View Full Version : Yu-gi-oh world wide edition

5th May 2003, 04:11 PM
I don't know if I may ask for roms, but i really want world wide edition.
So does someone know where to get it?

Ifso, plz, PM me

The Muffin Man
5th May 2003, 09:48 PM
Hey Dino, when you get the location of the..umm..."shop selling the game legally"...PM it my way :x

6th May 2003, 01:05 PM
I couldn't found it, if i did i wouldn't ask for a rom:o :wave:

The Muffin Man
6th May 2003, 02:48 PM
...I think that went right over your head.

6th May 2003, 06:16 PM
Yeah, whatever, you go ahead and think

Ultimate Charizard
7th May 2003, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by The Muffin Man
...I think that went right over your head.

*Waves hand over his head* WHOOSH!!!

Lol, dont get offended Dinoleaf, he meant 'the shop that is selling it' meaning the site u got the rom.
He might seem like it but even TMM aint that dumb ;).

I bought the game for real since i hear the guys who made it are planning an international tournament by the end of the year and i for one plan to be there....and TMM knows he cant beat me :P

The Muffin Man
7th May 2003, 05:26 PM
the hell I can't, woman. I put your *** on the ropes with a Fusion deck with no fusions till the end!

Ultimate Charizard
7th May 2003, 05:34 PM
..and that one fusion monster u felt it nessecary to play ran straight into my Magic Cylinders wiping your own life points while i was on 550 and with that damn Mask magic card in play all u had to do was wait me out for two turns.

7th May 2003, 05:51 PM
So, whats the site, sorry, Muffin