View Full Version : Alternative Medicine

Mikachu Yukitatsu
10th August 2013, 04:06 AM
As a patient of western hospitals, and a 'fine' production of an education based on western science and even being exposed to a western religion, I have always trusted western medical care.

But now a friend of mine, who seems to have been following western health care even more blindly than me, has chosen to take acupuncture for her sciatica which she acquired already at a young age.

So it came to me, what do you guys think of alternative medicine? Here's what says our Minister of the Interior Päivi Räsänen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Päivi_Räsänen) in this article. (http://www.iltasanomat.fi/kotimaa/art-1288587278179.html) Mikachu Translate, the alternative for Google Translate :p

Meditation, homeopathy and acupuncture in danger: Räsänen wants to reject the belief medication from children and severely ill.

Not for children and ill
The belief medication from meditation to acupuncture, from homeopathy to spiritual healing are in danger. The Minister of the Interior demands a legislation of their own to those medical care forms and would ban them at least from children and severely ill.

Räsänen demands the so-called belief medication a legislation of their own.

Räsänen suggests, that Finland learn from the example of Sweden, where belief medication can't be used while taking care of children and severely ill.

Belief medication meand a health care methods whose effects hasn't been proven scientifically.

”When it's a question of a serious illness, the legislation must approve only care methods that have been attested efficent and safely enough.” Räsänen lined in her speech today in Tammela, Hakkapeliittapäivät.

Räsänen thinks law must protect ill persons from the disadvantages and problems of belief medication. She says the marketing must distinguish clearly the health care services and belief medication.

”Inappropriate action must be intervened effectively and at the same time one must secure the rights to good and safe care.”Räsänen strengthened.

Belief medications are health care methods whose effects haven't been proven with scientific research.

Belief medication covers also some medication forms, like alternative medicine and herbal care. The care forms that resemble medication are for instance homeopathy and herbal diets.

There are lots of different care forms from diet care to spiritual healing and device care, such as magnetic field care. Some include also meditation and Lent.

Team Mikachu vs Team Päivi Räsänen
:575: :046:
Frisk/Effect Spore
*knows Meditate*/I'll make you believe!
[][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][]
[][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][]

Mikachu grabs a Pokeball from his pocket, and reveals his favourite goth chick Pokemon. It's his Gothorita!! Räsänen opts for her Paras, simply because paras means best in Finnish language. ”Poisonpowder!” Räsänen demands. ”Use Meditate!” Mikachu answers. ”Meditation doesn't work, does it?” wonders Räsänen.

11th August 2013, 09:33 AM
I think there's some merit in traditional non-Eurocentric medicine. I think you'll find that as globalization continues, alternative medicine becomes more mainstream.