View Full Version : Pokemon Origin Report (Suggetions wanted)

9th November 2009, 12:58 PM
Hi everyone, I'm Redfire313. I'm starting a new report discussing Pokemon and there real life/myth origins. If you have any suggestions or request, tell me here.

Master Rudy
10th November 2009, 04:42 AM
By myths and origins do you mean the real life things that some of the various Pokémon are based on? If so then good targets for the report in regards to dragons would be Charizard, Dragonite and Gyarados. Gyarados covers the classic Chinese image of a dragon pretty well. As for the other two they semi-resemble the type of dragon you'd see in a traditional fantasy setting. There's also Vulpix/Ninetails and the Japanese myths regarding multi-tailed foxes or perhaps Lapras in possible connection to the Loch Ness Monster.

I'm sure there's plenty more but those are the best ones I can come up with off the top of my head. Good luck with the report. Let us know how it goes ^_~

10th November 2009, 05:36 AM
Why are you writing the report?

10th November 2009, 06:40 AM
It's for the site, it's going to be a regular feature like the card of the week.

10th November 2009, 07:09 AM
Oh that makes sense now. Like, as in Vulpix originates from a fox... those kinds of things??

10th November 2009, 10:49 AM
Yup. I got the idea from the pokemon mag I read, but I plan on doing it on Pokemon they hadn't gone over yet.
I'm going to do the first one on Charzard (Thanks Master Ruby, I was going to do Psyduck, but Charzard was a better idea)

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
10th November 2009, 11:19 AM
Sounds interesting but I'm not quite sure yet what exactly to write about to meet your expectations. I'll wait for you to do one to get a general idea first.

10th November 2009, 11:22 AM
I'm busy all of this month, so the first one should come out near the end of Nov. I plan on doing at least 2 a month.

4th December 2009, 11:32 AM
Sorry the report isnt out yet. I'm working on it now, and it should be out by next week, if not sooner.

Mew Master
4th December 2009, 01:25 PM
Gyarados covers the classic Chinese image of a dragon pretty well.

Hate to burst your bubble there Rudy, but Gyrados is not based on an Eastern Dragon. Sure, while the evolution from Magikarp to Gyrados mimics an eastern myth, the final shape of Gyrados doesn't resemble an eastern dragon quite right however. Despite rumors that it's supposed to be a Dragon/Flying similar to Dragonite in early game development, it's status as a Water/Flying and it's over all appearance leans more towards the classic Sea Serpent montage than Eastern Dragon (Here be Dragons). And of Dragons, Rayquaza fits the Eastern Dragon better than Gyarados.

I'd be interested how you find the mythos Redfire. Should be interesting.