3rd January 2012, 09:17 PM
Pasture Zone
1) You pay 6 points to have your own Pasture. One time only fee.
2) You can deposit any Pokemon into the Pasture-granted they have been on your team for 6 months and have participated in at least one battle. This way, you don't just trash someone's gift to you, cause that's mean.
3) Unattended Pokemon are transplanted into the Zone with all of their learned Move Tutor Moves.
4) Your Pasture grows and shrinks as time goes on. Say you start and deposit 10 Pokemon on your first trip. Those ten Pokemon are now not in your team anymore. You still own them, but they are not accessible to you. If you leave them there in Pasture and they are left unattended for a MONTH--they are gone.
5) Your Pasture grows with your Safari Zone Outings. The more rounds you log, the bigger it grows. Only 2012 Rounds are eligible :/. You can have a maximum of 200 Pokemon in your Pasture at one time, in 6 stages of growth.
Stage One: 25 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Base Pasture. 15 Pokemon
Stage Two: 50 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Super Pasture. 50 Pokemon.
Stage Three: 75 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Hyper Pasture. 75 Pokemon
Stage Four: 100 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Warp Pasture. 115 Pokemon
Stage Five: 125 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Ultra Pasture. 150 Pokemon
Stage Six: 150 Safari Zone rounds-converts to Master Pasture. 200 Pokemon Allotment at one time.
6) As your zone grows, you will have access to other people's Zone. E.g. Ayeun makes a Pasture and only deposits 15 Pokemon. Darth sees that People with Pastures inhabited with up to 15 Pokemon can check out and CATCH POKEMON IN OTHER PEOPLE'S Pastures. Meaning you can Catch these Move Tutored Pokemon with no ill effects on your part, provided you can access that Zone.
Catch a Pokemon from another Person's Pasture can be instant. As long as you can access someone else's Zone, you can catch right away! So lets say Darth deposits a Probopass in his Pasture. Oslo can come along and shark it immediately whilst on his Safari Zone Adventure :O It will be tamer than your standard wild Pokemon, so it will be able to be caught in a Pokeball if you so wished.
This first post will be updated with all Pastures available and the contents of each, as well as additions and subtractions over time. Once Your Pasture reaches 0, it will close and you will have to reopen it in order to drop off folks that have no home with you anymore :P.
Available Pastures and locations:
1) The Island of Unwanted Pokemon
Owner: Asilynne
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture Size: Stage 1
Inhabitants: Slowpoke, Voltorb, Minun, Pansear, Victreebel, Natu, Grumpig, Delibird, Mantyke, Lumineon, Stantler
2) Pepsi Presents: Bumblescutt Meadows.
Owner: Oslo
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Inhabitants: Grumpus M Weavile (Keen Eye), Big Scary Thing M Spiritomb(Pressure), Starfy - Starmie (Illuminate), Traef M Skiploom (Leaf Guard)
3) The Field of Chaos
Owner: chaos_redefined
Base Pasture Location: Unknown:
Current Pasture Size: Stage 1
Inhabitants: Mind - Baltoy (Levitate), Body m Larvitar (Guts), Bahamut f Dratini (Shed Skin), Tiamat m Shelgon (Rock Head)
4) Temporal Pathways
Owner: DL
Base Pasture Location: Angel Island
Current Pasture Size: Stage 6
Inhabitants: Tio F Lumineon (Swift Swim), Fro-yo M Whiscash (Oblivious), Rocksnot M Probopass (Magnet Pull), 3 pt Range Electrode (Soundproof), Tantrum M Manectric (Static)
5) Avalon: Where the heroes of old can finally be at peace
Owner: RaZoR LeAf
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture Size: Stage 3 [Confirm?]
Inhabitants: Asimov (g) Magneton (Sturdy), Dogū (g) Baltoy (Levitate), Odonata (f) Yanma (Speed Boost), Saberhagen (m) Sneasel (Keen Eye), Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist, Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter, Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy, Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird, Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
6) Frozen Graveyard
Owner: MLG
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture size: Stage 4 [Confirm?]
Minne, my female Azumarill with the Huge Power ability. <3
Shunsui Kyoraku, my male Mienshoa with Regeneration.
Shusuke Amagai, my male Heatmor with White Smoke.
Hazuki Han, my male Garbodor with Stench.
Katen, my female Cradily with Suction Cups (sniff.. )
Tusk Dermington, my male Mamoswine with Snow Cloak.
Izumi Shinu, female Cloyster with Skill Link.
Albert Porteau, male Walrein with Ice Body.
Lex Lektor, my male Glalie with Ice Body.
Irou White, F Murkrow, Super Luck
Kurotsuchi Mayuri, M Muk, Sticky Hold
Ruhi Asperger, M Exeggutor, Chlorophyll
Isane Kotetsu (Altaria, F, Natural Cure, knows Hurricane)
Izayoi Aki (Crimson red and black Ferrothorn, Iron Barbs, knows Doom Desire)
Joey Fissure (Flygon, M, Levitate)
Yui, the taste (Mawile, F, Intimidate, knows Doom Desire)
Kamon Nova (Magcargo, M, Flame Body)
Kuwasa Iwa (Shiny Rampardos, M, knows Head Charge and Icicle Crash)
Harvey Drillbit (Crustle, M, Sturdy)
Ichimaru Gin (Sableye, M, Keen Eye)
Ise Nanao (Shiny Medicham, F, HUGE POWER!)
Ninke Li (Mandibuzz, F, Overcoat, Knows Doom Desire)
Katara, the sight (Empoleon, F, Defiant, knows Doom Desire and Icicle Crash)
Alexander Blancheneige (Abomasnow, M, Snow Warning)
6) Eternum: Where Angels Lose Their Way
Owner: Grey
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Inhabitants (3/13/12)
Chuu, M Aggron, Rock Head
Feint, M Baltoy, Levitate
Lias, M Garchomp, Sand Veil
Narsil, M Infernape, Iron Fist
Rent, M Luxray, Intimidate
Trebuchet, M Bonsly, Rock Head
Winden sie Drachen, M Salamence, Intimidate
1) You pay 6 points to have your own Pasture. One time only fee.
2) You can deposit any Pokemon into the Pasture-granted they have been on your team for 6 months and have participated in at least one battle. This way, you don't just trash someone's gift to you, cause that's mean.
3) Unattended Pokemon are transplanted into the Zone with all of their learned Move Tutor Moves.
4) Your Pasture grows and shrinks as time goes on. Say you start and deposit 10 Pokemon on your first trip. Those ten Pokemon are now not in your team anymore. You still own them, but they are not accessible to you. If you leave them there in Pasture and they are left unattended for a MONTH--they are gone.
5) Your Pasture grows with your Safari Zone Outings. The more rounds you log, the bigger it grows. Only 2012 Rounds are eligible :/. You can have a maximum of 200 Pokemon in your Pasture at one time, in 6 stages of growth.
Stage One: 25 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Base Pasture. 15 Pokemon
Stage Two: 50 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Super Pasture. 50 Pokemon.
Stage Three: 75 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Hyper Pasture. 75 Pokemon
Stage Four: 100 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Warp Pasture. 115 Pokemon
Stage Five: 125 Safari Zone rounds-coverts to Ultra Pasture. 150 Pokemon
Stage Six: 150 Safari Zone rounds-converts to Master Pasture. 200 Pokemon Allotment at one time.
6) As your zone grows, you will have access to other people's Zone. E.g. Ayeun makes a Pasture and only deposits 15 Pokemon. Darth sees that People with Pastures inhabited with up to 15 Pokemon can check out and CATCH POKEMON IN OTHER PEOPLE'S Pastures. Meaning you can Catch these Move Tutored Pokemon with no ill effects on your part, provided you can access that Zone.
Catch a Pokemon from another Person's Pasture can be instant. As long as you can access someone else's Zone, you can catch right away! So lets say Darth deposits a Probopass in his Pasture. Oslo can come along and shark it immediately whilst on his Safari Zone Adventure :O It will be tamer than your standard wild Pokemon, so it will be able to be caught in a Pokeball if you so wished.
This first post will be updated with all Pastures available and the contents of each, as well as additions and subtractions over time. Once Your Pasture reaches 0, it will close and you will have to reopen it in order to drop off folks that have no home with you anymore :P.
Available Pastures and locations:
1) The Island of Unwanted Pokemon
Owner: Asilynne
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture Size: Stage 1
Inhabitants: Slowpoke, Voltorb, Minun, Pansear, Victreebel, Natu, Grumpig, Delibird, Mantyke, Lumineon, Stantler
2) Pepsi Presents: Bumblescutt Meadows.
Owner: Oslo
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Inhabitants: Grumpus M Weavile (Keen Eye), Big Scary Thing M Spiritomb(Pressure), Starfy - Starmie (Illuminate), Traef M Skiploom (Leaf Guard)
3) The Field of Chaos
Owner: chaos_redefined
Base Pasture Location: Unknown:
Current Pasture Size: Stage 1
Inhabitants: Mind - Baltoy (Levitate), Body m Larvitar (Guts), Bahamut f Dratini (Shed Skin), Tiamat m Shelgon (Rock Head)
4) Temporal Pathways
Owner: DL
Base Pasture Location: Angel Island
Current Pasture Size: Stage 6
Inhabitants: Tio F Lumineon (Swift Swim), Fro-yo M Whiscash (Oblivious), Rocksnot M Probopass (Magnet Pull), 3 pt Range Electrode (Soundproof), Tantrum M Manectric (Static)
5) Avalon: Where the heroes of old can finally be at peace
Owner: RaZoR LeAf
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture Size: Stage 3 [Confirm?]
Inhabitants: Asimov (g) Magneton (Sturdy), Dogū (g) Baltoy (Levitate), Odonata (f) Yanma (Speed Boost), Saberhagen (m) Sneasel (Keen Eye), Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist, Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter, Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy, Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird, Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
6) Frozen Graveyard
Owner: MLG
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Current Pasture size: Stage 4 [Confirm?]
Minne, my female Azumarill with the Huge Power ability. <3
Shunsui Kyoraku, my male Mienshoa with Regeneration.
Shusuke Amagai, my male Heatmor with White Smoke.
Hazuki Han, my male Garbodor with Stench.
Katen, my female Cradily with Suction Cups (sniff.. )
Tusk Dermington, my male Mamoswine with Snow Cloak.
Izumi Shinu, female Cloyster with Skill Link.
Albert Porteau, male Walrein with Ice Body.
Lex Lektor, my male Glalie with Ice Body.
Irou White, F Murkrow, Super Luck
Kurotsuchi Mayuri, M Muk, Sticky Hold
Ruhi Asperger, M Exeggutor, Chlorophyll
Isane Kotetsu (Altaria, F, Natural Cure, knows Hurricane)
Izayoi Aki (Crimson red and black Ferrothorn, Iron Barbs, knows Doom Desire)
Joey Fissure (Flygon, M, Levitate)
Yui, the taste (Mawile, F, Intimidate, knows Doom Desire)
Kamon Nova (Magcargo, M, Flame Body)
Kuwasa Iwa (Shiny Rampardos, M, knows Head Charge and Icicle Crash)
Harvey Drillbit (Crustle, M, Sturdy)
Ichimaru Gin (Sableye, M, Keen Eye)
Ise Nanao (Shiny Medicham, F, HUGE POWER!)
Ninke Li (Mandibuzz, F, Overcoat, Knows Doom Desire)
Katara, the sight (Empoleon, F, Defiant, knows Doom Desire and Icicle Crash)
Alexander Blancheneige (Abomasnow, M, Snow Warning)
6) Eternum: Where Angels Lose Their Way
Owner: Grey
Base Pasture Location: Unknown
Inhabitants (3/13/12)
Chuu, M Aggron, Rock Head
Feint, M Baltoy, Levitate
Lias, M Garchomp, Sand Veil
Narsil, M Infernape, Iron Fist
Rent, M Luxray, Intimidate
Trebuchet, M Bonsly, Rock Head
Winden sie Drachen, M Salamence, Intimidate