View Full Version : teachers

25th June 2010, 12:00 AM
I am now six months into my Masters of Teaching. I've done two pracs, taught a few hundred students, dealt with the ones who beg for more work, and the ones who beg for no work, been sworn at, spat at, laughed at, and been a friend and enemy to many kids. It's a great job and it absolutely sucks

EITHER WAY I didn't want to talk about being a teacher

Several questions / discussion points / whatever

- Best teachers and why?

- Worst teachers and why?

- Memorable moments you've had with teachers - good or bad?

- Etc etc. I don't care for these discussion points. I just want to whine about being a teacher and hear some stories (and its good for activity so there)

Mikachu Yukitatsu
25th June 2010, 01:40 AM
Oh I liked school. I had some good teachers.

Like my history teacher when I was at yläaste. Yläaste is a school Finns normally go from the age of 13 to the age of 15. I liked his style. I also liked my Mathematics teacher, who was really into his work.

Then I went to lukio, and teachers were even better there. I had this one teacher who taught Psychology, Religion and Philosophy. He had great ideas.

Last but certainly not least, I must mention the other Psychics and Mathematics teacher form lukio. He was somewhere around 60 years old and told stories and jokes among the classes. I believe he doesn't teach anymore, and I really miss him.

25th June 2010, 01:47 AM
I had several but I'm gonna stick to ones from college.

My best teacher so far has been my Java instructor, he's a pretty cool guy. We crack jokes with him all the time and he never minds.

We have a couple of in-jokes with him for whenever we see him in class.

Not to mention he knows what pokemon is (I used a kingler as a "crab" in one of my pages, LOL, I still can't believe he knew it was from pokemon).

Mikachu Yukitatsu
25th June 2010, 10:42 AM
I don't know if my headmaster in lukio knew about Pokemon, but there was this tasty incident which kinda regarded TPM. I used to spend a lot of time at school, but instead of classes, I went to TPM and was often late because I was stuck in writing replies and stuff in the computer classrooms.

This was also the case when almost every single other student took the voluntary English language course. It was a course for preparations for Ylioppilaskirjoitukset, the final test in Finnish lukio. I had two English teachers and both of them thought at first that I surely was in another course, but no. When they eventually found that out, I just said I had my own means to prep my English, meaning TPM and playing videogames.

The listening comprehension went bad on my part, and I incidentially heard my headmaster talking to the younger students. I heard him telling them about me, that I didn't take the course and that I had said I had my own means to study, but my performance had dropped. He was using my situation as a bad example. Well a couple of days later, I had the literal part of the examination. I got an eximia from the whole deal. Not the best grade, but the second best.

25th June 2010, 05:00 PM
my favorite teacher ever is my old sophomore English teacher from high school, a woman who wasn't afraid to lash out at shitty writers and tell it how it is. definitely changed my perspective on the overall writing process.