View Full Version : Name and Gender perferences

5th May 2003, 11:46 AM
What's yours?
My perfered gender is female (because the male one just sucks) and my name on Saphire is Ferrari.(Yes, after the car)

5th May 2003, 11:49 AM
ummm... male my name is destroyall

Silent Dragonfly
5th May 2003, 01:17 PM
I don't prefer either male or female, except for umbreon, i prefer it as a girl, it's much more evil. My name on gold is Phil. I don't have Ruby yet. :( It's not out until 30th May here

Silent Dragonfly
5th May 2003, 01:18 PM
If you meant gender for your game charecter, i prefer male

5th May 2003, 02:00 PM
Female. Both I'm a girl and it's not like you had a choice before Crystal, so it's best to be a girl when you finally can... anyway, I just use my real name.

5th May 2003, 02:31 PM
Well, I'm male, so naturally, I'd choose male...In Crystal, I chose female, for a change...If I ever get Sapphire, I'll most likely choose the Female Trainer...

5th May 2003, 03:26 PM
even though i'm a male, i p;ay with a female character because the guys where getting boring. i can't say what i named my character, but i can tell you its the oldest female profession. i think. but still its fun playing games that allow you to change the main characters name :)