View Full Version : Do we like coloured fics?

4th August 2009, 08:26 AM
Do you like reading fics with coloured text? When the story is posted in coloured font, instead of the usual white font, does that help or hinder your reading of the story? WHY?

Random question. Also somewhat research for a potential ezine article. We'll see how things go. :-)

Lady Vulpix
4th August 2009, 11:00 AM
I normally find white text easier to read, but I think it's a good resource when a phrase is marked with a certain color in order to convey some meaning, or to achieve some effect. That's why I picked 'sometimes'.

4th August 2009, 11:47 AM
It doesn't matter to me, actually. The words are what are important. All the glitz all the glamor, are nothing. Huge intros, bold font, coloured texted, fancy deviders- whatever. They don't matter. They're pleasant add ons.

If they're there. They're there. But they shouldn't take away from the story.

4th August 2009, 11:57 AM
I prefer if it's in black and/or white. It's too much for my eyes to have a block of coloured text...especially if the colour is eye burning.

4th August 2009, 12:14 PM
Like lime green XD Though, I really like TPM. The black background and white letters are real easy on the eyes.

Crystal Tears
4th August 2009, 12:22 PM
Depends on the colour :3

Oh God lime green... ¬¬ What a horrendous colour to read, I was on another forum and my eyes felt as if they were bleeding. Lime green on a white background sucks hardcore. I'm not sure if it'd be better or worse on a darker background, but I doubt I'd read a fic in that colour, or any other similiar one.

If the colour is nice than I have no problem, if the colour is nice and fits the story it's even better.

4th August 2009, 12:34 PM
Uuugh, were they trying to make their members have sezuires? XD

Crystal Tears
4th August 2009, 12:59 PM
I have no idea, though that seems like a fair guess.

I can't even remember the forum's name... I'll have to go searching for it. I might've written it down in one of my old notebooks (I was on this site years ago; it might've died for all I know). I want to see if their choice in colours has improved.

Though I think if they still exist and post in those colours, they should have a warning.

"Members Be Warned, We Choose Horrible Colours"

That is why I think the choice of colour, if you choose to post a chapter in a colour, greatly matters and isn't for some people.

4th August 2009, 01:37 PM
I like I said, I don't really mind or care if its in colour. Just as long as the words are good, it could be...*has an idea* Oh, you have no idea what horrors you just unleashes! *runs off! to do it*

Sike Saner
4th August 2009, 02:13 PM
While I don't have a preference for text with color tags added in, I do like it when the text happens to be a color that I find particularly easy on the eyes when placed against the color of the background. As for when the text is a color that I find harsh on the eyes or hard to see at all against the background color, I simply copy the text, paste into a document to make it black against a white background (which my eyes have no trouble with), and read it there.