View Full Version : Need help on a location

2nd November 2011, 09:10 AM
Hi guys, need some help here. A friend of mine will be heading down to London this weekend and I thought that it would probably be a good chance for me to get him to purchase some football jersey off from Emirates Stadium.

Problem being that as a foreigner, he would need some clear direction on how to get to Emirates Stadium. Hence, it would be given that I would come and ask directions from the English natives here (hinting Heald).

Informations such as which station to alight, what public transport to take etc would be useful. Thanks.

Master Rudy
2nd November 2011, 09:23 PM
Hi guys, need some help here. A friend of mine will be heading down to London this weekend and I thought that it would probably be a good chance for me to get him to purchase some football jersey off from Emirates Stadium.

Problem being that as a foreigner, he would need some clear direction on how to get to Emirates Stadium. Hence, it would be given that I would come and ask directions from the English natives here (hinting Heald).

Informations such as which station to alight, what public transport to take etc would be useful. Thanks.

Well DS I think this goes without saying: I am not from London. That being said rather than buying it directly I highly suggest having your buddy check out Amazon.co.uk for whatever it is they are looking for.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that soccer/football jerseys are just as expensive as their NFL counterparts. If so it'd be foolish to not check out Amazon. I managed to pick up an authentic Mark Sanchez jersey from a wholesaler on Amazon for $90 (all sewn together.....not that mass produced, screenprinted replica crap). Buying it direct from the NFL shop would have set me back $250 instead.

Seriously have him check them out ^_~

3rd November 2011, 02:52 AM
Arsenal?! Oh dear! XD Easiest form of transport is the tube. There's a stop called Arsenal on the Piccadilly line which ends up right next to the stadium. And he should travel north on this line, and he will need a ticket that covers zone 2.

I too will be in London this weekend. Is he going to Distant Worlds?

7th November 2011, 01:56 PM
I hope he managed to get there! A load of random lines were closed at the weekend, including parts of the Piccadilly line. It made travel awkward. Very awkward, grrr.