View Full Version : Black and White Trading Post

Lady Vulpix
27th June 2012, 12:47 PM
Hi all. I'm posting this thread not only for myself, but also for everyone else who may want to trade Pokemon in Black/White and is capable of doing so via the WiFi club. Feel free to post your own trading requests here.

My requests:
None at this time, unless you have a spare Hidden Grotto Ditto.

I can offer:
-Temporary trading of Tornadus for use at the Abundant Shrine.
-Breeding of my male Zoroark with Snarl.
-Breeding of all Unova starters and Charmander.
-Breeding of Roosting Prankster Murkrow.
-Breeding of Drought Vulpix.
-Breeding of Super Luck Togepi.
-Eevee (good for evolving into Flareon or Leafeon).
-Vullaby and Rufflet (version exclusives).
-Clefairy with Friend Guard.
-Dratini (Marvel Scale requires breeding, Shed Skin can be traded right away).
-Back and forth trading on any Pokemon you have and wish to evolve.
-Evolution items, especially Water Stones which I can get in virtually unlimited supply.
-Just ask if there is any particular Pokemon you would like, I have many I can trade and/or breed.

Awaiting trade:
None at this time.

My Black friend code is: 3053 3417 1232
My White 2 friend code is: 3182 4690 6713

27th June 2012, 07:07 PM
Offer: Any Pokemon for Dex related purposes

*Offer only works when 3DS and Game card decide to actually work, so my time online will be very touch and go

Mikachu Yukitatsu
27th June 2012, 11:44 PM
My Friends List in Home Menu says my Friend Code is 2191 7733 0876
But in my Pokemon White, according to Pal Pad, the Friend Code is 2881 5844 8872

How is this possible?

28th June 2012, 12:48 AM
My Friends List in Home Menu says my Friend Code is 2191 7733 0876
But in my Pokemon White, according to Pal Pad, the Friend Code is 2881 5844 8872

How is this possible?

That has happened to me before. You probably changed DSes since you first played the game. Whenever you do that, and you try to use the WiFi features, you game has adjust to the new settings (or something like that).

I have a few things to offer, like the three Musketeer Pokemon, a female Scyther for breeding little Scyther, and Tornadus to help you get Landorus. I got quite a bit, just ask me what you need. If I don't have it, I can probably get it in one or two days.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
28th June 2012, 07:37 AM
Yes I first played Pokemon White on my old DS. Which I have never used online.

I guess the 3DS Friend Code is correct?!?

Lady Vulpix
28th June 2012, 10:45 AM
Yes I first played Pokemon White on my old DS. Which I have never used online.

I guess the 3DS Friend Code is correct?!?I don't know, but there's an easy way to find out: using Pokemon White, connect to Nintendo WFC (either turn the C-Gear on, then click on Online, or try to get a Mystery Gift from the title screen). After you have done that, your Friend Code will be set and your Pal Pad will show you your real code.

Shonta, would you like to meet online for a trading session? You can help me evolve my Pokemon, and perhaps I can give you some Pokemon you don't have yet.

28th June 2012, 12:43 PM
Shonta, would you like to meet online for a trading session? You can help me evolve my Pokemon, and perhaps I can give you some Pokemon you don't have yet.

Sure. Is tomorrow okay? That'll give me enough time to find out which Pokemon I want.

28th June 2012, 03:53 PM
I have been wanting the first generation starter pokemon on Pokemon Black. (Squirtle, Venusaur, Charmander) However, I'm not able to transfer those pokemon from my yellow version. And i can't seem to find any trainers withen the game that have the starters, so I can't trade over GTS. So, I'm asking if there is anyone out there who have any of the three starters, and would be willing to trade. I can offer any 4th and 5th starter, and low level Lucarios. So if your interested in trading, could you reply or contact me?

>>My friend code: 3311 0206 8389


Lady Vulpix
29th June 2012, 04:06 PM
Thanks for your help, Shonta! Thanks to you, I now have a Gengar and a Steelix. :keke:

Next time we meet online, we can (arrange to) trade Blanket the Mantine for some Pokemon you're not training. :)

Mikachu Yukitatsu
29th June 2012, 11:34 PM
Er... I used Dream World but I still have two different Friend Codes? I'm hopeless.

Lady Vulpix
30th June 2012, 10:10 AM
Use the one on your Pal Pad, then. And let me know when we can meet online and trade. :)

By the way, I have to many Larvitars. Does anyone want one?

30th June 2012, 11:06 AM
No such thing as "Too many Larvitars..."

Lady Vulpix
30th June 2012, 11:20 AM
If you want one, get on AIM and we can trade. :)

Mikachu Yukitatsu
12th July 2012, 09:01 AM
I have finally got good news! I just managed to share the signal on my wireless router, it wasn't even hard. This means I can talk in AIM, TPM chat and even Facebook at the same time when I play my Pokemon White. I still don't know which Friend Code is right, though. So you may want to try them both.

Lady Vulpix
12th July 2012, 10:15 AM
It was fun trading with you. :)

Edit: added breeding of Roosting Prankster Murkrow to my offers list, because I have everything I need to do so (a female with Prankster and a male with Roost) and it's too good not to share it. Think about it... a Pokemon with high Attack and Special Attack... with enough HP to take a couple of hits... and who can heal half its HP before its opponent attacks again! Add Toxic to its moveset and the battle is virtually won on its own. :D

...If only Honchkrow could keep the Prankster ability!

23rd December 2012, 07:53 AM
Looking for a female Wurmple for my black 2 game. Preferably lower level than 6. Don't care about moves or anything. Can anyone help me?

11th January 2013, 04:37 AM
I was just wondering if I could please get a female slakoth ASAP? I've got a range of stuff you may be interested in! Let me know y'all!

11th January 2013, 06:41 AM
Andrew, I'm about to begin breeding Slakoths (cos I want a certain nature/ability), so I can give you a female if you would like :) Is it for B&W or B&W2?

Lady Vulpix
11th January 2013, 08:18 AM
Looking for a female Wurmple for my black 2 game. Preferably lower level than 6. Don't care about moves or anything. Can anyone help me?
I have a level 10 female Wurmple. Is that good enough? Otherwise I suppose I can breed for one. Let me know what you prefer.

Lady Vulpix
14th February 2013, 02:50 PM
Sorry for the double post, but it didn't feel right to edit a month-old post in order to add something unrelated.

I have a small collection of Friend Guard Clefairies. Is anyone interested in getting one?

18th March 2013, 05:48 PM
Hey guys, I'm trying to rebuild my old team from RBY, but unfortunately a few of them rely on hidden abilities, and I really can't be bothered playing around with the Dream World. My intention is to grab some females from the Dream World to breed (that sounds creepy). Looking for...

Abra family
Bulbasaur family
Pikachu family

Updated: I've now acquired various Pogeys from LV (thank you so much!) and DL (whom I love forever and ever) so I'm down to only three more! Again, I don't have many special things on offer, except access to the first four gens worth of Pokemon. Willing to negotiate!

20th March 2013, 08:17 PM

MY copy of Black DARES TO FUNCTION! I CAN SAFELY TRADE ALL MY SUCKERS TO B2 AND Never look back (just want my crew for the PWT so I can pwn them horrendoulsy.)

But..this also means I can trade with the likes of people! Tony, hit me up, I think I have a Spare Arceus that's eating up cycles....

Saying your friend code is wroOOOOong DK :/

Black Code is: 0733 5139 1485
B2 Code...is worthless since there's nothing of value on that cartridge.

23rd June 2013, 01:09 AM
Hey there im looking for a eevee if you can do this i will be very appreciative

Gen 5 black 2

and a starly for gen 5

Both of them around level 30 if possible

23rd June 2013, 01:13 AM
Yes i would love a larvitar

Lady Vulpix
8th September 2013, 08:04 PM
OzziMozzi, what's your Friend Code? Is there any way I can reach you by IM?

By the way, new addition to the list! I can now breed Super Luck Togepi! So let me know if you would like one.

Perfect Chaos
23rd October 2013, 12:54 AM
So I know most people are in full swing with X and Y but I found myself buying Black 2 (at DL's urging. :sweat:] and in need of some Pogeys

I just got past the first badge and I'm currently in Viribank City but any of you guys wouldn't mind donating any Pokemon with competitive stats/moves that'd be greatly appreciated.

As of now, current needs are (either neutral or beneficial Natures are fine)

Male Elekid (with Electrizer if possible)
Male Gible

Most of my Pokemon are at 12-13 right now so if you can just trade the egg over itself after checking for its gender, that'd be cook

My Black 2 FC is (according to my Pal Pad cause I don't think my 3DS FC applies here): 0820-6577-9733

Lady Vulpix
27th October 2013, 02:04 PM
I don't understand what you mean by "trade the egg over itself after checking for its gender", but we can arrange a trade if you want. When will you be online? (Date/time/timezone).

Perfect Chaos
28th October 2013, 12:01 AM
Gaby, I think you can still trade Eggs that have not hatched IIRC but what a person can do is save before hatching the Egg, do the normal routine of running around and allowing the egg to hatch to make sure its the correct Gender/Nature. Once you've done that, you can just reset the game to the point where it was still an Egg and then trade that over to your friend.

It just allows you to be able to hatch the Pokemon and let it have your Trainer ID so that it doesn't start leveling up retardly fast because of the double EXP. boost you get from traded Pokemon.

I live in the Eastern Standard Time zone of the US (Miami, 954 til I die). I'm on at random times, normally in the morning EST since I usually work from 1-9 PM EST on most days (except Tuesdays/Wednesdays and Sundays)

I'm OK for now though since Will helped me out IMMENSELY earlier. I'll PM if anything, thanks :D

Lady Vulpix
28th October 2013, 08:21 AM
Ah, no problem. I don't see how the EXP boost can be a problem, though. Especially not since you can EV-train even at level 100, and if you get the Pokemon at a low level you will get the badges fast enough so that it won't disobey you.

I can do the egg trade anyway, I just don't understand why you want that. It would be nice if you could explain. Thanks.

Perfect Chaos
28th October 2013, 08:38 AM
Its just the OCD part of my brain that likes everything to be under my Trainer ID, nothing absolutely necessary :freak: