View Full Version : Afghanastan War

21st October 2010, 12:44 AM
What do you guys think about the Afghanistan War? In Australia, our federal parliament is currently having a debate about our role there -- whether we should stay or go, the main purposes for being there etc.


21st October 2010, 09:19 AM
An interesting point: the government claims that our troops are over there to protect us from terrorists. Doesn't our involvement put us at greater risk of terrorist attack? And how exactly are our troops protecting us if they're over on the other side of the world??

Government justifications are disgusting.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
21st October 2010, 10:19 AM
A war you can never win unfortunately. You can at best prevent losing it if you stay in that country for generations but who'd want that?

I'd try a ploy, withdraw all troops and when the Taliban come out to take over the country mount a major attack again on them once more and occupy it again right away ... of course that would be a logistic and monetary disaster. ;P

21st October 2010, 06:54 PM
Australia in a war? The Hell would you guys do, throw empty beer bottles and your endless supply of killer plants, animals, and rocks out of airplanes flying over the country you were fighting?

Also, it's Afghanistan. My geography is getting angry over this point of discussion that has not yet been addressed in this topic.

22nd October 2010, 09:09 AM
Australia in a war? The Hell would you guys do, throw empty beer bottles and your endless supply of killer plants, animals, and rocks out of airplanes flying over the country you were fighting?

All I'm gonna say is: our special services is so hardcore they lose more people training than fighting..

22nd October 2010, 02:06 PM