View Full Version : Muse ~ April 2010

30th April 2010, 11:08 PM

April 2010


Best Lines
mr_pikachu (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1188)
Who's got the sharpest wit of '10? The answer is inside.

Conversations with the Stars: Bulbasaur4 (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=87)
Lady Vulpix (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=160)
Find the inspiration that drives this fan favorite.

Outside Eye Feature Fanfic: My Immortal
PancaKe (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=401)
What lies beyond the walls of TPM? We show you what the rest of the online world has to offer.

Top Five: Books That Have Inspired Weasel Overlord (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=3555)
mr_pikachu (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1188)
Check out the New Year’s Resolutions of Fanfiction’s senior moderator.

Why Write Fan Fiction?
Chris 2.1 (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=5518)
Rediscover your passion for the craft in this issue's feature article.

April 2010 Writing Contest
mr_pikachu (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1188)
Test your skills against the best writers of the forum.

Editor’s Note
mr_pikachu (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1188)

Welcome to this issue of the Muse! It's our pleasure to offer the finest reporting, literary advice, and social commentary to be found on TPM. Whether you're looking for personal inspiration, a test of your own skills, or a brief respite from the writing process, you're sure to find it with us.

Best Regards,

Best Lines of the Month
Pichu Luver (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=473)

It's time, once again, to count down the top five lines of the quarter! Here are your winners:

Fifth Place
“It’s…” Solonn began, but found himself almost immediately at a near-loss for words. He tried to describe it, thinking upon the sensation, calling on memories of past experiences with it to study within his mind… and as he did so, he found himself falling into the sensation in the present. The ice on the floor before him answered the unintentional call of those straying thoughts, snaking upward and resuming the helical shape it had held in that very spot before, with little wispy projections emerging from the main body of the sculpture and another, smaller helix rising up through the center of it.
Communication (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16458), by Sike Saner (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=4890)

Fourth Place
“As blood and mangled flesh painted his chest and face, he smiled. It was going to be an amusing contest after all.
Deathmatch (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=18775), by Evil_Mewf0ur (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=800)

Third Place
“But really,” Jack found himself adding all of a sudden, “haven’t you ever felt restless? Like you want to get into a fight and win, and to show the world what you can do? Aren’t you ever more excited by violence than you know you should be? Don’t you ever just want to solve your problems the physical way? Don’t you ever want to act?” –Jack
Morphic (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15889), by Dragonfree (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1972)

#2: “Is that a headband you’re wearing round your ass?” –Maisy's grandfather
Show Off (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=19906) by Chris 2.1 (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=5518)

Best Line of the Month
“Not a monster, just not human enough”
Only a Small Lie (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showpost.php?p=432806&postcount=636), by PancaKe (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=401)

Congratulations to our winners! Keep the brilliance coming, lest your competition take your spot on the podium next issue!

Conversations with the Stars: Ultimate Charizard (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=429)
Lady Vulpix (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=160)

Lady Vulpix: How long have you been writing?
Ultimate Charizard: RPG wise roughly 8 years or so though I did a little back in high school but nothing serious.
I've dabbled with Fics and stories of my own but nothing that ever went that far.

Lady Vulpix: When did you decide to start posting them online?
Ultimate Charizard: Well to be honest I dont so much as Post online rather than I Write them online so essentially as long as I've been coming up with ideas and writing them down I've been putting them up.
I keep nothing for myself

Lady Vulpix: Why not?
Ultimate Charizard: Im not sure. Im an ideas sort of person. I think the point of having ideas is to share them with others. that's why I like reading and watching movies/stories etc. I want to see the ideas of the writer and try to get a feel for what they were going for. Whats the point of creative writing if its just for you? May as well keep it in your head.

Lady Vulpix: That's an interesting concept. How do you feel people have responded to your ideas so far?
Ultimate Charizard: Minimally? lol. Nah ill admit my writing style is very poor, im not a grammar nazi or anything like that, I simply try to translate what I see in my head onto the page and it doesnt always work. The responses I've had so far have mostly been positive, alot of 'interesting ideas' which is what I post for and some good constructive criticism. It all helps.

Lady Vulpix: Have you tried anything in order to improve the aspects of your writing you're not content with?
Ultimate Charizard: I read alot, that's pretty much all I do. If an article pops up, especially on the site I take the time to check that out but generally I read as much as I can and try to improve my style by seeing how everyone else does it. As I said my 'style' is translating my imagination to the page which is much harder than it sounds.

Lady Vulpix: I think most people on the Fanfic forum understand how hard that is.
Do you have any reading preferences?
Ultimate Charizard: No preferences as such. Ill read most things really. Im a big Warhammer fan so I've been reading alot of the Black Library stuff which has Sci Fi action, Swords n Sorcery, Horror, Suspense and Mystery etc but to be honest as long as a story is well paced I can get along with it. The only stories I put down are the ones that take 3 chapters to actually get anything done which ironically seems to be a trap im falling into myself alot.
Although my 'chapters' are decidedly smaller.

Lady Vulpix: You've tried writing several genres too, haven't you?
Ultimate Charizard: I've tried a few, again its more about what idea springs to mind. I've done Sci Fi, Sports-Action, Dragonball and currently Psuedo-horror'

Lady Vulpix: Do you find any of them easier to write than others?
Ultimate Charizard: I tend to write original fiction though the Sports Action was based around the Blood Bowl game so with that whole universe already in place it was much easier for me to envision whats going on. I tend to liken my 'chapters' to episodes of a TV show in that I visualise them in my head as im writing. If I can visualise in my head whats going on then it tends to flow much more easily.
My main problem is the actual story progression in that I write on the fly, sometimes changing my plans on a whim which is why many of my Fics dont go that far. I confuse myself and lose my plot.

Lady Vulpix: Have you ever tried making a general outline of where you want your story to go?
Ultimate Charizard: I do have a general outline. In the one im writing at the moment for example I know where what I want to happen in the end. Its as if im going on a journey without a map. I know where I want to be but getting there is random and directionless lol.

Lady Vulpix: Speaking of your current story, what exactly is pseudo-horror, and how did you come up with it?
Ultimate Charizard: Well I call it Pseudo-Horror in kinda the same style that Ghostbusters was. Yes it was a creepy story filled with Ghosts but these guys job is to hunt Ghosts, if they freaked out everytime they see one it would be pointless being a Ghost Hunter and because of that it desensitizes(sp) the Audience to the ghosts. It becomes and action comedy rather than a horror film hence I call it Psuedo horror.
And the idea for the Story actually came to me while watching one of those Ghost Hunter shows on TV hence the opening scene. It just made me think that what if there are ghosts out there, watching what these idiots are doing and just laughing at them. Then it developed into 'what if they are and there's a whole hidden Ghostworld' just below ours. The movie Version of Silent Hill also have me... a little inspiration for that part.

Lady Vulpix: Sorry to be asking this, but why do you assume that ghosts automatically mean horror? There are many examples showing otherwise in both literature and TV.
Ultimate Charizard: Because Ghostbusters is still classified as a Comedy Horror. There are 'horror' aspects to my Fic as well. Its also making fun at the Ghost Hunter shows that despite trying to say they are looking at it scientifically are all about 'The Terrors of the afterlife!'

Lady Vulpix: This may be a weird question, but... how do you feel when you're writing?
Ultimate Charizard: Im not sure really. As I've said when I write im very visual. Everything is playing out in my head and I translate it to the page. I do try to channel any emotions that the charachters may be feeling at the time in an effort to make it feel more genuine but for the most part, if I had to choose one Emotion its excitement at getting new ideas down as well as a little apprehension hoping that... others will enjoy my ideas as much as I do.

Lady Vulpix: Going back to your Dragon Ball fic, was it hard to post fanfiction about a different anime on a (mainly) Pokemon forum?
Ultimate Charizard: Not really. When I joined the site it was for the Pokemon stuff. Info, tips, team ratings etc so I never ventured into any of the creative forums. Eventually I poked my head in to rpg and signed up for a Pokemon School RP that got my interest for writing.
After that the RPG I most enjoyed and to this day, the only one I've been in that completed (2 full Saga's infact) was Dragonball VG. Now sadly most of that original cast has moved on but I still hold the same love and imagination of the series so when I moved into writing Fic's it seemed like an obvious subject to try. Especially as it was essentially developing into an Origins story for my old charachter from VG. Infact I may try that again and dedicate it to an Origin format.

Lady Vulpix: Yes, many people have moved on. Luckily, others have joined too. How do you feel about the changes among TPM's member list throughout the years?
Ultimate Charizard: It doesnt really bother me all that much. Admittedly those I talk with most are considered the 'veterans' of the forum but its not to say I dont like any of our newbies. Like any community new life is needed to keep things from going stagnant. The only bad feelings I have is that there are a number of the older posters that have simply grown up. I myself am pushing 27 next month but still haven't lost touch with that creative side of me and enjoy providing to the community, even if its not particularly a Pokemon thing anymore.

Lady Vulpix: By 'grown up' do you mean 'lost interest'?
Ultimate Charizard: well a couple that I used to talk to have lost interest, others seem to take the 'when I was a child I did childish things....' attitude.

Lady Vulpix: That... doesn't sound much like growing up to me.
In any case, have your writing style and your interests changed much since you started writing?
Ultimate Charizard: Its more that my interests have started expanding since I started reading so much. To make sure I stay interested I generally write about my interests or things that spark my imagination so its expanding my interests that have added to my writing so to speak. As for my style well again, im not the type that can read a book and pick out clever use of language or perfect grammar, I just love a good story and hope I can tell one in return. Im sure I've picked up a little improvement through simple repetition but whether it's noticeable... that's for those more knowledgeable to answer. Though I will admit I do find it easier to write these days.

Lady Vulpix: :)
OK... I seem to have run out of questions. Is there anything else you'd like to day?
Ultimate Charizard: There's nothing in particular I'd like to add other than I will continue to keep writing whatever interests me, if it interests the readers let me know and ill continue to keep them more upto date. I would like at some point to attempt to write a screen play but that's a 'dunno how' kind of situation.

Lady Vulpix: Oh, a screenplay! Good luck with that! And thanks for sharing. :)
Ultimate Charizard: My pleasure :)

Outside Eye Feature Fanfic: My Immortal
PancaKe (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=401)

Rating: 4 stars just for the lolz

We all love www.fanfiction.net, home to some of the best (and most interesting) fanfics on the Internet. And it is fanfiction.net that proudly showcases this clever masterpiece.

Now, I’m not usually a big fan of Harry Potter fanfiction. Personally, I find it hard to read fanfiction about an already completed series. However, My Immortal is like none that I’ve ever read before. Clashing the cleverly crafted Hogwarts with an emo, vampiric gothic world full of angst, sex, hate and My Chemical Romance, the author is most likely a troll stringing us along for the ride.

And what a ride that is.

My Immortal tells the story of Ebony (or sometimes Enoby) Darkness Dementia Raven Way, a gothic vampire teenage girl who attends Hogwards School of Wizardry. Along with best friend Willow, and multiple boyfriends Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter (who goes by the preferred name of Vampire, for some dark sullen reason) the story follows her adventures through Hogwarts. We come to understand the deep troubles Ebony faces, and we watch as she deals with common teenage issues, such as sex, suicide, My Chemical Romance, wizadry, guns and love.

As an audience, we can’t judge this novel on it’s spelling and grammar, nor can we make assumptions based on the sudden starts and finishes to various subplots. There is not much I can say. Instead, my advice to you is go and read this. Whilst not a well written piece of work, it provides hours of entertainment and is fantastic procrastination material (especially when you have a looming essay or thesis due).

Chapter 1.

AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!


Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

“Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Draco Malfoy!

“What’s up Draco?” I asked.

“Nothing.” he said shyly.

But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.

The rest can be found here: http://myimmortalrehost.webs.com/chapters122.htm

Top Five: Books That Have Inspired Weasel Overlord (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=3555)
Gavin Luper (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=497)

5) Brian Jacques - The Pearls of Lutra
- Jacques writes children's books, well, YA to be precise, in a series called Redwall. I got this one when I was in about year 4 (in British school years - meaning I was probably around 8? I'm never very good with these things). His books (disregarding Enid Blyton) were the first and foremost influential things in my life. Sure, books about anthropomorphic animals aren't everyone's cup of tea, but they were full of swords and epic battles between good and evil and plenty of angst. He also inspired my first ever fanfiction, although I didn't know I was writing it at the time.

4) William Horwood - Duncton Wood
- I say Duncton Wood, but his second series, The Book of Silence, was more influential, I think. But it has to be Duncton Wood because it started off the whole obsession. Now, most people can be forgiven for not having a clue who this guy is - his books have been out of print for YEARS now, and I only got my hands on them through library sales (hurrah!). Anyway, yet another set of anthropomorphic books (it's not a thing, honest), but these ones are a bit more serious than Redwall. And they dump on the angst in bucketloads, but that's beside the point. Big old religious allegories, but not in an over-the-top way, and definitely some of the most epic (and freaking HUGE) books I've ever read. I come back to these again and again, and I love them more every time. I suppose technically he should be higher up than #4, but I'm thinking more in terms of how recent than the amount of influence they've had.

3) Terry Pratchett - Interesting Times/Night Watch
- Okay, so I put two of them. Sue me. Interesting Times because it was the true savior of a really shit holiday. I finished and restarted that book every single day for a week. And I chose Night Watch because it's a masterpiece (and I totally fangirl Vimes <3 ¬_¬), oh, and because I did my final year dissertation on it, heh. Terry Pratchett's books have been a big deciding factor in who I am today. God that sounds lame... but it's true. The way he makes his characters, with so many shades of grey, is masterful. Makes me wish I could reach his level of awesome some day. Also? He wears a totally kickarse hat.

2) Audrey Niffernegger - The Time Traveler's Wife
- Yes I know, this is a very recent book. Can it really count as influential? I vote yes. I read this book at the beginning of my third year of Creative Writing, and I honestly don't think I could have got the marks I did without its inspiration. The way Niffernegger uses such gorgeous detail is impeccable - reading this book has made me change how I want to write forever. The little details just jump off the page and bring the entire thing to life - from the amount of locks a door has to the simple colour of a letterbox. I guess it showed me just how you can place a purely sci-fi premise firmly within the real world and benefit from doing so. Which sort of brings me onto my number one...

1) Neil Gaiman - American Gods
- And is anyone surprised?! Anyone who knows me even vaguely will probably know that American Gods is my top-rated book of all time, and that I worship at the feet of Neil Gaiman like the genius he is. I chose American Gods rather than any other book (like Smoke and Mirrors, a book of short stories which was a close runner-up) because of the sheer impact it's had on me. I think it will probably remain my favourite book forever. It's dark, gritty, immensely sexual and I may be in love with Shadow (the main character <3). The excerpts of the Gods' lives in between plot chapters are so affecting, and seriously, the twist towards the end will take you totally by surprise. Wow, this is starting to sound like a great big book pitch, isn't it? Okay, so onto topic: why is this book so influential to me? Well, as I was saying in #4, Neil Gaiman manages to mix fantasy and reality so damned well that you begin to accept that yes, old Gods can walk among us and be right magnificent bastards. Also? Around chapter 3 there's a part that may scar some people for life. XD

Why Write Fan Fiction?
Chris 2.1 (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=5518)

Why write fan fiction? I’m almost posing this question to you, if I’m honest. The topic seemed so suiting to me as I find myself procrastinating to avoid doing any more of Show-Off; the tables have truly turned. Essays, reading, revision and everything else in my academic life has eclipsed the work I’ve been putting into my contest fic, and it seems that as of late, I’ve not even been trying to get the energy to continue with the latest chapter. Why am I writing a Pokemon fic? I can honestly say I’m not a huge Pokemon fan. I’m twenty one, I’m about to graduate with an English Language degree, and I’m looking to locate to London next year and work. Is there room in my life for a fad that has been on the brink of destruction for so long? Can I let anyone into my life properly without divulging this aspect of my internet life?

The obvious reason we write is because we love writing. On brisk walks to campus, or braving the weather on a walk into town, I often think about my fic. What’s going on next? What would my characters think about the weather? Can I incorporate into my fic my recent slip and smash onto the cold, icy pavement? Maybe I’m obsessed. Music fuels my writing; I envisage fast-paced Pokemon battles to thundering drums and frenzied guitars.

Writing is an escape from everything else around you. It’s an expression of creativity, of freedom, of quirk and instance. All of us who write here have a distinctive style and flair; my writing can be quite dark and humorous. I love having one-shot characters appear who are dizzier and more fucked up than one can imagine. All these characters actually appear in my life. I see something and think “god, that HAS to go in”.

But like all of us, this vehicle for expression, this passion, can get a little dry. With TPM seemingly getting smaller and smaller, and with readers dipping below the norm, writers can often feel a little underappreciated. Is anything worse than seeing viewing numbers soar and post count remaining the same? I don’t think so. The fact that someone in our community is actively engaging in someone’s work without giving any feedback seems shallow, and although many have their reasons, can’t do anything to help writers who are struggling to feel motivated to write.

So why do I do it? I suppose I have a story to tell. And until I get it written, I’m going to be perpetually haunted by the weird and wonderful characters I’ve created. And as my readers can attest, that isn’t healthy for anybody.

April 2010 Writing Contest
mr_pikachu (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/member.php?u=1188)

Hello, everyone! It's time for the first writing contest of the Muse!

Let's make this one simple. Your task is to write a poem or short story in 500 words or less on the topic of inspiration. Send it via PM to me, mr_pikachu, no later than 11:59 p.m. American Central Time on May 31, 2010.

Each piece will be judged based on the criteria used by the FanFiction Reviewer Organisation (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=13107), and the winner will receive a digital plaque commemorating the winning manuscript.

Get those pens moving, writers!
