind of energy is blocked off for up to the rest of the victim's time in battle. The amount of rounds Grudge works is modified by the amount of ghost energy transferred, whether or not the move is of the victim's main type (which would lessen the power of Grudge if it is), time length of rounds, level difference, and power of all Pokemon in question. If the attack Grudged does not have any "energy" involved (such as Body Slam or Tackle), then Grudge fails.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Good
Guard Split -PSY- Using psychic energies, the user finds a way to equalize the defenses of all Pokemon on the field.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Equalizes the SpD and Def stats of the user and opponent. Note-If there are no stat boost/defects used, this move fails.
Guard Swap –PSY- The user swaps their DEF and SPDEF with that of their foes.
Fatigue: High
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Guillotine -NRM- The user attempts to catch an opponent in the deepest part of its pincers, where the force of the twin levers that make up this pincer is the strongest and therefore the force exerted on the opponent will be greatest. This move requires great care to place the opponent in the correct spot, and since the user can’t close its pincer to hold the opponent in place until the opponent is in the correct spot, an alert and cautious opponent can usually wriggle its way out of the grip before the pincer closes. The consequences are dire, however, if the opponent for some reason fails to escape.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Abysmal
Other: Physical
Gunk Shot –PSN– A horrible handful of thick gunk is hurled at the foe. There is a high chance of poison.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Can easily poison.
Gust -FLY- The user forms a smallish whirlwind, directing it forward before it spins itself apart. This whirlwind is at least unpleasant for all, but it makes flight very difficult and anything light enough to be blown about will be.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Gyro Ball –STL– A large, round steel ball is hurled towards the foe. The damage ranges on the foe’s speed:
Light Damage: The Pokemon is slow and labored.
Good damage: The foe has a generally good speed.
Excellent damage: The foe has exceptional speed.
This may be measured in a variety of ways; species (Snorlax is naturally slower than say a Manectric) or status (confused, paralyzed or injured Pokemon may be slower). It can also depend on how much evasion has been used during the match or if the foe has any stat boosts.
Fatigue: Varying (depending on damage)
Damage: See above. Maximum 12%
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Hail -ICE- The user spends good energy sending a mixed beam of ice and water energy to the sky, akin to Sunny Day. The energy chills the moisture in the clouds, and the addition of the water thanks to the beam causes it to fall. The length of the hailstorm will be for the next several rounds, with modifications based on the moisture level of the clouds, temperature, etc.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Hammer Arm –FGT– A powerful, heavy thump with the arm that causes excellent damage. However the user’s speed suffers due to the precision and execution of the attack.
Fatigue: Moderate/High Fatigue
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical Lowers the users speed
Harden -NRM- The user’s outer covering glows bright white and becomes very hard for a few seconds. Any attacks that hit this covering will probably do virtually no damage, although eventually the mounting fatigue of Hardening will cause failures in defense.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises user’s Def
Haze -ICE- The air becomes very foggy. It is hard to see. Attack and defense strategies dependent on sight are relatively futile.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Headbutt -NRM- The user slams its forehead into the target, bludgeoning it.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Head Charge -NRM- The AFRO BREAKS ALL! Might pop a few naps though
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Recoil damage occurs
Head Smash –RCK– A hardy smash from the user.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical, heavy recoil damage
Heal Bell -NRM- The user produces a clearly audible chime from a metaphysical bell, and all of the user’s allies are purged of many pains. The chime does not repair basic damage, but it does purge all status effects and virtually all ongoing effects (with the exceptions of particularly bad status effects such as “fainted” and “dead”), even if the ally is currently not in battle (typically due to a Baton Pass).
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Heal Block –PSY– A sharp force field engulfs the foe and they cannot use recovery moves over the next 5 turns.
Fatigue: High
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: The user can still use recovery moves. This affects both Pokemon in double battles. If a draining move is used by the foe, the damage is still done, but no healing occurs.
Heal Order –BUG– The user concentrates to heal some of their HP.. This move will be incredibly draining and should not be used too often.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: None
Accuracy: None
Other: Excellent healing. Snatchable
Heal Pulse -PSY- A act of generosity-the user grants the foe a second chance at life. It fires a beam in order to restore a good portion of health to the foe.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Heals a good amount back
Accuracy: Excellent
Healing Wish –PSY– If the user faints after using this move, their spirit cleanses all allies on the field. This can include some HP gain, status effects cured or wounds healed.
Fatigue: High
Damage: None
Accuracy: N/A
Other: Excellent healing (including status effects)
Heart Stamp -PSY- The user turns to their cute side, causing the foe to unassumingly let their guard down. The user then releases their dark side, beating the foe down with reckless abandon.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. May cause Flinching
Heart Swap –PSY– Swaps altered stats with foe.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Good
Heat Crash -FIR- A large burst of fiery energy wells up in the pokemon. This energy is then used to forcefully slam into the foe. The heavier the Pokemon, the more powerful the hit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Heavy Slam -STL- A large burst of metallic energy wells up in the pokemon. This energy is then used to forcefully slam into the foe. The heavier the Pokemon, the more powerful the hit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Heat Wave -FIR- The user spends a lot of fire energy to shoot out a large blast of superheated air mixed with tiny flames towards its opponent(s). Damage done is in between Flamethrower and Fire Blast, but there isn't nearly as much of a chance for burning than either of those moves.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Helping Hand -NRM- The user encourages the target(s), which increases their confidence, which in turn increases their attack/special attack power.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Hex -GHO- The user glares at the opponent, and imparts a hex on the opponent. The foe is riddles with all sorts of mental comments that consistently berate and admonish its ability.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. If afflicted with a status, this attack gains powers
Hidden Power -NRM-
The user creates a multitude of small orbs. They contain a powerful energy. They will change to a colour that corresponds to a type (ie red: fire, yellow: electric) and strike the foe.
The attack will become a certain type and until the end of that battle Hidden Power will stay that type for that Pokemon. So if your Houndoom uses it and gets an ice attack it will be an ice attack until he is knocked out. However in another match he may get a ghost-type HP.
It is up to the ref to a) randomise the attack type and b) keep a tab on what type HP is.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Hi Jump Kick -FGT- The user bounds high into the air, potentially dodging short-range or carelessly aimed attacks, only to come crashing down in a particularly brutal kick on whatever target it selected. The impact causes stress in the ankles of the user, potentially causing serious damage if the move is overused.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: High
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Hurts User if it misses.
Hone Claws -DRK- The user unsheathes its claws or blades or other pointed, stabby object and sweeps them along each other, sharpening their blades as well as their intent. This raises the accuracy of the hit, as well as the prowess by which the hit will be delivered.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Acc and Atk. Snatchable
Horn Attack -NRM- The user stabs an opponent with a horn, dealing more damage if the user has been able to get a solid running charge.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Horn Drill -NRM- The user thrusts a spinning horn into the opponent, drilling slowly into the target causing incredible pain. This move requires time to place the drill in exactly the correct place and to work its way into the opponent, so an alert and cautious opponent can usually wriggle past the horn before it gets punctured. The consequences are dire, however, if the opponent for some reason fails to escape.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Abysmal
Other: Physical
Horn Leech -GRS- The instinct of being plant-like infuses this attack, as the user pierces its victim and drains their life force from them while causing them harm.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical form of Giga Drain
Howl -NRM- The user howls, increasing their confidence in battle. which in turn increases their attack/special attack power, and can also boost the confidence of their partner(s). Also, the Howl can intimidate foe(s) much like Scary Face, with the same rules.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Snatchable-depending on usage
Hurricane: -FLY- Speeding into the atmosphere, the winds streak down from the stratosphere. The foe is encumbered with a deafening blast of wind! In Rain, the howling winds seem to never miss!
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Hydro Cannon -WAT- The user launches a massive blast of high speed water at the enemy that takes a lot of energy to pull off. As such, the user must spend some time afterward regaining the lost energy.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special: User recharges for an action.
Hydro Pump -WAT- The user blasts out multiple streams of water from its various water-shooting orifices. These may be split among several targets, although damage is then substantially reduced due to the waste associated with moving the stream and the difficulty of aiming at multiple targets effectively.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special.
Hyper Beam -NRM- A bright yellow orb of brilliant energy slowly grows as the user concentrates. When this orb is fully charged (which takes a while, making it somewhat easier to dodge), it lances out in a withering beam of light toward an opponent, burning it with plasma. This technique burns a great deal of fatigue, and the beam in question is particularly vulnerable to reflection or refraction.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate.
Other: Special. User recharges for an action
Hyper Fang -NRM- The user’s incisors glow as it viciously tears into the opponent with incredible ferocity. The bites cause incredible pain and continued bleeding, each of which contributes to a strong intimidating effect on the poor victim.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Hyper Voice -NRM- A sound-based attack, the user creates a loud, violent boom with its voice, which strikes all opponents in the area for good damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Hypnosis -PSY- The user stares deeply into the eyes of one victim, slowly lulling the unwary into slumber. The blind cannot be affected by the move, but most other pokémon will be fighting drowsiness or sleep.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Ice Ball -ICE- The user sends a small ball of ice toward the opponent (think of rolling a bowling ball) which at first does a small amount of damage, but for each consecutive use of the move, the user will create a ball of ice bigger than the previous one, doing more damage than the last (so if the user used Ice Ball five consecutive times in a battle, the fifth one should be around the size of your average sized boulder, but it should still be possible for it to be broken or melted).
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light to Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Ice Beam -ICE- The user smites an opponent with a brilliant white beam of freezing cold. The beam tends to freeze whatever it hits.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special. Chance of freezing
Ice Burn -ICE- A chilling orb of blue tint is charged. Upon its maximum intensity, it is fired at an opponent. Its power is so great that it exudes a heated flare around its exterior. For such a powerful maneuver, it need an action to charge.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can cause burn
Ice Fang –ICE- Fangs sink into the foe and a chilling frost is spread through the wound. This attack has a high chance of freezing the foe.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate/Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. High chance of freezing/numbing the foe
Ice Punch -ICE- The user swings a fist that is suddenly chilled beyond it’s natural state. The victim suffers from this cold as well as the impact.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Chance of freezing.
Ice Shard –ICE– Before the foe can attack a thick wedge of ice drops and smashes into them. Always strikes first.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. Always strikes first
Icicle Crash -ICE- Channeling energy from the air, a massive frozen pillar is created, swung and thrown at the foe.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Icicle Spear -ICE- The user sends a few small icicles (created like Ice Beam) towards the user, which hit for good damage, and have a slight chance of breaking the skin.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Icy Wind -ICE- A blast of extremely cold air sweeps from the user to the opponent, often circling behind obstructions to reach targets. Causes numbness.
Fatigue: Low/Moderate
Damage. Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Imprison -PSY- The user consumes significant energy to prevent one opponent from reusing one move that the pair of them both can learn that has been used in the battle thus far. If the attack which is attempted to Imprison is of the victim’s type, the energy required to use Imprison rises significantly, and the attack takes longer to do. You cannot Imprison more than one move at a time-if so, a new move must be chosen, and the old move would be useable again.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Accuracy: Excellent
Incinerate -FIR- Aiming for the appendages, any user of this move has the sole purpose to fire off a blast of embers to keep their hands unable to close-and therefore to grasp anything.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Inferno -FIR- The user flings a blast of fire around the foe, and ensures the foe to be burned.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Fair
Other: Special. Causes Brn
Infestation -BUG- The opponent is swarmed and attacked upon by a legion of bugs. This creates a trapping effect for a few actions.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Ingrain -GRS- The user attempts to regain health and energy by sticking a vine or roots into the ground, attempting to sap the soil of nutrients.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Ion Deluge -ELE- The user changes the ionic distribution in Normal Type moves, morphing them into Electric ones.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Iron Defense -STL– The user performs an attack similar to Harden, except it’s more powerful, lasts longer and lowers mobility much more. Of course, the attack uses more energy than Harden.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable. Sharply raises Defense
Iron Head –STL– A fast slamming attack with a shimmering metal head.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Iron Tail -STL- The user lashes out with its heavy tail, slamming it into a handy opponent. As it does so, the tail glints and hardens, protecting itself and offering a sharp edge with which to cut the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Judgment -NRM- The user calls down holy energies to smite the foe. The type is decided by the user upon being used; once the type has been chosen, it must remain that way for the duration of the match. Can only be used by fully-evolved pokémon.
Fatigue - High
Damage - High
Accuracy - Good
Other - Special
Jump Kick -FGT- The user bounds into the air, potentially dodging short-range or carelessly aimed attacks, only to come crashing down in a brutal kick on whatever target it selected. The impact causes stress in the ankles of the user, potentially causing serious damage if the move is overused.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Karate Chop -FGT- The user whacks one of the target’s weak points hard.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Kinesis -PSY- With a series of telekinetic pokes, the user knocks an opponent off balance so that attacks cannot be aimed properly. Given a moment or two, the victim can recover, but until then the distraction will impair the odds of success of any action that victim takes. Good accuracy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
King's Shield -STL- The user switches stances to better prepare itself for battle.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Drops attacker's Attack harsly if hit
Knock Off -DRK- The user attempts a light, quick strike with a hand or claw in an attempt to knock the opponent down or off the edge of a boundary.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Land's Wrath -GRD- The user emits the rage of the earth itself to inflict damage on others.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Lava Plume –FIR– A sweeping mass of molten flame bursts from the user. Think lava lamp. It rises and strikes the foe.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. High chance of burning
Last Resort –NRM– A powerful strike that can only be used in desperate situations.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Desperate is defined as: Low damage (5% HP or less) or being under two status effects (where status effect is defined as paralysis, burn, poison, sleep or freeze NOT confusion or attraction).
Leaf Blade -GRS- The user performs a slash attack with leaves attached to their body, which are covered in grass energy, dealing good damage.
Fatigue: Moderate/High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Leaf Storm –GRS– A spiraling wind summons a blistering rain of sharp leaves that sweep into the foe like insects. Each leaf is sharp and precise. The attack is a continuous slew of sharp leaves and leaves the user incredibly drained afterward. As a result, their stats are deterred.
Fatigue: High.
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Sharply lowers SpA
Leaf Tornado -GRS- Using the powers of leaves, the user surrounds his foe within a tornado of sharp leaves. There are so many pieces of foliage that it blots the vision of the foe.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can lower Acc
Leech Life -BUG- The user grabs the victim with a tentacle or whatever and sucks out some energy, healing itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good.
Other: Physical
Leech Seed -GRS- The user jets a seed toward an opponent. If it hits, the seed will sprout tentacles that suck some energy out of the victim.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Leer -NRM- The user makes a scary face. Pokémon who view this spectacle may be intimidated.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Lick -GHO- The user reaches out with a tongue and licks the opponent roughly, slobbering a sedative fluid and sapping life energy. A victim is likely to suffer impairment of motor control.
Fatigue: Light/Moderate
Damage: Light/Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical: May cause paralysis
Light Screen -PSY- The user sets up a flat, translucent screen that filters out light and energy that tries to pass through it. The screen is very durable, and it absorbs significant amounts of energy that hit it, leaving much less to continue through to wherever it’s going. The screen fades after a short time after the user stops concentrating on it, taking absorbed energy with it, but even if the screen is maintained it is immobile and an attacker can simply move around it after the initial surprise of the defense.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Lock-On -NRM- The user picks a target and maintains a “lock” on that target for a short while. While other attacks the user makes may end up missing, it won’t be fooled by tricky evasive maneuvers, obscurement, or deception when making these attacks. It will always know exactly where the opponent is as long as the Lock On lasts.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Lovely Kiss -NRM- The user kisses a target, slathering them with soporific saliva. This saliva will cause the target to lapse into unconsciousness due to its narcotic properties.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Will induce sleep.
Low Kick -FGT- The user kicks at the lower portion of the opponent, aiming at whatever point is likely to cause damage and pain. Additionally, heavier victims may hurt themselves more from the fall than lighter ones.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Low Sweep -FGT- The user runs toward the opponent before kneeling and sweeping the opponent off of his feet, regardless of weight.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Lucky Chant –NRM- After praying, the user is coated in a shimmering white light. This seems to protect weaker areas such as wounds or burns, and manages to prevent attacks from dealing critical damage over the next few turns.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: None
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Essentially prevents critical hits. Since they are not always incorporated into ASB then you can ref it that the weak areas on the user are protected-or they somehow evade a status condition.
Lunar Dance –PSY– The user sacrifices itself to completely heal the next Pokemon sent out. If the next Pokemon out is already fully healed, then this attack provides significant stat boosts instead.
Fatigue: Faints
Accuracy: Excellent
Luster Purge -PSY- A mix of Flash and Psybeam, the user shoots out a very bright beam of Psychic energy which deals good damage, and possibly can effect the opponent(s) sight, especially if the attack hits the eyes.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Mach Punch -FGT- The user speeds forward with arms outstretched to inflict damage on the opponent. This attack is very fast and will normally go first; it can also be used as a fast evasion move which will also inflict minor damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Magic Coat -PSY- These moves are all bounced back to the user.
All moves that induce status as their only effect
All moves that do no damage but alter the target's stats (including Flatter and Swagger), except Defog and Memento
Attract, Block, Gastro Acid, Leech Seed, Mean Look, Spider Web and Worry Seed
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Magic Room -PSY- The user releases a strange energy in which Special Attacks are reversed in effectiveness for a few turns.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: High dmg moves do little damage, Low dmg moves do high dmg.
Magical Leaf -GRS- The user fires a horde of magically imbued leaves which follow the opponents every move and will always score a hit on the enemy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Never misses
Magma Storm –FIR– The user summons a horrible tornado of fire. In addition to trapping the foe in the manner of Fire Spin, the storm, upon being summoned, scorches the foe badly.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: High
Accuracy: Good
Other: Traps the foe; can be negated with Rapid Spin
Magnet Bomb -STL- The pokemon fires a small bomb like projectile which explodes on contact with the target, this projectile is keyed into the DNA of the target causing it to always follow and always hit the targets.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Never Misses
Other: Physical
Magnet Rise -ELE- The user uses the power of magnets to rise up into the air making all ground attacks used against it for the next few actions completely useless.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Magnetic Flux -ELE- This Pokemon creates an imbalance in magnetic fields, fueling other Pokemon whom wield the Plus or Minus Ability
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Def and SpDef of Plus/Minus wielders
Magnitude -GRD- The user can either telekinetically or physically send shock waves from beneath their feet which resonate out across the field. These waves can vary intensity which is up to the discretion of the ref doing the battle.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light-Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Mat Block -FGT- The user creates a dense barrier between it and the incoming onslaught.
Fatigue: Moderate
Other: Does not stop status moves
Me First -NRM- The user pre-empts the enemies attack and will use it against them with more force.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Varies on Attack
Mean Look -NRM- The user makes a scary face, and waves of faint blackness encircle the victim. Pokémon who view this spectacle may be intimidated, and one victim chosen by the user will be trapped in a dark glowing sphere. This sphere prevents the pokemon from Baton Passing, U-turning or being returned in general.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Meditate -PSY- The user concentrates, mentally preparing itself for battle and priming its inner chi so that it can attack with greater efficacy. The move has a calming effect and typically raises the attack capabilities of the user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Mega Drain -GRS- The user grabs the victim with a tentacle or whatever and sucks out some energy, healing itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Megahorn -BUG- The user charges and deals some major damage with a series of horn pokes and horn tosses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Mega Kick -NRM- The user’s foot glows white as it slams into an opponent.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Mega Punch -NRM- The user’s fist glows white as it slams into an opponent.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Memento -DRK- The user sacrifices itself to drastically lower the opponents Attack and Special Attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Metal Burst -STL- If the user has been struck this turn then they deal an increased amount of damage to the target. The user of Metal Burst still suffers some damage and fatigue from the strain of retaliating against incoming attacks, although typically less than it would have had it not performed Metal Burst. The redirected attack is of the Steel element, and the power of the hit is increased. It always has good accuracy and does not take any time to charge.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Metal Claw -STL- The user swings out a claw, which crackles and hardens into metallic sharpness as white energy conducts through the metal coating from the body of the user to the body of the hapless target. May increase Attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Metal Sound -STL- The user screeches loudly causing a soundwave to cross the field and sharply lower the Special Defense of the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Meteor Mash -STL- The user creates a series of small star like projectiles which are then fired towards the target. May increase Attack
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Metronome -NRM- For several seconds, the user twitches a pair of digits, usually fingers, back and forth in unison. Then, these digits glint with white light, and strange things happen with no explanation. Sometimes, these things seem to mimic a regular move, even if the move doesn’t make sense, but other times there is simply a dramatic effect, such as a random object blowing up. The move never directly harms the user, although secondary effects could end up doing so by accident. However, the effect is not necessarily even slightly beneficial, either. The use of a random number generator in reffing this move is strongly advised.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Varies
Milk Drink -NRM- The user allows an ally to take a drink of milk (one action for each of the pair), or takes a drink of milk itself (one action for the Miltank in question). This move restores a fair amount of health to all who drink it. Consecutive uses will take more and more energy.
Fatigue: High (increasing)
Healing: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Mimic -NRM- The user gains the ability to emulate a move it is currently seeing being used. It can use this move immediately, but the memory span of Mimic is very short and the accuracy of the move as well as power will wane over time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Mind Reader -NRM- The user engages in some short-duration precognition and mental espionage. They mentally lock onto the target ensuring that the next move used by them will always hit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Minimize -NRM- The user contracts its body to become smaller and therefore making themselves harder to be hit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Miracle Eye -PSY- The uses concentrates their energy onto the target and will always know where they are at all time, therefore ignoring all Accuracy and Evasion modifiers. Dark pokemon will be susceptible to Psychic attacks. Will last until target faints.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Mirror Coat -PSY- The user shimmers and glows, and the power of incoming special attacks are bounced back toward their source. The user of Mirror Coat still suffers some damage and fatigue from the strain of reversing the power of incoming attacks, although typically less than it would have had it not performed Mirror Coat. The attack is of the Psychic element and the power of the hit is increased. It always has good accuracy and does not take any time to charge.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Mirror Move -FLY-As long as the move in question is at least vaguely plausible, the user exactly copies a move that the user has just seen (this action or the previous action), except directed at a new target or targets.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Mirror Shot -STL- The user fires a projectile of shiny metal towards the target. May reduce opponents Accuracy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Mist -ICE- The air becomes very foggy. It is hard to see. Attack and defense strategies dependent on sight are relatively futile. Also the user and allies are protected from only stat lowering attacks for 5 rounds.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Mist Ball -PSY- The user fires a ball of psychic energy which explodes into a mist on contact. May lower Special Attack.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Misty Terrain -FAI- The user infuses the ground with a mystical energy that acts as a group Safeguard. It shields all Pokemon that are grounded from any ailments.
Fatigue: Moderate
Moonblast -FAI- The moon aids this power's force, a blast emanating from its light is thrown at the offending party.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can drop Sp Atk.
Moonlight -FAI- Drawing in energy from the moon, the user heals at an incredible rate for a short period of time, healing an enormous chunk of health. However, the process of converting raw moonlight to useful energy at such a rapid pace is very tiring. Using this move will tend to increment fatigue at a VERY high rate, and no user is likely to be able to use this move more than once or twice.
Fatigue: Moderate (increasing)
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Morning Sun -NRM- Drawing in energy from the sun, the user heals at an incredible rate for a short period of time, healing an enormous chunk of health. However, the process of converting raw sunlight to useful energy at such a rapid pace is very tiring. Using this move will tend to increment fatigue at a VERY high rate, and no user is likely to be able to use this move more than once or twice.
Fatigue: Moderate (increasing)
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Mud Bomb -GRD- User fires a small ball of mud towards the target which splats on the target. May reduce opponent’s Accuracy.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Mud Shot -GRD- User fires a small ball of mud towards the target which splats on contact. May reduce Speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Mud Sport -GRD- The user covers the whole field in a layer of mud which lowers the attack strength of all electrical based attacks.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Mud Slap -GRD- The user kicks, swats, or otherwise flicks whatever muddy ground covering is available at the opponent. If this mud gets in the opponent’s eyes, they will have difficulty seeing properly until they take the time to clean their eyes or the dirt is somehow flushed out by other means.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Muddy Water -WAT- The user fires a beam/wave of water intertwined with muddy ground towards the target. May lower opponent’s Accuracy.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Mystical Fire -FIR- An ancient type of flame conjuring is used to release this upon a foe-strIking at their very core.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Drops Sp Atk.
Nasty Plot -DRK- The user concocts an evil plot inside their mind, raising their Special Attack power.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Nature Power -NRM- The power and type depends on the user’s environment.
In Water/At Sea/On Beach: Water Pulse
In a Grass field: Razor Leaf
In the sky: Air Cutter
In Snow: Icy Wind
In a Mountainous area/Cave: Rock Slide
Any other type of arena: Tri-Attack
Natural Gift -NRM- The power and type depend on the foe's condition:
Normal: the attack is a standard Normal type attack. It deals good damage and has a moderate fatigue rate.
Attack Boost: the attack is a fire-type attack. It deals excellent damage but has a high fatigue rate.
Speed Boost: the attack is an electric-type attack. It deals good damage but has a high fatigue rate.
Defence Boost: the attack is a water-type attack. It deals excellent damage with a low fatigue rate.
Special boost (attack or defence): the attack is a psychic-type attack. It deals light damage with a light fatigue rate.
Other: Special
Needle Arm -GRS- The user strikes the target with spiky protrusions on their bodies inflicting damage and may cause their opponent to flinch.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Night Daze: -DRK- Pulling energy from the darkness, the user releases this blast of power to wipe out its opposition, having the ability to blot their eyesight.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, can reduce Acc
Night Shade -GHO- The user jets a beam of inky darkness at an opponent. Said opponent will feel their life slowly sapped away by the tide of negative energy. Exposure to negative energy results in spontaneous cell death, so the damage will not be visible but it will be very much felt.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Night Slash -DRK- The user strikes the target with any claws/nails mainly anything that can be used to cut. This slash is imbued with the power of the shadows.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Nightmare -GHO- Nightmare can only be used on an opponent that is sleeping or tranced, and lasts only until they awaken. The nightmares that ensue then override any ensuing benefit of the sleep, and the victim’s health will suffer significantly over time. Only a fool eats these dreams. It’s a Ghost version of Leech Seed basically.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light (each round as long as they are asleep)
Accuracy: Excellent
Noble Roar -NRM- The force and power behind this emittance forces all to bow down and quiver. All attacking forces think twice before resuming their conflict with this user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Drops Atk and SpAtk
Nuzzle -ELE- The user is able to get in close and share a shockingly soft moment with its opponent.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Induces paralysis
Oblivion Wing -DRK- The force of this creatures strike not only weakens the foe, but also heals itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Octazooka -WAT- The user spits a blast of inky water. If this ink gets in the target’s eyes, it makes the target have difficulty seeing without seeing ink, may reduce accuracy.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
Odor Sleuth -NRM- The user uses its nose to sniff out the opponent and begins tracking their smell making Accuracy modifiers and enemies Evasion Modifiers to disappear. It will also cause Ghost pokemon to become susceptible to Normal and fighting type attacks. Lasts until user faints.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Ominous Wind -GHO- The user sends out a ghostly wind either by psychic power of by physically flapping their wings. This wave covers the field and knocks back the opponent, may increase all users’ stats.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Outrage -DRG- The user shimmers with incredible energy as a crackling aurora of energy surrounds it. With incredible ferocity, it tears into a given opponent, drawing energy from this aurora to more effectively wreak havoc. The longer this move is maintained, the more damage it deals, but it also eventually stresses the user, causing the user to act erratically and with poor judgment.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Overheat -FIR- The user creates a fire storm which blankets the opponent in flame doing serious damage, but the down side of this attack is that it always sharply lowers the user’s Special Attack.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Special
5th May 2009, 08:30 PM
Pain Split -NRM- The user picks a target and opens up a faintly visible conduit between the two of them. As long as this conduit remains unbroken, pain will flow from the greatest to the lowest concentration until it reaches equilibrium. Life energy will flow from the one that’s healthier to regenerate the more damaged. If one pokémon suffers a status effect, the other has a chance of suffering the same status effect due to the phantom pain that is imported from the original. The process of pain transfer is not instantaneous, and even failure tends to burn fatigue greatly. Naturally, rapid regeneration always burns fatigue at an exceptional pace.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Excellent. Not a healing move
Parabolic Charge -ELE- The user recklessly emits a uncontrollable amount of electric energy, ensnaring everyone on the field. It also heals itself roughly half the amount it caused damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Parting Shot -DRK- A few snide remakrs are made to weaken the opponents' resolve before swapping with a party Pokémon.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Lowers Atk and SpAtk
Pay Day -NRM-The user throws coins at the opponent in an attempt to hurt it in some minor way.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Payback -DRK-The pokemon rushes towards the target in a tackling maneuver. But if the opponent had attacked before the user in this turn then this attack is powered up.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Peck -FLY- The user suddenly slams its beak into a target, pecking it viciously.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Perish Song -NRM- The user sings a haunting song that if heard by any pokemon, will sap their life from them and cause them to faint a few rounds after hearing it. The effects of the song can be forgotten by baton-passing to another pokemon or if a pokemon uses Protect at the time of use. It can also be drowned out by other high pitched noises.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Petal Blizzard -GRS- Leaves are whirled around in a cataclysmic fashion, strking everything within range.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Petal Dance -GRS- The user begins to perform an intricate dance, flicking sharp petals and leaves every which way. Targets that wander to close can suffer numerous cuts, each of which is superficial when viewed alone. Together, they are more severe. Continuing a Petal Dance too long may cause dizziness, but as long as it lasts it is not wise to stray too close.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Phantom Force -GHO- The user evaporates to the immaterial, before retuning and dealing a massive blow.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Cannot be blocked by any means.
Pin Missile -BUG- The user shoots a few spike-like things at a target. These have a moderate chance of sticking in place if they hit and make movement painful for the unfortunate victim.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Play Nice -NRM- The user appeals to the opponents jovial side, and they take a moment to play, weakening the opponents resolve.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Lowers Atk
Play Rough -FAI- The user is a bit rambunctious and plays a bit rough with the opponent, inflicting damage.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. May lower Atk.
Pluck -FLY- The user swoops down towards the target and attempts to remove any items currently held by the target. It also does a fair amount of physical damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Poison Fang -PSN- The user bites the target with fangs covered in toxic poison which may be transferred into the targets blood stream causing the effects of a toxic poisoning.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Causes Toxic
Poison Gas -PSN- The user spits a cloud of poisonous gas. This gas will probably poison anything that breathes it in, and pokémon that attempt to attack while breathing it will burn more fatigue than normal due to the fact that they’re getting insufficient oxygen.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Poison Jab -PSN- The user attacks the target with a punch form their fists imbued with poison secreted from the body, may cause normal strength poison.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Poison Sting -PSN- The user fires a volley of spike-like things at a target. This volley is poisoned, and anything hit may be injected with this poison.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Poison Tail -PSN- The user strikes the opponent with a tail like protrusion covered in poison may induce poison.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Poisonpowder -PSN- The user puffs out a cloud of poison dust. A victim that inhales this dust will likely become poisoned.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Pound -NRM- The user slams a limb into the target, bludgeoning it.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Powder -BUG- The user laces the opponent with a highly combustable substance. Any fire move will ignite it.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Powder Snow -ICE- The user blasts an opponent with a small cone of crystalline ice shards. These may cake around the opponent, hindering movement; this attack may freeze the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Power Split -PSY- Using psychic energies, the user finds a way to equalize the prowess of all Pokemon on the field.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Equalizes the Atk and SpA stats of the user and opponent. Note-If there are no stat boost/defecits used, this move fails.
Power Gem -RCK- The user throws a rock composing of precious gems at the target causing serious damage.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Power Swap -PSY- The user swaps Attack and Special attack modifiers with the opponent.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Power Trick -PSY- User uses its psychic powers to swap its own attack and defense stat.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Power-Up Punch -FGT- A basic punch that gets stronger with each use.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Raises Atk with each hit.
Power Whip -GRS-The user whips the target with vines or any long limbs attached to its body.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Present -NRM- The user tosses a wrapped package, which it pulls from its Hammerspace Account. It prompts a given opponent with a telepathic suggestion of curiosity, encouraging that opponent to open the package. If ANY pokémon touches the package, it explodes. This explosion will probably deal between low and excellent plasma damage, occasionally it is a positive energy burst that heals low damage instead.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light-Excellent
Healing: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Protect -NRM- The user shields itself in a translucent sphere of energy which prevents all incoming attacks in one action. Consecutive uses of this attack decrease its efficiency of accuracy.
Fatigue: Extreme
Accuracy: Excellent (decreasing)
Psybeam -PSY- A powerful, narrow beam of psionic energy smashes forward toward a target. This beam bounces off reflective surfaces quite easily, allowing for bank shots in certain conditions. Has a chance to confuse the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Psych Up -NRM- The user imitates the target causing it to gain all of the opponent’s stat modifiers.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Psychic -PSY-The user uses telekinesis to move an object or objects. These objects are identifiable by the fact that they’re moving unnaturally and by the fact that they will be lined in an eerie red glow. This move has an incredibly diverse array of uses, limited mostly by the imagination of the user and the referee. Objects can be thrown; occasionally mimicking the effects of another element if they hit a target that is subject to damage (a boulder can be Psychiced into an opponent, for instance, to produce a faux Rock Throw). The user can allow itself or allies to fly by levitating them, although this takes continued effort in terms of spent actions. Psychic fails quickly if the target resists or struggles, but fails more slowly if the target is docile. However, even the most willing target cannot levitate long with the expenditure of only a single Psychic action, so every so often another action must be invested to maintain this levitation. Solid objects are very easy to manipulate with Psychic, liquids harder, gases nearly impossible, and energy nearly inconceivable.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Psycho Boost -PSY- The user creates a massive vortex of psychic energy towards the target doing massive damage but inevitably lowering the user’s Special Attack.
Fatigue: Extreme
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special
Psycho Cut -PSY-The user uses its psychic powers to create a physical puppet like appendage which smacks the target with great fore.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Psycho Shift -PSY- The user passes on its Status effects onto the target by means of a mental link.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Psyshock -PSY- The enigmatic powers of this attack are so strong that the foe feels the pain physically, rather than mentally.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, Attacks opponents Def
Psystrike -PSY- A powerful slash of energy that cuts through the opponents physical defense capabilities.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, hurts opponents Def
Psywave -PSY- Psionic distortions wobble throughout the arena, causing erratic damage to virtually everything around. The user cannot completely control these psionic waves, but it isn’t directly inconvenienced itself. The waves cause pain by fracturing molecular bonds.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light - Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Punishment: -DRK- The user employs its dark powers to punish the target for its stat modifications. The more modifications the target has the more powerful this attack is.
Fatigue: Gets higher depending on the stats but generally Moderate
Damage: Its base damage is roughly 5%. But:
+1 stat boost (any stat): 6%
+2 stat boost (any stat): 8%
+3 stat boost (any stat): 10%
+4 stat boost (any stat): 13%
From +4 stat boosts it will continue to do 13% damage.
Accuracy: Excellent
Pursuit -DRK- The user glows black and quickly chases down a target very quickly. It is virtually impossible to escape by fleeing; the dark glow will briefly grant surprising powers of locomotion and resistance. Flying, diving underwater, digging underground, teleportation, returning to a pokéball, Baton passing… None of these help much to evade Pursuit. The user will levitate, swim, burrow, or phase to intercept the fleeing victim and tear into it with a flurry or claws, bites, or whatever is appropriate to the species. Note that Pursuit cannot target something that has already sealed itself off with an impenetrable barrier, such as a successful Protect or six Barriers set up in a cube.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Quash: -DRK- The foe is grabbed by the user and is delayed in attacking.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Quick Attack -NRM- The user channels all of its speed into a series of physical attacks. If used properly, it can surprise opponents, aid in evading attacks, and/or deal greater damage due to elevated speeds.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Quick Guard -FGT- The user raises a barrier that is able to withstand increased priority attacks from all directions for the user and its teammates for one action.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Quiver Dance -BUG- Flapping its wings, the user performs a dance fit for a swarm of beautiful butterflies. This gives the user unparalleled balance in many parameters.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises SpA, SpD and Spd
Rage -NRM- The user’s eyes glow red as it channels its negative feelings into a violent series of whatever physical attacks are appropriate to its form (claws, bites, tentacles, whatever).
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Rage Powder -BUG- The user jumps around and gives off a scent that seems to enact the chaos in all foes, coaxing them to attack the user instead of anything else.
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Razor Shell -WAT- The user turns its shell into a weapon, It whips around and connects with its foe, leaving their guard slightly broken.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Rain Dance -WAT- The user beckons the clouds to cover the sky, and induces them to begin to rain. In the rain, water attacks become easier to use to greater effect and fire moves are dampened by the water. Electricity is more conductive, and chances of electrical attacks of any sort hitting are almost certain.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Rapid Spin -NRM- The user spins rapidly while curled into its shell or ball. It is much harder to injure the user when Rapid Spin is in use due to its increased speed and the centrifugal force throwing back many attacks. However, the technique cannot be maintained for long without incrementing fatigue significantly.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Razor Leaf -GRS- The user fires off a low number of very sharp leaves which spin through the air at a high velocity. These will cause lacerations in any victim hit.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Razor Wind -NRM- The user directs a narrow blast of wind at the opponent. This blast of wind hits hard in a localized place.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Recover:-NRM- The user suddenly glows as it heals at an incredible pace. Using this move will tend to increment fatigue at a VERY high rate, and no user is likely to be able to use this move more than once or twice.
Fatigue: High
Healing: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Recycle -NRM- The user regains any items it has lost during the battle.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Reflect -PSY- The user erects a flat, transparent mauve barrier in front of itself. The barrier can be used as a protective barrier which is effective at reflecting projectile attacks but does not last long. Or it can be set as a more defensive barrier which will weaken the inertia and therefore strength of all incoming physical attacks for a time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Reflect Type -NRM- Knowing the opponent's types, the user decides to mimic those exact traits
Fatigue: Low
Accuracy: Excellent
Refresh -NRM- The pokemon uses its power from deep inside itself in order to heal itself from Burn, Paralysis and Poisons.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Relic Song -NRM- The notes of this melody-when sung-have the ability to render the foe defenseless.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Puts foe asleep
Rest -PSY- The user goes into a deep state of sleep removing any ill status effects and regaining a good portion of their health. While asleep the user is completely venerable to all incoming attacks.
Fatigue: High
Healing: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Retaliate -NRM- Within battle, the user builds a true camaraderie with its teammates. So, if one faints, it instantly battles with increased fervor to avenge its partner.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical-if teammate faints on turn Vengeance is used, Attack increases.
Return -NRM- The user attacks with a series of basic physical attacks with whatever body parts are appropriate (claws, bites, tentacles, whatever). If the user has strong positive feelings, this series of attacks will deal more damage than normal, approximately proportional to the intensity of their positive feelings.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Revenge -FGT- This is a very slow physical attack, if the user is damaged before they finish the attack then Revenge is powered up.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Reversal -FGT- The lower the health of the user the more powerful attack this will be. Also reversely the more health the user has the weaker it will be. This attack will also be powered up in desperate situations regardless of health.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent -Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Roar -NRM- The user growls tremendously loudly, intimidating all opponents so severely that they desist whatever they’re doing in order to flee. Also for an extended period of time the affected pokemon while be less likely to attack the pokemon who roared at them.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Roar of Time –DRG– The user roars magnificently and summons a huge amount of dragon energy to strike the foe. This attack necessitates a period of rest afterwards.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: User must rest afterwards
Rock Blast -RCK- The user fires a series of rocks at the target, each rock will deal minimal damage but if all hit it is a very devastating attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rock Climb -NRM- The user bounds across rocks with ease before slamming into the opponent which may cause confusion.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rock Polish -RCK- The user is coated in a metallic substance reducing wind resistance therefore increasing speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Rock Slide -RCK- The user picks up several rocks and throws them at a target. Getting hit by a rock will hurt considerably.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rock Smash -FGT- The user smashes out with a limb at a weak point in the target. A brittle target such as a rock will likely shatter making small daggers.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Rock Throw -RCK- The user picks up a rock and carefully throws it at a target. Getting hit by a rock hurts and will cause damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rock Tomb -RCK- The user entombs the target with a barrage of well placed rocks in an attempt to slow them down; this will also reduces opponents speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rock Wrecker -RCK- The user fires a large beam which sucks in rocks from the surrounding area which then become part of the beam as it strikes the target.
Fatigue: Extreme
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Role Play -PSY- The user will spend significant energy in order to emulate an attribute unique to that of its opponent. whether it be resistance to a specific type of attack, heightened speed or better attacking prowess. The effects of Role Play are short lived since it takes a lot of energy to act like the opponent for long periods of time.
Fatigue: High
Rolling Kick -FGT- The user drops into a sudden roll, coming up and smashing a foot into a target’s vital point. The unorthodox maneuver may result in some degree of surprise the first time or two it is used.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Rollout -RCK- The user curls into a ball and begins to roll quicker and quicker. Each turn spent charging Rollout increases its effects proportionally (up to a limit set by the referee, of course), and unless interrupted the momentum of the user allows it to impressively increase the damage of attacks that can be boosted by momentum (e.g. Tackle, etc.). Additionally, it is much harder to injure the user when Rollout is operating due to its increased speed and the centrifugal force throwing back many attacks. However, if the user can be caused to lose traction or concentration either by accident or due to an opponent’s attack, the user will likely come to a crashing halt. Naturally, Rollout requires total freedom of movement to use, and if a status effect such as paralysis, numbness, or sleep (among others) manages to break through the centrifugal force or is applied before Rollout starts, Rollout will fail immediately.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good – Incredible (depending on consecutive uses)
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Roost -FLY- The pokemon flies to a spot somewhere on the field and perches there allowing the user to gain a fair amount of health.
Fatigue: High
Healing: Extreme
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Rototiller -GRD- The soil is aerated and ready for irrigation, to all Grass Pokemon's delight.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Atk AND SpA of all grass types on the field.
Round -NRM- With the power of its voice, the user belts out a song that bashes the foe. If used in tandem with others, the power of this song rises...
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, Rises in power if more than one Pokemon uses it.
Sacred Fire -FIR- A tremendous blast of fire almost certain to burn opponents severely. It can also be used while frozen.
Fatigue: Extreme
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special
Sacred Sword -FGT- Calling upon the blade of mystery, the user slashes its foes down with no regard to their defensive or evasive skills.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical, will ignore defense/evasion modifications.
Safeguard -NRM-A spinning aurora of lights surrounds the user, and for a while any incoming status effects or confusion attempts that would normally affect the user are generally nullified for a certain amount of time.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special; Snatchable
Sand Tomb -GRD- The user summons a twister of sand which moves across the field and strike the opponent engulfing them for a certain number of rounds dealing a small amount of damage each round.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Sand Attack -GRD-The user kicks, swats, or otherwise flicks whatever earthy ground covering is available at the opponent. If this dirt gets in the opponent’s eyes, they will have difficulty seeing properly until they take the time to clean their eyes.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Sandstorm -RCK-The user summons a raging windstorm that picks up any gritty debris available, such as dirt or sand, which scores across all available surfaces. This sandstorm will last for a number of rounds and at the end of each will deal damage to all pokemon who are not of the Steel/Ground/Rock type. Furthermore, it raises the Sp. Def of rock pokemon.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Scald -WAT- The user brews up a pool of heated water, which is then lashed violently on the opponent. Its so scalding hot that it can cause a burn.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Moderate chance of Burn
Scary Face -NRM-The user makes a scary face. Pokémon who view this spectacle may become very intimidated; this will also reduce their speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Scratch -NRM- The user swipes with its claws at an opponent, leaving gashes.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Screech -NRM- The user emits a shrill shriek that causes pain in everything that hears it, but no damage. This screech is very good at breaking concentration and drowning out sonic attacks, but it cannot be maintained forever. This will also sharply reduce the opponents Defense.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Searing Shot -FIR- Using the eternal flame, the user blasts all foes around it in a sweeping swath of flame.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can cause a burn
Secret Power:-NRM-The side effects of this attack will differ depending on the field’s location, if it’s a grass location they might be put to sleep, in bodies of water Attack may be lowered. On muddy ground Accuracy is at fault, in caves flinching might occur, in icy terrain freezing might occur while every other field they could be paralyzed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Secret Sword -FGT- Utilizing its horns, the user slices across the barriers of specialty, harming the foe physically.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, Attacks opponents Def
Seed Bomb-GRS- The user fires a bomb composed of various plants matter formed within its own body towards the target, this bomb then explodes on contact.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Seed Flare –GRS– The user fires an explosive seed at the foe. This seed-bomb has a high chance of dropping the foe’s resistance to special attacks.
Fatigue: High
Damage: High
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: May drop the foe’s Special Defense
Seismic Toss -FGT- The user grabs the victim and spins it around several times before throwing it as far as possible.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physcial
Selfdestruct -NRM- The user creates an explosion, centered on itself. Anything in the blast radius will suffer double exposure to incredible damage. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the second shockwave may wash through the blast radius after the first eliminates those defenses. Unfortunately, the user will not be able to outlast the explosion without fainting itself, regardless of what countermeasures it attempts.
Fatigue: Fainting
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Shadow Ball -GHO- The user charges a semisolid orb of null energy and throws it at the opponent. This orb glows dully in an eerie manner, and is colored dependent on the type of the user. Contact with this ball will cause it to explode.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Shadow Claw -GHO-The user’s claw/tentacles/spikes glow with the power of shadow before hitting the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Shadow Force –GHO– The user disappears into the shadows for a turn, then strikes when the foe least expects it. This move is unavoidable. Protect and Detect cannot stop this move, although it is worth noting that Normal types still cannot be hit by it.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: High
Accuracy: Perfect
Other: Unavoidable unless the foe is a Normal-type.
Shadow Punch -GHO- This is a devastating shadow imbued punch which will always hit the target regardless of evasion modifiers.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Always Hits
Other: Physical
Shadow Sneak -GHO- This attack is a very fast physical strike which takes priority over most attacks.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sharpen -NRM- The user reshapes a fraction of its body mass. The chosen shape can be virtually any basic geometric pattern, and common choices are sharp points and edges in order to get a combat edge due to the extra damage a sharp surface would cause. In other words it will slightly raise the user’s attack.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Snatchable
Sheer Cold -ICE- The user sends out a devastating blizzard of snow and ice which attacks the target causing extreme amount of damage.
Fatigue: Extreme
Damage: Extreme
Accuracy: Abysmal
Other: Physical
Shell Smash -NRM- The focus of the Pokemon is so sharp, that the shell shatters! In response, the Pokemon is more alert for battle
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable. Lowers Def & SpD, Sharply raise Atk, Def and Spd
Shift Gear -STL- The user shifts its competitive spirit into high gear, and readies itself for a more intense battle.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Attack, Sharply raises Spd
Shock Wave -ELE-The user releases an electric strike which zips across the field and strikes the target regardless of Evasion modifiers.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Always Hits
Other: Special
Signal Beam -BUG- The user sends a beam of light which flies through the air and flashes on the target skin cause a slight burning effect. This flash of light may confuse the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Silver Wind -BUG- A great wind of buggy goodness sweeps across the field and damages the target also may increase all stats of the user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special May raise all stats
Simple Beam -NRM- Throwing logic to the wind, the user fires a bolt of energy that slams into the opponent, puzzling their thoughts.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Changes the opponents ability to Simple.
Sing -NRM- The user sings an enchanting lullaby that will lull unwary opponents (and allies) to sleep. The audience, referee, and trainers are protected from the effect, but any pokémon on the field of battle will have to concentrate hard to keep fighting.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Good
Sketch -NRM- Smeargle can sketch any item that can feasibly be used to enact a move. The Smeargle’s art can provide whatever focus (club for Bone Club, for instance) or body shape (wing for Wing Attack, for instance) is necessary to perform the move, and ALL moves are susceptible to being Sketched. If said move (or creativity of owner of said Smeargle) is lax, Smeargle can immediately draw an opponent's move and utilize it-as that would be its inspiration for a picture. Smeargle can only Sketch moves that have been used in battle by other Pokemon if it does not create a medium to utilize other moves.
See the following examples.
Ex: Smeargle sketched a Swiss Army Knife. Smeargle can now use any move that involves slashing or cutting in his following actions.
Ex: Corsola uses Rock Slide. Smeargle can sketch Rock Slide (because he can see his inspiration heading at him), and then use it as his next action.
Sketch always takes up a moveslot-no exceptions.
Fatigue: Depends on the power of the move
Accuracy: Excellent
Skill Swap -PSY- The user switches an attribute with its opponent, in a dual Role-Play setting. This expands a great deal of energy, so the effect is not long lasting.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Moderate
Skull Bash -NRM- The user ducks down and charges the opponent with a white-glowing forehead. Attacks that are aimed directly at the incoming user of Skull Bash are slightly more likely to bounce off, since the white barrier that the move produces to deal additional damage has solid substance that protects the user’s head.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sky Attack -FLY- This attack denotes grand mastery of airborne combat, and is an exceedingly difficult maneuver even for those few species who know the move. A pokémon using Sky Attack is unusually difficult to hit with many attacks, as it is focusing on changing direction and speed in a wholly unpredictable manner, thus making it difficult to target. Melee attacks by earthbound attackers are absolutely hopeless, and ranged attacks by earthbound attackers or attacks by other flyers suffer significant accuracy impairment. When the user completes the attack, it smites the target with the violent force provided by its incredible momentum.
Fatigue: Extreme
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Sky Drop -FLY- In a sweeping motion, the opponent Pokemon is sent skyward in one action by the user, and on the second action, falls to the ground, receiving painful damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sky Uppercut -FGT- A punch based attack which can hit pokemon even during Bounce or Fly.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Slack Off: -NRM- The user takes a bit of a rest lying on the ground while simultaneously regaining health. Multiple use of this attack will inevitably require more and more energy before becoming impossible.
Fatigue: High
Healing: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Slam -NRM- The user bludgeons a target with an arm, a tail, a tentacle, or whatever body part is appropriate.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Slash -NRM- The user hacks at the opponent with a sharp surface, such as a claw or scythe, causing bleeding.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sleep Powder -GRS- The user puffs out a cloud of purple dust. A victim that smells this dust may fall asleep.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Sleep Talk -NRM- This move can only be used while the user is sleeping or tranced. Sleep Talk will cause the user to emulate any move in the user’s moveset and use it as if it was actually awake. Targets are as random as the move used, and the referee should be careful not to referee Sleep Talk to either combatant’s excessive advantage. A random number generator helps a great deal in keeping this fair; the Sleep Talker should neither get all the best moves at exactly the right times nor get exclusively useless moves that don’t do any good at all.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Excellent
Sludge -PSN- The user spits out a stream of darkish liquid a short distance, which usually collects in a pool unless it hits an opponent. This liquid is very acidic, and anything that comes in contact with it may be poisoned.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Sludge Bomb -PSN- The user spits out a glob of darkish liquid. This glob is viscous and hangs together well enough to be spat a fairly long way, where it proceeds to splatter. This liquid is very acidic, and anything that comes in contact with it may be poisoned.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Sludge Wave -PSN- With a generous dosage of Sludge in its grasp, the user flings this around in a wave, splattering on all in the area.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Can cause Psn
Smack Down -RCK- The user flings stones in the air, higher than the flying Pokemon its aiming at. These stones fall back down, creating a rock avalanche that slam the offending Pokemon to the ground.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Smelling Salt -NRM- A normal physical style attack which is powered up against paralyzed targets but this attack will also cure them.
Type: Normal
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good-Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Smog -PSN- The user spits a cloud of opaque gas. Pokémon that attempt to attack while breathing it will burn more fatigue than normal due to the fact that they’re getting insufficient oxygen, and furthermore they won’t be able to see as long as it lasts, this may also poison them.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special
Smokescreen -NRM-The user spits out a cloud of obscuring smoke, through which it is very difficult to see. The smoke drifts off fairly quickly, depending on ventilation, but while it lasts the pokémon within will have great trouble seeing and smelling their way around, over all lowers targets Accuracy.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Snarl -DRK- The Pokemon goes on a vocal rampage. The sound is so annoying that it reduces the ability of the receiver to attack with energy.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special, lowers SpA
Snatch -DRK- The user gets ready to pounce on the next opportunity it gets in order to steal the beneficial effects of the targets next move.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Snore -NRM- This move can only be used while sleeping or tranced. The user lets out a subsonic moan, which reaches the natural frequency of parts of any onlookers’ bodies, causing modest sonic damage. Only pokémon within a near radius (typically melee range) actually suffer damage, but even distant pokémon will feel pain or discomfort.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Soak -WAT- A deluge of water covers the offending Pokemon, to the point where their type may as well just be water!
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Changes the opponents type to Water.
Softboiled -NRM- The user allows an ally to take a bite of egg (one action for each of the pair), or takes a bite of egg itself (one action for the user). This egg is laced with a healing unguent that causes the eater’s wounds heal extremely rapidly. Using this move will tend to increment fatigue at a very high rate, and no user is likely to be able to use this move more than once or twice without collapsing from exhaustion.
Fatigue: High-Extreme
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Solarbeam -GRS- Drawing in energy from the sun, the user fires a beam of luminous energy at an opponent. The user has the option of spending extra actions charging this beam, with the benefit of dealing approximately proportional damage. Charges much faster with an unobstructed source of powerful light (or if given the same time period it will charge a beam of higher energy content), and much slower or not at all if there is little light available.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Sonicboom -NRM- The user releases a shock wave of sound which damages any target that hears it.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Spark -ELE- The user emits a sudden lump of electrical power which arcs toward an opponent. When it hits, the target will be shocked severely and may lose muscle control.
Type: Electric
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Spatial Rend –DRG– The user commands the space around the foe to shred, causing the foe immense pain. This attack can hit weak spots easily.
Fatigue: High
Damage: High
Accuracy: Good
Spider Web -BUG- The user rapidly weaves a net, which must be anchored to a couple different locations. The strands are very strong and very sticky, and pokémon trapped within will have much difficulty moving about while so confined. Combustion, rinsing, cutting, and tearing all serve to varying degrees to remove the strands with the application of time and effort, but often the job is not easily completed and sticky pieces of silk remain in place, becoming a general nuisance. A Spider Web is much more intricate than the similar String Shot, so techniques more complex than “spray silk at the enemy” can be employed, limited only by the imagination of the trainer and the referee.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Spike Cannon -NRM- The user fires a series of spikes which hit an opponent. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because one spike may damage the defense, letting the next few in without hindrance.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Spikes -GRD- The user sets some very sharp spikes into some hard surface close at hand. Anything that steps on or rams into these spikes will probably get punctured by them. One action of Spiking will permit a small area to be transformed into a major hazard, but multiple Spikes could make the entire arena hazardous if used strategically. The user and allies are not immune to the Spikes, but hopefully their trainers are smart enough not to Spike areas and objects they need to use.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Spiky Shield -GRS- The user creates a woodland shield that blocks an incoming attack and damages any who tries to attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Spit Up -NRM- The user uses its stock piled energy to inflict damage to its target by firing the energy in the form of a beam. Can’t be used without at least 1 stockpile.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good-Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Spite -GHO- The victim of this technique will suffer increased fatigue. Often, this is linked to one particular move, and use of that move will be intensively difficult and result in far more fatigue than normal. If fatigue is tracked explicitly, Spite also takes off a significant percentage of the victim’s remaining fatigue (the less fatigue the victim has remaining, the less Spite takes off).
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Splash -NRM- Also known as Flop, this move does little of value. It does not require water, as the poorly translated English name suggests, as it is just the process of flopping weakly and uselessly around. While it is conceivable that it could be used for comboing, slightly reducing damage, or assisting movement, there is virtually always something better to use.
Type: Normal
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Spore -GRS- The user puffs out a cloud of dust. Any victim that smells this dust will likely fall asleep.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Stealth Rock -RCK- Places concealed rocks around the field so when ever a new enemy pokemon comes into the fight they rocks slam into that pokemon.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate (each time a new enemy enters)
Accuracy: Excellent
Steamroller -BUG- The user curls into a ball and begins to roll quicker and quicker. They speed off and slam into the foe with strong gyroscopic force.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Steel Wing -STL- In this moderately risky endeavour, the user twists in flight in order to slice an opponent with a wing, then quickly returning to flight before falling. As it does so, the wings glint and harden, protecting themselves and offering a sharp edge with which to cut the target, this may raise the user’s defense.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sticky Web -BUG- A web is created on the opposing field, that inhibits movement from anyone that steps on it.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Stockpile -NRM- The user stockpiles energy within its own body ready to use another time, it will also increase its Defense and Special Defense slightly.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Stomp -NRM- The user tries to catch an opponent beneath a foot, crushing them under its weight, if possible. Stomp deals more damage if the attacker is larger than the victim.
Type: Normal
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Stone Edge -RCK- The user’s body gleams over with a steely shine and then barrages themselves into the target.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Stored Power -PSY- Using all the available prowess attained thus far, the user focuses this attack with all that power.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Varies
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Storm Throw -FGT- Focusing its energies, the user of this move hits its foe with a single critical blow.
Fatigue: Low
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical, always a crit hit.
Strength -NRM- The user uses its strength to pick something up and throw it. It isn’t a very good throw, but it can do the job. If an opponent is either hit by a large, hard, thrown object or thrown into a large, hard, stationary object, it may suffer damage.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
String Shot -BUG- The user can spray a strand of silk at an enemy, hopefully wrapping it up or sticking it in place. The strands are very strong and very sticky, and pokémon trapped within will have much difficulty moving about while so confined. Combustion, rinsing, cutting, and tearing all serve to varying degrees to remove the strands with the application of time and effort, but often the job is not easily completed and sticky pieces of silk remain in place, becoming a general nuisance.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Struggle -N/A- The user struggles frantically. It may be able to extricate itself from the opponent’s grip, but if damage is desired there’s usually something better to use.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light (Light Recoil)
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Struggle Bug -BUG- Striking back at the opponent, this attack has the Pokemon focus on hindering its opponent's strikes.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Can lower SpA
Stun Spore -GRS- The user puffs out a cloud of blue dust. A victim that smells this dust will suffer paralysis as muscles lock up and refuse to move.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Submission -FGT-The user flails viciously, hitting the target repeatedly with an assortment of smashes to various weak points. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the fists just keep coming back for another hit. However, the user cannot defend itself properly while devoting so much concentration to maintaining this brutal frenzy.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent (Light recoil)
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Substitute:-NRM-The user fashions a body double out of materials from its Malletspace Account and animates it with its own life force. This body double will suffer the brunt of any attacks an opponent makes until it falls apart, since Substitute also allows the user to mentally implant a misperception in all opponents that the Substitute is the actual pokémon it was built by. The opposing trainer cannot successfully order their pokémon to hit the “real” pokémon because their pokémon has a mental block against realizing that Substitute has been used. While the user of Substitute is not immune to harm, affected pokémon can only harm the user by sheer accident, since they cannot deliberately aim at it. However, non-intelligent sources of damage, such as arena damage and effects that cover the entire arena will hit both the user and the Substitute at full damage if the user and Sub wander into the affected area. Making a Substitute is even worse than normal, for instance, if the arena is being flooded with lava and everything is getting burned. The Substitute takes full damage from the lava and the creator takes full damage as well. When made, the Substitute can be charged with a varying amount of life energy from the creator. However, in the heat of battle the user will NOT be able to understand precise numerical requests, so realistic trainers should keep their requests phrased appropriately vaguely, such as “big Sub,” “regular Sub,” “as small a Sub as you can make,” or the like. The amount of energy actually put into the Sub is partially random, as is the amount of health the Substitute actually has. These values will be close to each other, but the actual health may be slightly higher or slower than the energy put in, depending on various random factors up to the ruling of the referee.
Additional parameters for Substitute can be found here (
Fatigue: Moderate
Dmg: Split into Subsititute
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Sucker Punch:-DRK-This move is a very fast high damaging punch move, but it will work only if the target intends on damaging them this turn. Otherwise, the move fails.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Sunny Day-FIR- The user directs clouds away from the sun, leaving it totally unblocked. In the heat, fire attacks are moderately buffed and water attacks are moderately hindered. When used at Night, causes the same effect, but uncovers the moon. Fire attacks are still boosted unless altercations are agreed upon by battlers. It has additional synergistic effects according to the whim of the referee.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent. Melts frozen Pkmn
Super Fang:-NRM-The user’s incisors glow white and it tears into the opponent. The sight of a strong opponent merely incites the user to new heights of fury, allowing it to deal greater damage. Consequently, this attack can deal variable damage, the highest registers on a completely healthy opponent.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good-Incredible
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Superpower-FGT- The user summons a huge amount of energy from within and then is used in a physical attack dealing massive damage but also lowering Attack and Defense of the user.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Supersonic -NRM- The user hums, irritating everything that hears it. The sound tends to scramble the thoughts of those who hear it, making it difficult to concentrate or even walk straight. The effects are temporary, of course, but they fade slower than the sound itself.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Surf: -WAT- The user can telekinetically control water by concentrating. This control is limited to directing large pseudopods, but can be applied to many tasks, basically anything you could expect a large pseudopod to do. Two of the most popular tasks are whacking the opponent (for good damage that is partially due to the water and partially due to the impact) and acting as a mobile platform. Keeping the water in place (say, as a platform) takes less concentration than moving it in the first place, but even then it must be refreshed with another expenditure of an action on occasion. This move does not function without a large quantity of water.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Swagger-NRM- The user physically and verbally taunts opponents, provoking them into a vicious rage. While berserked in this manner, an affected opponent may sometimes ignore its trainer’s orders and tear into the Swaggerer with a barrage of basic melee attacks (meaning Frustration). The victim is unusually difficult to calm, made much worse if the user continues to throw in a taunt occasionally.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Swallow-NRM-The user swallows their stockpiled energy restoring a fair amount of health, the more times this move is used the more energy it consumes. Can’t be performed without at least 1 stockpile.
Fatigue: High
Healing: Good-Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Sweet Kiss -NRM- The user kisses a victim, slathering it with hallucinogenic saliva. An affected opponent will have difficulty sorting out reality from illusion and may injure itself in its confusion.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Moderate
Sweet Scent:-NRM-The user releases a sweetish aroma laced with narcotics. Anything smelling this odor will calm down suddenly, which can help to overcome mind-affecting effects such as confusion and anger. Additionally, as long as the scent remains in the air (depends on ventilation, but generally not long) affected pokémon will have to concentrate to be able to continue vigorous action.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Moderate
Swift -NRM- The user jets a stream of five-pointed stars of light, which can be moved about the arena until they run out. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because there’s always another incoming star. If one victim falls, it is easy enough to move the stream onto the next, although a few stars will be lost in the transition.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Always Hits
Other: Special
Switcheroo -DRK- The user uses the power of darkness to zip in and out switching the items both him and the target currently posses.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Swords Dance-NRM- The user spins in a circle while falling into a zen-like trance, reaching a firm battle mind for the battle ahead. While it spins, it produces a spinning vortex of air that has a tendency to ward away attacks that are subject to being blown about. Once it finishes the dance, the user will have greatly focused chi energy and therefore be able to attack precisely and rapidly without error.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Synchronoise -PSY- Linking up via a mental construct, the user releases an electromental command that causes pain in all pokemon that share its type.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Synthesis -GRS-Drawing in energy from the sun, the user heals at an incredible rate for a short period of time, healing an enormous chunk of health. However, the process of converting raw sunlight to useful energy at such a rapid pace is very tiring. Using this move will tend to increment fatigue at a VERY high rate, and no user is likely to be able to use this move more than once or twice (depending on how vigorously they’re behaving as far as their other attacks go) without collapsing from exhaustion.
Fatigue: High (increases)
Healing: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
5th May 2009, 08:31 PM
Tackle -NRM - The user ploughs its entire body into the opponent.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Tail Glow -BUG-The user’s tail will begin to glow, sharply raising its Special attack.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Tail Slap -NRM- The user stabs the opponent with an appropriate sharp body part. Hard. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. It is difficult to block the full effect with most defenses, because the beak, stinger, or spike just keeps coming back for another stab.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light to Good
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Tail Whip -NRM- The user lashes its tail out, snapping the end like a whip. This may intimidate an opponent that is hit or nearly hit, as getting hit stings quite badly.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Tailwind -FLY- The user becomes faster for a short period of time by using the wind to guide them through their movements. If in a double battle, it affects the whole team.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Snatchable
Take Down -NRM- The user slams its entire body into the opponent. This attack also causes slight recoil damage to the user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Taunt -DRK- The user runs circles around the target taunting them with a barrage of nasty insults forcing them to only attack for a short period of time.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Techno Buster -NRM- Going back to a file of 8-track cassettes, the user sticks this in a cannon, and fires an attack corresponding to the type of the cassette put in.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Teeter Dance -NRM- The user dances around in an erratic dance of spaziness this effectively confuses all pokemon on the field except the user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Telekinesis -PSY- Mental wishes of having the opponent right where they can see them come true as the foe is lifted into an area clear of any obstruction. The foe stays completly visible for a while-rendering it defenseless during this time
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Teleport -PSY- The pokémon vanishes and reappears in the span of a second. This move is typically used to avoid attacks directed at its original location or to get into position for a sequence of attacks of its own, but this move is limited only by the imagination of the user and the referee.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Thief -DRK- The user rushes in armed with a dark aura and snatches any item that the target may be holding.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Thrash -NRM- The user flails its body around violently, bludgeoning any nearby opponent repeatedly with various appropriate limbs. Continuing to Thrash too long may cause dizziness, but as long as it lasts it is not wise to stray too close.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Thunder -ELE-The user blasts a wide cone of electrical fury in whatever direction it chooses. Opponents caught in this cone may lose muscle control and will always be severely shocked.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Special
Thunder Fang -ELE- The user bites the target with fangs imbued with electricity, this attack may cause the targets muscles to spasm and paralyze it or make them flinch.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Moderate/Good
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Thunder Wave-ELE- The user sparks violently in the immediate area around itself. If these sparks hit the opponent, they will probably provoke electrical seizures which may cause paralysis.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Thunderbolt -ELE- The user blasts a single bolt of electricity at a target which may cause paralysis.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Thunderpunch -ELE- The user swings a fist, sparking violently with electricity. The target hit by this fist will feel the shock and may lose muscle control.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Thundershock: -ELE- Electricity radiates out forward from the user in a wide but short spray. Short range. May provoke muscle control difficulties.
Type: Electric
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Tickle -NRM- The user tickles the target violently causing them to drop their guard making them lose a little defense and attack.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Topsy-Turvy -DRK- When used, this creates an inversion force around the user, where its stat changes are inversly affected.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Torment -DRK- The user will taunt the opponent causing them to not be able to use the same move twice in a row if they try and do this then it will cause them to struggle.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Toxic -PSN- The user spits a glob of purple venom a short distance, which splatters on the target if it hits or whatever other surface is available if it misses. A splatter is likely to poison anything close by, and a direct hit will usually result in the victim being badly poisoned, with slowly increasing poison damage each time poison damage is applied.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Toxic Spikes -PSN- The user lays out a collection of toxic spikes on the field which will cause normal strength poison to any new incoming pokemon or toxic poisoning if 2 applications are applied. Might deal damage if stepped on.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Transform -NRM- The user glows white as it shifts shape to match the guise of the opponent. Once it finishes, it will retain its original moveset, but it will also know all of the regular moves that its opponent would know.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Tri Attack -NRM- The user fires three beams, one that burns, one that shocks, and one that chills. These beams don’t interfere with each other, but they all hit the same target.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Trick -PSY- The user uses its psychic powers to swap the item its currently holding with the targets.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Trick-or-Treat -GHO- The user puts a Halloween Curse on the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Adds Ghost type to the opponent.
Trick Room -PSY- The user utilizes its psychic powers to change the whole field for a short period of time. With the field is changed slower pokemon will be faster while fast pokemon will become slower.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Triple Kick -FGT- The user kicks thrice. If the first or second kick breaches a defense, subsequent kicks will still be able to strike home.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Trump Card -NRM- The user uses its remaining power to force out a powerful attack, the lower the energy the user has left the more powerful this attack will be.
Fatigue: Excellent
Damage: Good-Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Twineedle -BUG- The user jabs a target with two vicious stingers, injecting poison with each.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Twister -DRG- The user produces a raging tornado of pinkish magical dragon energy, which tears across the arena. This tornado creates strong air currents that can push small objects of flying opponents violently around.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
U-Turn -BUG- The pokemon rushes over to the target and hits them with a tail or tail like appendage before dashing back over to where they were before.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Uproar -NRM- The user begins to stomp around the field yelling as loud as they can sending out soundwaves which cause minimal damage. While the user is doing this it is impossible for any pokemon on the field to go to sleep.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
V-Create -FIR- The user channels the essence of fire into one powerful energetic force, and barrels it down upon another foe. This fiery wrath is so powerful that it leaves the user drained of all defensive capabilities.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical, drops Def, SpD and Spd
Vacuum Wave -FGT- The user puts its hands together and uses them to create a powerful wave of energy which blasts across the field at great speed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Venom Drench -PSN- A viscous, deathly poisonous fluid is secreted on the foe, rendering them haplessly weaker for the remainder of the match
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Drops Atk, Sp Atk and Spd of target
Venoshock -PSN- Reeling in the effects of poison, the Pokemon uses its affinity of the attack to strike down any foe. If the foe is already poisoned, this hits' effectiveness rises.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Vicegrip -NRM- The user pinches the opponent with a pincer. Ideally, the opponent in question becomes pinned and cannot extricate itself from the pincer, hindering its attacks and preventing it from making a tactical retreat.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Vine Whip -GRS- The user reaches out with tentacles to grapple an object, often an opponent. Damage slowly increases as the tentacles remain constricting the opponent, and the opponent can be moved about if it can’t think of a way to resist. Other objects are unlikely to resist, but may be too heavy to move. Throwing objects is possible.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Vital Throw -FGT- The user grabs up the opponent and tosses it into the air. This is a difficult move to execute because it takes a while to set up.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good/Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Volt Switch -ELE- After striking, the Pokemon runs back to the sidelines, swapping out with another teammate.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Volt Tackle -ELE- The user slams into the target with a shield of electricity surrounding it which may cause the targets muscles to spasm, causing paralysis. This will also cause recoil damage.
Type: Electric
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical
Wake-Up Slap -FGT- The user moves over to the target picks them up and slaps them in the face with their hands several times. If the target is asleep this attack will wake up a sleeping opponent and deal double damage if they are asleep.
Fatigue: Good
Damage: Good – Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Water Gun -WAT- The user jets out a stream of water at a single opponent.
Type: Water
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Water Pledge -WAT- This move causes ample damage to an area with aquatic energy-though if mixed. Its effect increases if mixed with the Fire or Grass Pledge Manuvear.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special. Power rises with use of another Pledge move.
Water Pulse -WAT- The user fires a small set of watery rings that float in the air as if by some mystical force. These rings then hit the target splashing over it may cause confusion.
Type: Water
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Water Shuriken -WAT- The user slams a speedy series of stinging jets of water at the foe, inflicting damage.
Fatigue: Light
Damage: Light/Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical. Always goes first
Water Sport -WAT- The user splashes water all over the field causing it to become damp weakening the attacks of all fires attacks till it dries out.
Type: Water
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Water Spout -WAT- The user fires a spout of water from its mouth/cannons which flies across the field and blasts back the target. The more HP the user has the more effective this attack will be.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent - Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Waterfall -WAT- The user swims through the water very rapidly, using its speed to ram the opponent as hard as it can.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Weather Ball -NRM- The user fires a ball of pure white energy which changes depending on the weather conditions. If it is raining it becomes a water based attack, sunny day is fire, hail is ice and sandstorm is rock.
Type: Varies
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good-Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Whirlpool -WAT- The water begins to spin rapidly, forming a sort of water-based whirlwind. Anything caught in the vortex will be drawn to the centre. It is possible but exceedingly difficult for a resisting target force its way against the current. Typically, Whirlpool serves to trap opponents in place to make an easy target.
Type: Water
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Whirlwind -FLY- The user gathers a vortex of air between its wings, creating a powerful tornadic force that may grab up unsuspecting opponents and slam them into hard objects, or failing that, throw off their concentration and aim.
Type: Normal
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
Wide Guard -RCK- Thew user stand in front of its team, and protects them all from incoming attacks that hit more than one Pokemon. It cannot do this repeatedly.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Wild Charge -ELE- The user slams its entire electrified body into the opponent. This attack also causes slight recoil damage to the user.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Will-O-Wisp -FIR-The user creates tiny ghostly baubles which are on fire and sends them towards the target. If any of the make contact then they will burn the target.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Wing Attack -FLY- In this moderately risky endeavor, the user twists in flight in order to whack an opponent with a wing, then quickly returning to flight before falling.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Wish -NRM- The user looks to the heavens and sends their wish up hoping for new life. After a short period of time their wish is granted and they are given a random boost in one of the their parameters.
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Wish can grant someone a boost in speed one round, and a boost in HP another round.
Withdraw-WAT- The user hides in its shell. Attacks targeting the user will hit the shell instead, and will often be warded off without any relevant effect.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Wonder Room -PSY- The user casts a spell that seems to have no direct effect on all parties involved. However, The effectiveness of all Physical hits are in complete disarray, strong hits hitting for no damage at all and vice versa
Fatigue: High
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: High dmg moves do little damage, Low dmg moves do high dmg
Wood Hammer-GRS- The user charges at the target with some type of tree in hand and smacks the target over the head with it. This attack will cause recoil damage.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Work Up -NRM- The user takes the time to concentrate on its own awesomeness, giving it better resolve for the battle at hand.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Raises Atk and SpA. Snatchable
Worry Seed –GRS- A dark-looking seed is spat that festers inside the opponent by burrowing into its skin. The victim cannot sleep during this time; they are alert, perhaps too much, and will remain in this insomniac state until the seed is removed.
Fatigue: Moderate
Accuracy: Good
Other: The foe is distracted by the seed in their skin. They will perhaps concentrate on removing it instead of carrying out orders. The foe’s accuracy is also reduced.
Wrap -NRM- The user grabs the opponent and holds them still. The opponent remains in place until it can extricate itself from the grapple, which takes some effort this also traps them.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Wring Out -NRM- The user rushes over to the target and picks them up before twisting their body in opposite directions as if they were wringing out a towel. The power of this attack decreases as the targets HP decreases.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Incredible-Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
X-Scissor -BUG- The user uses its claw or pincers to create a X-shaped cut in the target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Yawn -NRM- The user lets out a giant yawn which creates a small cloud which floats across the field. If any pokemon is hit by this cloud then they become sleepy.
Fatigue: Light
Accuracy: Excellent
Zap Cannon -ELE- The user produces a fat, wobbly spark of electricity that ploughs off erratically. An opponent that is hit by the spark is very likely to lose muscle control, but the attack is very difficult to aim, as it doesn’t always go exactly where it’s supposed to.
Fatigue: Extremely High
Damage: Incredible
Accuracy: Poor
Other: Special
Zen Headbutt -PSY- The user headbutts the target by propelling itself with its psychic powers as if it were shot out of a cannon.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Other: Physical
Mikachu Yukitatsu
6th May 2009, 12:31 AM
This is
1) useful
2) confusing
3) cool
Good work indeed. So have we had one of these before? I mean, this is going to have an influence on the way we battle, but how big an influence? Important thing anyways.
6th May 2009, 07:24 AM
Yeah. We had one before Mikachu. The old Movelists were helpful, but they were confusing and alot of things weren't fleshed out enough. Not to mention you needed two separate links to find moves.
I tried to make some thing more concise, while still allowing the imagination factor to still be the driving force of ASB. You as a battler will not have to know the moves as well as the refs do, but its always good to look up the effect of a move when yer in a pinch, ya know?
6th May 2009, 02:16 PM
Nice one DL, Chris and CEB...and to anyone else who helped. This makes things much easier to find a move. It takes a few seconds to find the moves though.
6th May 2009, 02:27 PM
Good work. To lazy to read through all of them to find any new adjustments, though.
6th May 2009, 04:59 PM
Huzzah, convenience!
Mew Master
6th May 2009, 05:37 PM
Glad it's up DL, you guys did an awesome job of maintaining consistency and easy reference for moves. Hopefully this will clear up some inconsistencies with moves in various matches.
7th May 2009, 01:13 PM
You seem to have Hidden Power missing *shakes fist*
A tip to all you peeps (:D), press ctrl + f on the keyboard and type in the name of the move you're looking for. Saves scrolling and all that. It's useful if you can spell!
7th May 2009, 05:32 PM
o.O What? I made sure to add that...oh wait, maybe that was the move I forgot to take off that other page... Lemme get to that...
Durr-I put the placemarker for it >_o Its in there now.
9th May 2009, 03:14 PM
This is way too awesome! ^__^ Now I can make sure I use moves correctly! Pokemon Master here I come! Good job guys!
Knight of Time
23rd May 2009, 03:20 PM
Okay, I'm finding the new list is great, but, I need to ask a question.
What moves cannot be Mimiced (or are hard to Mimic, e.g. Baton Pass, maybe?), besides Selfdestruct and Explosion?
Chris 2.1
23rd May 2009, 03:50 PM
KOT: This is a huge question so I'm going to simplify it.
With whatever attack you are thinking of, ask why it could not be mimiced. Most attacks can, bar attacks that are difficult for the mimicer to see and understand in its completion. You listed Baton Pass as a good example. I also think Sketch and Self-fainting moves would be included.
Is there a specific move you are thinking of?
Knight of Time
23rd May 2009, 03:54 PM
Well, the only move I was thinking of was Baton Pass. Since it makes the user automatically switch out, is it easy to Mimic?
Similarly, does Mimic allow the user to mimic a move used in the previous round?
23rd May 2009, 04:14 PM
::Dives in:: Good question.
Mimic can only mimic a move used in the current round. Any one of the three. Once you move to a new round, you wouldn't be able to mimic those moves last round 'cause you may not remember them as clearly.
As for Baton Pass, if I see someone switch out via magical Baton, you shouldn't be able to Mimic that. Mainly cause you don't know how to create a magical Baton to switch out with :O Same with ASPLODING! I could try to mimic ASPLODING..but I'm pretty sure I wouldnt ASPLODE like a Voltorb :O
Knight of Time
23rd May 2009, 04:28 PM
That's understandable, but oh well.
DarkestLight, if I may, I'd like to make a worthwhile correction of Sucker Punch, please.
Sucker Punch:-DRK-This move is a very fast high damaging punch move, but it will work only if the target intends on damaging them this turn. Otherwise, the move fails.
Fatigue: High
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Physical
Mikachu Yukitatsu
5th June 2009, 09:03 AM
I Demand You To Stickify This OR ELSE...!!!11!!
5th June 2009, 04:32 PM
I agree, this shit is a lifesaver <3
5th June 2009, 11:40 PM
xD With the way this topic is used, I'm sure that I'll sticky it if it ever drops. Which it looks like it won't :O
25th July 2009, 09:25 AM
Any way this could be made a sticky so people can find it more easily for reference? Just wondering...
Knight of Time
25th July 2009, 05:31 PM
I was just looking at the information on Air Slash, isn't the move supposed to be classified as special? In the games, it's special, not physical (as much as it sounds physical, I don't think it is), that's basically why I had to ask.
One thing's for sure, I'm guessing there must be some other moves that are as hard to classify as the same classification in the games, after all, appearances can be deceiving.
25th July 2009, 05:33 PM
That's a booboo on my part. It is Special. Yeah its basically the wind made from the wings beating really fast cutting you up.
Knight of Time
25th July 2009, 05:48 PM
Yeah, I agree with the true description of the move.
If you don't mind, I think this description may be a little better (although I wish I could see it in the anime; Air Slash has never been seen in the anime, am I right or wrong?)
Air Slash – FLY – The user begins to rapidly flap their wings, causing a fierce wind to speed into the opponent (think of a strong breeze from a supercharged fan, as in one that moves so fast, not even a human can fight past it). This attack can strike the targets weak points more effectively.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good
Accuracy: Excellent
Other: Special
On a side note, it's almost like a weakened Aeroblast, but I guess you could say that it would be hard to resist the strength of such a strong wind if you tried to go through it, as it would just push you back.
11th September 2009, 11:24 PM
Just to point it out, you don't have a damage/fatigue estimation for Hidden Power.
Knight of Time
12th September 2009, 11:12 AM
Just to point it out, you don't have a damage/fatigue estimation for Hidden Power.
The Damage and Fatigue keys are near the top of the page, you can't miss them if you start from the top and slowly scroll down.
Knight of Time
24th September 2009, 08:12 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I just thought of something regarding the usage of moves around here, are there any moves that appear different depending on the Pokemon using them?
I'm not sure if this would count as an example, but in the anime, whenever Dawn's Piplup uses Whirlpool, it makes a giant whirlpool over its head, which it tends to throw at opponents before it disperses shortly after.
But, in the case of Rotom using Air Slash in its Fan forme, since it doesn't have wings, would I be right in assuming it would make its fan blade rotate really fast in order to generate that strong blast of wind?
24th September 2009, 08:17 PM
Yeah. Any way the Pokmeon is able to create the move, that's possibly the best way to envision it. There can be modifications, like a Pokemon spinning around really fast while releasing water to create Whirlpool, and things like that.
24th September 2009, 08:21 PM
Honestly, I'm not sure it would matter--descriptive things like where the attack comes from are usually left up to reffing style unless there's an obvious reason for the attack to look one way and not look another. As long as the attack's functionality doesn't change drastically and the ref has a half-decent knowledge of the user's anatomy, is it really that important? There are only a few attacks I can think of where point of origin would make a big difference, and generally only in certain situations, so... just leaving it up to the ref to make it work seems like enough, rather than having to worry about defining the difference between a Rotom's Air Slash and a Pidgey's.
Knight of Time
24th September 2009, 08:22 PM
Okay, but...what about the move Yawn? I believe that wild Hippopotas in the episode Sleight of Sand used Yawn when it let out a couple of bluish coloured bubbles from its mouth, causing instant sleep on a Pokemon that they popped on...would this variation of Yawn be possible here, too? I'm kinda curious, as it kinda makes it look like it would make an inflicted Pokemon fall asleep quicker this way if it hit.
24th September 2009, 08:32 PM
Its possible for the attack to take form in whatever way seems feasable, but as for the desired effect, well yeah... being hit with a "harder" yawn would prolly induce sleep faster. Proximity also comes into play here..
Knight of Time
24th September 2009, 08:38 PM am I correct in saying that we can use some moves in an alternate form (e.g. like one of the examples I mentioned above), just as long as we're specific enough with them? I can only imagine if a ref would adjust to a move being used in a way differently than how it's normally used, but meh, I guess that would vary from ref to ref.
4th October 2009, 04:14 PM
Kuro would like a check on Assurance, the power doubles if the FOE receives damage first. (According to the game)
4th October 2009, 05:10 PM
Assurance – DRK – The user gains more strength in their attack if the opponent has already received damage in that round.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good to Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. More damage is dealt if the user has just been hit (that round)
That's what we have. In the game, its from residual damage (Stealth Rock, Leech Seed etc etc) so we had to modify that a lil :o. Dun see any disagreement there.
4th October 2009, 05:13 PM
Assurance – DRK – The user gains more strength in their attack if the opponent has already received damage in that round.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Good to Excellent
Accuracy: Good
Other: Physical. More damage is dealt if the user has just been hit (that round)
That's what we have. In the game, its from residual damage (Stealth Rock, Leech Seed etc etc) so we had to modify that a lil :o. Dun see any disagreement there.
More damage if the foe has been hit would make more sense. In the cases of moves such as Take Down, Double-Edge, and Brave Bird.
5th October 2009, 10:46 PM
No. If your opponent has used Brave Bird for example, and yeah took a bit of damage from that -then yes, Assurance would rise in power :o
Basically, Assurance rises in power if -during the current round-your opponent has lost health in any way before Assurance is used. >>.
6th October 2009, 05:10 PM
This is the particular line I'm looking at.
Other: Physical. More damage is dealt if the user has just been hit (that round)
It should say foe instead of user.
6th October 2009, 07:22 PM
Oh ok, yeah I'll fix that XD.
Knight of Time
6th October 2009, 07:53 PM
Speaking of fixing, could you also fix the classification of Air Slash to Special, please Darkly? I don't think that move requires direct contact at all, am I correct?
Edit: Something else that has me curious, Darkly, would Hail raise the power or accuracy of any Ice type moves by chance? As far as I know, the only boost it gives to an Ice-type move in the games is giving Blizzard 100% accuracy in D/P/Pt for its duration, so that makes me wonder if Hail would allow Icy Wind, Avalanche, and Blizzard to charge up faster if used this way?
7th October 2009, 06:35 PM
Aside from Blizzard not missing, No, I don't see how the weather would help any of the Ice Moves be more powerful as is the case with Sun and Rain.
Sandstorm does not raise the accuracy or strength of any Rock./Ground moves. So I'd say no, the charge up rate is still the same with all Ice Moves during Hail.
Knight of Time
7th October 2009, 07:09 PM
Oh, and I thought that the individual bits of Hail from the move Hail could collect on an Ice-type beam move, such as Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, or Sheer Cold (not sure about this one though), something else, with the new description on Air Slash, it reminds me a lot of how Ash's Pidgeot used Gust when it evolved in the episode Pallet Party Panic, notice the similarities between that version of Gust, and Air Slash?
11th October 2009, 11:22 AM
Head Smash should feature recoil damage. Fix it please.~
Knight of Time
24th October 2009, 09:13 PM
There's something that has baffled me since the last battle I had with Dark Dragonite, is there any attacking moves that Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst all fail against?
I was thinking any land-shaking moves, like Earthquake, Magnitude, or even Fissure, am I right about any of them being impossible to counter using one of the three countering moves above.
25th October 2009, 07:10 AM
Bringing back old cows: Sandstorm does raise the defense and sp.defense of rock pokemon in Sandstorm.
I'm fixing the Heasmash right now, as for the question on Metalburst/Counter/Mirrorcoat, dunno. I guess it depends on how you give commands to your pokemon, how the ref works with that; and how lucky you get:) Things like EQ seem do-able for non-countering. Maybe DL has a good say in this.
EDIT: Dunno why you read that, but it says that their is 'heavy recoil damage'. So we're clear!
25th October 2009, 09:14 PM
o.O Its nigh impossible to counter those types of moves since it involves the ground, and you'd be trying to counter the ground, not your opponent. It takes a supercreative position in order to counter Earthquake (wrestling mat comes to mind..), but Fissure, naa. Magnitude, not really either...
That being said, yeah Sandstorm only raises Spec Def of Rock Pokemon ¬¬ Learned that the hard way, stupid Wishcash...
Knight of Time
25th October 2009, 09:18 PM
What, Sandstorm doesn't raise the defense of Steel types? They generally have higher defenses than Rock types, but meh, I guess it simply bounces off of them? 'shrug'
But still, thanks for the info on the land moves, I was right on the hunch I had with them being impossible to respond to using Counter, Mirror Coat, or Metal Burst.
Knight of Time
4th December 2009, 01:24 PM
Hi, sorry for double posting, but I'd like to ask a couple questions on the move Charge, please.
1. When the move is used, besides it boosting the power of Electric type moves for a few actions, does it also increase the user's Defense or Special Defense, or both? I noticed it raises Special Defense in the games.
2. If it does give one of these a boost, does the boost wear off when the effects of Charge wear off?
Mew Master
20th December 2009, 01:00 PM
Hey DL, can I get a TWF ruling on Rock Climb?
Rock Climb -NRM- The user surfs on a bed of rocks before slamming into the target which may confuse they target.
Fatigue: Moderate
Damage: Excellent
Accuracy: Moderate
Other: Physical
Eh? Surf on rocks? What is this the Twilight Zone? The Game summary of this move is nothing like that idea.
A charging attack that may also leave the foe confused. It can also be used to scale rocky walls.
Thar be nothing bout 'surfing' on rocks. I've always imagined the Pokemon Using Rock Climb similar to a Mountain Goat, bounding up and down rock ledges, and bouncing around and over an opposing Pokemon before slamming into them from behind. And this makes more sense then 'Rock Surf' to me and a few others I imagine.
20th December 2009, 03:06 PM
OK, for once I gotta agree with the rock polisher. There's no way I can see Rock Climb as something other than... y'know, rock climbing.
Knight of Time
23rd March 2010, 02:32 PM
Alright, I'm in the middle of a tricky situation in a battle I'm reffing, just wondering if I could get some help on this issue please?
Can a Pokemon use Earth Power as a defense by creating a rising pillar of dirt and sand underneath it to help it evade an attack?
If so, is there a limit to the height that the pillar can be?
24th March 2010, 12:28 AM
Earth Power is a special attack, so I tend to think of it as earth energy blasting forth from the ground, like a geyser of sorts. Its not completely unfeasible for the energy to force the user skyward...but its up to you in the end for that one.
IMO, Id see it as a possibility if the terrain allowed it.
Knight of Time
18th April 2010, 07:33 PM
I've got another couple of questions I'd like to ask please, pertaining to Counter and Mirror Coat.
When either move is used, do you have to take the target's weaknesses/resistances/immunities into consideration? For example, would Ghost types be immune to Counter, and similarly, would Dark types be immune to Mirror Coat?
On the other hand, would Counter be considered supereffective against any types weak to Fighting-type moves, and similarly, would Mirror Coat be considered supereffective against any types weak to Psychic-type moves?
18th April 2010, 08:09 PM
1) Yes
2) Yes
For number 2-that means that for the opponent being hit, you have to take into consideration..
1) The power of the original hit that is being countered..
2) the raised power of the Counter/Mirror Coat attack hitting the opponent...
3) if the Pokemon is weak/resistant to Fighting/Psychic attacks..
4) if they have any guards up (Light Screen, ability hindrances, etc etc
So yeah n_n Counter/Mirror Coat/Bide/Metal Burst are more tricky than they look
Mew Master
19th April 2010, 01:17 AM
And Metal Burst still broke your Wyndrider's leg in two. Never underestimate the usage of a Bide move. I've shown how awesome they are.
19th April 2010, 07:42 AM
Not taking the bait.
RaZoR LeAf
27th May 2010, 02:49 PM
I couldn't see it in the list, and I honestly can't remember. Do Ghost attacks affect Normal types in ASB?
27th May 2010, 04:56 PM
No, according to my knowledge no.
That would suck for the Scrappy pokemon:D
Poor Kangha.
5th June 2010, 09:09 PM
Swift should prolly be categorized as Special, yes'm?
28th July 2010, 10:57 PM
Filing a complaint for lack of Speed reduction on Icy Wind.
29th July 2010, 06:55 AM
Oh. Eh. Causes numbness. Perceive it as you will.
6th August 2010, 07:11 PM
id like to ask a question for future references on the move Taunt.
1.Dose taunt affect Relax?
The reason I'm asking is because its not really an attack, so would this action be affected?
6th August 2010, 10:50 PM
Yes. Taunt makes it so that the user cannot relax, or concentrate on using moves that focus on defense rather than offense. All they can think about is attacking.
Mew Master
11th August 2010, 07:06 PM
Also, issue with Dizzy Punch.
20% of Confusion does not equate to "High chance of Confusion"
28th August 2010, 10:36 AM
Something I've always wondered: Why does the description for Encore use Sunny Day's Japanese name?
Not that my sensibilities are horribly offended or anything like that... just curious. :)
7th October 2010, 08:16 PM
Cause i was lazy and STILL didn't change it XD. It looks cooler that way xD.
RaZoR LeAf
16th January 2011, 06:53 AM
Does U-Turn work as it does in the games? It's mentioned twice in other moves as working like Baton Pass, but in it's own description it sounds just like a regular attack.
16th January 2011, 09:00 AM
Yes. If you are not on your last Pokemon (and your ref allows switching in the match-ask for discrepancies.), you do get to swap out.
Charles Legend
9th March 2011, 12:42 PM
Darkest dose Heal Pulse only work on a foe or could it be used to heal a Partner?
~Charles Legend
9th March 2011, 09:38 PM
9th March 2011, 10:07 PM
10th March 2011, 09:01 AM
Good old Charlie... :lol:
27th May 2011, 05:06 AM
Hey, just here for my TM Doom Desire.
Just a few questions around this particular move. Since we never planned on using it (as only Jirachi can get it normally), it's not really accurate no? In the games, the move is typeless on impact (like Future Sight) and stat changes or switching after Doom Desire has been launched don't change the damage. Furthermore, you can't use Doom Desire on the same opponent again for three rounds.
Also, I think the damage should be Incredible instead of Excellent as it is a same damage move like Draco Meteor, Overheat and Sky Attack.
DL, your thoughts?
27th May 2011, 07:13 AM
o.o S'coo.
Granted, its Typeless in Game damage calculation, but it still has a base Type to spring from. We can add all those stipulations to it-as well as touch up Future sight so its not SO super rule rigid but reflect most of those qualities.
27th May 2011, 03:33 PM
Yeah, Future Sight underwent some changes this generation. Among them is the fact that it's no longer typeless!
27th May 2011, 10:10 PM
As did Doom Desire. I'll be damned!
27th May 2011, 11:03 PM
Well, they've always been Psychic and Steel (far as I know), but they've always done that same neutral Night Shade/Dragon Rage unchanging damage.
I found out about it the hard way when my Gurdurr got blasted by Future Sight during the E4 and she took a super-effective crit. :grumble:
Mikachu Yukitatsu
31st May 2011, 12:03 PM
Battles always get me so excited and carried away, I tend to forget the duration of making the moves. Like how much does Dig really take, two or three actions, and according to my own logic, Solar Beam takes one extra action to load as in the games, after Hyper Beam you have to rest for one action perhaps, but how much do we let the games interfere. Anyhow, I ask whether there should be more exact notes here about extra actions or should we leave more up to the ref. Rephrasing this question was hard in both Finnish and English, I hope you understand although I think I study either too little or too much.
I should read more those battles you others have without me, that's how I would watch and learn to ASB, for I haven't won a single match.
Mew Master
10th July 2011, 09:56 AM
Here's a question about the damage levels that the moves do.
In the Games Signal Beam is close to Shadow Ball (75 and 80 respectfully), yet Signal Beam is only Good Damage (5-8), while Shadow Ball is Excellent (9-12).
11th May 2012, 11:28 PM
hmmm can there maybe be something with sketch where certain moves that make sense can be used without a medium like aromatherapy, because with that you're making a medium but it's being used up in the move and you have to re-sketc, yes they should use up 1.5X energy and I do agree that sketch before was a bit broken, but a nerf of this magnitude will render smeargle little better than a pokemon that only knows mimmic or me first, smeargle's main weapon is unpredictability and this will be taking that, I mean without the ability to directly sketch something it can be rendered useless by a first turn taunt and if you're up against a gallade then, well you get the picture
12th May 2012, 12:01 AM
I definitely agree that certain moves should be Sketchable without a medium, but it's going to be hard to establish unanimity as to which moves would/would not require that medium. I mentioned this to DL and I think we're already starting to see it. Everyone would probably agree that Protect and Magic Coat, for example, shouldn't require a medium. With Aromatherapy, it's a little trickier. Personally, I think Aromatherapy should require a medium (ie. an incense burner, jar of potpourri, etc.), but I also sort of understand why you think it shouldn't.
I disagree that this nerf to Sketch renders Smeargle "little better" than a Pokemon with only Mimic/Me First, though. Smeargle still has every move in its arsenal, but those moves just can't be called upon directly. Unpredictability is absolutely still on Smeargle's side—more so, I'd say, than any other Pokemon. (You're also right to suggest that Smeargle is pretty useless if it's Taunted, but hey, so is a non-Imposter Ditto.)
12th May 2012, 01:01 AM
Any medium Smeargle Sketches is not used up. If you sketched a sword, you'd have the sword the whole match, unless it was robbed or broken.
First Action Taunt wouldn't stop Smeargle necessarily. If you are Taunted, Smeargle has access to moves like Struggle :/
If the move you draw doesn't have a medium, it still takes an action for the move to come into existance. Hence if you draw a Fireblast, it wold take an action before it flew off and scorched anyone, But if you did a sword, you could do any slashing move repeteadly. Any. Night Slash, Cut, Fury Swipes...yeah yer good.
12th May 2012, 01:12 AM
If the move you draw doesn't have a medium, it still takes an action for the move to come into existance. Hence if you draw a Fireblast, it wold take an action before it flew off and scorched anyone
So is what you told me the other day about Magic Coat or Safeguard coming into effect immediately upon being Sketched no longer valid?
12th May 2012, 10:23 AM
also when sketching aromatherapy I was having my smeargle sketch a powder in the air or when sketching sheer cold I had it sketch ice around a pokemon, how about this, we leave the move up to the ref, they interpret whether the move should/shouldn't need a medium and whether or not the way we word it is good, if not that then can the mediums last until another is sketched so that smeargle can have more than 2 actions every turn
12th May 2012, 01:18 PM
I've always had my Smeargle operate on cartoon physics of sorts. Was pretty funny way back when when my opponent was charging a Solarbeam or some other two-turn attack and I just Sketched a hole under their feet.
12th May 2012, 01:20 PM
yeah but some refs *stares pointedly at oslo* only let smeargle use real moves
I really think that sketch should stay open to ref interpretation
12th May 2012, 01:36 PM
So is what you told me the other day about Magic Coat or Safeguard coming into effect immediately upon being Sketched no longer valid?
No. Its valid
*Confused face*
Ugh hate thinking. Ok.
Train of thinking when I said that: "If you draw something around yourself, it should be able to happen instantly, since its not a move that requires aiming."
Days later" Well now wait. All moves need energy to be created into the world. That's why Smeargle only knows Sketch, it runs the risk of being hampered if it dosen't already have moves to Sketch. Sketch allows the Smeargle to remember the move-then its available for use. Hence, all moves need that action."
Shift to today. Let's use Flamethrower.
I would say if someone used Smeargle and drew a actual Flamethrower, then Smeargle could use Flamethrower all damn day until fuel ran out or something.
Having Smeargle draw actual flames to be thrown would still take an action, because he's not drawing the fire as we know it, he's drawing the outline of the fire, and then it comes into existence.
As for the cartoon physics, that makes the most sense to me. You draw a hole under someone, yer just gonna see the line. You aren't going to know its a hole. Then it appears and you fall in it.
Now-for self helping attacks. If you draw any shield around yourself, it would take an action. I was thinking immediately since certain attacks would be used in response to an action. (Counter, Mirror Coat, etc..) Damn. This pokemon is making us have a crapton of foresight to use like, 4 attacks.
Ok so. How about...
1) Smeargle draws a medium-attacks can be used via medium until medium is broken.
2) Direct response attacks (Counter, Mirror Coat, Metal Burst, Bide) aren't actually Sketchable. If these attacks need to be used, they can be sketched and used instan--wait no. Cause then you could Counter/Mirror Coat all day. Lame. Yeah, gonna have to use foresight if using those moves. You don't necessarily have to have a medium for these types of moves, but it would still take an action.
3) Stat boosts:Things like Safeguard would need to be sketched -and they would fade away in time. Consumable mediums, or even just the energy in question since the move does have a time alottment.
Whew, yeah. Any more input into Sketch?
12th May 2012, 02:40 PM
so basically sketch is the same except now the counter spam is nerfed and mediums are infinite, oh and cartoon physics are official, seems good to me
12th May 2012, 07:41 PM
*reads DL's post like nine times*
Er, I don't like the cartoon physics thing. What's stopping a Smeargle user from constantly Sketching their opponent into ridiculously deep holes that can't be climbed out? Or painting them into cages? Or sealed tanks of water? Or dropping dump truck-sized anvils on them? Or painting walls that function like Protect but, since they're not Protect, could be feasibly used again and again in succession?
That on top of being able to Sketch any of their opponent's moves directly AND being able to draw any medium that can use any move = brrrroken. More broken than before this conversation?
Also, I think the Movelist entry for Sketch should be edited to include (among like fifty other things) a proviso about what makes for an acceptable medium. To use recent examples I've encountered, Ash trying to Sketch a rainbow-coloured orb that could call upon any move and battle gloves jewelled with all the elements.
12th May 2012, 08:19 PM
hey the orb was 1 use and the gloves would only allow me to use moves that require hands so they were technically balanced
anyways I've been making a new design for a sketch weapon for me to be revealed when I have enough points to look for a legend, either regigigas or darker depends
also sketch was probably just simpler before can we just make it to where we put the old rules for sketch up and add something about ref's interpretation
13th May 2012, 04:11 AM
*reads DL's post like nine times*
Er, I don't like the cartoon physics thing. What's stopping a Smeargle user from constantly Sketching their opponent into ridiculously deep holes that can't be climbed out? Or painting them into cages? Or sealed tanks of water? Or dropping dump truck-sized anvils on them? Or painting walls that function like Protect but, since they're not Protect, could be feasibly used again and again in succession?
Ref interpretation. I'm pretty sure that
1) Deep holes have no precedence when it comes to Dig, since if the Pokemon could not dig themselves out, then adversely, they could not be attacked by the other Pokemon effectively.
2) Painting them in cages is legal. Cages have gaps in them. Cages can be broken. You said cage. not "Steel and cement laden box of no air=death"
3) Sealed tanks of water=Teleport into Ocean depths. Been done before LOL.
4) Dump Truck sized anvils. The action it takes for the object to form, they can step away, barring any extreme circumstance. Free Agility..
5) Walls. Protect would still follow the same criteria, but those walls would break down, and be ineffective.
Baically, Im sayting that ref interpretation of how the move can be correlated to a Pokemon Move is necessary of how its sketched.
Also, I think the Movelist entry for Sketch should be edited to include (among like fifty other things) a proviso about what makes for an acceptable medium. To use recent examples I've encountered, Ash trying to Sketch a rainbow-coloured orb that could call upon any move and battle gloves jewelled with all the elements.[/quote]
o.O LOL @ infinity Gauntly reference.
15th May 2012, 10:49 PM
Funny enough, as broken as Smeargle apparently is, my Smeargle have never won a battle because of the simple fact that Sketch taking up an action always ensures that they have at least one less active attack than the opponent. The more Sketching that is done, the more free hits the opponent gets in. It seems fair to me, maybe even a bit unfair towards the side using Smeargle.
16th May 2012, 12:09 AM
hmmm yeah I've won battles with smeargle but it'll be way too hard under these rules, I think sketch should stay the way it was, aka ref's interpretation
16th May 2012, 01:14 AM
Funny enough, as broken as Smeargle apparently is, my Smeargle have never won a battle because of the simple fact that Sketch taking up an action always ensures that they have at least one less active attack than the opponent. The more Sketching that is done, the more free hits the opponent gets in. It seems fair to me, maybe even a bit unfair towards the side using Smeargle.
But you have to weigh that against the fact that Smeargle (indirectly) gets access to every move. It can even gain access to moves with obscenely high damage outputs like V-create. That kind of movepool more than makes up for the fact that Sketch takes up an action.
16th May 2012, 07:29 AM
and those moves usually have drawbacks and a high energy cost
16th May 2012, 09:35 AM
You have to use Sketch like you use any non attacking move. All of those moves are free hit moves if used all willy nilly. You will get hit once at the beginning, but you should be able to make it up when you use your sketched items. It takes more foresight than you've been used to Ash, and that's where the problem lies.
Blade, You speak lies. (
17th May 2012, 08:41 PM
Oh God, that brings back memories...
Thanks for the nostalgia.
17th May 2012, 09:58 PM
so basically I just have to make an episketch* during the first move, then I get to use it throughout the time... the episketch being Chuck Norris O_O I like this, also does mew get all the moves or just tm/hm moves?
*an epic sketch, like a shield with a gem of each element inlaid around the edges, a gauntlet that can collect move types, or a creeper spawner
19th May 2012, 09:22 PM
You're overestimating your abilities. No enemy would allow you to Sketch such an unfair object without having a sub to counter it, and moreover, no ref would allow such a thing. Smeargle can certainly Sketch, say, a shield or an elemental crystal straight out of Final Fantasy, but something as complex and abstract as an Infinity Gauntlet or an absorb-everything shield would never fly.
Mew Master
22nd May 2012, 01:04 AM
Blade speaks the Truth: Smeargle's Sketch is a decent move and takes some unorthodox thinking to work around the various limitations, but you can't make an Ultimate Nullifier in any match. Or an Ice Shield with a self-destruct that you claim it has after the round it was snatched when it's made of ice. Or even a colossi of fire to beat your enemy into submission... I'd try it, but I already know it'd get Ref-Hammered through to Jupiter.
Also, Mew currently isn't allowed in ASB because of it's massive move-list *grumblesf-ckinWiggalytuffandnowSmearglewithasmanyormoremoves thanMew*[/rant]
RaZoR LeAf
22nd May 2012, 03:22 PM
What if there was a list of items that could be sketched and the moves that item would permit the Smeargle to use? For example:
A hat with horns on - Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Fury Attack
A sword - Swords Dance, Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, Slash, etc.
So if anyone was using a Smeargle and needed examples of what to sketch to get a particular move, they could take form the list, or just use it as inspiration.
22nd May 2012, 03:33 PM
Ultimately, it's up to ref discretion, but I honestly think you can sketch anything you want, but that thing has to adhere to the rules of the pokemon universe.
So, sure, you could sketch, say, Mjolnir (Thor's hammer), but it's only really going to be just a pretty-looking hammer. It's not gonna be overly powerful or anything like that.
22nd May 2012, 04:21 PM
I suppose I'm not allowed to sketch the omnotrix either? sigh guess I'll stick with my bottomless sack
btw what's an infinity gauntlet anyways
22nd May 2012, 04:34 PM
22nd May 2012, 04:36 PM
Ultimately, it's up to ref discretion, but I honestly think you can sketch anything you want, but that thing has to adhere to the rules of the pokemon universe.
So, sure, you could sketch, say, Mjolnir (Thor's hammer), but it's only really going to be just a pretty-looking hammer. It's not gonna be overly powerful or anything like that.
...I'm tempted to catch a Smeargle at some point for that exact reason... An Avengers knockoff Smeargle would be the best thing ever xD
The hammer wouldn't be that useless though, it could summon thunder and use most of the bludgeoning-type moves with ease I should think.
26th June 2012, 01:06 PM
...I'm tempted to catch a Smeargle at some point for that exact reason... An Avengers knockoff Smeargle would be the best thing ever xD
The hammer wouldn't be that useless though, it could summon thunder and use most of the bludgeoning-type moves with ease I should think.
Why stop there? Why not go full-on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on it and have Smeargle sketch *all* the Avengers' gifts?
27th June 2012, 08:21 AM
Hey there, just wondering, can we use the new BW2 movesets?
27th June 2012, 08:36 AM
I'm guessing not until the games come out in English...
27th June 2012, 08:49 AM
Well, I'm guess it might be a little while even AFTER the english versions come out,
Considering there are some people who don't want any spoilers whatsoever
(even though the movesets wouldn't technically be spoilers).
27th June 2012, 08:53 AM
And considering its probably coming out slightly later in th UK/EU... Not sure, haven't checked.
Perfect Chaos
3rd July 2012, 11:01 PM
Hey could a ref give me a ruling for Outrage please? According to what is written on the first page, it makes it sound like it can be used on a turn-based accordance and doesn't force the user to use it for 2-3 turns continuous. Is it supposed to work like that or can you just use once and then use a different move on your next action/turn?
6th July 2012, 05:43 PM
It can be used once without being locked in, however repeated usages may incur confusion.
As soon as BW2 are released in English, then the new movesets will be usable.
Perfect Chaos
9th July 2012, 09:13 AM
So does this same ruling apply for other similar moves that take up multiple turns to damage (ex. Thrash, Wrap, Whirlpool, Fire Spin, etc.)
9th July 2012, 09:25 AM
Yes. You can continually use the move (ex-Use Rollout one or use Rollout the whole round) but any and all side effects of any multi-turn move will occur most likely after the first usage.
RaZoR LeAf
19th September 2012, 02:48 PM
In regards to Double Team, it's almost common practice now that if the original pokemon is hit, then all the clones vanish. Does this not seem a little unfair, given that DT is a stat booster for Evasion. If you manage to use Double Team six times, one lucky hit puts waste to your +6 evasion. Whereas there is no such instant dampener for any other stat. You can't instantly cure -6 accuracy by hitting a target, or knock down a +6 attack by defending really well.
My point is, should clones vanish at all? They're meant to be illusions, as oppose to a physical presence. Them being hit by an attack, or even exposed to falling rain shouldn't matter if they are just shapes made of light.
19th September 2012, 06:58 PM
I see your reasoning.
I raise you specific counters. For the evasion factor in rain/hail/snow, if the shapes of light are made out to be not solid (ie you can see sand go through them, but not of the actual one) that already reduces your evasion prowess to zero.
As for the one hit and they go poof. The amount of times it takes for that one hit to occur may take all six tries. Yeah, it sucks if it is the first go around, but Double Team also does not raise your evasion by one like the games in ASB. A random number of clones appear and its from those clones that your "evasion stat" is increased.
You may only yield 2 clones, or you may yield 8 (after multiple times, yeah)
But, I'm interested in hearing more about this. It does seem silly to nullify the Double Team clones entirely, but Haze does that with no problem, why can't other weather conditions? It just doesn't seem right that after hitting the real one, you would hit the fake one again.
Anyone else wish to chime in though. We're open to interpretation of this. DT could be in use of a remodel for ASB mechanics.
(and Haze/Clear Smog laffs at your instant dampener comment)
19th September 2012, 09:37 PM
This is ANIME Style Battling.
In the anime, Double Team is negated by a single slap. Has been since the first season.
Sorry, but evasion doesn't tend to last long anyway. Almost every evasion-raising move is speed-based, and one god hit makes fast thing stop going fast. Newton's kind of a dick like that. :/
19th September 2012, 11:22 PM
(and Haze/Clear Smog laffs at your instant dampener comment)
Very true. Skill Swap Power/Guard Swap (alol) is another move that can negate an opponent's +6 boost... and then give it to you instead! :o So the idea that a Double Team x6 can be wiped out with a single attack is reasonable. Double Team just isn't the kind of move you use six times consecutively; it's the kind of move you use only once at the beginning of a round when you're issuing commands after your opponent. I think the current mechanic is fine.
RaZoR LeAf
20th September 2012, 12:36 PM
This is ANIME Style Battling.
In the anime, Double Team is negated by a single slap. Has been since the first season.
Sorry, but evasion doesn't tend to last long anyway. Almost every evasion-raising move is speed-based, and one god hit makes fast thing stop going fast. Newton's kind of a dick like that. :/
There's only two moves that exclusively raise evasion anyway. Double Team and Minimize. And whilst this is ANIME style battling, we can't keep using that as a reason, lest we allow AIM FOR THE HORN style ground beating electric attacks to be acceptable.
I see your reasoning.
I raise you specific counters. For the evasion factor in rain/hail/snow, if the shapes of light are made out to be not solid (ie you can see sand go through them, but not of the actual one) that already reduces your evasion prowess to zero.
Yeah I figured that after I wrote it.
As for the one hit and they go poof. The amount of times it takes for that one hit to occur may take all six tries. Yeah, it sucks if it is the first go around, but Double Team also does not raise your evasion by one like the games in ASB. A random number of clones appear and its from those clones that your "evasion stat" is increased.
You may only yield 2 clones, or you may yield 8 (after multiple times, yeah)
Maybe it's worth stating just how many clones are made per use of the move, rather than letting it be the ref's decision. Sometimes it'll be 1 clone, other times, you'll get five clones. It jumps from a 1/2 chance of hitting the target to a 1/6 chance, which will then drop to 1/5, 1/4, etc. which are greatly varying odds.
But, I'm interested in hearing more about this. It does seem silly to nullify the Double Team clones entirely, but Haze does that with no problem, why can't other weather conditions? It just doesn't seem right that after hitting the real one, you would hit the fake one again.
The only way I can see it working is if the clones are like a 'live-update'. So they look exactly like the pokemon when they are made. If the original gets hit, and (for instance) burnt, then all the clones immediately show the same damage too. That way, they are still identical copies and no one pokemon has been given an identifying feature.
Anyone else wish to chime in though. We're open to interpretation of this. DT could be in use of a remodel for ASB mechanics.
(and Haze/Clear Smog laffs at your instant dampener comment)
I meant aside from those. Clear Smog and haze will do that to all stats, but you can loose all your clones just by getting hit once. You don't loose all your attack by getting hit once.
20th September 2012, 02:09 PM
The thing with accuracy and evasion based moves is that they're all luck based. In the games, they start out at 100% and change up or down depending on moves and determine how often the move hits, using the base accuracy of a move. It all relies on luck.
Double Team is an interesting move due to how, at least the way I ref it, it creates four clones. The opposing Pokemon now has a one in five chance of hitting the real one. If not, then it's a one in four chance. Repeated use of Double Team will cap it at four clones, don't want people getting too trigger happy. It does mean, however, that a potential of four moves will miss because of the move, or none and you just wasted an action and 10 energy.
Therefore, I think it's perfectly justified that the clones vanish as it can be frustrating to miss four moves and could easily turn the tide of battle, as once you get ahead in an ASB match, you will often continue to stay ahead.
20th September 2012, 11:53 PM
There's only two moves that exclusively raise evasion anyway. Double Team and Minimize. And whilst this is ANIME style battling, we can't keep using that as a reason, lest we allow AIM FOR THE HORN style ground beating electric attacks to be acceptable.
Bad metaphor to use on me since I've ALWAYS supported that technique despite how often other people malign it. Never mind that Pikachu has kicked the shit out of plenty of other Ground types since as far back as the fifth episode, but maybe I'm just too logical for magic monster fighting: If the monster is covered with rock armor everywhere except for the big METAL CONDUCTIVE THING CONNECTED TO ITS BRAIN, then yeah, my rationale is to aim electrical attacks at that.
Thunder Armor on the other hand is bullshit that I'll never defend on no less than three separate grounds ranging from Pokemon physics to our own, before you start strawmanning with that.
21st September 2012, 12:02 AM
It's funny how later episodes show Lightningrod being able to conduct the electricity through the horn and not fry Rhydon's brain whatsoever. Oh, anime. Consistent you are not.
Knight of Time
7th December 2012, 11:55 AM
I was just looking at the movelist, and there was a couple of new questions I'd like to ask about it, please.
1. Looking at the description of the move After You, it seems to suggest it's a clone of Me First, but according to the games, it doesn't work that way at all, instead allowing the target to make its move immediately after the user does, on that same turn (but it fails if the target already made a move on that turn)...shouldn't the description of After You here be edited accordingly? I just find it really baffling its description here is exactly like Me First.
2. Why is Psystrike missing from the movelist?
11th July 2013, 03:12 PM
Hey, new to this site (still awaiting approval), but for moves, does your pokemon need to be able to Learn them in the games, e.g. Flamethrower can be used by most fire types but not by grass types. Oh, and it doesn't appear this way, but are there levels to your pokemon team?
11th July 2013, 03:20 PM
It's like that, you are able to use literally every move your Pokémon is able to learn in the games. Take a look at bulbapedia (for example) for the Pokémon you use, you'll find a nice list there. And no, there are no levels to my knowledge.
11th July 2013, 04:32 PM
Thank you once again Puma.
9th August 2013, 03:49 AM
I'm a bit confused with Block, U-turn and Volt Switch. It says Block prevents switching from Baton Pass and U-turn, but there was no mention in U-turn that the Pokemon can switch out, although in Volt Switch, the Pokemon can switch after attacking. Can someone please clarify this?
Mikachu Yukitatsu
26th October 2013, 03:45 AM
So are all X/Y attacks here yet? Post when they are, please.
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