View Full Version : Graphic Art in Videogames

Mikachu Yukitatsu
23rd November 2013, 01:01 AM
Here you are, a thread about aesthetics in videogame graphics. What do you think of the current state of the graphic development? What's the most beautiful game in your opinion?

I must have mentioned before I found Final Fantasy VII in-game graphics more beautiful than VIII in-game graphics. My argument is, the blocky VII characters appeal cute in my eyes while VIII has rough characters, they tried to make too realistic graphics with that game engine.

I also liked the tranquiling landscape of Final Fantasy XIII, makes me drowsy. Again, XIII-2 makes even my eyes hurt in some phases, and this comes from a guy whose eyes almost never hurt while playing videogames.

I will say something about comparing Pokemon graphics to Final Fantasy graphics, too. Pokemon are a lot easier to draw than Final Fantasy monsters, and I sometimes wonder if Square wanted to make their creatures hard to copy.

However, some of the most beautiful games I have ever played are Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2. My mother has studied aeshtetics and she likes the way they look as well so those games must be well-planned.

24th November 2013, 05:51 AM
Aaaa art in video games, one of my favourite things! I could literally sit around all DAY and stare at the game Okami, it's such a beautiful style and it really does look just like a painting. And Solatorobo is a really pretty one to play, it's got a lovely colour scheme to all of its areas and the locations seriously are stunning at times. And concept art of games... hnnnggg I have the concept art books of the Assassin's Creed series (Revelations and 2) and the art in them is GORGEOUS. So many lovely concepts and designs.