View Full Version : Fave Annoyer V. 1.0

8th May 2003, 02:36 PM
I'm in the process of making a competitive team right now, and I want to hear your favorite annoyer(s) w/ movesets. Post as many as you like, And please include if you've actually used the poke you're talking about, and how well it worked for you. I'll Start-

Dusclops@anything, Brightpowder?
Night Shade
Destiny Bond

This moveset is based around spikes (Preferably set down 3 times) First Burn then Taunt (Or Vice-Versa) Then night shade as many times as needed. They can stay and take a beating (W/ Taunt, which makes you use only direct moves, and burn which cuts down att. 50%) Or they can switch and take damage from spikes. Then you could proceed to burn the current poke. Makes a useful pyro-shuffler w/ out roar or whirlwind. Destiny bond to take out at least one poke. PLEASE post your pokes!