View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh: Shadows of the Past

17th February 2007, 02:10 PM
I do know that there is one in my other account but since I can't access it, I thought I would start over with this one. There are some few changes.

Shadows of the Past


Two different sides, one good … one evil.

Both trying to reach a certain goal not realizing their actions.

Picture a fantasy fanatic …

Terone or as the circuit calls him “The Duelist of Hogwarts”…

His experiences in the past have taught him to not underestimate anything. His duels were a good example. But none of them could compare what happened a year ago. What happened in New York when Remi lead him into a death trap against Yugi Junior changed his views on the whole thing about Duel Monsters. After that, Terone had been trying to figure this whole thing out. This was the first time a Millennium Item has been used against him. Sure, he had seen his dad’s item but never had one been used against him. Not realizing that everything had been changed, Terone just wanders into the dark not realizing that he may have to do something unexpected … some dangerous … some life threatening to make sure that light prevails over the dark.

Picture a man dismayed...

The would be master-villain known as Remi Farikhof...

He had called himself the Heir of Marik, but he was no longer worthy of that title, and he knew it. After losing to Yugi Junior and having his whole master plan blow up in his face, things had changed. If he ever met the actual Marik... not that there was much chance of that happening now (since he is now trapped in the Shadow Realm)... he'd never be able to face him.

Madness loomed in his future, of this he was certain. No one could remain in this realm for long and stay sane forever. Only the single-minded hatred he now felt for six youngsters kept his mind at a semi-lucid state. At this moment, he repeated in his mind what he had already repeated for what must have been the thousandth time...

I was so close, he thought. Went over it a hundred times, had every possibility covered and prepared for, a backup plan for every contingency... but how do you prepare for someone who did what he did? How do you have a Plan B for someone who has plans far beyond that?

The time for finding flaws in his plans was far past... his plan had been a failure, and so was he.

He gazed into the uncanny darkness. How long had he been here? There was no night and day in this realm... He glanced upon his watch, still on his wrist. It had stopped. The battery was dead.

In a rage, he tore it off, and prepared to throw it into the abyss...

Then he stopped.

The watch... a timepiece... time...

A thought came to him suddenly...

He knew of the special power that the ceremony had given him, long, long ago. One he had never used. He had often discussed it with his advisors:

"It's too risky," one of them said. "The odds are against you."

"Don't make the attempt," said another. "If your calculations were off by even the smallest amount, your only fate would be oblivion."

"It's a fool's game," said a third. "The consequences could be dire. What use is their ruling the world if your acts make it so there is no world to rule?"

Thus he had never dared try... but now...

It was his only option. The only possible way to renew his plans and make them succeed. The only way he could save himself and his master from their unfortunate fate.

A large smile appeared on his face...

"I can destroy Yugi Junior and his friends," he said aloud. "I can strike where they couldn't possibly defend themselves...

"At a time before they had ever been born..."

“Of course that is if I get out of here. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it.”

Two different people drawn into the same plan, the balance of time and space will be torn apart … while one will try to destroy history while the other will try to save it. Two different people, both on separate journeys … that both will never forget the Shadows of the Past.

17th February 2007, 02:13 PM
I also want to tell you that I am sorry that I have been putting this off soooo long. Here is the first chapter with a few changes (plus I also want to thank Dark Sage for any alterations with my chapters);

Chapter 1

Back to Basics, Back to Battle

It was several hours since I got on that plane to Japan. I had just received an e-mail from Siegfried inviting me to learn about his new tournament. I knew that Siegfried was going to have a Duel Monster Tournament that would outshine his uncle Seto Kaiba’s Battle City. And I had been practicing. Rumors were that there would be many challenging opponents there and I wanted to be up the challenge. After purchasing several tickets, I got on a plane from England to Japan. Of course, there were many layovers but it gave me a chance to work on my deck.

We had just stopped to refuel in Greece. The attendants were passing out snacks to the first class. Since my parents did pay for the tickets, they were nice enough to make sure I was comfortable. As I looked out the window, it reminded me of a similar flight a year ago. I was heading from India to New York for a Duel Monsters Convention. Why my parents were in India was because of an archaeological site. See my parents were top archeologicalists and they would travel around the world to find Discoveries like this. Usually they did spend most of their time in Egypt continuing on their research their but they decided to make a change.

My cousin Dione was visiting a friend in New Jersey and I’d thought I stop by after the convention. So my parents paid for the trip. Just like the plane stop I am on right now, we stopped to refuel in Greece. I was sitting going through my Deck when I heard some snickering. I looked around and tried to figure out where this noise was coming from. I gave up and started to continue to look over my Deck. Then I heard the same snickering. This was getting annoying that I couldn’t find out where this snickering was coming from.

“Duel Monsters? What a waste of time.”

The sound of this voice was coming in front of me. A head popped up from the back of the seat. The voice belonged to 13 year old with Dark Blond hair. From the expression on his face, he wasn’t a big fan of Duel Monsters. Not everybody liked the game, but it wasn’t a waste of time. I frowned at this kid. Just then a hand hit the back of this kid’s head.

“Jason, stop being rude.”

A girl stood up to face me. She had long Brown hair. She was wearing a blue blouse with old blue jeans. I could see two sapphire earrings shining in the light. The boy who I now knew was Jason also stood up. He was a Green Lantern T-Shirt with brand new blue Jeans. I stared at the two. Obviously these two were brother and sister or probably cousins.

“Well excuse me, Jessica,” Jason said. “It’s not my fault that I can’t stand people who play Duel Monsters.”

“That’s still no excuse to snicker at him,” Jessica said.

“Why does he think that me liking Duel Monsters is funny?” I asked.

“Because it’s a stupid game,” Jason said with a smirk.

“It is not,” Jessica glared back. “You just haven’t gotten used to it.”

“I have gotten used to it,” Jason glared right back. “In fact, I mastered this ‘game’ so I don’t have to play it again.”

I was apparently missing something. Those two must have made a bet or wager because no duelist would just master Duel Monster just to never play it again. And why didn’t Jason like Duel Monsters? It was the most challenging card game out there. I have played other card games but none of them could hold a candle to Duel Monsters.

“You have not,” Jessica growled. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not lying,” Jason said.

“Are too.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.”

“Are not.”

“Are too”

“Are not”

“Are too.”

“Are not infinity.”

“Are too infinity plus one.”

It was funny to see them fighting but I was still out of the loop. I didn’t want to interrupt their argument but I had to find out what the whole commotion was about. Maybe I could help. My teacher was I was good at solving other people’s problems. I did it with friends, family and a couple teachers. I once helped out my gym teacher who was still grieving from the loss of his niece. I had been in the same situation when my aunt died when I was seven. I got help from a counselor who helped me deal with this situation. He also helped deal with people who were in situations where everything went downhill.

“Excuse me for interrupting but it seems like you are having a problem,” I said. “Do you think I might help?”

“No, you may not,” Jason replied. “I didn’t need some Duel Monster lover to help me.”

Jason laughed but then Jessica punched him.

“Jason, you are being rude,” Jessica said politely. “Go ahead, we could use all the help we can.”

“First of all, my name is Terone Prospero, not some Duel Monster lover,” I replied. “Second of all, what is so wrong with Duel Monsters?”

“Well Terone, it isn’t challenging enough,” Jason said while frowning.

“Not challenging enough?” I asked. “You must be crazy. Duel Monster is the most challenging card game out there.”

“It is not,” Jason said shortly.

“I am not getting into an argument like your sister,” I replied. “So what card game is challenging to you?”

“Let’s see…” he said. “There is Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering, Lord of the Five Rings and Versus. They are excellent card games compared to Duel Monsters. I still can’t believe people play Duel Monsters. It should have ended 30 years ago.”

“Excuse me for being rude,” I said while smiling, “but those card games went out of style once Duel Monsters were introduced. I mean you did see people play it once in a while but just because they forget their Duel Monsters Deck or … ”

“How dare you make fun of THOSE card games!” he screamed “They have more strategy than Duel Monsters combined…”

“Keep it down because you are embarrassing yourself,” I interrupted. “Anyways, you definitely haven’t mastered it if you don’t think there isn’t any strategy to it.”

“That’s why we are going to the New York Convention,” Jessica said while sighing. “I know that they are some talented duelists there to prove me right. I have dueled with my brother but he says he wants someone other than me to change his mind.”

“Why don’t I challenge him right now?” I said, proudly. “I’m one of the top duelists on the Duelist Circuits. Just call me “The Duelist of Hogwarts.”

“You like Harry Potter?” Jessica said excitedly. “That’s my favorite series.”

“Let’s get this on with,” Jason said in a moan.

We turned the seat around which we developed for normal table-top duels. It took several hours but I taught him a lesson. He was shocked when I pulled out all sort of movies. I made sure to keep the Culture Cards out of this duel just in case he thought I stole them. I would use them later in Siegfried’s new tournament. Jessica thanked me and they turned around. I decided to relax until I arrived in New York. I looked outside the window and saw we were talking off finally. I decided to take a nap just in case.

After several detours (which I believed were excuses to fix the plane which I knew was in tip-top condition.), we finally arrived in Domino, Japan. After collecting my suitcases and checking into the hotel, I decided to walk around here. Japan was such a nice place that I felt home here. I had similar feeling like back home. I wasn’t noticing where I was going when I ran into somebody. I immediately started to apologize until I saw who it was.

“Jade, is that you?”

I looked up and saw the green armor with the long flowing blond hair. I knew it was Jade because of a certain horrible memory. It was because of that Duel between me and Yugi Junior that Remi set up. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be breathing right now. After New York, I kept in touch with all of them, especially Jade. I didn’t know how Samurai dealt with promises but I owed her.

“Yes, it is,” she said back. “I see that you are here to get a behind the scenes of Siegfried’s new tournament.”

“Yes, I have still been improving my deck.” I replied. “My deck has gotten a whole new transformation since I dueled Yugi in New York City.”

“Why don’t you join me for some tea?” she asked.

I nodded and we went to the nearest tea place. We chatted on the latest card released. Everything went great until we heard some ruckus coming from the table behind us. I was annoyed. I was relaxing until this person ruined the moment. I was about to turn around and get this person my two cents when I saw who it was.

“You call this tea? It tastes like something you threw together in a second.”

Yes, that’s who I guessed it was. It was Trevor, my so called rival. I knew that because he always wore that snazzy outfit. He thought it made him look cool. I met him when I became “Duelist of Hogwarts” on the Duelist Circuit. He claimed he was the greatest duelist. I beat him easily but that wasn’t the end of that. He wouldn’t stop bothering me until he beat me. I regret that he hasn’t so he decided to take up another hobby; Celebrity Stalking. He decided to stalk the most famous celebrities. I guess he was here for two reason; either he was here to beat me or he was here to stalk Yugi Junior and Siegfried Kaiba.

“Trevor, nothing pleases you,” I said mockingly.

“Well, if it isn’t Terone, the so-claimed Duelist Champion,” he replied while shaking his fist. I’ll beat you one day.”

“Trevor, you keep on saying that but it’ll never happen,” I said with a chuckle.

“That’s it. I call you to a Duel right now,” he said angrily.

“I don’t have a Duel Disk on me and I bet you don’t have one on you either,” I replied with a smirk.

“Why you …. “

Trevor started to rant until Jade interrupted him.

“Why don’t we settle in a two on two duel at Kaibaland?” she explained. “How about Terone and me against Trevor and my sister? Anyways, she keeps on saying she has improved her deck and I really want to see it.”

“Fine, it is a deal,” he said, getting up. “See you at the arena.”

“Trevor, do you even know where Kaibaland is?” I asked.

“Um, it is at the corner of …. “ Trevor started to say.

I stopped him.

“Let me give you the directions and we will duel,” I explained. “I bet I can get to Siegfried to lend one of his Dueling Stations for a two on two match.”

“A Dueling Station? How boring!” Trevor said crossing his arms.

“Well, when ever you duel against me and lose, you always throw down your Duel Disk,” I muttered. “I’d rather be in an area where you can’t break anything.”

“Fine” he said while moaning.

I gave him the directions and we finished our tea plus desserts. While on the way to Kaibaland, I started to go through my Deck. I put Hungarian Horntail back in there with a few new additions. The other Culture Cards stayed in my side deck. I wanted to surprise Yugi in the tournament. If I played them now, then he could easily figure out how to beat them. I wanted him in the dark when I dueled with them.

After stopping by the hotel, I decided to wear the outfit that Remi gave me in New York. True, he did give use the Millennium Rod to make me duel Yugi but what Harry Potter fan could say no to a Death Eater Cloak? We stopped Kaibaland. Amber and Trevor were already at the entrance. Trevor was scowling. He was never patient. I wondered what deck he had this time because his deck always changes.

“Ready Terone for me to kick your behind?” he sneered.

“You never have and you never will.” I snarled back.

“Did he just snarl?” Amber asked.

“I’d suggest we let them be,” said Jade. “I think those two have a large history with each other.”

We walked into the front door of the Kaibaland. One of the attendants led us to a Duel Stadium. I saw Yugi, Mary, Clive and Peter right by me. Rats, I wished that he didn’t show up. Siegfried showed up and explained the two-on-two Duel Monster rules. Jade and I stood on one side while Terone and Amber stood on the other side.

I shuffled my deck and drew five cards. Not bad, but could have been better, I thought. Ever since New York I had changed my deck around a bit including some cards that would help me out. I spent most of my money on the really rare cards. I had to figure out a good strategy. I thought of putting down my Mirror Wall but I wanted something new and interesting. These two cards would make a good combination.

“I place one card facedown and summon Serpent Night Dragon in Attack Mode.” I said while slapping the card on the station.

A figure of a card appeared on the field. Then the shadow of a monster began to arise from the field. All spectators could see that it was Serpent Night Dragon. The numbers 2,350 over 2,400 appeared right above the dragon.

What is Terone up to, Trevor thought. Why play Mirror Force or Mirror Wall that early? Who cares because I am going to take down the card no matter what defense he has placed.

On the other side of the field, I knew that I had set a trap that would even impress Yugi.

“I place on card face down and summon one of your favorite cards, Terone,” he said while slapping the monster card the way I did just a second ago. “I summon Giant Spitting Cobra in Attack Mode.“

A figure of a card appeared on the field. Then a snakelike figure appeared on the field. It rose up and glared at Serpent Night Dragon. The numbers 2,000 over 2,100 appeared over its head. Despite it was a Serpent too, it backed away from Giant Spitting Cobra. Everyone was in shock, even me. How on earth did he get that card? I thought Siegfried and I were the only ones to have that particular card. No matter because my facedown card is going shock everyone in the room, including Yugi. I have had this card for a couple years but never really got the chance to play it.

“Impressive monster, isn’t it?” Trevor chuckled. “This monster’s glare causes all monsters, except Zombies and Machines, life points to go down.”

What a snob, I thought.

I knew he was right but he didn’t have to say it a smuggest sort of way. I watched as Serpent Night Dragons’ attack point dropped down to 1,950. No matter because I would be the one who would be getting the last laugh in this case? I turned towards Jade. She wasn’t even nervous. Maybe she knew what I was planning. Then I turned to towards Yugi Junior and Siegfried. I could see the clueless expressions on their faces. I was in shock because I thought both of them knew what I was planning.

“Looks like Terone has the disadvantage in this first round,” Siegfried said while scratching his head, “but what do you think that facedown card is?”

“It has to defend his life points,” Yugi said while looking at my facedown card. “I hate to see Terone lose his monster at the beginning of his duel.”

“Giant Spitting Cobra, attack with Acid Attack!” Trevor shouted.

“Stop you, idiot!” Amber yelled.

The snake spit at my dragon but I was smiling. There was an explosion. Trevor thought he had won but then he noticed my dragon was still there. It wasn’t until he saw the yellow rings surrounding Giant Spitting Cobra that he had made the biggest mistake. Amber was looking at him with disgust and Jade was smiling.

“You should listened to your partner otherwise you wouldn’t had left yourself with a big disadvantage. Otherwise, your snake wouldn’t have be trapped with my Spellbinding Circle.” I said with a chuckle. “Now my monster is powerful enough to take down your snake.”

“An excellent strategy!” Yugi said. “Terone lured Trevor into a trap by making him think he was in a position to lose.”

“Yes,” commented Siegfried. “Terone is dueling better than the last time we saw him duel. I wonder how better his deck is.”

If you only knew, Siegfried! If you only knew! I watched as Trevor’s life points dropped down to 1350. Trevor was always the stubborn one. If he only knew what he was going up against. But the strangest part is where he got a Giant Spitting Cobra. Trevor wasn’t the kind to hang around Card Shops, at least I have never seen him there.

“Fine, I will put down Harpie Lady in Attack Mode and end my turn.” Amber said while glaring at Trevor.

A scary looking talon beast appeared on the field. The numbers 1,300 over 1,400 appeared on the field as well. Well, Amber does take after her mother but no magic and trap cards. Surely, she must find a way to defend herself. Or else she is taking the easy way around.

“I will summon the Beautiful Headhunter in Attack mode and place a card down. Now I end my turn.” Jade said.

A kimono-dressed woman with an executioner’s cleaver appeared on the field. The numbers 1,600 over 800 appeared above the wild woman. A figure of a card appeared as well. What was Jade up to? She didn’t attack. And I had no idea what trap or magic card she laid down. It would help if she was telling me what she was up to. I drew a card from my hand. Ah, this card will help me nicely.

“I lay a card down and end my turn.” I said while placing down a card.

“Fine, I will also put a card down.” Trevor said while putting down a card.

Something was very suspicious. That card was a trap but it was too obvious. He probably wanted me to attack it but I wanted to get rid of it first. I hated to waste a good defense card but I needed to get that card out of the way. I smiled back at him and flipped over my card.

“Sorry Trevor,” I said, while activating the Trap, “but I am going to get rid of your Trap Card with my Dust Tornado.”

A tornado blasted across the field, revealing the card and blowing it to pieces. That’s when everyone was in shock. The trap card was the Crush Card. I couldn’t believe that he had a Crush Card in his deck. Where did he get his hands on one? I could see his plan to win wasn’t going as planned. Amber wasn’t happy either with his plan.

“You fool!” Amber said. “Now you’re open for an attack. Just end your turn and let me give you a second chance.”

“Okay! Okay! I end my turn!” Trevor said while avoiding Amber’s glare.

“First, I am going to equip Harpie Lady with her favorite accessory, Cyber Bondage,” Amber said while she put down the Equip Card.

A golden Armor surrounded Harpie Lady and her attack points went up to 1,800 over 1,400. This was bad for Jade. Her Beautiful Headhunter wasn’t strong enough. And Amber would probably attack Jade’s life points next. I wish I had put down two cards instead of just one.

“Harpie Lady, attack with Cyber Slash attack!” Amber shouted.

I watched as Jade’s monster was destroyed by Amber’s monster. I also watched as Jade’s Life Points went down to 1,800. It wasn’t very much but it could have been worse. But some was not right here. I thought everything was okay, but something was wrong. Amber was smiling and so was Trevor. I didn’t like this one bit. Something was going on. Meanwhile, two security guards ran up to Siegfried. He turned towards them and sneered at them. He didn’t like to be interrupted when he was watching a duel.

“What is it?” Siegfreid asked.

“Sir, we didn’t want to interrupt you,” the first security guard said, “but one of your Blue Eyes White Dragons is missing,”

“We didn’t see who did it but it probably didn’t leave this building,” the second one said. “We’ll search for it.”

“Now Sister, I am not done yet,” Amber said while she slapped down a card “In fact, you won’t attack. When I play this card … Reverse!”

“This isn’t Uno!” shouted Mary.

“True, but the creator of this card was a fan of Uno!” Amber said with a smile. “It allows me to reverse the order in which we are dueling. When I end my turn, it will be Trevor’s turn next. I do have a card that will counter it but I won’t play it until Trevor gets his second chance. So I end my turn.”

The card switched the order as planned and Trevor drew another card.

Perfect, I thought. Trevor’s Serpent Night Dragon won’t survive when I play this card. In fact, nothing in either of those two decks will stop this Dragon. And it is thanks to Siegfried’s stupid security that allowed me to take this card. Well, here it goes.

“Prepare for your defeat, Terone,” said Trevor as he slapped down the card.
”This monster will crush your spirits.”

All watched as the card appeared on the field. But it would be more of a shock to Siegfried. Suddenly a familiar Card appeared on the field with its blue scales glistening in the air. Everyone stood there as they watched as the Blue Eyes White Dragon fully appeared on the field. One could tell the Siegfried was angry. Of course he would be since one of his precious cards was not only stolen but use by another person.

“Now it all makes sense,” I said with a growl. “Your deck is full of stolen cards but you can’t win because your heart isn’t in those cards.”

“Heart of Cards?” Trevor replied That is a bunch of nonsense. This game is about power and nothing more.”

“I think Yugi and his father would disagree with you, Trevor,” I replied. “Now attack me.”

“I will!” he shouted. “Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack with White Lightning!”

I watched as the electrical energy attack blew apart my Dragon. My life points dropped down to 1,450. It didn’t matter. I had the card that would blow that creature away, but I had to wait for him to end his turn. He wouldn’t know what to expect. I watched him. Amber thought her Reverse card would work but it gave me the upper hand.

“I play Goblin’s Secret Remedy to boost up my life points and then I end my turn.” he said as he put down the card.

A small of leaves floated down on the field and his life points rose up to 1,650. My turn was up and things were about to turn around. I drew a card and it was the card I wanted. I knew that that journey wasn’t a waste. I smiled at Trevor and he did not like my smile.

“Time for you to meet your maker.” I said while grinning.

“What do you mean?” Trevor asked.

“This is what I mean, ”I said. “I summon Hungarian Horntail the Fierce Dragon in Attack Mode.”

The Dragon arose onto the field. Trevor seemed terrified of this creature. In fact, he was more scared when the stat points appeared. The numbers 3,400 over 1,800 appeared over Hungarian Horntails’ head. I turned to Jade and Yugi. I could see them both smiling.

“Still have that card, I see?” Yugi asked.

“Yes, but it is mine in a more legal manner.” I said back.

“Where did you get that card?” Trevor asked.

“Let’s just say it came to me by a mysterious entity. Okay Hungarian Horntail, attack with searing flames of fury attack.”

I watched as my dragon’s fiery breath blew Blue Eyes White Dragon to bits. Trevor’s Life Points dropped down to 1,250. I smiled because I have always wanted to take down a Blue Eyes White Dragon no matter who is holding the card. Now the tables were turned. I waited for Jade to begin her turn as I signaled the end of my turn.

“You idiot! How can you be so stupid!!” Amber yelled at Trevor.

“How was I supposed to know that he was going to use that card?” Trevor yelled back. “I have never seen that card and also I thought nothing could beat Blue Eyes White Dragon except Exodia!”

“Excuse me, I place one card face down and end my turn.” Jade said while winking at me.

What on earth was she up to? What face down card did she place? This duel was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. Amber glared back and put a face down card. Then she ended her turn. If we all were going to put down card and end our turns, this duel would take us a long time. What was going on?

“Finally, I am going to take that dragon down … with this card. I summon Buster Blader in Attack Mode.”

The room stood in shock when Buster Blader rose from the field. The numbers 2,600 over 2,300 appeared over the Dragon Warrior. But since I had used two Dragons, its attack points rose up to 3,600 making my Dragon in serious danger.

“Get ready, Terone,” he shouted. “Your most powerful monster is going down. Buster Blader, attack Hungarian Horntail.”

I watched as Buster Blader’s sword cut my dragon in two and causing it to explode. My life points dropped down to 1,250. How dare he use one of Yugi’s favorite cards! Now I would teach Trevor that it is wrong using used stolen cards. If I drew the right card, I would wipe out the rest of his life points only if he didn’t attack again, which he couldn’t … but Amber’s Card could allow him to attack a second time.

“I think I am going to let you suffer for just one more turn,” he said, “and then I am going to attack the rest of your life points. So I end my turn.”

I drew a card from my deck and smiled. This was the perfect card. I had the perfect strategy to wipe out the rest of his life points. And he wouldn’t even suspect it.

“There isn’t going to be a next turn, Trevor,” I said boldly. “I am going to wipe out your life points in this turn.”

“Oh really?” he replied with a scowl. “How on earth are you going to do that?”

“With this card,” I said, placing a card on the console. “I’m going to use Brain Control to take control of Buster Blader.”

The card appeared on the field and two hands from the card grabbed hold of Buster Blader. Sure, since I was using it, its attack points dropped down to 3,100 but my next surprise was going to make this end of the duel impressive. Unless Amber had a card that would throw a wrench in my strategy, so I put down a card face down on the field just in case.

“So you took the Buster Blader away from me,” Trevor said with a yawn. “Big deal! Sounds like a boring move to me!”

“Notice that you now have nothing left on your side?” I asked.

Trevor stopped short.

He noticed.

“Now how about this for excitement?” I said, playing a card. “I summon the Dark Magician in Attack Mode.”

A shockwave of gasps was heard across the room when the Dark Magician appeared on the field. The numbers 2,500 over 2,100 appeared over the Dark Magician. I could understand why everyone was shock. I looked around the room. You couldn’t see a face that wasn’t even not in shock. Even Yugi, who owned a Dark Magician himself, was shocked. I guess no one expected me to summon that monster.

“Don’t worry Yugi,” I said. “This is card isn’t stolen. This is my father’s card who gave it to me when I first started dueling.”

“Wait, your father had a Dark Magician just like my dad…” Yugi said to me.

“Yes, my dad was a great duelist just like your father was,” I said proudly.

“Go get him, Terone!” Mary said.

“Now I play the Spell card Polymerization to fuse Dark Magician and Buster Blader to become … the Dark Paladin.” I said while throwing down the card, which started to fuse the two together.

Ever since my defeat in New York by Yugi, I have always wanted to try the combo that defeated my dragon. I saw the wonderful creature that came from the fusing. This should take Trevor down a notch or two. Trevor always lost even if he had me by even one life point left.

“Dark Paladin, attack Trevor’s Life Points Directly!” I shouted.

I watched as Dark Paladin brought his sword down on Trevor causing a great explosion. It did take a few second for the smoke to clear but after that, I could see Trevor just standing in shock. Trevor’s life points dropped down to zero, which meant the duel was over.

But what were the face down cards that Jade and Amber had used? Maybe I will never find out.

“You idiot!” Amber started to scream. “Your stupidity cost me that match! When I get my hands on you … “

“Sister, violence isn’t the answer,” Jade said to Amber. “Sure, you did lose the match, but you shouldn’t hurt someone because of it.”

“Let her, Jade,” I said to both Jade and Amber. “She just lost this match do to Trevor’s incompetence. She deserves to let her anger out. Go ahead, Amber.”

“Trevor, you will wish you have never been born.” Amber said as she rushed towards Trevor.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he yelled as he ran out of the room with Amber chasing him.

“Siegfried and Yugi, I’d suggest you retrieve any cards that Trevor took from you.” I said

I started walking out of the room.

“That was a great duel, Terone,” Yugi said to me. “I hope that I get a similar duel at Siegfried’s competition.”

“Don’t worry, Yugi,” I said while exiting the building. “You will, you will!”

That was a close match, I thought. If it wasn’t for the heart of the cards, I would have lost to Trevor and my life ruined.

Trevor would try to get revenge but I didn’t need to worry about that now. I had to worry about the competition coming up. I needed to improve my dueling skills despite the cards I had in my deck. As I headed back towards the hotel, I had no idea that across the world someone would be challenging me to a duel that meant more than anything I had gone through before.

Reverse (Spell Card)

Card Description: This card was created by a fan of Uno. It has the same affects of a Reverse Uno card except that the order of who’s dueling switches around. This card can only be used in a team duel.

Giant Spitting Cobra (Monster Card)

Card Specs

Type: Reptile/Effect
Attribute: Earth
Level: 5
ATK: 2,000
DEF: 1,900

Card Description: The glare of this huge, venomous serpent can install fear in the mightiest of monsters. When this Monster is on the field, the Attack of any opponent’s Monster other than a MACHINE or ZOMBIE is decreased by 400 points.

Note: This card appeared in "Yu-Gi-Oh Junior: Legacy of the Duelist."

Hungarian Horntail, the Fierce Dragon (Monster Card)

Card Specs

Type: Dragon
Attribute: Dark
Level: 8
ATK: 3,400
DEF: 1,800

Card Description: A Monster specially created in honor of the great author J.K. Rowling, this Dragon’s power rivals even that of the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Only one of these cards, the original prototype, is believed to exist.

Note: This card appeared in “Yu-Gi-Oh Junior: City of Souls.”

Coming up in the next chapter; Terone just received a note from his father asking him to come to Egypt for a special meeting. What Terone doesn’t realize that this isn’t your normal bonding situation … it has more to do with life and death.

Coming up in the next chapter; Terone just received a note from his father asking him to come to Egypt for a special meeting. What Terone doesn’t realize that this isn’t your normal bonding situation … it has more to do with life and death. See what happens in the next chapter “Duel of a Lifetime.”