View Full Version : Happy Birthday H.G. Wells

21st September 2009, 09:08 AM
I figured I'd give a TPM shout out to the Father of Science Fiction, the man of many matters- H. G. Wells.

He has long since been dead, but is one of my greatest insiprations, and I know many other people's as well.

So if you like War of the World, The Time Machine, anything with time travel, the Invisible Man (and on and on), cult movies, and or anything that plays on the sci-fi channel, show some recpect today, and read an H.W. Wells book (or watch a movie adaptation)

(He was also one of the first writer's to write about women liberation, eons before it was hip. :3 He's a cool dude, him.)

27th September 2009, 07:36 PM
The other day was William Faulkner's birthday! He wrote "The Sound and the Fury". Very interesting read.

29th September 2009, 09:56 AM
Ah yes!! ^w^ Haha, did you re-read his nook for his birthday? I watched the Time Machine and talked about Doctor Who under my walking buddies abandoned me