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View Full Version : Poll: What Did You Name Yourself/Rivals/Other Chars in Your Games? (2010 Edition)

Starry Might
22nd March 2010, 12:07 PM
LOL, I added the edition thingy 'cause this similar questions have been asked before long ago. :heh:

I was originally gonna ask in the "HeartGold/SoulSilver" what you guys and gals named the rival, but then I decided it would be better

Player Character (referred to for the rest of my post as "PC"): My real name (NO I'M NOT TELLING :P).
Rival: "Gary" (anime reference).

PC: Pre-battery death: My real name. | Post-battery replacement: "Kevin" (what my name would have been if I had been a boy).
Rival: Both times: "Blake" (I just thought that was an good name for him).

PC: My real name. (And since this is the first "Pokemon" game with a gender choice, it actually fits the character! :lol:)
Rival: "Blake" (again).

PC: My real name.
Rival: "Gary" (anime reference...again).

PC: My real name.
I don't think there's anyone else to name in "RSE", is there?

PC: My real name.
Rival: "Damian" (one of the default names which I assumed would be his "canon" name at the time...which turned out to be a wrong guess).

PC: My real name.
Rival: "Roy" (different default name that I picked simply to enable "ROY'S OUR BOY" remarks :lol:^).

^ In the interest of full disclosure, when it comes to "Fire Emblem" characters in "Smash Bros." games, I actually prefer Marth!

PC: My real name.
Rival: "Blake" (it's a Johto tradition for me ;)).

"Pokemon Colloseum"
PC: Wes (default name).
Partner: Rui (default name).

"Pokemon Battle Revolution"
My Custom Character: My real name.

Your turn! :D

22nd March 2010, 01:05 PM
I named my characters all the defaults except in D/P/Pt and HG/SS:

PC: Kauko
Rival: Kustaa

PC: Berezi
Rival: Inaki

PC: Inaki (I had intended that to be the rival's backstory of some kind)
Rival: (I don't remember)

Heart Gold
PC: Oihana
Rival: Silver (too lazy to name.)

Soul Silver
PC: Andoni
Rival: Silver (too lazy to name.)

22nd March 2010, 02:27 PM
Jeffrey or Jeff in all of my games except Yellow where I named myself Ash.

My rival, however has varied:

Red: John, one of the defaults.
Yellow: Gary
Silver/Crystal: Jack, to parallel John from Red
FireRed: John
Diamond: Barry
SoulSilver: Kamon

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
22nd March 2010, 02:52 PM
My rivals always end up being called Gary, no matter which game.

Mr. Brightside
22nd March 2010, 04:34 PM
This is so weird. I came up with the idea of making the exact same topic this morning.


PC: Ash
Rival: Gary
(it was my first Pokemon game and i had the syndrome of the protagonist XD I wanted to follow the anime story and catch Ash's Pokemon. In my defense i was thirteen or something)

PC: Allen (from D.gray man's Allen Walker)
Rival: Jun (after his manga name)

I would like to give my real name to my character but Greek and English have differences and it would make the game lame.

22nd March 2010, 07:08 PM
PC - Tierce
Rival - Cassidy (cuz he looks like a little bitch)

PC - Ross (my character in the play I was in)
Rival - Morden (the convict my character hated)

All I remember atm.

22nd March 2010, 07:39 PM
In classic Red and blue, I named myself 'Dude', coz there was no girl choice, and I didn't want to come up with a guys name.

I called my rival 'Douche'.

23rd March 2010, 08:06 AM
I usually theme my names. So , and because I start games again so often, my rivals are often named after friends or after famous people, or silly things like Poo head or something equally dumb. :D

Shadow Wolf
23rd March 2010, 11:36 AM
*activating compressed old files in brain reminiscence*

Yellow: Name:Ash

Gold: Name:Syd

Silver: Name: Syd
Rival: Silver

Crystal: Name: *smoke comes out of brain* Linda
Rival: Vector

Sapphire: Name: Louis
Reboot name: Anima
2nd reboot name: Lou

XD: Name: Wolf

Diamond: Name: Lily
Rival: Lou
Reboot name: Wolf
Rival: Leon

SoulSilver: Name: Wolf
Rival: Leo

...and that's all I remember. *has a headache*

23rd March 2010, 01:56 PM
I always named myself Barry, or Baz, and once in a while Mercury. My rival usually gets a very obscene name, a few of which are TPM appropriate, many of which are not. I think we need a special thread in Mt Moon for the grownup ones.

23rd March 2010, 06:14 PM
I've always used the name Anthony for my character, except for when I used a female character in Sapphire and Leaf Green, where I used the names Megan and Jessica.

Blue/Yellow Rival: Gary
Silver Rival: Dan
Crystal Rival: A Moron
Pearl Rival: Raoul (my favourite so far, because it just sounds so nifty)

Master Rudy
23rd March 2010, 09:31 PM
Heh....been awhile since I've seen this one yet each time I do it brings back memories. Here we go:

Rival-James (after my cousin who was always a major douchebag)

I think the better question would be who DIDN'T go with Ash and Gary on this one! :lol:

Rival-James (see above)

Fire Red
Female character-Renai (after my old warrior in WoW)
Rival-Jacen (after Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus from the Star Wars EU)

Leaf Green
Rival-Gary (been awhile since I played this gen when I got it two months ago so I wanted to go back to that anime feel while not going to obvious route with my name)

Rival-Gavin (two guesses on who this one was named after :P)

Soul Silver (still waiting on my copy from Amazon but here's how it'll be)
Me-Rudy (big surprise!)

Starry Might
24th March 2010, 11:41 AM
This is so weird. I came up with the idea of making the exact same topic this morning.
Really? Wow!

I think the better question would be who DIDN'T go with Ash and Gary on this one! :lol:
As I said in the original post, I named myself my real name, so I partially didn't do it. ;)

Reboot name: Wolf
Rival: Leon
"Can't let you do that, Star Fox!"

"Annoying bird! I am the great Leon!"


Sorry, I couldn't resist... *SWEATDROP*

Crystal Rival: A Moron

24th March 2010, 04:52 PM
I can't remember what I named everyone else up until SoulSilver, but I do remember what I named my character.

Silver: Ash
Ruby: Shonta
Fire Red: Kanna
Diamond: Shonta
Platinum: Hotaru
SoulSilver: Naomi. I named my rival...Matt. ^^;

Mikachu Yukitatsu
27th March 2010, 03:14 AM
I used to have this Japanese boom and named my characters with Japanese names. But if I start one of those games now, I use either Mikachu or one of the original ones.

The rival names I sometimes had 'jokes' like Aaaargh or something but they never came so practical like the one I used in Final Fantasy VII. There I named Aeris HEHEE and it was so funny in one scene. Tseng from Shinra had token the girl in the helicopter and Cloud yelled 'HEHEE!' after her!

27th March 2010, 04:05 PM
Player character: Ash
Rival: (I don't remember)

Main character: James
Rival: Gary

Main character: James
Rival: Gary

Player character: James
Rival: (I don't remember)

Player character: Amanda
Rival: (can't remember)

Leaf Green
Player character: Jen
Rival: Gary

Player character: Kimmy

Player character: May

Player character: Dawn
Rival: Barry

Player character: Kitty
Rival: Barry

Player character: Kitty
Rival: Barry

Heart Gold
Player character: Kitty
Rival: Soul

28th March 2010, 03:05 AM
My characters always have been called "Ifrian" on pretty much every single game i played, it is not exclusive to pkmn.
Now, for the rival name, in every single edition i played, i named him "Nasim", which is the name of my step brother.
We always had a strong rivalry when it comes to PKMN, so apart from battleing as much as we can, we tend to name our rivals after each other´s irl names.

Weasel Overlord
28th March 2010, 10:59 AM
It all depends on what mood I'm in at the time.

Me: Jant
Rival: Snow
Don't even know why Snow, but Jant is cos I was reading Steph Swainston's books at the time, and I have a right crush on Jant. <3

Me: Albert
Rival: Chris
Honestly NOT a Resident Evil theme for this one... ¬_¬ No, it is really. My Cyndaquil is called Uroboros, lawl.

Other names have been; Tryfan, Mara, various RPG characters of mine, game characters I like, book characters, or just general names I like. I tend to have more of a theme for my pokemon; like, in Platinum, my theme is demons, cos I was in a Supernatural mood. XD

Starry Might
29th March 2010, 11:40 AM
Me: Albert
Rival: Chris
Honestly NOT a Resident Evil theme for this one... ¬_¬ No, it is really. My Cyndaquil is called Uroboros, lawl.
LOL, when I saw your name in the Last Post section, I figured that something like this would be in your reply. ;) Awesome! :D

Personally, though, I think "Albert" would be better for the rival...because in a way, they sort of kinda have something in common... (That, and I personally like Chris Redfield...a lot. <3 ^_~)

I hate the weak. Weak trainers, weak Pokemon, I hate them all. There's too many of them. They're all so much chaff. Wheat FTEF[reaking]W!

:lol: :heh: ;)

Anyhow, I've decided that I should mention that in my "Pokemon Battle Revolution" game, I named my custom character after myself, too. Sooo, I guess that counts! (After I post this, I'm gonna update my original post accordingly.)

1st April 2010, 06:50 PM
me: (my real name)
rival: william
starter pokemon (totodile): squirtle

19th April 2010, 06:44 PM
Fire Red: Gary
Leaf Green: Gary
Crystal: ??? (I didn't know we were actually naming him :( )
Pearl: Tommy

SoulSilver: Douche. This ones my favorite lol.

And the player name was Ash, for ALL OF THEM. Not very creative to say the least.

21st April 2010, 08:36 AM
I'm a big fan of the show Lost, and since the series is almost over and since I just started to new game of Crystal, I named myself Jacob and my rival MiB.

I've also gone to naming my Pokémon after other Lost characters. Like my Miltank is Hurley, my female Chikorita is Claire, etc.

Starry Might
21st April 2010, 09:31 AM
I'm a big fan of the show Lost, and since the series is almost over and since I just started to new game of Crystal, I named myself Jacob and my rival MiB.

I've also gone to naming my Pokémon after other Lost characters. Like my Miltank is Hurley, my female Chikorita is Claire, etc.
Nice! (I've only seen part of the first season, myself.)

Wouldn't "Hurley" be better suited for Snorlax, however (IMO)? ;)

Oh, and welcome to you and the other two people above you! :D