View Full Version : Dark Sunlight-A Warrior Tale

Gary Warrior
5th May 2003, 07:04 PM
this is my fanfic that ive been working on for the last...what? three months i guess. its definatly not your typical fanfic. theres a lot of blood and fighting so if you dont like that kinda stuff i dun suggest you read it. i warn you, it has not pokemon battleing, but it is a pokemon fanfic, for sure. the main chara is Gary, but not the way anime watchers know him. ok, im gonna post the first chapter, and if nayones interested ill post the rest.

Chapter 1
Gary Oak looked out over the ocean from the front of their ship, the Caroline. He was about 13, though out on the ocean age didn't mean much. Strapped across his back was a heavy broad sword, a plain warrior’s weapon. His close friend, Erika, walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
She was almost the exact same age as Gary. She wore a rough, flower print blue kimono, and a light red headband to keep her short jet-black hair from falling into her light blue eyes.
Startled, Gary stood up and immediately fell down onto the ships deck. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Erika said gently. Gary stood up and adjusted the broad-sword slung across his back.
“You didn't scare me, I'm not afraid of anything,” He said confidently.
“Yes right, whatever you say. Anyway, I came to tell you that breakfast’s ready and Ash is going to eat it all if you don’t hurry up and get to the galley.”
“He would,” Gary said casually. Erika smiled “I know. Now, hurry, go! I didn't spend all morning making breakfast to have Ash eat it all. Go!” she pushed him gently toward the ship’s kitchen.
“Yes general,” Gary said sarcastically as he headed in the direction Erika had pushed him.
The Caroline’s galley was plain and simple, though fortunately it was big. In the center of the square room was a large wooden table, and lining the four walls was one wood stove and lots of food in barrels and boxes.
“Move over Ash, I haven’t eaten anything yet today.” Gary said as he pushed Ash to one side and sat down at the table.
“Look, it’s not my fault that you like to look at the ocean instead of eating even though it never looks different.” Ash said.
“Uh-huh…” Gary said, not paying attention. He was too busy with breakfast, which appeared to something like a hard tack pancake.
“Don’t eat too much Ash.” Misty said “you might get seasick like last time.” Ash looked up from his plate
“That only happened once, and it was two days after we moved into the ship, what d’ ya expect?”
“I don’t care why it happened, but I had to mop it up, so make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Erika said dangerously. Gary coughed and pushed his plate away “oh, man, I did NOT need to hear that while I was eating.”
Jolt the Jolteon wiped the biscuit crumbs from his long muzzle “wonder where Kara is?” He said. He was like any typical Jolteon, except for the belt he wore that held his saber and the half a dozen or so scars he had acquired from the many wars he had fought in. His friend Riachu sucked honey from his paw.
“On deck I think.” He said offhandedly. Jolt stood up; it wasn’t like Kara to miss breakfast.
“I'm gonna go an’ look for ‘er.” Jolt said. He walked out of the galley and on deck. Just as Riachu had said, Kara was out on deck at the head of the ship, staring vacantly out to sea and holding her violent-looking axepike. She was an Espeon, gentle and quiet, though fierce and dangerous when it was needed. Her pink-purple fur seemed to always glisten, and she had beautiful eyes that made Jolt lock up whenever she looked straight at him.
“What’re ya doin’ out here Kara? Yore missin’ breakfast,” Jolt said. “I know…” she said vacantly.
“Somethin’ tha matter?” Jolt asked
“Almost.” Kara said “something’s going to happen, something bad, I can feel it. I don’t know what it is, but I'm sure something bad will happen…” she said, never taking her gaze from the horizon. Jolt looked out over the ocean as well, but he saw nothing.

Far across the ocean, many hundreds of miles from land, though only about three days sail from the Caroline, was the island of Akadza. Akadza was actually the ruler there. She stood like a bad omen on the battlements of her castle ruin built inside a huge clearing large enough to be a field in the center of the island. Akadza was an Espeon; her fur was dark purple and matted. Her almost-black eyes were dangerous and piercing, as she stared out to sea. Her second in command, a Houndour named Bruto, stood behind her, wondering if his mistress would order him to do something.
“Someone is coming…” she said finally.
“Who’s comin’?” Bruto asked.
“How should I know, imbecile? I do not know who is coming, but I know that someone is coming. Someone who we must destroy.”
“How come?”
“I do not know this either, but I am sure, whoever arrives we must kill, and the reason will become clear once they come. Alert the troops, tell them to be ready for whoever comes.” Akadza said. Bruto nodded and departed; he knew to trust his mistress.
“Oy, she’s psychic or somethin’, alla her fancy talkin’s a’ wearin’ me mind out…” he muttered to himself