View Full Version : homeofmew/ t32~ Southern Plains Regionals 2010

20th April 2010, 04:54 PM
name homeofmew/ Tina Michie
place: Southern Plain Regionals 2010, Houston, Texas/ USA

deck: Donphan/Champ

I built this deck around 12 35 am on April 17th, while on ventrilo. Got to bed around 1 am and got up around 4 am. And got home around Midnight on the 18th

r1. (W) vs Curse Gar

This guy was pretty tough, despite the fact I reminded him to use maternal comfort. But he was a really cool guy. He actually was about to try to win on a fainting spell but I got Relicanth out to snip his expert belted cures gar (lv xed too) for the win.

r2. (W) vs LUX CHOMP

2 baltoy start, luckily I get a supporter and start setting up, he can't draw cyrus for his life and when he eventually got one it was way to late. I think he also forgot that 90+20 = 110 and knocks Garchomp C x out in 1 hit :/

r3. (W) vs CURSE GAR

This guy also used cursegar and again i almost lost because gengar is mean D= but again I was able to snipe with relicanth for the win

r4. (L) I Flip Heads Fainting Spell xD

This guy was smarter than the other Gengar players >=) played 1 unown g the whole time and let that pokemon faint and did not play 1 more. he also got 2 heads on fainting spell. D= I didn't care much that game anyway cause I was getting nothing =[

r5. (W) vs LuxChomp

had toxi fighting g start. i had something pretty bad too I forgot.
I got to go second and start building up. I think he missed a few early energy drops and a small misplay. I was able to Machmap around for a few turns too =]

r6 (W) Luxray Bolt

Weakness killed him the entire game with his rare candies hating him, me sniping his whismer early on was pretty mean of me D= playing 4 switchs really did help =D

r7 (W) vs CHAMP

He hot strong willed (heads) x3 I end up killing it with machoke when needed, it was a close game but ended up winning becuase of machoke.

r8 (L) vs LUX CHOMP

power sprayed uxie set up for possible t2 donphan.
couldn't get anything out, should of gotten a 2nd uxie.

t32 vs fly champ

g1. regirock start he goes 2nd t1 champ

g2 i end up getting t1 donphan and get a few kills in, but he gets call energy and gets set up, and flygon was way to much damage with champ.

" homeofmew / Tina Michie at table 1!?" - Mike Cook

expensive soda
t1 champ with roseannes and switch in hand.

Best Judge Award: Jeff Harris, the guy pilled out a bandaid out of nowhere thanks dude =]