View Full Version : Idea for Gold/Silver/Crystal Remake

Perfect Chaos
29th November 2014, 01:33 AM
After seeing how Ruby and Sapphire have been remade for the 3DS, I utterly orgasmed at the thought of them remaking Gold/Silver/Crystal in the same manner (2nd Gen was my all-time favorite).

Just to make things even interesting though as part of the remake, one thing I would like add as an extra "RPG" element (because Pokemon is still technically an RPG-type of game) is a feature similar to "New Game+"

Basically it would work similar to how Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories worked with Sora and Riku, once you beat the main story with the main character (Gold in this sense), the "New Game+" would allow you to play through the game as if you were the rival character! (in this sense, Silver himself) Obviously he wouldn't be the silent protagonist as Gold would be but have the same lines as he would in the game but we get much more character development as to how he becomes to hate Team Rocket and make the decision to oppose them instead of joining them at his father's (Giovanni) side. It would also take you on his journey with how he develops his bonds with his Pokemon as well as fighting against Gold and how other important trainers view him during his journey (Gym Leaders, Lance, Professor Elm, etc.)

Obviously we would have the same features from OR and AS in this (Mirage spots, sneaking up on Pokemon for special moves, etc.) as well as the new areas that were introduced in HG/SS.

What do you guys think? Would all the additional features along with the old ones be feasible or too much for one game to handle? Would the whole "New Game+" feature be something that would be too much to be included as well?

29th November 2014, 02:31 AM
They just remade Gold and Silver a few years ago. Why the Hell would they do so again?

29th November 2014, 05:31 AM
RBY and DPPt is more likely to made into 3D. DPPt is most likely the next remake if you go in order. RBY may come during the sixth Gen and the 20th anniversary of the release of the original games.

29th November 2014, 09:00 AM
It's going to get oddly repetitive if they remake RBY again. It's a fact-we're never going to have all the same games within the same Gen.

They'll try though, and keep milking us for cash until they either decide to end it at some point (I swear....7th Gen better include 280-282 monsters so we can have our 1000 monster limit (Release Hoopa and Volcanion damnit...)) or they just create trash that forces their now very diverse fan base away. I personally don't want a remake of RBY, I don't need it in 3D. Hell, I still have a copy of Red in my place just for memories.

If anything, they need to make however many gens they plan on making, then make their final 3 games. Some Skyrim type MMO overworld super awesome search RPG deal...

or, if they stick to handhelds...A final 3D immersive Kanto/Johto/Sinnoh, a followup to X/Y that's Hoenn(Neo-Hoenn)-Unova-Kalos(3rd version feat Zyguarde)....and whatever Gen they wanna make for the last one.

>.> They got alot to choose from. I'd say they're prolly gonna go to another Continent. Africa/Australia has my vote.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
29th November 2014, 11:06 AM
Yeah, we should be realistic about this. And by realistic, I don't mean Team Rocket blasting off again when the ground under them suddenly explodes because Pikachu used Thunderbolt. Well, maybe Unova and Kalos were the Allied Forces and there were some mines placed in Orange Islands.

Keep in mind too it's Tajiri Satoshi we are talking about.

29th November 2014, 12:47 PM
I'd go for a RBY remake. My Leaf Green was stolen and I cannot afford to get a new copy.... :'(

Zak Rodgers
6th December 2014, 04:39 PM
I don't think we need a RGBY remake. DP: THERE's something I can get excited about. No GSC either, one remake is enough.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
8th December 2014, 12:16 AM
I'd rather see a RGBY remake myself. While it would make senses that DP would be next in line for a remake, those titles aren't that old yet and RGBY had their last release on GBA which was two console generations ago.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
14th December 2014, 01:18 AM
I'd like to see RGBY re-remakes as well. My old DS, GBA and GBA SP are getting too old. But it's more probable that they'll do the DPP ones.

As for Perfect Chaos's original idea, I don't know if the hardcore Pokemon fans would even like it. One of the strong points of Pokemon series seems to be that the same system is kinda repeated every time. Even the additions like Abilities and Mega Evolutions still stick to the basic old system. Unlike in, say, Final Fantasy, where the battle system, plot, technology level and the world itself are always somewhat different and that's what tends to drive away many Final Fantasy puritans. I can't comment on Kingdom Hearts though since I never played them, sorry.

However, Perfect Chaos, your idea could work as a spin-off, it would be called Pokemon RPG or something more imaginative.