View Full Version : What should I blog?

20th March 2010, 09:01 AM
All my posts seem to start the same... and be similar things... Why do I always come to you, TPM, for advice? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS. Best friends EVER.


My friend started a blog. It's called a Reason to Cook. She's blogging about going through a cookbook. It sounds boring to most people, but I think its a cool idea. Probably because I'm a big nerd or something along those lines. Either way, now I want to blog. But I don't know what to blog about....

I want a challenge or something. What should I take up? What "project" should I blog? Any suggestions TPM?

20th March 2010, 10:44 AM
The cook book idea does sound pretty entertaining. I wouldn't mind doing a blog either. Sometimes I just wish motivation was always there, that I believed in my writing and had more of an array of ideas. I love to write.

Anyway, maybe you should do a blog about living a different lifestyle for a week, or a month? Something that you have never been used to before? Adjusting to a whole new set of life circumstances? I dunno man calm down

20th March 2010, 12:04 PM
There's gotta be something you like that you can blog about.

20th March 2010, 01:29 PM
You should blog about tacos.

20th March 2010, 02:16 PM
Blog whatever you're thinking. It could be a short twitter-like thingy or a brain-dump. V:

20th March 2010, 02:31 PM
You should blog about tacos.

^ this

20th March 2010, 04:03 PM
You should blog about tacos.

Go to all the restaurants in your area that serve tacos, and try each one. Have all of your friends make tacos for you, and try them. then rate each one, and make a comprehensive list of the best/worst tacos in your area.

20th March 2010, 04:18 PM
The best blogs are about things you have a passion for. There are a few out there about reading and writing... what do you offer that's unique and interesting?

One of my favourite blogs was from a girl who tried to blog something every day. Out of necessity, it became some real 'stream of consciousness' stuff. Quite interesting.

20th March 2010, 05:21 PM
Find someone, take a picture and try to write a day in their life.

That's the blog.

20th March 2010, 05:45 PM
Blog about blogging. Take it to the next level of irony, some meta irony if you will.

and the next level of boring.

20th March 2010, 08:12 PM
I will blog about finding something to blog.


20th March 2010, 10:09 PM
I agree with everything in this thread.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
21st March 2010, 02:31 AM
Funny, I was coloring some pictures yesterday with my laptop while preparing dinner. It made me think 'How does a computer fit in a kitchen?'. And here I got the answer. I myself must admit that I have always some difficulties when I have to cook. Your friend's idea sounds good, so go for it.

About the repeating posts, don't worry about it. It's something I came through as well. I felt I just repeated everything I said over and over. To get a rid of it, you must bring more of your personality to your posts. Perhaps even more openly than before. Of course there are repeative topics, too, where the easiest answers are repeative replies. But remember, we write these things for our fun, don't we?

21st March 2010, 05:59 AM
For fun yes but also to rant. Which just happens to turn out really badly in a lot of cases.

21st March 2010, 06:41 AM
Funny, I was coloring some pictures yesterday with my laptop while preparing dinner. It made me think 'How does a computer fit in a kitchen?'. And here I got the answer. I myself must admit that I have always some difficulties when I have to cook. Your friend's idea sounds good, so go for it.

About the repeating posts, don't worry about it. It's something I came through as well. I felt I just repeated everything I said over and over. To get a rid of it, you must bring more of your personality to your posts. Perhaps even more openly than before. Of course there are repeative topics, too, where the easiest answers are repeative replies. But remember, we write these things for our fun, don't we?

That's very true. And everyones personality is highly complex with an array of different aspects which is what makes most human beings so interesting and unique.

23rd March 2010, 08:09 AM
I thought of a few things to blog :)

- My prac teaching experience. Although I can't exactly name schools or students, I thought it would be good fun to blog that.

- HeartGold ! when I finally get it! :D

- set myself a challenge for the year... whether it be to write several novels or read several books or watch through a TV series and blog what I think of each episode.... lalala....

- cooking :)

- etc.

Yay so happy.

First I will do assignments

24th March 2010, 01:02 AM
If you have some free time in your week you could do some regularly scheduled volunteer work and write about your experiences with that. If school wasn't currently murdering me right now I'd love to volunteer at the local animal shelter or natural history museum. Helping out with things I love, making a difference, raising awareness... I could write a lot I bet.

Or pick up a hobby you've never ever tried. Knitting, decorating, badminton, painting, start a collection... even if it's a total failure it'd be an interesting read. :)

24th March 2010, 07:40 AM
True true. I already have a billion cow ornamants. I could keep collecting those. I'm such a hoarder that I don't think I want to buy more useless things! :(

Does anyone else blog?

25th March 2010, 04:55 PM
I started a blog doing reviews of albums I like, but I only update it like once every two months, because blogging gets very tedious after the second post.

25th March 2010, 07:49 PM
can you post a link to it?

25th March 2010, 08:29 PM
I have a blog that is of very little interest to many people.

10th April 2010, 06:30 PM
can you post a link to it?


10th April 2010, 06:58 PM
Does anyone else blog?
I have a fairly tame general blog about anything. Only time it really got a response was when someone wrote a shitty review about a play I was in, so I countered with a shitty review of her review and she cracked the shits and started a comment-based argument that I thoroughly enjoyed winning at every interval...

If anyone's interested, here's the review in question...
I made a comment to this blog, which she deleted.

And my review review.
As you can see, I allowed her to comment as much as she liked! :)