View Full Version : Procrastinators unite! ...tomorrow...

15th June 2011, 03:43 PM
We're having a rocky period of adjustment at work lately. At the moment there are 3 of us at my branch and we're expanding to 5. We hired one for three days, then found out he had a record and promptly got rid of him. I tried to get a friend of mine a job, and amidst the dozens of applications we got, my boss even offered him one... but then he failed a drug test. He was supposed to start training today, but we only got the news about the drug test yesterday. I feel like this made me look like an idiot that hangs out with the wrong kind of people, and I'm pretty disappointed in him, both of which I told him. I haven't heard back from him since.

So we called another guy, told him to be at my shop by 9:30 am. He never showed. We moved down the list to the fourth most liked candidate, and he said he couldn't be there until 2 pm, which left me holding the bag in my shop for almost two hours after I was done with the other trainee (thank God he made it through screening). Why? He needed a nap... maybe more than a job. I dunno. He arrived late even for that.

He's friends with one of the other two guys here, by the way, and that current employee was told this past Monday to take a driver's test online - he was given all the resources to do it and encouraged to do it soon. "Soon" apparently means "four days from now" to this guy; he told my boss today, after considerable hocking, that he was planning on doing it tomorrow evening and have the results Friday morning.

I've already bitched about my writing issues in another thread, so I'll simply leave it at this: distraction gets to me and I put it off for intolerable amounts of time.

Is there anyone else here who's having similar issues in the daily grind with relation to tardiness or procrastination? How do you deal with the inevitable frustration that results? (Before any replies come, I wish to note that anybody who answers "I drink a lot" is really not using their imagination.)

Shadow Wolf
16th June 2011, 07:11 AM
That reminds me of the quote I read at Fett's profile ("There's no excuse for laziness, but I'm working on it.")

Anyway, on to the topic... In my case, I somehow got used to leaving things to the last minute, or even not doing anything at all (even if it carries a heavy burden, like a bad grade). But I found out that I have two reasons for doing that: Either I find the job too easy or too much time consuming, or either I find out that, even if I do the "homework", I won't learn anything from doing it.

So, my way to handle the frustration is either to find something to distract me (videogames), or just wait for time to pass (no one will be telling me that I got a bad grade for more than a month or two).

Yeah, I know it's somehow of a idiotic way of thinking... but no one complains about it, and society is not affected by my behavior (again, an even more idiotic way of thought). The one affected by my decisions is myself, and I've learned to deal with the consequences.

However, something off-topic that does frustrate me is that... I can leave something to the last minute, do a quick work on the day before, give an oral report about it, and still get good grades.

16th June 2011, 10:39 PM
Eh, I'll type up my post for this tomorrow...

17th June 2011, 06:21 AM
Wow, how much more formulaic a response could I have asked for?

17th June 2011, 06:24 AM
I had a response typed out, but then I realized I hadn't eaten. That was 36 hours ago :/

Will get this up when I get home.

17th June 2011, 11:31 PM