View Full Version : So many Rattata in my apartment and not a Pokéball in sight

Charles Legend
29th August 2012, 11:31 AM
Right you guys I have a serious problem with house mice that keep getting in my apartment and pooping all over my cabins in side and out side of them.

So dose anyone here have anyone how to get rid of them without poison, I have yet to find out were the entrance hole is my apartment is next to a wooded area which is right behind my kitchen...

This is by no means a recent event it's been an on going issue since 2005, I'm at my wits end on trying to find out a solution on how to deal with the mice, my dog is no help he only chases Deer, quarrels/chipmunks and turkeys, I was thinking of getting a Yorkshire Terrier since they were bread to hunt mice and other rodents...

So yeah any advice would be helpful so that my Pokédex dose not go
A Forest Pokémon, Rattata. It likes cheese, nuts, fruits, and berries. It also comes out into open fields to steal food from stupid travelers.

~Charles Legend

29th August 2012, 05:58 PM
Have you tried traps? Don't use those stupid archaic ones that they have in cartoons, they have awesome ones now that just clamp down like a mouth. Stick some peanut butter in there, pop it in a dark corner, and then when you've got them, you just open it up, dump the body in a bin, and voila. Reset the trap.

Unfortunately, either blocking up the hole or poison is the best way to go. I'm guessing you don't want to go with poison because of your dog? There's this other stuff that isn't poisonous, but expands in their stomach, killing them that way. Pretty horrible to think about, but I'm fairly sure it'd be safe if you put it out of dog's reach.

31st August 2012, 02:09 PM
Get a cat!

My two cats have effectively eliminated any mouse problem in the house. I mean... yeah, they kill the mice. But, whatever, it's just nature. It will make the cat happy (cats live to kill rodents, that's kind of why they haven't died out... they killed mice and things) and, so there'll be a carcass now and then. Throw it out. They're cute wittle mice, yes, but... living in a sanitary home is far more important than being the savior of the helpless little mice :)

31st August 2012, 04:56 PM
Take away their food supply. Put all your loose food in airtight plastic containers so they can't get it. We had a small mouse problem because I stupidly kept my guinea pig food in the kitchen when they were outside, moved the food elsewhere, no more mouse problem.

Or get a cat, cats are cool. Mine is an expert in catching flies. I just wish he wouldn't eat them.

Charles Legend
31st August 2012, 08:56 PM
I did have a a cat her name was shadow star however my dog chased her away, but yeah I was thing more along the lines of a mutt with Yorkshire Terrier gens in him/her since the dog I have right now is a sheered/beagle mix he actually getting quite old.

the thing is I don't have a whole lot of food sitting out other then potted basil but I don't think mice like herbs like that.

actually I do have traps set although they are snap traps they actually work quite well, so I basically got the part about trapping them covered however dose any one have any advice on how to actually locate were they ere getting in at, like what king of eqitment I would need?

I was thinking about maybe some camra traps both inside and outside, and UV light bulbs since I know that their urine glows when exposed to that kind of light.

but no DragoKnight the reason why I don't want to use poison is simple I don't agree with the usage of any kind of poison...

~Charles Legend

31st August 2012, 10:05 PM
Balance a cardboard tube on the edge of a chair or other elevate area over an empty bin, and put something that will attract the mouse in the far end of the tube (Peanut butter was the textbook example when I re about this method.). The mouse will walk into the tube towards the food and, when it gets close enough, the mouse's weight will tip the tube into the bin. Dispose of the trapped mouse cheaply and humanely. :D