View Full Version : [RBY] Ditto Glitch

Cacnea Lover
3rd May 2003, 01:33 AM
Okay, this happened ages ago but I though i'd post it anyway.
When I was training my Ditto on the route to the right of Viridian (the one with dittos,weepinbels, belsprouts ect) in my blue version when I en****ered a weepingbel. My ditto transfored. When I went to attack, it had fire spore type cool trainer with 22PP and water whip$$ type lass with 7PP. I did fire spore and it looked like a tackle, it wasn't very effective. Then my ditto's sprite went all haywire and I ran.

The next day I was still traing there and i found another weepinbel. I transformed and the same thing happened except this time Water whip$$ had been replaced by razor attack type ash with 100PP. I usaed it, it looked like quick attack and was super effective. Again my dittos sprite went haywire and I ran.

I was just wondering if anyone had experienced something like this.

Bye Bye:wave:

3rd May 2003, 05:27 AM
That doesn't make any sense...

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
3rd May 2003, 09:38 AM
That's the first time I've ever heard of that. I'll move this to RBY to see if anyone else has encountered such a glitch.

Pokemaster Cody
3rd May 2003, 09:56 AM
In that save file, have you ever used gameshark/missingno.?

EDIT: Before I try to figure this out, I want to see solid proof such as a snapshot.

3rd May 2003, 03:06 PM
Is that Ditto a result from that Ditto trick in which you Transform, and then switch one of the moves around?

Crystalmaster Mike
10th May 2003, 12:44 PM
And training in a route to the RIGHT of VIRIDIAN isn't possible, or did you mean FUSHIA?

19th May 2003, 01:19 PM
I do remember a ditto glitch happening to me..

I was leveling up when it somehow forgot transform.....
I then was stuck with a moveless Ditto..