View Full Version : Same-Sex Marriage Legal in Majority of US States

13th October 2014, 10:59 PM
I'm surprised that no one has commented on the fact that gay marriage is now legal in 30 states and the District of Columbia. I think it's great!


14th October 2014, 07:48 AM
It's a nice change of pace.

15th October 2014, 03:47 PM
It expands my opportunities for places to live and go to grad school. Not that these states are inherently safer as a result, but the opportunity for legalized partnerships is comforting.

15th October 2014, 09:36 PM
"People often say that same-sex marriage now is like interracial marriage in the 60s. But in terms of public opinion, same-sex marriage now is like interracial marriage in the 90s, when it had already been legal nationwide for 30 years (http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/marriage.png)."

18th October 2014, 11:01 AM
Sharing that on fb. Thanks kurai!
btw why aren't we facebook friends. if you have that shit find me.

20th October 2014, 03:57 AM
I'm surprised it all happened so fast (in a good way). The first few states were a slow matriculation, and then - BAM - before I realised it, it had almost reached all of the States. Fantastic stuff, such a shame that Australia is backwards as fuck.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
20th October 2014, 04:56 AM
Maybe I'm childish, but Finland might get a chance next year, after the government that this lady is in changes.



Not later than 2015, we'll get a new parliament and a new governmet.

Lady Vulpix
22nd October 2014, 04:44 PM
Maybe I'm childish, but Finland might get a chance next year, after the government that this lady is in changes.



Not later than 2015, we'll get a new parliament and a new governmet.Best wishes on that.

We're getting a new government next year too. I hope it's better than the current one, or at least not worse.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
26th October 2014, 05:54 AM
Best Wishes 2015!

Päivi Räsänen is the main reason why so many people in Finland have signed out from the Finnish Evangelical Lutherian church. Those people think she represents the view of the church. As for myself, I already signed out in 2003 :P



26th October 2014, 01:39 PM
I'm surprised it all happened so fast (in a good way). The first few states were a slow matriculation, and then - BAM - before I realised it, it had almost reached all of the States. Fantastic stuff, such a shame that Australia is backwards as fuck.

Hurry up and legislate that shit into law, I wouldn't mind living in Australia!
Except for the scary giant monsters that live in your continent. I mean, they're practically Pokemon.

26th October 2014, 05:56 PM
Hurry up and legislate that shit into law, I wouldn't mind living in Australia!
Except for the scary giant monsters that live in your continent. I mean, they're practically Pokemon.

I hate this myth Americans have about Oz being a hostile dangerzone filled with giant, venomous creatures. I've been to Oz and this is categorically untrue.

For example, the runway I landed on had very few spiders on it. And the woman at passport control did not attempt to fill my abdomen with her eggs, so that wasn't too bad.

26th October 2014, 05:56 PM
Hurry up and legislate that shit into law, I wouldn't mind living in Australia!
Except for the scary giant monsters that live in your continent. I mean, they're practically Pokemon.

I hate this myth Americans have about Oz being a hostile dangerzone filled with giant, venomous creatures. I've been to Oz and this is categorically untrue.

For example, the runway I landed on had very few spiders on it. And the woman at passport control did not attempt to fill my abdomen with her eggs, so that wasn't too bad.