View Full Version : ~*Dragon Warrior Monsters: The Treasures~*~

Shadow Djinn
6th May 2003, 07:51 PM
K first off, I know a lot of you havent played Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 & 2 so heres the story and monsters http://www.enix.com/dragon-warrior_monsters2/

K now


" Sir! Greatlong is sinking!" The man yelled. The King of Greatlog's eye bulged.
" What?" He asked in disbelief.
" It's true old king." A silky voice spoke. A man rose out of the shadows, holding a white circle.
" The plug!" The King Gasped. " Put it back now!" The King roared.
" No can do King. The Island is gone now." The man chuckled. He dissapeared, as the great kingdom of GreatLog sank underneath the ocean.

5000 Years Later.....

" Master Darck. I have the plug, and the 3 treasures." A voice spoke.
" good. The Cobi and Tara rats have tricked me." A voice rasped.
" No one would've knew they handed over fake treasures. But now you will conquer every world."" The other voice replied.
" Yes. But now, our next target is Grand Log." The other voice spoke.

Youre a monster master at Grand Log. One day, as you walk past the Medal Shop, you see a yellow warubou like fellow rush past you and steal what you have. In rage, you send your monsters after him. They follow the creature down the Navel, where the plug for Grand log is. But as your monsters are about to strike, the plug bursts and dissapears. The creature, Petibou, is shocked. Without that, the island will slowly sink. Petibou plugs the hole, and asks you to save grand Log. Surprised, you agree. he gives you a magic key where a treasure is, which might help plug the hole. Thus the journey begins....

The First Key Is Ocean=A land of water with floating towns on the islands. Treasure is Aqua Shield

2nd Key is Forest= A green land with several towns and castles across the plains. Treasure is Gold Mirror

3rd Key is Sky=Just like the DWm 2 Sky world. Treasure is the Sky bell

Last is Limbo=A floating slab of land in the black sky, with Darck, the lord of limbo's castle covering the slab. You defeat darck here.


Age: ( 13-18)
monsters:( 3 limit, go to the url i provided and click on monsters. Then click on Monster Safari and choose monsters of your liking. Choose 3 monsters you like.)
Relations:( you know...)

Map of Grandlog is here http://www.enix.com/dragon-warrior_monsters2/greatlog.html