View Full Version : Stats. Wild, trained, caretaken.

2nd May 2003, 10:27 AM
If i leave a lvl 5 pkm for caretaking till it reaches lvl 50, then i feed it with max vitamins, will it have the same stats as a trained pkm with max EVs?

Wat abt catching a wild pkm at lvl 50 and feeding it max vitamins. Will it be the same as a trained one?

2nd May 2003, 04:57 PM
From my experience, the lowest level you have your Pokemon and starting training it the better! I always breed them, get a lv.5 and feed it vitamins every 2 levels after lv.15! Daycare, rare candies and high caoture level aren't that good!

2nd May 2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Onixus
If i leave a lvl 5 pkm for caretaking till it reaches lvl 50, then i feed it with max vitamins, will it have the same stats as a trained pkm with max EVs?

Wat abt catching a wild pkm at lvl 50 and feeding it max vitamins. Will it be the same as a trained one?

To an extent, yeah. You would have to have a Pokemon with EVs that are spread out evenly with vitamins (10 vitamins for each of the five attacking, defensive, and speed stats... and 1 for the HP) because there is a 100 EP cap for each stat when it comes to vitamins. (Each vitamin is worth 10 EP) If you want to max out just two stats you would feed vitamins up to 100 EP for each, and then fight wild Pokemon for the final 155. You can do this with a level 5 Pokemon and a level 50 Pokemon and it won't make a difference at all.

Dark Sage
2nd May 2003, 07:30 PM
A pokemon raised from youth by a trainer turns out better than a high-level wild one.

If you were to meet a 40th level wild Larion in Victory Road and compair it to your 40th level Larion that you raised from a 10th level Aron, the stats of yours would be about twice as good.

- Venusaur

2nd May 2003, 07:36 PM
Okay, Venusaur, I understand what you mean by your comment, but that is for most pokemon, for some it does not apply, like Mewtwo. Tried it done it, it didn't work to well.

2nd May 2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Venusaur
A pokemon raised from youth by a trainer turns out better than a high-level wild one.

If you were to meet a 40th level wild Larion in Victory Road and compair it to your 40th level Larion that you raised from a 10th level Aron, the stats of yours would be about twice as good.

- Venusaur

Not exactly. There's a little more to it than that. The IVs from the wild Pokemon can be excellent, and the one you wasted time training "from youth" could have crappy ones. Also It doesn't take much to max out your EVs the way you want to at level 40 since you can pretty much defeat any wild Pokemon at that point, meanwhile the EVs you get at level 10 will be pretty much from whatever wild Pokemon you can manage to beat at that time.

Raising from level 5 is only really worth your trouble when you want to have an egg move on your Pokemon.

2nd May 2003, 11:37 PM
i'm asking this cos im training a new team for the battle tower.

i was thinking of leaving 1 pkm in the daycare while i train the other 2.

by leaving it in the daycare, i guess it will not gain any EVs?
so i can take it out at abt lvl 45, feed it with the desired vitamins, then train up the desired stats up?

can this be done? or will its stats still be weaker if i were to train it from lvl 5?

3rd May 2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Onixus
i'm asking this cos im training a new team for the battle tower.

i was thinking of leaving 1 pkm in the daycare while i train the other 2.

by leaving it in the daycare, i guess it will not gain any EVs?
so i can take it out at abt lvl 45, feed it with the desired vitamins, then train up the desired stats up?

can this be done? or will its stats still be weaker if i were to train it from lvl 5?

That'll be perfectly fine. Leaving them in daycare won't harm them. Just make sure when you go EV training that you fight low level Pokes so that you don't accidentally level past 50 (if it's the lvl 50 battle tower you're training for)