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8th May 2003, 01:10 PM

"Bay lee!" (Don't worry!) I yelled to Sam as I came barreling down at the pair of hybrids. I knew that my Body Slam wouldn't stop them, but at least it would take out a chunk of HP, and maybe make them a bit dazed. I closed my eyes tightly and ran as fast as I could toward them. However, what I didn't expect was for them to brace themselves for the slam by digging their feet in the ground. As I slammed against them, they didn't even budge! They tried to throw me off of them, but I dug in my heels too. Since I was only one pokemon though, I couldn't hold off the combined strength of both of them, so they threw me, and I flew back over by Sam. "Bay... baylee" (Well... I tried) I said as I attempted to stand back up. Luckily I was okay, just a little winded.

8th May 2003, 01:15 PM

After being beaten up a few times by those hybrids we all walked up to each other for a little team work. Jenn and I flew around back ready for a dive bomb, Izumi stayed up high ready to hit them with a stun spore. and Jea had powered up her solar beam and was right behind them. Skro and Hiro had gotten ready for an attack of their own. They raced at the Hybrids head on and tackled them nocking them back, and jumped aside. Right at that moment Jea fired a Sloar beam nocking them forward again like a rag doll. They hybrids would have never stoped going forward but I thunderbolted them they halted on the ground and Jenn Ice beamed them and they were frozen to the ground. Izumi then came up and Sleep powdered them. "YEAH!" "BEATY!" BAY BAY!" everyone cheared at the fallen Hybrids. "We did it!" I yelled doing mid air somersaults.

8th May 2003, 01:19 PM
"Oh yes!" I cheered.
I whacked my tail on the ground due to my excitement. The ground began to shake.
"Sam!" Shouted everyone on the ground.
"Ooops sorry." I said, blushing.
Suddenly, I dropped to my knees. My head hurt so much.
"The pain..." I managed to get out.
I blacked out for a minute. When I came to strange people were staring at me.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked, looking at all of them.

8th May 2003, 01:22 PM
I was walking along a tree lined road when suddenly, the trees fell around me. I looked around the area and saw a woman standing there, she looked odd, she was a hybrid, she had silvery feathers on he face and arms, and suddenly, silvery, metallic wings burst out from behind her. a skarmory hybrid. "you shall go no further!" she shouted,and I noticed she had purple claws as well and I asked, "why do you work for Rowan?"
"two reasons. I get paid well, and he has blessed me with greater power than I could ever have as a normal human!" she relied. "you poor deluded fool, you think he's loyal to you at all? he isn't he'll dump you in the gutter once he's done with you!" I shouted, calling forth my sword of fire. "He will not!" she shouted.
suddenly, she was up in the air. she started buffeting me with wind, knocking me around, I suddenly had an Idea, I let myself get knocked down by the wind, and stayed there as if unconscious. she started to dive at me, and once she was too close to veer away, I rolled to my feet and slashed her with my sword. she screamed, one of her wings being damaged and hi the ground. I walked up to her and pointed my sword in her face and asked "where's Rowan now?" her eyes widened, and she started crying...

8th May 2003, 01:36 PM

"Who are we?" said Skro, looking confused, "What just happened to you?" I looked down at Sam, confused myself, and then I realized that the babies were all off to the side by themselves. 'Those hybrids are asleep, but it still could be dangerous for the babies' "Bay" I said as I rounded them up, leading them to a safer spot off in the trees. "Bay baylee leef" (Stay here until your parents tell you it's okay to come out) I told them. Then I went back over to the others to see if Sam's condition had changed

8th May 2003, 01:41 PM
"You really don't know who we are?" Someone asked.
"Should I?"
Everyone exchanged strange looks.
"Who am I then?" I asked.
"You are Sam."
"Cool." I looked behind me, "And I got a tail. What am I some kind of hybrid?" i asked.
A beyleaf nodded.
"Huh, cool." I stood up. "So, what are al of ya doing out here?" I asked.

8th May 2003, 02:11 PM

"Bay? Leef bay bay?" (What? You don't remember us battling?) I asked a curious Sam. He looked at me blankly. "Nope" Skro pointed to the two hybrids, "We were fighting those two guys, along with you. I wonder why you don't remember anything?" "Bay lee lee!" (Maybe he used an Amnesia attack!) I said jokingly. However, when nobody else laughed, I bowed my head, "Bay bay leef bay..." (Just a little humor...).

8th May 2003, 02:12 PM

I just stared at Sam after he lost his memory again. "Ok...Your names Sam, You went to a guy named rowan to get a Tyranitar, But he didnt give you a tyranitar he tried to turn you into one..." I said quickly and then heaving. "...Now Your part tyranitar, You were dumped and found us, You just helped us win a battle on our way BACK to Rowan to become humans again. NOW WRITE IT DOWN SO NEXT TIME YOU FORGET YOU CAN READ IT YOURSELF!" I finish by yelling "...AIR!" Everyone just stared at me then back to Sam. "Yeah, THat about sums it up." Skro said and everyone started laughing their butts off.

8th May 2003, 02:15 PM
"I haven't got a pen." I replied.
Everyone fell over anime style.
"This isn't working..." Said the guy who had shouted at me.
"Bey bey bey bey beyleaf!" (I think we should get going)
"I think you're right." Said someone else.
"Come on Sam." Said the guy who had shouted at me.
We started walking.
"Hey, the Articuno girl's hot. What's her name?" I asked the guy who kept shouting at me.

8th May 2003, 02:19 PM

"Hey, the Articuno girl's hot. What's her name?" Sam Said to me and I ramed my foot on his and he started jumping around yelling. "What did you do that for!?" He said calming down. "Just a warning." I said walking away from him.

8th May 2003, 02:25 PM
I just stared after him, confused as hell.
I rubbed my foot vigorously only to fall backwards. I looked up and saw the articuno girl right above me. "Hey hottie."
She looked at me then turned away.
"Hey wait!" I called, running after her. "I'm sorry about the hottie comment. I just think you're really cute and I'm kinda going through a phase where nothing makes sense to me. I'm really sorry." I said.

8th May 2003, 02:30 PM

"Bay..." (Boys...) I said under my breath. Izumi and Skro had rounded up the babies, and Skro was having a hard time controlling Skrad. It seemed that Skrad wanted a piece of the hybrids that tried to hurt his dad, and ran up to the frozen lumps trying to bite them. "Skrad!!" yelled Skro, trying to grab him away from them, "Don't do that! They might wake up..." After Skro had gotten a handle on Skrad, we made sure we had all our supplies, and headed out of the Pokemon Center area.

Pichu Luver
8th May 2003, 02:38 PM
"Eh.." I turned to him, I really didn't want anything to do with him. "Hottie?" Ran threw my mind, he smiled sheepishly, I rolled my eyes and landed beside him. "Listen, Before I kill you, I suggest you stop now."
"Why?" He asked Blankly.
I glanced over at Hunter, he had a said but rival face on, I rolled my eyes again and continued flying.
"Moron..." I muttered.
"Bay, Bayleaf?(Whats in your pocket Jenn?)" Jea asked, I looked down at her and landed beside her.
He nudged my leg, I frowned at her, Reaching into the pocket and pulling out the egg. She seemed amazed, I hated babies yet I had my own egg.
"Bay...(wow...)" She Stuttered..

~TL Inc.~

8th May 2003, 02:45 PM
Hey Jenn, wassup?

I just watched her fly off. I didn't understand it. First i wasn't allowed to keep my own memories and now I'm not even allowed to tell a girl I like her.
I stopped walking, letting the group get ahead of me. I didn't understand, I didn't understand anything.
Why? Why did I have to suffer this way?
We went to the pokemon centre, I laid down at the back, In the shadows where it was dark and watched the others.
And then, I cried. I cried because I didn't understand. I cried because...I was scared.

8th May 2003, 03:14 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
Me and Skro rounded up the Babies..and Skrad tried to ..damage the 2 Hybrids..


"Wurmp"One of the Girls said..the one with normal Colors.
(Mommy..Can I help Skrad?)


Sam made a Comment to Jenn, and Jea found a Egg. Jenn sorta got..Offended...Sam got very upset, and ran into the Pokemon Centre..

(Sam..Come on..)

8th May 2003, 03:20 PM

I sat down on a bench outside the pokemon center and thought for a moment, "Man, why won't those damn hybrids give up? Soon they'll be thinking up a motto like Jesse and James from the TV show", I then took out the TM card the strange man had given me by the gardens, I looked at the back and there were instructions
1. use TM like any other tm you would use
2. Choose the pokemon carefully
3. Once taught, Put pokemon in front of rocks bearing the secret power insignia, _([]), when you see one of these or something simliar like a tree with simliar shapes in the vines, have your pokemon use secret power.
4. What happens then is a suprise :D
I opened up the TM box in a secluded corner around the side of the pokecenter, and felt the wires go onto me. I then felt a feeling like so many powers were surging through me. Then I was normal again. I snuck around to a rock wall where I
remembered seeing an insignia like that before, and said "Secret power!" I then saw the wall cracking away, and gasped at what I saw inside. I rushed back to the pokecenter to tell the guys about the ausome shelter move I just got.

[attachment deleted by admin]

8th May 2003, 03:46 PM

Jenn and I walked over to Sam wondering what the matter was. "Hey sorry I yelled at you earlier." I said to him. "Yeah and I'm sorry I called you a moron." Jenn followed up. "We just didnt think about what it would be like to lose our memories." She said setting down next to him. "You want to talk about it?" I said as I leaned against the wall.

Krystalline Kabutops
8th May 2003, 03:48 PM
Do you guys go to school or what?

As Skrad tried to get out of my arms, and at the two hybrids, he mad his complaints heard. "Hound! Dor Dor Hounder!(C'mon Dad, I wanna piece of 'em!)" "Sorry Skrad, Maybe when you're older." "Hou...Houndor Hound.(Aw..... You never let me have any fun.)" I shook my head and smiled. That Skrad. He would become a great warrior, even though he was a little hotheaded. Of course, the little Wurmple Izumi had given my that I had named Mylo wasn't the type to sit back and watch, either. He was struggling to get out of my bandana and at the hybrids. "Wuuurm!!(My turn!)" I grasped him firmly and said "No, you're going to stay up there until we get back to the Pokemon Center."

8th May 2003, 03:54 PM
Yeah. But I live in England so cuz of time difference...ya know. It's almost 10pm over here!

"What's there to talk about?" I asked. "I don't know who I am, what I am, I'm still a little unsure of what I am."
I rolled onto my side so that I was facing the wall.
"You all find it weird, being what you are because it's different to what you used to be. It's weird for me because everyone says I'm different but i don't know I am." I sighed. "I want my life back. I don't care if it bad or if I hated it, I just want to know what it is."

8th May 2003, 04:02 PM

"Guys! Guys!" I yelled as I ran down the path to Skro. He appeared to be struggling to hold Skrad and Mylo back, "What?" shouted Skro. I ran up to them and explained about secret power, "wow!" he gasped "we'll always have a Shelter now!". I led him over to the hole in the wall I had made, "wow!" he yelled running around the huge expanse inside the rock wall. It was very big in there. "You stay here!" I yelled "I'll get the others, to show them this!", "ok!" yelled Skro, letting go of Skrad and Mylo to let them run around the room. I can't wait to to tell the others about this!" I said to myself, running into the pokecenter.

8th May 2003, 04:18 PM
She was actually crying.... "what's wrong?" I asked. "I only thought about the advantages, I didn't think of the fact that people, even my own family might shun me as a freak." she replied. "oh, well, that's just the sort of thing I'd expect from a jerk like Rowan." I said, "If you want revenge for his deceit, you can come with me, I'm going to meet up with the others in Littleroot, then we can go kick Rowan's butt. we might even be able to get him to change us back." "You know, that's a good idea, I'll come with you, fur boy." she said, as she stopped crying. "It's Kalad." I stated. "I think I prefer Fur boy better." she replied. I sighed, it was going to be a long trip....

8th May 2003, 04:50 PM
Heh, I'm a freshman in college, so I have breaks between classes to do this stuff. ^-^


I felt really sorry for Sam. The poor guy was really starting to get along with us, and then this happens to him. I watched as Hunter and Jenn tried to talk to him. I started thinking about Jenn's egg. 'Jenn with an egg... now I've seen everything!' I chuckled to myself. I walked up to Sam and Hunter and Jenn. Sam was still upset about his memory. "Bay leef bay!" (We'll get the guy that did this to us!) I said, trying to make him feel better.

Just then, Hiro came running into the Pokemon Center. He looked excited about telling us something, so we all stopped to listen.

8th May 2003, 05:40 PM

We were still talking to Sam as Hiro ran in telling us about this new attack he learned that built shelters. "Thats great Hiro, But A cave would just be the perfect spot to trap us in if those Hybrids came back." I say trying to be the voice of reason.

Then I looked outside and saw those hybrids again. 'Do we ever get a reak?' I thought pointing out the window. "Beaut TIbu bea ti fly beaut." (I knew I shouldve used Stun spore.) Izumi said "Dont worry about it, But lets just get out of here." I said running to the back and everyone followed. "I'm Not one for running, But I dont think 2 battles in a row is very good." I said unlocking the back door.

As I opened it I spotted someone there that seemed to be waiting for us. "Boo." They said with a crooked smile on their face. The guy had four arms that looked like they could crush someones ribs in one punch. His skin was pale and he was 6 and a half feet tall. "Great..." Everyone said taking a step outside.

Pichu Luver
8th May 2003, 06:32 PM
I flew infront of everyone, I was surprised to see him, he was a fighting, I Smirked eveilly at this guy, and flew up into the air, everyone else preparing to fight.
"Take cover people!" I called down at them, wind gusted up suddenly, everything and everyone covered in snow. All of it at once turned on the Hybrid of Machamp, pounding at him, he screamed in pain, he collasped to the ground cold and freezing. I fired a Ice Beam at him and he froze, just then the Two other Hybrids jumped out.
Nidoking came from behind and grabbed me, crushing me into a little ball, all I heard was bones cracking, pain, not blackness just pain, I wish I would give out, my wings snapped suddenly. And I collasped to the ground.
"Ok people, one down two to go!" Someone called. Everything blurred and then darkness...

8th May 2003, 06:47 PM

I looked over at Jenn who had blacked out on the ground after that blasted nidoking crushed her. All of a sudden memories flashed before me and I fall to me knees and see a picture of Jenn limp on the ground. Feeling my anger rising I let out a roar that could break glass. I raced at the nidoking and flew up 250 feet and let go. As He fell I dived down after him punching him as we went. "Never...Do...That...To...My...Friend...Again!" I said grabing him and slaming him into the ground and stopping right after before I hit the ground.

After landing I ran to Jenns side and just stood there. "hey." she said barely able to move. I started to smile after seeing she was ok. I brought out a max potion and gave it to her and she was able to get up and move. The Primape hybrid just stood by a tree staring. I turned around and saw the Nidoking there not moving. He wasnt even breathing. "I hope hes not dead." I said looking at him. Then I turned around and helped Jenn to her feet and stared at the Primape and back to the others. "You want to take this one?" I said half laughing.

8th May 2003, 06:47 PM

"Heh! Let's try out my new move shall we!" I said as I stood back not knowing what secret power would do in the location we were in, Since we were standing on grass My pearls glowed, and I launched a Toxic right at Walt, "Priiiiimeeee!" he screamed running around in circles. Suddenly he started turning perple and fell over onto a tree recovering."yes!" I yelled, "poison!". Then I turned around and yelled at the guys, "whos move isn't good now!" I didn't notice Bruce running right at me. then before he hit me Hunter blasted him right into the air, he fell down and stopped moving, or breathing, "uh-oh" I said looking at him.

Krystalline Kabutops
8th May 2003, 06:49 PM

As the Nidoking crunched up Jenn, I screamed in rage. If they were gonna do something like that to the group, this wasn't just a battle.

It was a duel to the death.

I jumped on the Nidoking, and started slashing with an Iron Tail. Unfortunatly, I slashed too close to his face, and he grabbed my tail. He hauled me off his back, and stared me straight in the eye. "You think you're Macho, kid?" I threw a Toxic in his eye. He howled in pain and fury, and tossed me up into the air. Unfortunatly, he was strong enough to toss me thirty feet in the air. When I came down, I came down HARD. I tried to move, but it was no use. I was down for the count in this battle.

Pichu Luver
8th May 2003, 07:05 PM
My wings hurt, the cracked as they swayed in the wind. I glared up the NidoKing, I might not consider them friends but hell no does he just crush them like that.
"Go to Hell!!" I called, as a feirce Ice Beam came crashing into him, firing back into a tree dazing him. I glared at the primeape. "And take your friends with you!" Another Blizzard started, fiercely attack both NidoKing and Primeape.
I couldn't hold myself up anymore, I wanted to sleep, and I fell into unconsious.

8th May 2003, 07:11 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
Jenn used a Powerful Blizzard against the 2 hybrids, and fell into unconsious..

"Beau!"I gave a command to my Babies...My Eevee, Called Hikari(Named it...^^)..Stood there, ready to fight...
(Wurmple...String Shot!)

The 2 Hybrid's where frozen beyond anything I knew of.Both were Frozen near a Tree..


They shot a String Shot, and pinned their Frozen Body's to 2 tree's, and they Remained Frozen.....

8th May 2003, 07:46 PM

After Jenn fell unconcious I picked her up in my arms and carried her inside the Cave Hiro had made. "Guys, Watch her, I'm going to go get some potions in town." I said rushing out of the cave. When I got to the mart I noticed that there were a ton of Items there. Max potions, Mails, Ultra Balls, More Mails, Full Restores, and...More mails. I figured maybe the others would like to write to their families; So I baught some mails, Max potions, Full Restores, and Ultra balls. "Thisll do." I say then i noticed something. "Oh yeah, Got some pens?" I said chuckling. Then as I got back I realised Jenn was just starting to get up. "Hey everyone look what I got." I said bringing out the bag of stuff.

Krystalline Kabutops
8th May 2003, 07:50 PM

I watched sadly as everyone rushed to get some of the mail and pens. I had no one to write to. Neither did Sam, and this made me feel a little better, but not much. I offered to write Izumi's letter while she dictated it to me, and she accepted.
Skro's spelling has gotten better, becaus he's been reading books in the Pokemon Center.

8th May 2003, 08:17 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
I dictated a Letter for Skro to write for me, since ..Well...I can't write..

"To Mom:

How's work going? I've been doing ok so far, I've actually captured some nice Pokemon, and a Wurmple that Professor Bowan "gave" me. Mom, watch out for him though, something suspect's that he's doing something that is against Leauge Rules. I also made a new Friend who I want you to meet soon..I hope you like him.


(Hope mom will get him..Probably wont...He is a kissup to her..)


8th May 2003, 08:18 PM

After everyone had gotten their Letters done I just noticed something. We hadn't traveld at all in a day. "Guys we should get a move on." I said after looking at a map I found on the street. "Yeah, No telling whats been happening up in that lab." Seconded Jenn. "So, Are we going to go? It looks like little root is a ways away but we could probly get there in 3 weaks." I said looking over the map again. "Great." Everyone said and we set off to the next town. I looked back at the tree were Jenn had Ice beamed the Hybrids. 'They'll be back.' I thought turning around after seeing they had broken free.

8th May 2003, 08:33 PM

as We were hiking along the trail to littleroot, Skro was whistleing, Izumi was fluttering along with hunter above her, and I was blasting thick trees I saw along the way with secret power, making small rooms wich not after we had gone very far from them I would see a pokemon scamper into them. I let out Jiguz and taillow, Taillow flew up high to be with Jenn and hunter and Jiguz went and clutched onto Skrads back, who was following his father. I noticed that Jiguz was growing very fond of Skrad, and whenever I let her out of her pokeball she would go and cling on to Skrad like a sock out of the dryer. I was sitting back on my tail and looking up as I bounced on it. I bounced up to Skro and said "Jiguz and skrad are becoming good friends", "yeah" said skro "Before you know it we're gonna have even more babies" he chuckled as he said this, I bounced back to where I was before. I started entertaining myself by blasting weak flying pokemon as they flew by in the sky, "Hey! watch it!" shouted Jenn as I almost nailed her with one, "sorry" I said. I stopped doing that and bounced on with the group.

8th May 2003, 09:50 PM

I was glad to be away from those stupid hybrids. 'Why would they be so loyal to Rowan anyway? What did he ever do for them?' I tried to shake off my questions and think of my parents getting my letter. At least they wouldn't be worried about me. As we walked, I sincerely hoped that the 'evil' hybrids didn't want to 'play' again anytime soon. I had really had enough of battling for a while.

9th May 2003, 08:47 AM

We had awoken that morning and first thing we did was eat some berries, and Get a move on again. after 20 minutes of walking without a sound we saw those Pokemon that took Skro. The espeon looked ready to kill, wanting its Babies back. "Oh boy..Fun..." I said extending my claws and starting to spark.

9th May 2003, 03:41 PM
Woah! Very many posts!

An espeon? Easy for me, I'm a dark type, no effect. I snickered quietly.
"Hey, how about I try?" I suggested. The group just looked at me as though they were surprised.
"Go ahead," said the guy, who's name I now knew was Hunter.
I stepped forward, an espeon couldn't hurt me.
Sure enough it fired a psychic blast. I just stood there looking at it, completely unfazed.
"Faint attack." I disappeared for a moment then smashed into the espeon.
It howled out in pain as it flew back.
"Rock throw." I launched a barrage of rocks at the unprepared espeon.
Somehow, the espeon managed to stay on its feet and caught me off guard with a powerful tackle attack.
"Maybe I'm not prepared for a proper battle yet," I mumbled. "Anyone else care to try?" I asked.

Krystalline Kabutops
9th May 2003, 03:54 PM

"You again? C'mon, you wanna piece of me? Well, COME GET IT!!" I roared as I ran at the Espeon, tail swinging. Skrad watched from the sidelines, dazed. "Hound Houndor Dor?(Dad, who's that?)" "Skrad, that's your mom." Skrad just stared. Apparently, he was having trouble choosing sides. Eventually, he just sat down and started howling. "Hound!(Go, Dad!)" At this, the Espeon made for Skrad. "OH NO YOU DON"T!!" I yelled as I tackled her. She dodged and began to pound mercilessly on my back. Skrad, howling in rage, attacked her. It was a quick fight. after he had bitten her five times or so, she backed off, and fled. "Way to go, Skrad! Your first win!" He howled in pleasure.

9th May 2003, 03:58 PM

After a failed attempt at taking on the espeon Sam fell on the ground and looked up at us. "Anyone else care to try?" he said. I chuckled and took flight with Jenn as an Umbreon came out. "Tag team 'em?" I asked her. "Sure." She said and went to one side of the Umbreon and I took the other. I set out a Thunderbolt at the same time Jenn sent out an Ice beam and they hit her dead on one on both her sides. The Umbreon went down in an instant half frozen half paralyzed. "Man his is getting easy." We said flying down to the others. But then the other Eeveelutions came out. "More fun." I said looking at Jenn Smiling.

9th May 2003, 04:00 PM
That was quite an interesting battle to watch. At least our side won. I put my hands into my pockets and felt something there, I pulled it out.
It was a crumpled piece of paper.
I went to an area that was a short way from the group and unraveled it. It had obviously been torn from a bigger picture.
There was a woman with long blonde hair standing beside a small boy. Somehow, I knew that boy was me.
"Hey I know that place," said Hunter from over my shoulder. "That's Littleroot. Guess you're from there then."
"Guess you're right." I replied.
I put the picture away.
"Are we going then?" I asked.

9th May 2003, 04:08 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
Man..It was a Battle of the Family..With Skard and Skro winning..

Sam walked away for a Tad, and Hunter followed...I did too, In Air..

"Guess you are from there.."Hunter said, sneaking up on him..

I flew back to Skro, and Sighed...When will we get to Littleroot?

9th May 2003, 04:17 PM

"Are we going then?" Sam asked. "Sure thing." I said jumping in the air and hovering. "Hey I'll Go scout to see if theres a town near by." I said flying off. Afer I got in the air I heard someone following me up and I turned around quick holding a thunder shock in my hand. "Take Thi...Oh its you!" I said as Jenn started backing off. "eh heh sorry bout that." I said firing off the electricity in a random area. "Anyways, Theres 6 trainers down with the others and Theyre trying to capture everyone." She said and we raced back to them.

9th May 2003, 04:27 PM

"Ahg!" I yelled struggling with one of the trainers arboks, "take that!" I yelled as I launched a shadow ball into its face. It flew back into it's pokeball, the trainer threw out another pokemon, this time it was a sableye, "Gruuu!" I screamed and launched a shadow ball at him, "Sablee!" It yelled absorbing the attack like it was nothing. "grrr" I muttered "Psychic!" I screamed and blasted a wave of shimering energy to pick him up, "wha!?" I said as my power went right through him, "he's a dark type!" shouted Skro who was fighting with a Zangoose. "dang!" I said "Psychic has no effect!". The sableye ran at me and blasted a Shadow ball at me, I launched back into a tree. The sableye started loading up another shadow ball, when I used secret power and created a room up near the top of the tree, I floated up to it using my Psychic and got inside, me and the Sableye started a sniper fight, me shooting down and him shooting up.

9th May 2003, 04:39 PM

I looked around at what was going on. Oh joy, Time for another "Faint" attack" I said flying up focusing on the clouds. "Everyone round the pokemon and trainers in one spot, I'm Gonna thunder them." I said as my eyes started to glow white.

It started to spark in the clouds and then all the sparks went to one cloud and everything went black. In a mighty roar I let out a Thunder attack that hit its target in a massive explosion. I began to fall a hundred feet but I could still see the trainers were standing but just barely. 'Maybe they'll let the children take them and get stronger...' I think as I hit the ground and black out. Then Jenn and Izumi ran over to me making sure I was alright.

Krystalline Kabutops
9th May 2003, 04:40 PM

I quickly dodged a slash from the Zangoose. "That was close!" I thought as it tried another. Mylo started to use string shot on it's claws, and soon it was bound up like a turkey. Skrad attacked, scratching and biting like there was no tomorrow. It was sorta funny, the Zangoose just sitting there, helpless. The trainer recalled it, and sent out a Steelix. "We're in for it now." I sighed, as I readied an Overheat.

9th May 2003, 04:49 PM
Game, I know that you sorta defeated them..But that's no Fun..Spread the fun around.
Izumi The Beautifly
When I flew back, 6 trainers started to try to capture the rest of the group..

"Oh!A Beautifly!"One of them said.He glared at me with Happyness.,"It's mine.."

"Go, Dustox!"

Out came The one Winged Dustox that sorta.."Raped" me before..He grew, I knew that..

(Come on Baby!Being owned is Great!)


I used a Psychic...and he fell Fast..His Trainer Recalled him, and called out a Volbeat.

Krystalline Kabutops
9th May 2003, 04:53 PM

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Izumi take down Mr. One-wing. "God, is he persistant." I muttered as I unleashed Overheat. The Steelix seemed unphased, for about 6 seconds.... Then it just toppled. Now to get rid of that friggin' Dustox once and for all.... I readied an Iron Tail and started to run towards him... Just then, the trainer sent out a Volbeat, and I thought "meh, easy kill."

9th May 2003, 04:58 PM
Didnt I make the trainers almost fainted for the pokemon to fight? so how did they send out more pokemon?

9th May 2003, 06:26 PM
Kalad(feel free to catch up to us, introducing Argent was the whole purpose I planned for my character's split from the group.)
As we were walking, I found out she called herself Argent. By the time we had gotten a good distance down the road, we were kinda tired. We took a break by the side of the road, and I saw a group approaching...

10th May 2003, 01:31 AM
"Fun..." I muttered under my breath.
I walked over to the Sableye that was trying to knock-out the one called Skro. I grabbed it with my tail and flung it to the side.
"We need to get outta here." I said.
Skro nodded.
I raised my tail and prepared for an earthquake attack.
"Everyone start moving!" I ordered.
As they began to make their way I smashed my tail into the ground causing a terrifying earthquake attack, which took out both the trainers and their pokemon.
I ran after the group.
"Let's get a safe distance from them before we stop." I said.

10th May 2003, 08:40 AM

Sam's Earthquake took out the trainers and their pokemon, so we figured it was time to escape. 'Man am I tired of running' Sam finally caught up to us, and I noticed that the younger ones were looking a bit tired from all the excitement. When we passed a tree, I stopped, noticing a funny mark on it. "Bay leef bay bay" (Hey, isn't that a secret base mark?) I asked Hiro. "Yeah, it is!" he said, walking closer to it. "Leef bay bay bayleef" (Maybe we should go in there to let the babies, and us, rest) I suggested to the group. Since Hiro had the power to do this I figured we might as well use it.

10th May 2003, 11:51 AM

"Secret power!" I yelled, as the hole in the tree shook. Suddenly a vine came down from near the top, "good" I said "it's near the top of the tree, so if anyone passes they won't see us low". We all climbed up the vine with the babies in their pokeballs and Skrad clutching onto Skros back. As we got in I sealed up the door with some nearby sticks, "man!" Jea said "this place is roomy!". We all started walking around as Izumi released the babies from their pokeballs and snuggled up with them in a corner. I was walking around the room when I noticed something on the ground, I walked over to it and picked it up, "This is a pokedoll" I said looking at the stuffed mudkip doll, "trainers used to be in this tree". "if they did they're gone now" said Skro, "Why don't you give it to the babies?" asked Jea, who was looking at them. "ok" I said making the doll float over to them with my mind, The second the doll got to them they string shotted it and started glomping onto it rolling around on the floor squeking "Wurm wurm!". I smiled as I watched them play, and then walked over to the door of the tree and looked out onto the ground; I noticed it was very high up. I gulped and muttered "I just remembered, I'm afraid of hights".

10th May 2003, 11:57 AM
Izumi the Beautifly

After Hiro used Secret Power, I flew my Babies and Hikari into the Tree Base,The other's without wings hopefully can climb good.


But at first, They found a Doll for them to play and Fuss about..So they Practiced Battleing..

Afterwards,The Wurmples Gathered in the Corner, so did Hikari, and fell asleep..

I flew over to them, and sat guard...And I dozed off, too..

I was tired.

Krystalline Kabutops
10th May 2003, 01:08 PM

Skrad seemed to enjoy the new accomidations, and long after the others babies had fallen asleep, Skrad was still practicing on it. "Hound, Hou Houndor!(Hey Dad! Watch this!)" He then tackled the doll, sending it flying across the room, and into Hiro's face. "Watch what you're doing, Skrad!" He said, as He tossed it back. "Houndor, Dor Hound(Ok, Uncle Hiro.)" Hiro blushed, and sat back down. When Skrad finally got tired, he lay down in my lap, next to Mylo. As I sat scratching behind Skrad's ears and stroking Mylo, I realized how happy I was. Maybe it was because we were getting closer to Littleroot.

10th May 2003, 02:11 PM

I woke up paralyzed in a tree with the others. I still couldnt move from the fall from that Thunder attack, but I could atleast talk. "Guys, I like need a full heal." I said to the others. "...Hello!?" I said as they just ignored me. "HEY GUYS!!!" I yelled again. I was begining to get annoyed and used an earsplitting screech that got there attention in an instant. "Thank you, Now get me a Full heal before I do it again." I said glaring at them.

10th May 2003, 03:14 PM
Awwwww, I'm an uncle :P


"I think I have a full heal" I said reaching into my bag and feeling around for one, "yep, here it is!" I quickly spritzed it over skro, he sneezed and sat up "whew" he said "that's better". I walked over to my side of the tree and sat down, I watched Skrad as he knocked that mudkip doll from one side of the tree to the other, then he yawned and fell asleep on top of it. Skro walked over picked him up and put him with the other babies, then went back to playing tic-tac-toe with jea by using her leaves to carve the games. I released Jiga and taillow and sat back as I watched them start to play with the mudkip doll, wich by now was starting to looke pretty beat u by now. I put their pokeballs on the ground in case they wanted to go back inside. I then leaned back against the wood and sighed, then I fell asleep.

Krystalline Kabutops
10th May 2003, 03:20 PM
It's Hunter that needs the Full Heal, not Skro. 0_o;
Guys, here's my newest RPG, Yugi-oh: Ethreal Polymerization (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16005) . Only reason I'm posting this is 'cause it has only one sign-up and 70-something views, lol. XD(Note: This is to everyone EXCEPT Swinubman53, cause he's already looked.)

Um..... don't have anything else to say, so remeber to keep away from the cat in my sig. XD

10th May 2003, 03:22 PM
Oops! I'll edit my post for hunter.

P.S. I love that cat! it's so funny! :P

Krystalline Kabutops
10th May 2003, 03:32 PM
Yes, it's a very disturbing cat. AND HE'S ALL MINE!!!! *Goes to fluff cat like a pillow* I should never have eaten that 6-pound pack of coacoa mix. *Scampers off to eat something* 0.o;

10th May 2003, 05:01 PM
I saw that everyone was starting to get some sleep so I decided to try and figure out as much from this photo as I could.
So far I knew two thing. 1-I lived in Littleroot. And 2-I lived there with my mother.
How long, I didn't know. I put it back into my pocket, I was feeling tired and decided to get some rest.
"Sam! Over here!"
"Comming mom!"
I ran over to her and she picked me up.
"Where are we going today?" I asked.
"We're going to help daddy with some research."
"Yay! Can I help too!"
She smiled and tickled my nose. "Of course you can."
"And when you build your big pokemon breeding centre, can I help then too?"
We went into the big building where dad did his research. There were loads of computers and high-tech things inside. On one wall there was a huge window and outside there were loads of pokemon running around.
"Daddy, can I go play with the pokemon?" I asked.
"Go ahead son."
Mom put me down and I ran outside. I sat down on the grass and a Larvitar came up to me. Dad had said he'd evolve into a Tyranitar one day and then I could have him.
I looked back into the lab. Mum and Dad were arguing again. I was worried, I kept thinking that they were going to break up and that whoever I got stuck with would end up neglecting me. It wasn't the greatest of thoughts.
I turned to the Larvitar and patted its head. "You and me gotta stick together. Especially if they don't."
I sat up, sweating badly. I looked around the hideout, everyone was asleep now.
I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and climbed out of the hideout entrance and upwards onto the top of the tree.
I needed to think. I needed to think about a lot.

10th May 2003, 05:51 PM
hmmmb I thought I said that the base was near the top of the tree in my original post, odd how we suddenly got down near the ground again, what happened, there was a sudden erosion and the tree fell 10 feet? :rolleyes: . I'm not dissing anyone, I'm just pointing that out.

10th May 2003, 09:44 PM

I woke up from a loud snorting noise Hiro made and glared over at him. 'Why a pig?' I thought, 'Why not something quieter?' I noticed that Sam had gone up to the very top of the tree. 'That must be pretty high up there since we're already really high up... I hope he's okay.' I called, quietly of course, up to him at the top. "Bay?" (Sam?) I said, trying to make him out in the dim light, "Lee bay bay?" (Are you okay?) Sam didn't answer, so I figured it was best to leave him alone. After all, people who are as confused and upset as Sam probably was don't usually want anything but to be left alone. So I spent a few minutes looking at the sky, and listening to the sounds of the night.

11th May 2003, 12:18 PM
I sighed. "You can come up Jea."
I let my tail down and felt her grab onto it with a vine whip, then I pulled her up.
"Lee bay bay?" (Are you okay?)
"Yeah. I've just been thinking. It's weird, everything I had I've lost, and everything I want I can't have. I don't understand..."
"Bay lee lee bay bay." (It'll all work out)
I smiled. "I guess."
The sun started to rise above the hills.
"The others will be up soon. Let's go wait for them so that we can hurry to the next town."
She nodded and I climbed back down to the opening, Jea sitting on my head.

11th May 2003, 01:15 PM
Can she sit on your head? she's a bayleaf.


The morning sun started to come through the door leading into our treehouse, I sat up and yawned though this is what it saounded like "SSSSNNNOOWWWAARRRTTTTTGGG". Everyone woke up to that. "Shut up Hiro!" everyone said in unison, "sorry" I said meekly. No one could get back to sleep after that waker-upper, so we all stood up and started stretching. *GROOOOWL*, "what was that?" I asked "oh wait, that's my stomache", I reached down for my bag and said "good thing I still have some of those berries from before" I pulled a few out and started munching on them. Everyone was staring at me, "what?" I asked, "You can't have these, remember they're the poison berries", when I said that everyone snapped out of whatever hunger trance they were in and started getting ready to move again. Suddenly Jea and Sam climbed inside the room from the outside, "hey where have you been?" asked Skro

11th May 2003, 01:38 PM
Okay more like laying on me 'ead.

"Thought we check out the sunrise." I lied, as Jea jumped down.
We all grabbed our things and started to continue on with our journey.
I didn't say anything, I was pre-occupied thinking about my dream the night before. Had it really been a flashback? It did explain why I wanted to get a Tyranitar and ended up being fused with one.
A sudden thought creeped into my head. A quick snip-it of an old memory.
We could almost make out the next town in the distance.
"Hey guys, can we hang around that town for a bit when we get there?" I asked, "there's something I think I have to check out."

Krystalline Kabutops
11th May 2003, 08:42 PM
Dear, does this need revival or what?

"Sure, I don't see why not, but let's not stay for too long." I said to Sam. As we walked, everyone was silent, except for the kids. They were running around, tackling and string shotting. All the Wurmples decided to play a joke on Skrad. As one, they started to string shot him, until he was so tied up, he looked like a Cascoon. "Mmmph, mph!(Get me out!)" He tried to say. "Skrad, just stay there for a while, you need a rest."

11th May 2003, 10:33 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
All my Babies played a Joke on Skard, sooner or later, Making him look like a Pissy Casoon..

"Mmmph, mph!"
(Get me OUT!)

"Skard, Just stay like that for now, you need to rest.."Skro said..

(Naughty Wurmple!)

"Wurm..pl...e?"One of the Girls said.
(Why..It was just a Joke?)


We continued to walk towards the next town, I had more energy than usual. I was even picking some of my Kids and Flying them around in the air.

I was so hungry, I even took a Maple Leaf and Ate it..It wasn't bad..But I promised.

'Never Again.I'm dieing for Pizza.'

Krystalline Kabutops
12th May 2003, 07:53 AM

As we walked, Skrad seemed to resign himself to his fate, and just sat in my pack, grumbling. I chuckled to myself. It was actually very funny to see Skrad as a Cascoon look-alike. A little while later, I noticed something on the ground. I picked it up, and realized that it was a pack of vitaminss. I decided to tell the others once we reached the next town.

12th May 2003, 10:45 AM

As we walked, I saw a bush of berries. "Ba-" I started to say, but then I remembered the berries I had eaten a while back that had made me sick. Those ones looked just like them. "Did you say something?" asked Hiro. "Bay lee!" (It's nothing!) I answered, ignoring the berries. I'm not eating those again.

We were nearing the next town, and I couldn't remember which one we were going to next, so I asked the group. "Bay bay leef? Leef lee bay?" (What town is next? Are we almost to Littleroot?) I asked.

12th May 2003, 02:13 PM

We were walking along and I was just looking at the Cascoon/Houndour in Skros pack. I ddnt say anything but I was just bursting into laughter in my head. "Bay bay leef? Leef lee bay?" (What town is next? Are we almost to Littleroot?) Jea said breaking the silence. "Well...We're almost to Mauville City." I said then noticed something Skro haden't. "Hey guys, Remember we were going to Mauville then Verdanturf? Well if we keepgoing south then west, We could end up at oldale i half the time!" I said and everyone started getting excited. "There is a river in the way but Jenn and I could fly us all over one by one." I said but that didnt matter, All that mattered was we were close to being "us" again.

Guys I got some bad news, I'm going to be gone for 2 weeks. ;_; I'm being grounded from the computer For not doing enough school work. If you get to the Lab before I'm back, Can You leave me A hybrid? I kinda wanted to stay this way for the sequal. ^^ Thanks, Bye.

12th May 2003, 02:26 PM
Too bad GW Hope we don't finish up before you.


"Yes!" I yelled we had finally gotten to mauville. we al ran around looking at the shops and such, "hey!" shouted Skro "Everyone, get back here!". We all gathered around, "what?" I asked Skro, "we all need to make a plan" he said "here it is, We all do what we want to for about three to four hours, then we meet up back here at 6 o'clock sharp to find a nice pokemon oriented place to eat, then when we're finished with that we go find another secret base wich Hiro will open up for us around the town, spend the night there, then in the morning we will head forward, sound good?" , we all nodded in agreement and started blasting off to where we wanted to go. I just stood there next to Skro and said "well I don't really have any...thing...to do" I slowly trailed off as I noticed a big house that said "Pokemon fan club presents: Pig Pokemon appreciation day!". I ran off into the building as gast as I could. *sigh* "I guess I'll go to the pokemon daycare with Izumi" said Skro, as he ran off to catch up with Izumi.

12th May 2003, 03:49 PM
I watched the others leave. I had I rough idea of what it was that I wanted to do and it was all thanks to that photo. I walked around until I found an extraordinary building with the sign 'Jade's breeds' written on the front.
I walked in and a young woman approached me.
"Hi there, how can I help you?"
"Is Jade here?" I asked.
She looked slightly shocked for a moment then said, "yes, right this way."
She lead me to an office at the back of the building. I opened the door and walked in, a familiar aroma reached me.
"Rosmary." I muttered.
"It's my favourite," replied a voice.
I followed the sound to a chair, the back was turned to me but I could tell someone was sitting in it.
"What do you want?"
I pulled the photo from my pocket and put it on the desk. "Are you the woman in this picture?" I asked.
I hand reached out and pulled it from the desk. There was silence for a moment. "Why?"
"I know I'm the little kid in that picture, if you're the woman then I have a right to know."
"You have no such right. The boy in this photo is dead. I saw it myself."
"Well then I have to say that that's a load of bull****. I know because I remembered. I remembered the house in Littlewood and I remembered...I remembered the day she walked out. When she'd had enough...when she told me she loved me..." I stopped after that.
There was a brief silence. "I did it for a reason. I had no choice."
"I know."
The chair spun round and the I finally got to be face to face with my mother. She got up, walked over to me and hugged me tightly.
"I don't know how...and I don't care...I'm just happy you're okay."
I squeezed her tightly.
"I knew I could find you."
We parted and she looked at me. "But I saw you, you were...gone..."
"Maybe. The thing is, I don't remember much of my life, at least not before this." I spun around showing her my tail. "My friends told me some guy called Rowan did this. We're heading to Littleroot to try and reverse it." I explained.
She looked at me, her expression saddened. "Sam, I have...something to tell you."
I walked over to the meeting place, It wasn't yet time but my mother and I had caught up on basically everything. I had my own issues to settle now. Very personaly issues.

Krystalline Kabutops
12th May 2003, 04:19 PM
Ooc: SWINUBMAN!!!! Did you tell Gamewizard about the sequal?!?! No one was supposed to know! Ah well, I was gonna tell 'em anyway. Yes, there will be a sequel, involving a new villan. I hope you haven't leaked that info, Swinubman......

Guys, we're going to Petalburg, so we're gonna take the Verdantuf way.

I sighed, and ran after Izumi. She had said something about a daycare. Maybe we could spend the day there with the kids, but that would mean getting left out of all the activities. Oh well, parenting had it's costs. When we finally reached the daycare, the old woman there said that we could stay there for a bit. Suddenly, I had an idea. I told Izumi I'd be right back, and started to run towards the bikeshop. When I finally got there, I managed to gasp out "3..... mach bikes..... please...." As I handed the owner some cash. I quickly folded up yhe bikes, and deposited them back in my pack. I ran back to the daycare, and fell down next to Skrad. He had finally gotten out of the cacoon.

12th May 2003, 04:28 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
As everyone went to Some Direction, I knew where to go..

The Daycare Center..Maybe they can take care of my Babies while I have a Good Day out..

"Beau..Au...Ti!"I was acting like a seragant.

"Umph..."I heard Deep Breathing, and Skro scared me..
"Decided to come.."

(Can you place them in the Daycare for me, they Probably won't accept them from me..?)


We walked inside, and a Old Lady stared at Skro.
"Dear..Did you just come from where the Ash Falls?"

"Um...Yeah...Anyway..Can you take care of These 6 Baby Wurmple?"

"Izumi, You want Hikari..?"
"Beau.."I whispered back..

He left, The Old woman offered us to stay..He said something about Bikes..

While he was gone, Skrad got out of the Cacoon, and Looked all over the place for the Wumrple...Probably for Payback..

Skro came back, with Some folded bikes..

12th May 2003, 05:04 PM
I didn't leak any info to gamewizard, he guessed that there was going to be a sequal, I swear :yes:


I was talking to a big group about pig pokemon, "I think mankey is the bomb!" this little boy said, "no way! Primeape owns!" said another, "aahh" I thought to myself "finally among people I understand", I looked over to my right and saw a little girl standing by a trading machine I walked over to her and said "hey", "hey" she said back, "she looked at me "what pokemon do you have?" she asked, "uuuh, I got a Zigzagoon and a taillow" I replied, "wow! you have a taillow?" She said her eyes going all glossy, like in the anime, "yeah" I said "do you want one?". "Oh yes!, I've always wanted one" she said "will you please trade with me?" she asked, "sure" I said then I thought to myself "Izumi will be glad I got rid of her". we walked up to the trading booth and placed our pokeballs in the machine, it whirred for a few seconds and then stopped. I picked up my new pokeball and realised "Hey, I don't know what I just traded for!". Before I could ask the girl, she ran off to tell her mother what she got. "hmmm" I said "I'll find out for myself" I tossed the pokeball at the ground, and out came in a flourish of red light, a little brown pokemon, It looked up at me and said, "*snort* Swi Swi Swiiiiinub!"<Are you my new owner?>.

12th May 2003, 06:14 PM
Cool, a sequel?? I didn't know that! How did Gamewizard guess that?


I agreed with Skro, and felt that a little time alone is what all of us needed; besides, Sam had his own business to tend to. I wandered by a small string of houses that were on a residential street. A small group of kids were playing, and when they saw me, one, probably the leader of the bunch, stood up. "Look guys!" he said excitedly to his friends, "A Bayleef!! Lets go play with it!" They all ran up to me, some jumped up and down, and some patted my body. "Bay... baylee?" (Um... can you stop that?) I said, getting a bit annoyed. What dumb kids. They just see a wild pokemon and start playing with it? One of them started pulling on my buds. "Bay!" (Ow!) Another poked me with a stick. "Bay lee bay!!" (Cut that out!!) The leader climbed on my back, "Ride Leafie ride!!" he yelled, nudging me with his feet as if I were his Ponyta. That was it for me. "BAYLEE!!!" (GET OFF!!!) I yelled, bucking him off my back. He flew several feet, and seemed uninjured, but the other children stared at me with frightened looks.

I ignored them and ran as far as I could get from them into a little peaceful spot in the woods near the edge of Mauville. 'If this is what a wild pokemon goes through every day, I certainly don't want to be one forever.' I thought of when the trainers had tried to capture us before. 'How frightening it is to be chased by people, and hunted and beaten until you can't defend yourself anymore... And I was supposed to be one of those people until Rowan got ahold of me.' I thought back to before Rowan had gotten me, and remembered how excited I was to become a pokemon trainer. I had never once thought about how the pokemon must feel. 'After all of this, do I really even want to be a trainer anymore?' I asked myself. 'What else is there to do with pokemon?'

I looked up at a large billboard for a pokemon breeding place. 'Breeding?' I asked myself, 'What's breeding?' Curious, I went up to the billboard to take a closer look. And as I read it, the more I seemed to like the idea. 'Yeah,' I thought, 'I don't have to battle my pokemon, I could breed them, and take care of them, and study them to better understand all pokemon!' I also remembered that there were more ways to catch wild pokemon than chasing and trying to weaken them. Some people abandon their pokemon, others trade them, some just give weak ones away. My eyes glowed at the numerous possibilities that the world of pokemon held. A breeder. 'Why didn't I ever think of it before?'

Krystalline Kabutops
12th May 2003, 06:20 PM
All info on the sequel is at the moment confidential and in the prototype stages, so I can't give any out yet. Near the end of this RPG though, I'll give out some info. All that I can say is, collect plenty of Pokemon now.;)

12th May 2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Opaque Onigoori

Ooc: Sorry everyone who signed up but hasn't posted, we're too far for you to catch up. Maybe you can be in the sequel.

*pops in while parents arent looking* No offense, But its kinda obvious man

Krystalline Kabutops
12th May 2003, 06:31 PM
*Repeatedly clonks head on desk*

Bad..... monkey...... bad.....

*Keeps on clonking*

13th May 2003, 11:16 AM
I decided to take a walk around, just to entertain myself. I soon ran into Jea who was looking up at a billboard advertising my mom's breeding centre.
"Thinking about becoming a breeder?" I asked.
She turned around, even though she was a bayleaf I knew she was surprised to see me.
"Bay?" (Sam?)
I gave a small smile. "So, are you concidering becoming a breeder?"
"Leaf." (Yes.)
"What some tips?"
"Bay bayleaf." (Sounds great)
"This way." We walked over to my mom's place. "My mom can tell you everything you need to know, and she'll give you a starting kit for free."
"Bay bayleaf bay bay." (I thought you didn't remember anything)
"Well I did. Now, do you want to learn some basics of breeding or not?" I asked.

13th May 2003, 12:58 PM

Sam and I stood outside his mom's breeding place. "Now, do you want to learn some basics of breeding or not?" he asked. "Bay, bay leef leef" (Yes, I would like to learn the basics) I replied eagerly. On the other side of the street, those kids that had bugged me earlier appeared. They took one look at me and started walking quickly the other way. 'Man, I really freaked those kids out' I thought to myself.

"Bay leef bay?" (So what helped you remember?) I asked Sam as he opened the door to go in. He told me about how his mom recognized him and started telling him about his past. "Oh Sam," a woman said, "Back so soon? I thought you were leaving?" "Bay bay leef?" (Is that her?) I asked him, seeing the woman approaching us. "No," he answered sarcastically, "That's just some other woman that acts like my mother- what do you think?!" "Bay!" (Oh!) I said, blushing from embarassment. Sam turned to his mom, "This is my friend Jea, she was turned into a pokemon by Rowan, and she wants to learn about pokemon breeding. I thought you could tell her the basics while we're here."

"Sure!" she said happily, "Nice to meet you Jea." "Bay bay bayleef!" (Nice to meet you too!) I said, only half-realizing that she couldn't understand me. She stared blankly at me. Sam spoke up, "Uh, she said 'nice to meet you too'." "Oh!" said Sam's mom, "Well, come this way, and I'll show you what I do for a living." We followed Sam's mom around her breeding center, and as we walked, she would give me advice about how to start off on my own. The more I heard, the more I liked it.

14th May 2003, 04:32 PM

Man..Being a Mommy and a Forced To-be Pokemon makes life tough..

"Your babys are so...Unique..Like you.."The old woman said..



15th May 2003, 12:24 PM
Hmm... not much happening here is there? Well, at least we won't have gone far by the time Gamewizard gets off being grounded.;)

15th May 2003, 09:39 PM

We walked up to the city and everyone ran off to do their own stuff. I didnt really have anything to do so I just sat on a bench and watched everyone. I sighed and stretched out my wings slightly and my shirt ripped apart. "Not again..." I said hitting my head with my palm. "...oh well, I guess Ill get a better tan." I said laughing at myself. Then Jenn came up and sat next to me, She was just as bored as I was.

"Hey, The others will be back in about 30 minutes, You want to go get a pizza while were waiting?" I asked her while getting up. "Sure." She said and we walked up to one of the PizzaHuts for lunch.

After we were eating and joking around I saw out the window the other Hybrids were back with another one with them. It had blue and yellow scales along its skin and spikes down its head, neck, and back. Its eyes were red and I could swear they looked like snake eyes. Then it hit me. 'Thats a gyarados...' "Come on lets go, I see the others running up to them, We'll sneak up from behind!" I said grabbing her and running out the door.

Krystalline Kabutops
15th May 2003, 10:01 PM
Ooc: Yes Game, you do keep it alive.;)

While walking back from the daycare, I noticed the hybrids. "Izumi, take care of the kids and my pack, 'k?" "Beau." I then slinked over until I was right behind one of them. I got ready to Iron Taill it, but it turned around. I recognized the pokemon.... Suddenly, it shot a Hydro Pump at me, which sent me crashing through a tree and halfway into a third. I felt like I was burning, because of the water. I just lay there, wedged in the tree, slowly losing conciousness....

16th May 2003, 12:57 AM
I heard trees breaking outside. "This can't be good." I muttered. "Jea, we'd better check it out."
"Bey!" (Yes!)
"Don't worry mom I'll be back in a few." I called.
I saw a pokemon glaring at something, prepaing to attack. I looked over and saw Skro.
I had to get him out of there. "Rock tomb!" The pokemon became surrounded by large rocks, halting its movement. Hopefully long enough for me to get Skro away from here.
I ran and somehow managed to wedge him out of the tree. He was just concious.
"Jea!" I called. "I'll take Skro back to my mom's place. If the pokemon gets out try and hold it off untill I get back."
And then I took off for the breeding centre.

Krystalline Kabutops
16th May 2003, 06:33 AM

As Sam pulled me along, I gasped "Sam..." "Shh Skro, you need rest." "Sam.... Izumi... The kids.... backpack... left behind....." "Ok, after I get you to safety, I'll get them." "Thanks..." I then tumbled into unconciousness.

16th May 2003, 10:02 AM

The Gyarados hybrid stared angrily at me through the rocks that Sam had trapped it in. It grabbed one of them, attempting to move it out of its way, and I thought, 'No one could move that thing! It's way too heavy!' But, sure enough, the rock it was holding began to budge slowly. "Bay bay lee?!" (How did you do that?!) I asked, stunned by it's strength. "Gyarados are really strong, aren't they?" she said. 'That's a girl?' I asked myself, I didn't think that many girls would actually want to be a Gyarados. She finished moving the boulder, and I finally came back to my senses. 'I can't let her leave!' I told myself.

"Bay bay?" (Where do you think you're going?) I asked her, throwing a Razor Leaf in her direction. The leaves hit her, causing her to stop running away, but they didn't seem to hurt her. "You idiot!" she said to me, "Gyarados are part flying! Grass attacks won't hurt me! The only thing that can hurt me is electricity!" 'She's right! How'll I stop her?' "Take this!" she yelled at me, and she breathed out some almost fiery looking stuff. It hit me, and I flew against the tree behind me. Stunned, I tried to get up. "Bay leef?" (What was that?) I asked her. "Dragonbreath," she answered, laughing at me.

16th May 2003, 11:09 AM
Wow, I haven't posted in a while


I was playing with my new found friend and jiga inside the fan house when I heard something from outside, no one else seemed to be able to hear it, "hmmm, prolly cuz of my new ears" I thought. All of a sudden snorty (my swinub) started sniffing like mad, he zoomed towards the door and ran right through it! I looked down "oh, a doggy door" I said as I ran after him. when I got outside I was hit by an immense pain in my ears "Ahhgg!" I yelled. I looked down the street and saw a gyarados hybrid beating up jea, "argh, that thing must be releasing some kind of high pitched noise and my new ears pick it up too well" I thought. I returned Snorty to his pokeball, and ran over to the gyarados covering my ears. I stopped along the way and grabbed a pair of Sableye earmuffs from a souvinear stand, I put them on, and continued running. I got to the Gyarados right as it was about to blast jea with a move, "Gruuuu!" I yelled and picked the thing right off the ground, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I yelled as the gyarados squirmed around in the air. "SHADOW BALL!" I screamed and launched a giant ball of yellow and black straight at it. It blasted backwards toward the forest where I could see it starting to get back up. "nobody hurts my friends" I said as I started to run over to jea, "are you ok?" I asked her

Krystalline Kabutops
17th May 2003, 11:20 PM
Ooc: Well, this died. Could soeone further the story? Skro's kinda indisposed at the moment.:P

18th May 2003, 11:27 AM
Izumi the Beautifly
"Oh...Poor Beautifly.."The old Woman said..

"Beau..ti.."I told Skro
(Head off, I'll meet you later)

"Ok.."He said, and left..

"So..."The old Lady said.."Your baby's are so Pretty..."



19th May 2003, 10:07 AM
I'll try!


"Are you okay?" Hiro asked me. "Bay" (Yeah) I said, getting up slowly. The Gyarados girl appeared to be injured, and she started running away... probably going back to Rowan or whatever slime she crawled out from under. Hunter and Jenn went flying after her, Hunter yelling, "We'll take care of her!" to us. Hiro looked over at me, "Where's the others?" he asked. I remembered what Sam had said when taking off with Skro. "Baylee bay bay leef" (Sam took Skro to his mom's) I answered. Hiro glanced over to where Jenn and Hunter flew off to. "Let's let Hunter and Jenn take care of the Gyarados. We should go see if Skro and the others are all right," he said. I agreed, so we walked to Sam's mom's breeding center. When Hiro and I got there, we had found that Skro was all healed up. "He needs a little bit of rest, but I think he'll survive," said Sam's mom. Skro stood up, "What about Izumi... and the babies! Did Sam get to them? And the Gyarados hybrid?" "Calm down!" said Hiro, "Jenn and Hunter are after her. I don't know about Sam and Izumi though." "Bay bay lee" (They're probably still at the daycare) I said. "I hope so," said Skro.

20th May 2003, 07:17 AM
Hey, Cant we take the shortcut? This might die if we dont finish soon.


Jenn and I had raced after the gyrados girl. When we cornered her she seemed to panic when she saw my hands start to spark. Jenn had powered up an ice beam and froze her to a tree and I started to power up my ThunderBolt.

The girl broke free and fired a dragon breath right at my face and my thunderbolt shot off right at Jenn when I couldnt see. She fell to the ground and I flew to her side. "Are you ok!?" I said picking her up. "Yeah I'm alright I guess but whered she go?" She said and We noticed the girl was gone. "Oh well, Lets go back to the others." I said and carried her back to the others.

When we got back the others looked at us. "Awww, The lovebirds are back." They said and we both started blushing but Jenn jumped out of my arms and punched everyone square in the face. "Fiesty arent you?" I said and she started to laugh.

Krystalline Kabutops
20th May 2003, 07:34 AM
Ooc: Ok, you win. I wanna get the sequal going soon.

20th May 2003, 07:47 AM
Why didnt you post as skro? *holds a knife at you* POST!

Krystalline Kabutops
20th May 2003, 07:51 AM
Ooc: Eep *Tries to avoid knife* Is your name by any chance Gip?(Read angel factory to get that) Sorry, but as I said, Skro's indisposed right now... yeah.

20th May 2003, 09:47 AM
*Wakes up skro*

Sorry for the shortness I'm in a hurry ;)

20th May 2003, 11:39 AM
Hey watch where your pointing that knife man!

I'm not much of a guy to lead us farther so someone else will do that. ;o


I watched as hunter tried to wake up skro, "come on! wake up!" hunter was starting to get a little frustrated. He then released a small shock from his hands into skro, "zyow!" yelled skro as he sat up. "well now that you guys are both ready Im gonna go find us a secret base to sleep in for the night" I said, "k" said hunter "whatever you say commander" said skro sarcasticly. I walked off towards the forest on the outskirts of town releasing Snort and Jiguz, "they might be able to help me find a good base" I thought as we walked on. I stopped in front of a big tree not too far from town and looked around it, "hmmm this ones already open" I said "let's check it out". Me Jiguz and Snort all walked into the tree and started looking around. "hey it's pretty dark in here" I said "swi swino snor"<yeah it is> said Snort, I walked around until I bumped into something "ahhh!" I said as I thumped hard onto the wood floor, I looked around to see what I had tripped over. The light from the sun outside was enough to see the bright pair of teeth in front of me. "Linoooo!" the pair of teeth yelled, suddenly the tree became very bright. "agh!" I yelled, I looked up and saw a little white pokemon that looked like it was wearing goggles glowing with orange light, suddenly it changed to a fiery looking pokemon with goggles. I looked over at the pokemon that growled at me, I saw it was a Linoone. I had seen alot of those at pokemon summer camp one year and knew that they can be very territorial only when protecting their young. I looked around and saw it, a little bushell made out of fur and twigs holding three baby zigzagoons. "uh-oh" I muttered, "linoooo!" the linoone yelled and pounced at me. "ahhh!" I screamed as the creatire started scratching my face up. Suddenly I heard a cry from the other side of the tree, "SWIIIINUB!" <Get off him!> snort yelled and blasted a giant heap of Snow at the linoone, "linoo?" it said confused right beofre it was blasted into a wall. "agh! my face!" I yelled, taking my hands away from it and seeing blood on my hands. Snort ran over to me and gently whooshed some snow onto my face, that seemed to soke up enough of the blood, "thanks" I said "Snort"<no problem> said Snort. I walked outside with Snort not far behind me and looked around, "hey! that looks like a good tree!" I yelled and ran over to it. It was a nice looking tree with fresh looking wood, "Secret power!" I said making some vines drop down, leading to a hole not too far up the tree. The sun was facing this one and I could see that it was empty, "thank god" I said to myself. I looked over towards mauville and saw Hunter and Skro standing near the edge of town, I dropped down to the ground and ran over to them, "I found a good one" I said "and you have to hear what happened in the first one".

Now when we face a wild pokemon or evil person or something like that, and I don't post in it, could someone make it so I release Snort so he can fight.

21st May 2003, 08:55 AM

After Hiro had told us what happened the group all climbed in the tree. "Man I hate these things. I'm going outside." I said and walked outside. I didnt know it but Jenn came outside a few minutes after me. I walked over to a tree and sat down thinking of what we would do when we got to the lab. Then Jenn came up from behind the tree and sat down next to me. "Hey." she said and put her head on my shoulder. "Thinkin about the Lab?" She asked me. 'How does she always know what I'm thinking?' I thought and just answered "Yeah." "So was I." She said and I started thinking again. "I just dont know if I want to be normal again. I mean I know thats the point of getting back to the lab..." I told her and she looked up at me. "...But you like all the freedom it gives you right?" She finished for me. "Yeah." I said and kissed her on the cheek. She started to blush but then we heard sounds of a battle coming from the new base. "Trainers..." We said and started to fly back.

Guys, Dont let these trainers be push overs, They need to have strong pokemon.

21st May 2003, 12:03 PM
Izumi the Beautifly
As The Rest of the Group, not including Hunter and Jenn, settled in the new Base, layed down on the ground...


(Not now)

But, as I got up, some Trainer's had entered the Base. Each one looked Smarter and Stronger than the one Next to it..

I quickly flew up, and pushed My Baby's inside their Pokeballs, even Hikari..


21st May 2003, 12:09 PM
Wow, we just keep getting ourselves into truble don't we? :rolleyes:


"Go Ninjask!" shouted one of the trainers, throwing a Net-ball onto the ground. "Ninjiiiii!" It screamed, "ninjask, fury swipes!" yelled the kid, who was a boy that looked just about my age before we went to the lab. "aghhh!" I screamed as the Ninjask flew up and started cutting away at me, I flew down to the floor. "Psychic!" I shouted, a wave of ripling energy flew at the Ninjask, it hit it but didn't seem to do anything, "what?" I said in disbelief "it's a bug type! bug is good against psychic!" shouted Izumi who was dealing with another trainers Seviper. "aw crap!" I yelled. "Ninjask, use slash!" shouted the kid, the Ninjask flew straight at me, and slashed me with its claw, "grrummphh" I said hitting the floor face first. I turned around and screamed, "Secret power!" Suddenly a shot of energy shot out of me and slammed hard into the ninjask. "ninjiii" It said not moving, "ahh you paralized him!" yelled the kid eunning over pulling a bottle out of his pocket, "No Paralyze heal!" I yelled, but it was too late the ninjask was up on its wings again. I collapsed out of exausgen (don't know how to spell that) and said "any of you guys want to take this? I weakened him up a little".

23rd May 2003, 01:02 PM

Jenn and I raced in the tree and Immediately looked at the trainers pokemon. I punched one trainer in the nose but he didnt even flinch. "Go Golem!" He said the massive rock pokemon appeared right before my eyes. "Boddy Slam!" They yelled and it Ran right into me and we went right through the tree hitting the ground. I groaned and got up rubbing my head.

The Golem looked like it was trained well. I took flight and shot some thundershocks at it but nothing worked. I was fighting a losing battle. Then Jenn came outside and made everything get cold with a blizzard. The Golem was out like a light. The trainer recalled it and sent out a Tyranitar. "Um...This might be a little harder."

24th May 2003, 03:38 PM
"Leave it to me." I said, jumping down next to Hunter. "It's time I found out just how much strength I have."
I stood facing the Tyranitar.
"Tyranitar! Tackle attack!" The trainer ordered.
It charged and me so I began to charge too. There was a loud crashing souns as we collided, smoke rose up from the ground and when it dispersed we both still there, our hands griping each others, pushing against one another.
"Come on Tyranitar you can beat it!" The trainer cheered on his pokemon.
We were even, neither of us giving an inch. I needed to turn this battle in my favour.
"Time for my new attack..." I opened my mouth and charged up a powerful beam. Suddenly I launched it, straight into the chest of the opposing Tyranitar.
It flew back, crashing into a tree and falling to the ground unconcious.
The trainers stood there shocked then returned his pokemon.
"Hey I never knew you knew hyper beam," said Hunter.
"My mom gave me the Tm," i replied. Walking over to him.

26th May 2003, 04:12 PM

After Sam had made mince meat out of the Tyranitar I heard shreaks from inside the tree. "Oh no!" I yelled and grabed Jenn by the Arm and we ran inside. "The children! Theyre captured!" Srko yelled and Hiro limped up next to us. "Yeah, And I'm almost down for the count." He said and i helped him keep standing up. The kid with the Tyranitar then snuck up on us and threw an ultra ball at him and he vanished.

"Oh no!" I yelled and grabed the pokeball. But then a Graveler tackled me and threw the pokeball at its master. Jenn then stretched her wings and fired an ice beam at the graveler but it missed. The graveler then charged at her full force with a body slam but I got in between them He hit me and I was able to hold him off just barely. Jenn looked at me and whispered to herself. "He saved me." I could barely make it out when the graveler jumped to the side making me fall to the ground flat on my face. Jenn ran next to me and helped me up.

We walked over to the others and he trainers smirked. One of them whispered to themselves saying They wanted the Girl with blue wings. 'Man can they not tell were part human?' I thought and stepped infront of Jenn who looked over my shoulder at them. "Get out of the way dude, We want those Wild pokemon!" One yelled at me. Apparently they thought I was a trainer cuz I hadnt shown my wings yet.

"No way! These are my friends!" I yelled and the one that wanted Jenn smirked. "I don't care, We want them, And that girl looks rare, almost looks human." He said and grabbed a pokeball. "I'm going to capture her and you can't stop me." He said and took a step forward. Jenn hid behind me slightly and I glared at them.

The Graveler then stepped forward and it seemed to have the same attitude as its trainer. I ran and tackled me into the wall and turned for Jenn. It ran and body slammed her to and she well limp to the ground. "JENN!" I screamed and hit the Graveler with a Thunderbolt. It didnt do much but it pushed it out of the tree and it well to the ground.

I ran over to Jenn and helped her up. "Are you ok?" I asked and she smiled."I'm fine." she said and I smiled and kissed her. She began to blush but it didnt lst long when the graveler climbed back up in the tree. 'Great, Ruin my moment why dont you.'

26th May 2003, 04:24 PM
"Hang on guys!" I shouted, running over.
I grabbed the graveller by its foot and pulled it down on the ground.
"Ever heard of privacy?" I asked sarcastically.
We then battled, tackling against one another. I was slightly stronger and the trainers could tell that his pokemon was losing the battle.
"Graveller use rollout!"
The graveller curled into a ball and started rolling at me. i dodged the attack, again and again and again. But it kept comming. suddenly, i had an idea.
I stopped dodging and stood my ground. The graveller charged at me. I didn't move and blocked the attack, pushing against the graveller with all of my strength.
"Hyper beam!" i launched the attack at the graveller and it was sent rolling back into the trainers. They scattered like pins on a bowling alley as graveller hit them
"Sttiiiirrrriiiikkkkkeee!" I cheered, punching the air.

26th May 2003, 09:49 PM

After Sam had gone bowled a pefect game Jenn and I got up and glared at the trainers.Then they ran out of the tree. "Hey wait a minute." I said and Everyone looked at me. "Hiro, The Babies, Theyre with those trainers!" I said and everyone gasped. "Beu ti ti flybeu"(I hope theyre still out there!) Izumi cried and flew to the opening. "Beau fly...." (Oh no...)

Everyone ran up next to her, They were no where to be seen. Izumi and Skro burst into tears, They thought theyd never see their children again. "Baylea bay..." (Dont worry, We'll find them.) Jea said to them.

We set off to find them in the woods but saw no one at all. "This'll take forever..." Skro sighed. I then noticed Sam was starting to kick me in the leg. I turned around and glared but he was just looking at the ground. 'Great, He's mad Beause I kissed Jenn...' I thought and stepped on his foot. "What was that for!?" He yelled but I had already walked away. Everyone looked at him confused and he glared at me. I gave a fake smile and walked over to Jenn.

27th May 2003, 09:26 AM
Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I've been busy


As Hunter walked over to Jenn, I started looking around for the babies away from the group. I released Snort and jiguz to help me look, Jiguz ran over to Skro. I sighed "I've lost her", as I looked at a big old rotten tree, "hmmm" I said sniffing something in the air. I followed the scent away from the group and to a small cave on a big rock wall, "huh?" I said confused, for the smell was inside the cave. i walked inside and looked around. I gasped "gasp!" on all sides of the walls was a glowing moss like substance, "Swi Swi!" <would you look at that!> said Snort. For some reason I was attracted to the moss, and walked up to it. I carefully peeled aalot of it off the wall, and stuffed it in a Mankey shaped bottle I had picked up at the pig convention, then I stuck that in my pack and ran back to the group. "Where were you?" asked Jea, "uhhhh, going to the bathroom" I said quickly "whatever" said Jea looking out on the dirt path again. I decided I wouldn't tell them about this moss just yet.

Everyone, don't go making something happen where you find out what the moss does or something like that. I have big plans for that stuff. One of you can maybe see it in my pack, and get kinda suspicious, but that's it.

27th May 2003, 10:51 AM
Heh, haven't posted in a while due to the Memorial Day weekend (always a "family event").


"Bayleef" (Whatever) I said, as Hiro rejoined us. Skro and Izumi looked really worried. I couldn't blame 'em; those trainers were ruthless. 'What is wrong with people?!' I thought, 'Why don't they notice that there's something different about us?' It sure would be nice if we had more human friends. I looked over at Hunter and Jenn. "Bayy... bay leef!" (Aww... how cute!) I said in a sweet voice. Jenn glared at me. "Bay bay!" (I was only joking!) I said, half laughing. Those two did make quite the cute couple. Sam didn't seem too happy about it; but, he'd get over it.

"Hey!" yelled Skro, "I think I see them! Up ahead, in that field, looking at some wild Oddish!" "All right!" said Hunter, "Let's get 'em." "Bay lee bay?" (But how will we know which pokeballs they're in?) I asked as we watched them from a distance. "One of them isn't in their pokeball!" said Sam, pointing to one of the trainers, who was huggling Hikari. "Well, the rest of them are. So we're just going to have to get the balls from them, and release whatever's in them" said Hunter, readying for battle. "Bay!" (Okay!) I said, getting some vines ready to grab any pokeballs I saw.

Krystalline Kabutops
30th May 2003, 03:33 PM
Ooc: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been moving. *Glares at Gamewizard* Does THAT explain it?

Without a word, I started sprinting over to the trainers. The one huggling Hikari yelled "Look! It's that one again! I wanna catch it!" Handing Hikari over to one of her friends, she pulled out a pokeball. The last time I had underestimated a girl, I had ended up with a paralyzed back. She tossed the pokeball, and I jumped to the side. My canine instincts took over, and I jumped on top of her, stunning her. I ripped the pokeballs from her belt and tossed them to Izumi. "Who's next?" I growled to the rest of them. Without flinching, their leader tossed a pokeball at me. It was purple with two red dots. I slapped it away, but it came back! It sucked me up and into the depths. After a few minutes of struggling, I gave up. The trainer realesed me. He seemed to have run away from the group. I heard sounds from a ways away, which must have been the battle. Turning towards the trainer, I preapared to strike. Calmly, he slipped a muzzle on my mouth and punched me. Dazed, I could only watch as he tied my limbs together. He pulled out his Pokedex and identified me. "Well well, a Houndoom. Very rare, you're the catch of the day." He laughed. "You'll have to learn obediance." He sent out a Hitmonchan. I groaned, and tried to howl. No good. The Hitmonchan started it's windup, and I tried to use Iron Tail. Before it hardened, The Hitmonchan punched it. I winced, and the Hitmonchan strted it's punching bag routine. With every punch, I moaned. Finally, He recalled his Hitmonchan. "Obediant now?" I nodded weakly. I had no fight left in me.
Ooc: Someone remind him of Skrad, and he'll be out of that muzzle in no time.

30th May 2003, 05:01 PM
Yo, Kalad's Back in action! and he AND Argent(check sec.17-18) are here to the rescue! (talk about Deus Ex Machina...)
I had planned on waiting for the others, but it had taken too long, Argent and I had been running into far too many trainers, and this time I found myself facing a greater threat, I had just found my friends again, and Skro had gotten sucked into a pokeball. now he was being beaten up by a hitmonchan, then it was recalled. "STOP!" I shouted, my voice dripping with disgust, contempt and pure rage. "Who said that?" the trainer shouted back, his friends looking around. I swung my flaming sword, causing the trees around me to fall. "I Did." I stated. they were stunned for a second, but then they came to there senses. "Kalad...." I heard Skro mutter. the trainer sent out the hitmonchan I saw earlier. "Go! Punch his lights out!" The trainer shouted. I rushed forward, and did an overhead swing. he dodged it and punched me. I released the sword, and enveloped my hands in flames and went into a position for fistfighting "Bring it on." I said. we went back and forth, nearly equal, him being slightly stronger, when I shouted, "Argent, NOW!" Argent came flying down from the sky, and slammed the hitmonchan into the ground. the trainer looked stunned. "Release Him, NOW!" I said to him menacingly.