View Full Version : Pokemon Black and White Dsi bundles are going to be in stores very soon, guys!

23rd February 2011, 06:27 PM
"March 6 will no doubt be a special day when the latest generation of Pokemon games launches with Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version. If you want to make that day just a little more special, you can grab yourself one of the snazzy bundles pictured left.

Each bundle will come with a version of the game, with a matching DSi sporting new legendary Pokemon Reshiram and Zekrom etched on them. Rounding out the bundle is a custom Pokemon carrying case for your system. Playing the game on a DSi also allows you to use the new video chat feature in the game, the Xtransceiver. The package will sell for a $179.99 suggested price."

From www.warpzoned.com

Mikachu Yukitatsu
23rd February 2011, 10:37 PM
Sounds intriguing! I believe the one I pre-ordered isn't this bundle though, although I'm on a bad habit of getting something other than I ordered when it comes to videogames.

24th February 2011, 04:52 PM
Just three weeks before the 3DS comes out States-wide.

Good old Nintendo.

Cammy White
26th February 2011, 06:33 AM
I already own a DSi XL and would really benefit more from a DS Lite, but for some reason I want one of the DSi bundles.

I'm such a sucker for special editions :(

26th February 2011, 05:51 PM
That DSi definitely looks pretty sweet...but nothing is wrong with my DS lite for now...*grabs hammer*

27th February 2011, 03:19 PM
Good luck with that. My DS Lite fell 4 stories and the only thing that broke was the hinge.

Dat Nintendium, man.