View Full Version : ASB Reform/Suggestions Thread

5th August 2016, 05:51 PM
This place is in need of reform, methinks. I have few ideas I'd like to see implemented in the future (preferably before/during Gen 7's release) that I wanted to run by the general population first.

First off -- I wanna get rid of the gyms for now. Least until we have more people.

Second, I thought about revamping the approval tower to allow members to buy certain pokémon outright. I'd like to be able to catch certain pokémon again without having to trek through the Safari Zone again. Certain rarer pokémon will only be available there, of course, but common ones will be at the tower.

Third, the evolution system needs to be reworked as well. I'm thinking about skipping the points for it altogether, but making the experience requirement a little more difficult. Basic evolutions would require either the pokémon to defeat another pokémon in battle (by eliminating 51% or more of their health), or participate in at least two battles. No points required whatsoever. They could also participate in a completed Safari Zone quest to receive experience to evolve as well. Middle-stage pokémon will require two battles to evolve period (regardless of whether or not they won the first battle). You could still use a completed Safari Zone quest, however.

Quarterly, I'm gonna go through the list of mega evolutions and revamp it completely. Every evolution (baring extreme exceptions) will receive stat boosts, not just certain ones. This should make it a little more fair.

Finally, I'm thinking about including holdable items and evolution stones. These can be purchased at the Poké Mart to give to your pokémon to be used in battle. Evolution stones can be used on certain pokémon to bypass the experience required to evolve, while hold items can be used to give your pokémon the edge during battle or during a quest.

Knight of Time
5th August 2016, 05:59 PM
I'm surprised we're getting holdable items here, but I'm curious to ask if any of them will come from the games, and/or will there be some new items here that are exclusive to this ASB?

The reason I wanted to ask is, being as I'm a member of AC/CC, we have our own holdable items for Pokemon that are either adopted or captured (some of them are AC/CC exclusive, like the items that are similar to the games' choice items but without the drawback of being locked into using just one move).

Also, are we going to have berries here? It would be interesting if we had a topic where we could "plant" them in order to get more later on (with the rarer berries taking longer to develop of course).

One last thing, didn't you mean Gen 7 above Greyfox? I'm not sure at all if we're going to get an eighth generation of Pokemon, but you never know!

Mikachu Yukitatsu
5th August 2016, 11:50 PM
About holdable items, the question can be posed also this way. Would ASB step too much on AC/CC territory?

6th August 2016, 04:04 AM
Oh wow. Hop on for the first time in ages and you're planning on revamping. Sounds good.

Edit: To add something relevant... What do you want to do with Magikarp/Caterpie/Weedle/etc... regarding evolution?

Perfect Chaos
6th August 2016, 04:54 AM
Oh wow. Hop on for the first time in ages and you're planning on revamping. Sounds good.

Edit: To add something relevant... What do you want to do with Magikarp/Caterpie/Weedle/etc... regarding evolution?

Dunno why I'm even on at this hour. But to answer you question nepence, you can find it here http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=27502

6th August 2016, 09:59 AM
Those evolutions will require time instead of experience to evolve. The bugs will take 3 or 4 days after capture to evolve into their cacoon phase, while everything else will be 4 or 5.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
6th August 2016, 11:40 AM
I just noticed I run out of points earlier on when I tried to start a Safari Adventure. (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=25201&page=6&p=609162&viewfull=1#post609162)

I demanded them back in that post but I don't mind anymore...

7th August 2016, 10:26 AM

Perfect Chaos
7th August 2016, 11:27 PM




Mikachu Yukitatsu
8th August 2016, 12:33 AM
DarkestLight posts in ASB for the first time within a year, how can that be Postcount++?

10th August 2016, 12:50 AM

Greyfox. Behind ya 100% on this. I'm just gonna fade in the background tho....

...cause GO is life and my running game is ridiculous now...

15th August 2016, 03:24 AM
I think it's been like a year since I last posted, and I still have this site in my bookmarks.

I'm behind this 100% as well, though I probably may need to revoke my own ref status unless I can get myself re-tested or something. Can't help but feel like i'm pretty rusty.

25th August 2016, 06:05 PM
I'm coming up with a small list of holdable items that can be used both in battle and in the Safari Zone. For starters, we're gonna have a tournament similar to the Mega Evolutions tourney. We'll have a list of held items you can choose and try out, and the winner will receive a couple of free ones. We'll also have a giveaway scheduled so that every member of the ASB can pick up a free item as well.