View Full Version : C~Dub Special "Battle": C~Dub VS Dogfish44 (Ref: Needed)

2nd January 2011, 03:50 PM
Hello there! I was browsing the Safari Zone and an interesting type of "battle" popped into my head.

Essentially the way it would take place is my challenger and I would both choose Pokemon like in a normal battle, but rather than have our Pokemon actually battle the two Pokemon would go through two separate sixteen story buildings until the reach the top floor to push a a button. Why would they do this?, you might ask, because each Pokemon is wearing a special harness that will KO them if their opponent pushes the button on their roof. You may now be thinking, that this sounds much too easy. Don't worry, there's a few catches. First of all, the building is a no fly zone, so you can't just have your Pokemon fly to the roof (That also means your Pokemon can't use Teleport to get to the roof). Secondly, the building is made of an indestructible material, so all of you with Fighting Pokemon can't just bust through the floors. And finally, there's major obstacles in your Pokemon's path. Each floor represents one of the types in Pokemon and the roof represents normal and the ref will put them into random order when we start (besides the roof, of course). What are those obstacles? Well....

Bug: This floor is very dimly lit and is infested with huge spider webs, unnaturally large bee hives, fire ant hills, and beetle nests. A loud buzzing sound is ever-present, irritating all Pokemon that aren't Soundproof or are have Bug type and causing them to exert more energy (energy costs of moves are doubled)

Dark: This floor is pitch black and even for Dark Pokemon, it's pretty dark. Pokemon who spend too long on this floor (More than one round) begin to develop a feeling of dread and paranoia which in turn makes them spend the last action of every round after they develop these feelings brooding in their sorrowful mania.

Dragon: On this floor razor sharp dragon teeth line the floor and walls and everywhere dragon teeth is not present, the indigo flame of dragon fire is.

Electric: The blue and yellow energy of raw electricity crackles about this floor. The chancres of non-electricity Pokemon being paralyzed are higher than normal here.

Fighting: Huge boulders and heavy wooden slabs are all that block you and your Pokemon from the other side of this dojo-themed floor.

Fire: An absurdly narrow walkway connects this floors's entrance to it's exit. On both sides of the walkway lava pools and built into the walls are flamethrowers that go off every few seconds.

Flying: On this bare floor insanely strong winds blow you in the opposite direction of your destination.

Ghost: Evil spirits wander this floor, attacking anyone that come near. Other than that, the floor is completely invisible, appearing as an endless void.

Grass: A seemingly endless array of thick vines and huge leaves block your path on this floor.

Ground: Sand, mud, and ditches look to impede movement on this floor.

Ice: On this floor everything is frozen. The floors, the walls, and the extremely sharp icicles on he ceiling waiting to snap off their perch and lodge themselves into an unsuspecting Pokemon. The chances of being frozen are very slightly above normal here.

Poison: On this floor, toxic sludge is splattered around the room and poisonous gas hangs thick in the air. The chances of being poisoned are very high.

Psychic: On this floor every step to take randomly teleports you to a different part of the floor. Chances of getting confused are high.

Rock: Gravel, boulders, and rocks are scattered across the room with more rocks flowing in through some unseen entrance.

Steel: Machinery is everywhere in this room, gears, grinders, chopping blades, swinging rods. Try not to get caught.

Water: This room is filled with water and all sorts of creatures, from sharks to snails. It also has a current that randomly changes itself at a moments notice.

So who is up for a "battle" with me? Challenger will send out first and then we'll have to wait for a ref that's daring enough to take this special match.

2nd January 2011, 05:02 PM
I'm in!

I'll go with Karma, my male Kecleon (Color Change)

2nd January 2011, 05:54 PM
Excellent! I'll send out Sol my Solrock. Now we need only wait for a ref.

3rd January 2011, 12:12 PM
bro, theres 17 types. the one you forgot is normal
cool place though :)

3rd January 2011, 07:24 PM
bro, theres 17 types. the one you forgot is normal
cool place though :)

Hello there! I was browsing the Safari Zone and an interesting type of "battle" popped into my head.

. . .

Each floor represents one of the types in Pokemon and the roof represents normal and the ref will put them into random order when we start


4th January 2011, 06:12 PM
Would DL be interested in C~Dub's battle? C~Dub promises C~Dub will stop talking in third person :D

4th January 2011, 06:40 PM
Nope. I got 13. When I get down to ten, and if this is still hanging...then maybe?

23rd January 2011, 10:46 PM
Still no ref? D:

29th January 2011, 12:21 PM

5th February 2011, 03:52 AM
*Spreads Deluxe Ref Food on the floor*

Come on guys, I don't want this left hanging.

5th February 2011, 07:41 AM
Few questions?

1) If they're not battling, then wtf are they doing? Is it a race? Cause it would seem that you are asking us to just write up a race scenario(Pokeathalon status.) Granted this can be done-but I don't understand how this would work. Think that's why no one picked this up yet.

5th February 2011, 12:00 PM
I imagined it to be similar to the Race Battle that Mew Master used - You both climb and fight. And also have to deal with obstacles.

8th February 2011, 09:06 PM
It's just as Dogfish said.

12th February 2011, 05:44 AM
*Sprinkles ULTRA Deluxe ref food on the floor*

20th February 2011, 05:13 AM
Final bump.

If this battle hits page 2 again I'm calling it null and void.

1st March 2011, 12:11 PM
C~Dub hasn't been on in a while, and this isn't getting a ref.

Can I just scrap this battle then?

1st March 2011, 06:24 PM
(sigh) yeah oh well...