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View Full Version : Resignation from moderation

18th November 2009, 11:52 PM
Hello all,

I've decided to resign as Fanfic moderator. I've really enjoyed my time as a moderator, but sometimes when you've been doing something for too long, it begins to feel like a chore. Like piano lessons. I quit because they felt like such a burden and I wasn't enjoying it any more. But when I came back to playing of my own accord, I really began to appreciate the joy of music.

I feel that if I step back from TPM for a while, I may be able to rekindle the enthusiasm I had for fanfic, and for the forum. I might read a fic for a change :P I might contribute to the e-zine, or start putting up my own writing again. I really think that I'll be a better member once I'm free from modding. It's not that moderation is a burden as such, but maybe I just need a breath of fresh air, a new start.

I'm excited about what a new modding team can do, and I look forward to seeing the future of Fanfic. I'd like to thank my fellow mods, Brian, Gavin and Shonta, for being great people to work with. Midnight mod conferences are some of my best TPM memories :P I'd also like to thank Andrew, Tara, Martin and Faiz, with whom I modded in the past. And of course, thank you to everyone at Fanfic for being a great bunch to hang out with (but that makes it sound like I'm leaving Fanfic! I'm not, I swear!)

Cheers and see you around Fanfic,


18th November 2009, 11:55 PM
AAw! We're gunna miss you! I hope you stick around to, indeed, read a fic :3 I'm sure things will lighten up for you and find that old fire you had!

18th November 2009, 11:56 PM
I've told you this elsewhere, but it's going to be a shame to see you go, Ada. I know you were thinking about resigning for awhile, but still....

For myself, it's been a real pleasure working with you for the last 4+ years. Your presence really added a lot to the team, and I'm not sure what Gavin and I would have done without you whenever we stalemated in policy debates. You were always the calm, collected voice that got everyone back on track.

We're going to miss you on the team, Ada. Just make sure you stick around Fanfic, okay?

18th November 2009, 11:58 PM
I just realised how awesome your title was :0

19th November 2009, 12:00 AM
We'll miss you. :(

19th November 2009, 12:05 AM
OH MY GOODNESS I never thought i'd see this day. such an earth shaker!

I remember when you and i modded together. Good times all those msn conversations! I can't believe I won't see your name in light blue anymore, it'll be a very strange thing for me to deal with!!! :D

Ah. I hope this does increase your passion for fanfic :)

I hope you make another comic for the ezine as well :D


19th November 2009, 12:19 AM
I don't know what I can say what hasn't really been said. Like you told me, you weren't around a lot while I was modded so we didn't get to do a lot together. But it's good that you're not leaving TPM altogether, because the Jedis would definitely feel that loss.

19th November 2009, 03:31 AM
Well I think you made the right decision for yourself. And you've surely added much to this particular board. TPM has always been blessed with amazing mods on the Fanfic board. Your contributions to the Poem thread and your critiquing of the poems there have always been spectacular and probably the aspect I'll remember most.

Gavin Luper
19th November 2009, 04:23 AM
For myself, it's been a real pleasure working with you for the last 4+ years. Your presence really added a lot to the team, and I'm not sure what Gavin and I would have done without you whenever we stalemated in policy debates. You were always the calm, collected voice that got everyone back on track.

We're going to miss you on the team, Ada. Just make sure you stick around Fanfic, okay?

I agree wholeheartedly. You've always been so awesome at negotiating and being neutral and calm, and you rock.

About your resignation, I think I've said what I had to on this, pretty much ... it sucks and I hate you for leaving. :P

I know if it makes you happy then it's the right thing, and if you're more active and excited about your own writing and the forum itself, then it's even better.

Nonetheless, I am rather sad and tragically nostalgic about the last five years we've spent modding together. Midnight mod conferences, midnight chatting about ... nothing ... ^_^ I will miss them and you muchly.

If you pull a Martin and don't hang around to write poems and one shots anymore, and if you leave the forum so close to me finally posting new LTL, I will modstick-whack you into oblivion.

Okay, I'll get sappy if I keep talking so ... I hope you rediscover your love for fanfic once more thanks to this decision. I love you muchly. :P

And one more thing.



19th November 2009, 04:35 AM

Damn, how could I forget to mention this? It just goes to show how much this whole thing threw me. :(


19th November 2009, 11:16 AM
*yawns* Constant vigilance...

Shadow Wolf
19th November 2009, 01:17 PM
Well Ada... I know I haven't had any communication with most of the mods at TPM, but I have to admit that you are a great influence on the Fanfic world of TPM, both as a mod and as a writer/reviewer. I hope you keep writing stories and poems, and remember... you are an inspiration to many writers here at TPM.

19th November 2009, 01:27 PM
Didn't know you that well, but you always seemed a good person to me, at least you won't leave completely.

Gavin Luper
19th November 2009, 01:58 PM
*yawns* Constant vigilance...

Okay, if you're yawning, are you really being that vigilant? :confused: :P

19th November 2009, 01:59 PM
What? I hadn't had my morning cup of Mountain Dew yet!

Sike Saner
19th November 2009, 06:21 PM
I always find it heartening to see someone with the self-respect, sense, and strength to recognize something that one isn't enjoying any longer and has no obligation to continue doing, to know to get out from under it, and to go through with getting out from under it. ^^ I think you've definitely done the right thing here, the healthy thing--and judging from your example about the piano lessons, I suspect that this will indeed be good for your enthusiasm about the community.

Thanks for all you've done for the community in the past, and best of luck and happiness to you in the future. ^^

Mew Master
20th November 2009, 09:39 AM
In all honesty, there's not much that I can say that hasn't been summed up by someone else here. Whether it be words of encouragement, support, or good-natured sarcasm.

So I guess I'll say this: Go forth and Kick ass!

Lune the Guardian
20th November 2009, 05:22 PM
What you're saying is very true. I hope (and personally believe) that this decision will work out for you. The freedom from the shackles of too much responsibility really provides you with the breathing room to do what you like. I hope to see you around Fanfic. Good luck, wherever your path might take you.