View Full Version : What browser do you use?

19th November 2009, 08:44 PM

I use Firefox as my main browser, and have been since it was Firebird. I even got my whole family converted.:)

Chrome is my secondary browser, that whole tabs on top thing never sat right with me. I use it mostly for testing the site and for the occasional time I need to browse the forums while not logged in.

IE, I won't touch except for testing the site.

Lady Vulpix
19th November 2009, 08:48 PM
I use mainly Firefox, sometimes Iceape (Mozilla suite included in Debian).

I've been using Mozilla-family browsers since the times of Netscape.

19th November 2009, 08:58 PM
I use Chrome, mainly because Firefox wouldn't stop crashing on me over the summer.

19th November 2009, 09:30 PM
I'm a Firefox guy. IE's my backup, which I only use in two scenarios:

1. If I'm on a website that sometimes crashes whatever browser I'm using. (During my undergrad, my university website had a page that crashed my browser 50% of the time I visited it. Worse yet, it was one of the most important pages at the university. After losing all my work many, many times, I eventually learned to open a second browser whenever I needed to use that page.)

2. If Firefox is compromised due to malware.

Yeah, IE basically just sits on my computer as an absolute backup.

19th November 2009, 09:33 PM
I use IE because aside from the aesthetics I have no fucking clue what the difference is between them all.

19th November 2009, 10:06 PM
been using firefox since around version 0.3 when it was called phoenix. :)

19th November 2009, 10:16 PM

I'm extremely picky; I've tried using Opera and loved the speed, but hated the way it would mingle with scripts and code and ruin webpages. Not a big fan of Safari either due to the lack of add-ons and themes.

e; I love Greasemonkey. :keke:

Pichu Luver
19th November 2009, 10:49 PM
I also use Firefox. I was a IE user until that security issue happened in the spring I think it was. I was working on the Uni's computers and clicked on Firefox to see what it was like. It was faster and didn't crash as often as IE did on me so I switched. Then converted everyone in the house. :P

20th November 2009, 11:00 PM
I use Firefox, but I like Opera's lightweight look and fast loading time.

If I was using the KDE desktop thought, Konqueror would be my preferred browser.

I never really liked IE

23rd November 2009, 07:32 PM
Long live Netscape 7.2!

I refuse to change, despite now no longer being able to see my Yahoo homepage. The plus was Flash 10 is compatiable with 7.2 (Flash 9 wasn't and crashed it).

23rd November 2009, 10:12 PM
Chrome. Firefox loads too slow for my taste, so I switched.

23rd November 2009, 10:42 PM
I used IE, then Firebird, then Opera, and now I've been on Firefox for a number of years.

23rd November 2009, 11:59 PM
Firefox all the way baby! :P

I tried Chrome because I got it as a package deal with Google Earth. Liked the fast page loading, but it didn't mesh well with my operating system so I removed it.
Then Firefox came out with its latest version, and it works just as fast as the Chrome with better features.

I think it was kainashi's praising Firefox in the first place that convinced me to switch from IE to the Firefox browser. Thanks John. :)

Crystalmaster Mike
30th November 2009, 12:28 PM
I'm on IE8. Basically, out of habit. I've got IEPro installed for the convenience of the homepage it offers, but that's about it.
I might consider switching, come to think. It's really slow the first time you start it/open a new tab.