View Full Version : Discuss Bullying

Mikachu Yukitatsu
1st May 2012, 06:40 AM
All right, as the title says, let's talk bullying. I said something about what happens to me when I go around schools in the ASB chat thread, and Oslo responded, but I think it needs a new topic.

Have you been bullied at school? How? Have you done anything to stop it? Did it work? Share your experience here.

But are you perfect yourself? Have you bullied somebody at school? Was it fun? I can say right away I have tried, but my sense of sitcom is too bad.

So, I was bullied right away the first day I started school in 1992! I was easily angered back there, and it attracted pretty much attention. I also wept a lot which attracted more attention. We tried to stop that bullying with several teachers and parents. But the problem remained, until I became a bully myself. My 'friends' bullied me and I 'bullied' some other 'friends'. Mostly just calling with names. I didn't even know that I might offend some people with those insults. I should have known because I was offended myself by other insults.

When I changed family to Haapavesi in 1997 I became popular for like 2 years in an instant. I was noted because of my drawing skills, everyone at school praised them and some guys were even inspired to draw more themselves. But somewhere in late 1999 or after the millenium ended I became a Pokemon fan and a Japan fan and that was too strange for my classmates. I also chose a certain girl from our class I began to stalk and I soon began to worship her as a goddess. My friends began to shun that 'after noticing what kind of person I am'.

However, I blew it all up in Autumn 2000, having forgotten that girl. I dressed up in a Japanese-styled outfit my mother had made at school and I guess I was simply too strange to be even bullied any more. Later the suit became old and I began to dress up quite normally again except some exceptions. In high school which I entered in 2001, I don't remember any special bullying unless you count youngsters from mid school yelling 'Pokemon!' when they saw me, which didn't bug me, I actually enjoyed it.

Now I go around schools as I work in the library car and some girls have picked me up. For instance, they took a piece of glass and asked if they could loan books with that. When I said no and put it into the trash, they left the car but soon came back and blamed me for putting their 'toy' into the trash and accused me of defamation! I still regret I didn't say it was dangerous to toy with a piece of glass!

They always seem to come up with something new when I visit their school. I have discussed this with my mental counsellors and they said I should tell the teacher or my fellow library car worker but I kinda like being picked up by those girls. I have been bullied by girls never before!

Lady Vulpix
1st May 2012, 05:11 PM
I think bullying is a stupid thing done by troubled people who can't deal with themselves and their own lives, so they try to make others miserable just so that someone feels worse than they do. Or perhaps they can't bear the thought of someone else being different from them, which is just as stupid. But then again, I can't really know what bullies think, since I've never understood them. Even after some former bullies matured, I asked them why they did it and none of their answers made sense to me.

As for me, of course I'm not perfect. No one is. But I've never been a bully. I was bullied many times and I know how it feels, I wouldn't inflict that upon anyone. I have hurt others by accident, I've blown things out of proportion many times, and as a child I even kept away from another child because he looked so ugly that I found him creepy. And I got into many fights before I turned 15. But I've never felt the need to gang up on someone or hurt someone in any way if that person hadn't hurt me or anyone I cared for.

4th May 2012, 08:02 AM
I won't encourage bullying but sometimes the other party just deserves to get it. People that blows their trumpets too much are one such of those fine examples. They boast that they can perform on a certain job. And when they lost control of it, they will just shrug off all responsibilities and claim none of it is their fault. And what happens if you are the one assign to clean up this mess? Won't you get pissed off as well?

If this is one isolated incident, maybe you can forget about it and move on. But what happens if it happens more like a few times? If that person won't heed any advice, the best way to straighten this fellow up is force him into an uncomfortable environment. Like taunting him, belittling the person and speaking down on him, group ganging on him. This workplace bullying sometimes help.