View Full Version : Mikachu vs Knight of Time [Ref: Greyfox]

Mikachu Yukitatsu
10th August 2016, 06:09 AM
Finally, a new battle!

No banned moves.
DQ time 2 weeks.
DC 40
Arena: Standard Indigo Plateau
2 vs 2, one out at a time

I'll send out first, you'll attack first.

Now how do you do this again...

Go Montezuma my Male Sigilyph with Magic Guard!

Knight of Time
10th August 2016, 06:40 PM
Alright, I think we ought to have our rematch here and now. Hopefully this battle will get the attention of other ASBers.

Gemini, I need your assistance!

I'm pretty sure you've seen my Sableye in action...if you haven't (or can't remember him much), his ability is Prankster, and he has Hex as a tutored move now.

Alright Gemini, let's get this show started by Taunting the Sigilyph until successful, then use Metal Burst on your remaining action(s) so that no matter what he throws at you to damage you, that the damage done to him will be greater!

If he manages to avoid getting Taunted, be ready to Snatch anything beneficial (barring Rest) or Magic Coat anything back at him that is susceptible to its effect.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
11th August 2016, 01:04 AM
Okay, Knight of Time. Let's see how 'rusty' we both are!

Montezuma, Magic Coat that Taunt!
Keep on fighting with two doses of Dazzling Gleam.

12th August 2016, 05:34 PM
I'll try to get to this tonight after I get outta work.

15th August 2016, 07:13 PM

Indigo Plateau
The standard battle arena.Weather - None


@Magic Guard
100HP 100PP
No status.
"Get ready."
Magic Coat > Dazzling Gleam > Dazzling GleamGEMINIhttp://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/93/Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png

100HP 100PP
No status.
Taunt > Metal Burst > Metal Burst

Round ONE
The PokéMasters ASB League has been pretty empty and boring for quite some time now, so Finnish Fighter Mikachu Yukitatsu and Hero of Time Knight of Time decide it's time to breath some life into it by having a battle. Mika, the challenger, hurls his first poké ball, revealing a colorful sigilyph named Montezuma. Knight, meanwhile, answers the call with an impish dark ghostling--Gemini. The battlers step up to the metaphorical plates and the two trainers announce their commands--the battle begins!

Gemini's ability activates, giving him right of way--the sableye shouts a series of un-PC things that would cause most people to shout angrily; however, Monte remains stoic and unaffected. This angers Gemini quite a bit! How dare that awkward bird not be driven to rage!?

MONTEZUMA : -4PP // Taunted, -2PP : GEMINI

Gemini remembers his trainer's commands and knows he's supposed to keep taunting Monte until it works, but he's too mad to follow through. Instead, he waits for Monte to attack first. The totem bird responds with a swift burst of fairy energy that actually hurts a lot more than one would think. Gem cries out before retaliating with a burst of steel shrieks--powered up by Monte's previous attack.

MONTEZUMA : -6PP, -16HP // -10PP, -12HP : GEMINI

The third set of attacks goes about the same as the second. Why would Monte do that again!? Gemini minds it not, though; at least his rage has subsided.

MONTEZUMA : -6PP, -16HP // Taunted, -10PP, -12HP : GEMINI

@Magic Coat
68HP 84PP
No status.

76HP 84PP
No status.
"Glad we got that worked out!"

Ref Notes:
~Mikachu attacks first!~

Mikachu Yukitatsu
16th August 2016, 06:36 AM
Thanks for reffing, Greyfox!

Montezuma, take Gemini on with a Charge Beam!
Proceed with Ice Beam.
Finish with yet one more Dazzling Geam.

If he Protects or Metal Bursts at any point, Double Team in the meantime.

Knight of Time
16th August 2016, 05:16 PM
Gemini, fight off that Charge Beam with a hard-hitting Dark Pulse, then use Feint Attack to dodge that Ice Beam and give your opponent a strike (preferably with your claws if possible), finally, we don't want anymore Dazzling Gleam shenanigans, so Imprison his Dazzing Gleam!

Thanks for offering to ref, Greyfox.

19th August 2016, 08:33 PM

Indigo Plateau
The standard battle arena.Weather - None


@Magic Coat
68HP 84PP
No status.

76HP 84PP
No status.
"Glad we got that worked out!"

Round TWO
As his anger subsides, Gemini decides to charge up a wave of dark energy. While he's doing so, Monte snaps his wings forward and lets loose a quaint surge of electricity which barely even dents Gemini's frame. The devious troll pokémon retaliates with the dark pulse he had been saving up, doing harsh damage to the feathery psychic.

MONTEZUMA : -4PP,-12 HP // -2PP, -5HP : GEMINI

Montezuma lashes back before sending a blade of ice to wreck his opponent. Gem attempts to sidestep the attack, but he's just too darn slow to do so. With a fierce stance, he lunges at the totem bird with dark energy surging through his claws. He slashes violently, causing Montezuma to fall backward to the ground. Ouch!


Montezuma decides to go for a super-effective attack this time, and... can't seem to remember just what he was doing. That can't be right!? He literally just used the attack during the last round--what happened? The devious Gemini smirks wildly, having disabled the bird's link to the attack.

MONTEZUMA : Imprisoned [Dazzling Gleam] // -10PP : GEMINI

@Magic Coat
47HP 72PP

62HP 69PP
No status.

Ref Notes:
~While under the effects of imprison, Montezuma will be unable to use Dazzling Gleam; this will remain in effect until either Montezuma is recalled to his poké ball or another move is imprisoned.~
~KoTattacks first!~

Knight of Time
22nd August 2016, 09:13 AM
Uh, why do you have Magic Coat listed as Montezuma's ability, Greyfox? I thought it was Magic Guard.

It's no big deal though, as neither is Gemini's slowness preventing him from dodging Ice Beam with Feint Attack.

Alright Gemini, let's see if we can extend our lead a bit more.

Keep on firing those Dark Pulses at the Sigilyph, but be ready to use Snatch on anything Snatchable except Rest, or Magic Coat on anything you can deflect back.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
22nd August 2016, 11:02 PM
Montezuma, Fly up high!
As for the Snatches, fine. I'll use that opening. Next, time to take a quick Rest!

23rd August 2016, 11:32 AM


Indigo Plateau
The standard battle arena.
Weather - None


@Magic Guard
47HP 72PP
Fly > Rest > relaxGEMINIhttp://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/93/Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png

62HP 69PP
No status.
"Glad we got that worked out!"
Dark Pulse > Dark Pulse > Dark Pulse[/FONT]

While Gemini has the slight edge, Monte decides to go on an all-out defensive by shooting high into the sky, way out of Gem's reach. The feisty sableye makes an attempt anyway, but his Dark Pulse just flies too short. That's unfortunate.

MONTEZUMA : -4PP, Sky High // -5PP : GEMINI

While seemingly protected by sheer height alone, Monte decides that now's the time to take a nap. He closes his eyes as a psychic energy revitalizes his health at a heavy burden of energy. Even though he can't dodge any attacks this way, he needn't worry as another Dark Pulse peters out almost 20 feet below his tails.

MONTEZUMA : -10PP, +10HP, Asleep // -5PP : GEMINI

Gemini decides *not* to attack again as Montezuma continues to heal himself.

MONTEZUMA : -10PP, +10HP // +10PP : GEMINI

@Magic Guard
67HP 48PP
Imprisoned, Resting, Sky High.

62HP 69PP
No status.
"Get down from there!"[/FONT]

Ref Notes:
~While under the effects of imprison, Montezuma will be unable to use Dazzling Gleam; this will remain in effect until either Montezuma is recalled to his poké ball or another move is imprisoned.~
~While resting, Montezuma will heal 10HP per action at the cost of 10PP in lieu of attacking for two full rounds (six actions); Montezuma will only be able to use Snore or Sleep Talk until awakened.~
~While sky high, Montezuma is protected from most attacks until he follows through with Fly; Montezuma will be unable to attack his opponent until he follows through; after two full rounds of being sky high, Montezuma will suffer 3HP damage per action due to lack of oxygen.~
~Mikachu Yukitatsu attacks first!~

Mikachu Yukitatsu
24th August 2016, 12:51 AM
That didn't go quite as I thought, but we'll keep it up...

Montezuma, Relax until you wake up!
When awake, Fly down!
Then Air Cutter.
If you still have an action, use Shadow Ball.

Some subs, Mirror Move against everything Super-Effective if you are reachable.

Knight of Time
24th August 2016, 04:29 PM
Gemini, if Montezuma thinks being up in the air and resting is going to help him beat you, he is wrong.

Don't lose sight of him; immediately use Gravity to (hopefully) bring him down to the ground sooner than he expects to come down, then use Nasty Plot so we can hit him harder later on. Finish with Pain Split!

25th August 2016, 07:20 PM


Indigo Plateau
The standard battle arena.
Weather - None


@Magic Guard
67HP 48PP
Imprisoned, Resting, Sky High.
relax > relax > relaxGEMINIhttp://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/93/Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png

62HP 69PP
No status.
"Get down from there!
Gravity > Nasty Plot > Pain Split[/FONT]

Round FOUR
With Montezuma drifting higher than the stakes of this battle with no end in sight, Gemini decides to make matters better by forcing the gravity's pull to hustle for a bit. Unable to stop it, the slumbering sigilyph slowly touches the ground, giving Gemini a chance to attack!

MONTEZUMA : -10PP, +10HP, Grounded // -8PP : GEMINI

Except he doesn't. He merely plots... nastily... while Montezuma continues to recover lost health.

MONTEZUMA : -10PP, +10HP, // +2SpA, -5PP : GEMINI

Montezuma keeps on resting while Gem creates an ethereal lasso. With a loud crack, the lasso wraps round his opponent, draining away his health and bestowing it upon Gemini. What a dirty thief! The sheer volume of the attack manages to rock Montezuma out of his slumber, leaving him groggy and restless.

MONTEZUMA : -10PP, +10HP, - // -30PP : GEMINI

@Magic Guard
79HP 18PP
Imprisoned, Grounded.
"Give it back!"GEMINIhttp://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/93/Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png

79HP 26PP
No status.
+2 SpA
"Come and get it!"[/FONT]

Ref Notes:
~While under the effects of imprison, Montezuma will be unable to use Dazzling Gleam; this will remain in effect until either Montezuma is recalled to his poké ball or another move is imprisoned.~
While gravity is in effect, no pokemon will be immune to ground-type attacks; evasion for all pokemon will be reduced by 50%.~
~Knight of Time attacks first!~

Knight of Time
25th August 2016, 07:32 PM
Well, things are getting interesting, but I'm curious to ask if you're using the system of exchanging 1 HP for 2 EP, or are you using DarkestLight's system of a forced relax for two actions when a Pokemon's energy reaches 0, Greyfox?

Anyway Gemini, with Montezuma unable to Fly for this round, that should enable us to get some good damage on him. Let's switch tactics here, use a Night Shade, followed by another Dark Pulse and another Night Shade.

Be ready to use Snatch on anything Snatchable (except Rest, as always), or Magic Coat on anything you can reflect back at Montezuma, if the need for either arises.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
25th August 2016, 11:02 PM
Montezuma, Mirror Move on each of those actions!

Knight of Time
26th January 2017, 06:26 PM
Hey Greyfox, just wondering but can you still ref for me and Mikachu, please? Or would it be better for him and I to get a sub-ref?