View Full Version : Christmas Eve Jitter (Poem)- Secret Santa Gift to Asilynne

Goodnight Seadra
13th December 2008, 02:46 AM
Hehe, no more waiting, Asilynne! ;D

Yeah Asilynne, I"m your secret santa and here's the gift. Sorry if it's not very good-don't know you all that well and I suck at poetry. XD Hope you like it anyways.

Christmas Eve Jitter (Poem)- Secret Santa Gift to Asilynne
By Goodnight Seadra

Close the door, turn off the lights
The moon is just too bright
And the snowstorm is bitter
On this Christmas Eve jitter

Oh, you are shaking your gift
That Santa Claus just sent
But do not worry, however
Your present might be something clever
So please be patient and do not open
Or the magic would be ruined

Your heart glows with glee
How I know, that I can see
Now go back to sleep and rest
This Christmas might be the best

13th December 2008, 06:21 PM
Awwww thanks Seadra ^v^ This poem reminds me of seeing the presents in the glow of the christmas lights like when I was a lil kid :'> I <3 it :D
And thats what makes the secret santa the best is we get to know new people :D TYVM XD