View Full Version : 1-3 Sentence TPM Post Story

Mikachu Yukitatsu
18th June 2018, 03:48 AM

In this topic, we build a story using TPM posts. However, as funny as they tend to be, Mt. Moon posts are banned. Instead, you can use any of thousands of posts from the archives, even ages before Mt. Moon came around, so there should be a great variation.

The post you post here can have 1,2 or 3 'story sentences', and unlike in 1-5 Words Story, you don't have to pay attention to the number of sentences the previous poster has used. This means you can have, for instance, 1 'story sentences' right after 3 'story sentences' and the other way around, and you can also have as many 2 'story sentences' in a chain as you want.

I'll start.

Becki, I have the same problem--a Mewtwo raid pass for 1 p.m. today, and I have a meeting at that time! Bleh. I'm even tempted to call into the meeting and just do the raid as though I'm sitting in front of my computer, with the webcam off, LOL.

I got the Aerodactyl yesterday :) went to one of the suburbs and quickly swept house on the 6+ Pokestops. Mine was male and had lousy IVs, though. Browsing through the dex, I realized I've got all gender data for most Gen Is except a few starters, Aerodactyl and, for some weird reason, have only gotten female Muk thus far. Where is Mr. Muk???

It was a rainy day in Goldenrod.

Goldenrod is short for Goldenrod City, of curse. Your turn.

Gavin Luper
29th August 2018, 09:50 AM
I like this idea, Mikachu. Although I think it could be even more fun - and challenging - if we only used whole words and tried to make those work.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
30th August 2018, 12:35 AM
Well, I didn't say we couldn't use whole words as well.