View Full Version : For people who care

19th August 2011, 01:04 PM
No actually, you should all fucking care. It's an hour long, so if you got time give it a go, seriously.


Our forcs are our weapons!

Mikachu Yukitatsu
20th August 2011, 12:01 AM
I'm watching it right now and am going to watch the whole deal, except that I went to fetch coffee in one phase. This was interesting, and I don't only mean as a Dutch lesson.

Nice start for an enviromental protection debate. It's effective, the underwater world is amazing, we should really do something about the situation.

But I have some dilemna here, I know people whose hobby is fishing, and I have also caught a few fishes in my life. One I just left in the beach when I was 12, the other I ate myself last June. I refuse to stop eating fish. It's good for brains, and I suffer from the lack of them.

Luckily it's the big industry that is to blame, not me fishing once every year.

20th August 2011, 04:59 AM
Well, I'm not against eating fish. Their solution might be a bit extreme, but it's because we've let it come this far. I mean look at the numbers, if we kept on fishing like this there is no more edible fish by 2048. That's fucking thirty years man!

If at least one person starts thinking about this shit after watching this video, I'm glad.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
20th August 2011, 10:35 AM
If I caught them right, we should eat plankton instead of Omega-3. Sounds sensible to me, the whole industry is bluffing.

Then, as a less serious note:


22nd August 2011, 12:31 PM

Summarize it in one sentence.

22nd August 2011, 01:06 PM
blademaster needs a summation due to his short term memory.

22nd August 2011, 04:38 PM
No, just watch it.

23rd August 2011, 12:32 PM
My craptop is dead, remember? I don't have an hour to spare on this stuff. Just give me the lowdown and I'll watch it when I get a new computer.

24th August 2011, 03:10 AM
It's about how commercial fishing is really destroying the fish in our oceans. 2/3rd of our world are oceans and if we don't stop fishing like we do now, the sea will be depleted by 2048. That means all edible fish gone. Can you imagine that? Fish don't have the time to reproduce, and fishing nets destroy coral reefs and other places where babyfish need time to grow.

Furthermore it's about fish-oil and how it's useless (it's used in loads of medicine, supposedly increasing concentration, balance, whatever). It's also made from fish, whereas they don't even produce the oil! It comes from the plankton that they eat.

Fish mines aren't a solution, since they feed fish mines (and chickens and pigs) with fish-flour or whatever it's called. They make fish eat fish! That's been illegal since what, 2002? For pigs, chicken, etc, but never for fish. And now there also giving fish to other animals.

And some more, I can't remember it all.

I mean, we stop fishing for about 20 years or so to save the species in the seas - no - to save ourselves for crying out load. I can get that you're not all "oh let's save the world", but if fish would go, millions would be without food.

Kyoto-protocol, and other 'eco-decisions' are bullshit, since they strife for 2020 or something because of economic intentions. I can understand that, since this will cause major unemployment, but we need to do something!

Though situations man, but still we need to start thinking about this shit. Fucking hurricanes all over the place are the proof that our Earth is really starting to go 'day after tomorrow', maybe only in 40 years but I'd like to think that we can stop it (or atleast delay it).

We fucked the world, now we need to fix it.