View Full Version : Sketch Exchange and Fan Art Shared

13th July 2011, 09:54 AM
Hi all,

It's been years since I've shared my artwork on a forum. Most new work that I do tends to go up on my web site. I used to do a lot of commissioned artwork, but as I became more dedicated to the academy- and subsequently, less interested in drawing other people's characters, I rarely do that anymore. :)

To get some activity going on this forum, it would be fun to do a sketch exchange. As an example, I'm sharing a piece I worked on today. I don't plan to work on it any more, since it's just a simple fan drawing and not something I really want to invest any more time on. Characters are Kain and Cecil from Final Fantasy IV.

Let me know if any of you are interested in doing an art sketch exchange! If enough people are interested, I'd be happy to take a lead in organizing the details (i.e., if we want to do a themed exchange, amount of time we should spend, etc.). Looking forward to your ideas and thoughts.

(Edit to this post: The quality of the thumbnail of the drawing doesn't look good. As such, if you want to view a clearer version of the image, it's here: http://lucentcanvas.com/wp-content/gallery/sketches/cecilkain_sketch_july132011.jpg).

7th November 2011, 11:51 AM
This is a good idea, I'd be up for it after the NaNowrimo since most of my free time will prob be spent doing that XD

7th November 2011, 07:33 PM
Holy moly, I got a response! Admittedly, I'm not good at organizing forum events, so I recognize that now. But yes, let's do an exchange if nothing else! I'm up for drawing just about anything :D December then?

7th November 2011, 08:31 PM
Sounds good! And hey, we can always use this as like a christmas type gift exchange thing. You are posting something wanting to create more events and I think that great so don't stop doing that ;D

8th November 2011, 09:37 PM
Perfect-- let's plan to do it! Think of ideas if there's something you know you want drawn :) this will be fun!!

Crystal Tears
9th November 2011, 12:49 PM
So, we just, draw something for one another and then exchange the art?

I haven't drawn in a long while, but I wouldn't mind doing this. I have a scanner now so I should be able to do something.

27th November 2011, 11:58 PM
That's what I'm thinking, Crystal! Maybe we can get one more participant? (Mika, I'm looking at you! ;) ).

It might even be fun to share progress pics of how the pictures go. So, let's say Asilynne sends me a description of what she wants drawn, and I could post the sketch and she can give feedback along the way. Or it could just be a surprise at the end. I'm up for anything!

Mikachu Yukitatsu
28th November 2011, 03:05 AM
Did someone just mention me? OK, I'm in!

28th November 2011, 09:31 PM
Awwww yay!:)

4th December 2011, 06:48 PM
Hi all! I think now is a good time to start putting our requests in. Asi, what would you like me to draw for you? Please feel free to be as descriptive as you'd like if you have something specific :D

As for me, I'm pretty flexible- something holiday themed would be cute. :)

5th December 2011, 08:29 AM
Hmmm well this might be a boring request XD but I'm collecting portraits drawn of Ben and I ^-^() We want to decorate the reception with them, as for specifics...well, lets go with an illustration from my nano story which I'm still writing XD

My character in this type of uniform: http://www.cmhg.gc.ca/cmh/book_images/high/v3_c1_s06_ss01_01.jpg only with wings above the heart, and you can change the style around to fit what an american air force (if it was still a british colony) would look like from the 19th century. It can have a flag on one of the arms, the stripes like the american flag but instead of blue and stars it would have the union jack.

Ben's char would be wearing something like: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MgbghVe3vl8/TlDBvbUjCWI/AAAAAAAADOE/oY6C5bfA1SM/s1600/Moari+Wars.jpg only without the hat, gun and that weird light blue thing. You have creative license again but it should be plainer than the british one, and the flag instead of the traditional australian one should be: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_x3YBofVUADM/TGLAiszNMzI/AAAAAAAAB6Q/qa69keYrSoQ/s1600/640px-Eureka_Flag.svg.png

I'd like them both be standing next to each other, looking in the same direction with a serious face and this whole feeling that they are two people thrown into a war on opposite sides but not really enemies per se lol An epic essence. And a steampunk looking airship in the background. If thats too much let me know ^-^() Also give me an idea of the sorts of things you like, I want to make sure you like it :)

Mikachu Yukitatsu
5th December 2011, 10:07 AM
I don't know if I can do such a dramatic image, but I might want to try Asilynne's request as well if I become inspired enough.

Also, I have a request, too! This may end up as my January signature, and I have never had a sig made by another TPMer before.

So the Finnish Presidential election is going to take place next year. I would like Paavo Lipponen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paavo_Lipponen) dressed up as Saruman from The Lord Of The Rings, battling Paavo Väyrynen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paavo_V%C3%A4yrynen) dressed up as Gandalf. Lipponen will yell: "You have elected the DEAD END!!" while Väyrynen shouts "UNION shall not pass!!" Of course, this may be too political picture. I actually have tried this drawing myself already, but didn't quite like the result and that's why I need your help.

You should be able to find more pictures of both Paavo Lipponen and Paavo Väyrynen from Google.

Finally, if you want relatively new live footage stuff, for instance THIS (http://areena.yle.fi/video/1320956533566). But watch it as soon as possible, it has only 6 broadcast days left.

5th December 2011, 09:52 PM
Awesome, Asilynne! I'm excited to work on yours. I'll work on the sketch and post progress pics for you along the way. What should the characters be standing on? Is it a war-torn scene? That's kind of the sense I'm getting (background idea sounds awesome- I'll see what I can do!).

As for mine....well, how about a variation on the Becky & Pikachu sig that Mika drew for me? It could be totally different, however you'd want to do it. I have no preferences on poses, something cute and happy though!

Ooh, Mikachu, yours would be a real challenge for me, but I'm going to keep it in mind and try to do a couple of sketches if I have time. A challenge is good though!

Y'all are making me so excited to draw more often. :)

6th December 2011, 12:13 AM
Yeah :) or a deck of an airship with smoke and weapons fire in the bg, either one is great :) I already have an idea for yours!

Crystal Tears
8th December 2011, 06:04 PM
I don't really have any requests, but i'm open to them? I don't know when I'll get to them because I'm drawing two pics for christmas presents for friends and they're taking up priority. Um, an example of my art...

Durgon 4 ye (http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvstk7m2xV1r7gtjro1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId =AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1323475327&Signature=xxgacp09dguL5eRJJLTzSuxtlJ8%3D). It's the only example i have that's recent. I'm not showing my other recent drawings because one's not done and the other I don't like. >.>

My only thing: I don't draw multiple people. As I'm still trying to get comfortable drawing them. Asi and Samchu have seen my people, and they seem to think they're alright but still... No multiples please? XD

Mikachu Yukitatsu
1st January 2012, 06:44 AM
Never mind, I did it myself.

But I don't like the result.

Lady Vulpix
2nd January 2012, 02:57 PM
You call that image a sketch? Not a completed work? That's an amazing drawing!

I would like to participate. I host a similar exchange on another forum, except there it's any form of art, not just drawings. Each round takes 4 weeks, which gives enough time for most of the participants to finish their work.