View Full Version : Just out of curiosity, What dual type combinations would you like to see?

9th May 2003, 12:59 AM
I would like to know what dual types YOU would like to see well because I'm board. Earlier today I was board and took lets say fire and then paired it up with every other type and did the weaknesses and resistances just for hell of it. I did about half the types.

Anyway back on subject what dual types would YOU like to see?

9th May 2003, 01:06 AM

poison/dark (blackwidow)

9th May 2003, 01:10 AM
Steel/Water... that would look kewl :D

Fire/Steel... same thing ;)

Ghost/Steel... yeah, again... I have a vision for an armoured group of steel types like a skeletal/ghostly armoured thing, a furnacey type of dragon kinda thing, etc... I like Aggron a lot. :D

9th May 2003, 01:11 AM
4x Resistance: Fire, Ice, Steel, Grass, Bug
Resistances: Normal, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark
Weaknesses: Fighting, Water
4x Weakness: Ground
Immunity: Poison

4x Resistance: Rock
Resistances: Ice, Normal, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Water
Weaknesses: Fighting, Electric
Immunity: Poison

4x Resistance: Grass
Resistances: Rock, Normal, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Electric, Water
Weaknesses: Ground, Fighting
Immunity: Poison

4x Resistance: Grass
Resistances: Steel
Weaknesses: Poison, Flying

Resistances: Grass, Bug, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Psychic
4x Weakness: Ground

4x Resistance: Steel
Resistances: Normal, Ice, Rock, Steel, Dark, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Psychic, Ground

4x Resistance: Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel, Dark
Resistances: Grass, Bug, Ghost, Dragon
Weaknesses: Fire, Ground, Fighting
Immunity: Poison

9th May 2003, 01:13 AM
most of those are wrong... but on a second note id like to see a dark/dragon, for example... fire/steel isnt 4x resistant to fire, mainly steel being weak to fire makes it kind of impossible... anyways, dark/dragon wouldnt benefit much but it would probably be very powerful and cool looking

9th May 2003, 01:15 AM
oh yeah I meant to go fix that. I was typing down the types and there weaknesses when I accidentally put 2 of the same type for weakness/resistance and so on. LOL

9th May 2003, 01:17 AM
I think a ghost/steel dragon would be wicked. It could be like armour and mist underneath the armour with glowing eyes etc... Something like that :D

9th May 2003, 01:21 AM
Resistances: Fire, Electric, Water, Grass, Ghost, Dark
Weaknesses: Ice, Dragon, Fighting, Bug
Immune: Psychic

Resistances: Grass, Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Rock

Resistances: Grass, Poison, Ghost, Dark
Weaknesses: Ground,
Immunity: Psychic

9th May 2003, 02:17 AM
I wanna see poison/steel in the form of some kind of ultra-polluting robot thing. Or like a steel torkoal. I like torkoal. Don't use it though.

9th May 2003, 03:30 AM
a Dark/Fighting evo of Sableye would be cool.

9th May 2003, 03:36 AM

Just because I'm friggen nutz, ok?

Crystalmaster Mike
9th May 2003, 04:11 AM
Electric/Dark (the evil Pikachu!)
4x Resistances: Non
2x Resistances: Dark, Electric, Flying, Ghost, Steel
Immunities: Psychic
2x Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Ground
4x Weaknesses: Non

Fire/Bug (Fire Ant)
4x Resistances: Grass
2x Resistances: Bug, Fighting, Ice, Steel
Immunities: Non
2x Weaknesses: Flying, Water
4x Weaknesses: Rock

4x Resistances: Fighting
2x Resistances: Grass, Poison
Immunities: Non
2x Weaknesses: Dark, Ghost, Ground
4x Weaknesses: Non

4x Resistances: Non
2x Resistances: Ground
Immunities: Electric
2x Weaknesses: Fire, Flying
4x Weaknesses: Ice

Bug/Dark (the evil Caterpie of DOOM!!)
4x Resistances: Non
2x Resistances: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ground
Immunities: Psychic
2x Weaknesses: Bug, Fire, Flying, Rock
4x Weaknesses: Non

Those types'd be interesting to see, that's for sure!

9th May 2003, 06:11 AM
More dragon combos!


Blah blah blah... I love dragons...

9th May 2003, 07:12 AM
Fire/Water (Will never happen)

9th May 2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by PopCoRn
Fire/Water (Will never happen)

You'll never know, dear!

9th May 2003, 09:09 AM
come on guys... stop saying some combos can never happen... i always though water/ground will never happen, but wat happened? and wat about water/electric? i always wondered how chinchou do a spark in the sea without shocking the entire ocean..

i'll like to see more dragons with no ice weaknesses,..


9th May 2003, 11:02 AM
I would like to see a electric with the floating characterstic. Overused, and for all those who list a nice bunch of killers, the end is their stats suck or they are overused.

9th May 2003, 12:15 PM
It would please me to no end to see a Dark/Electric.
Fire/Bug would be cool.(Firefly)
Electric/Bug would just be freaky....But nice :D

I give up on trying to get me pic(sig)to work. bah

9th May 2003, 01:15 PM
i agree with onixus, once in a thread in gsc a long long time ago, in a galaxy not far away... well there was a thread like this one, and i said ghost/dark... and everyone laughed at me, lol there like "that will never happen..." "thats a dumb idea" now f33r sableye... :P

9th May 2003, 01:15 PM
4x Resistance: Rock
Resistances: Ground, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Flying, Bug
4x Weakness: Ice

Resistances: Water, Rock, Grass, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Poison, Bug

4x Resistance: Grass
Resistances: Steel
Weaknesses: Poison, Flying

4x Resistance: Grass
Resistances: Rock, Normal, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Electric, Water
Weaknesses: Ground, Fighting
Immunity: Poison

4x Resistance: Electric, Steel
Resistances: Fire, Poison, Rock, Flying
Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, Water, Ground

4x Resistances: Fire
Resistances: Ice, Bug, Steel
Weaknesses: Electric

4x Resistance: Steel
Resistances: Grass, Ice, Bug, Fire, Flying, Electric
Weaknesses: Water, Rock
4x Weakness: Ground

4x Resistance: Grass, Bug
Resistances: Ice, Steel, Fire, Fighting, Poison
Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Psychic
4x Weakness: Ground

4x Resistance: Grass
Resistances: Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Ice, Bug, Steel
Weaknesses: Flying, Water
4x Weakness: Rock

4x Resistance: Fire, Grass
Resistances: Bug, Steel, Electric
Weaknesses: Rock, Ground, Dragon

Resistances: Grass, Bug, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Psychic
4x Weakness: Ground

4x Resistance: Steel
Resistances: Normal, Ice, Rock, Steel, Dark, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Psychic, Ground

Resistances: Grass, Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Electric, Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Rock

9th May 2003, 02:02 PM
Dragon/Bug (COME ON! If ANYTHING shouldn't be Ground, it's Flygon!)

As you can see, I'd like a lot of dragons.



And that's about all I can think of at the moment.:wave:

9th May 2003, 04:03 PM

Despite how stupidly obvious it is it still hasn't been included.

Neither has Fire/Grass...

Something is going wrong there methinks...

9th May 2003, 04:10 PM
Poison/Ground would be cool, i think a cross between Nincada and spinarak.

Dark/Psychic would be the best, like a half evil,half even eviler pokemon, something like weezing, one psychic head, one dark, the two fused together.

9th May 2003, 04:29 PM

9th May 2003, 04:46 PM
that reminds me. there should be a dragon/dark to ccounteract the dragon/psychic...

srg. syphillis
9th May 2003, 04:54 PM
i'd love to see a fire/steel, also a normal/phsycic would be good, just because they'd both look cool

9th May 2003, 04:59 PM
i'd love to see a fire/steel, also a normal/phsycic would be good, just because they'd both look cool

umm.... Girafarig is a normal/psychic already and its also available in R/S...

9th May 2003, 05:42 PM
Alright, this is my first post here even though I've been here for a while just hanging out, but anyway...

I think it would be cool to have a new Eevee-style pokemon, like a ghost, dark, or dragon version (those types seem popular), that could become a dual type with a stone.

9th May 2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by ace
Poison/Ground would be cool, i think a cross between Nincada and spinarak.

Have you forgot about Nidoking and Nidoqueen?

Agent Elrond
9th May 2003, 06:55 PM
What I want to see is a Dark/Poison with the Levitate ability, that would be as bad as Sableye.

Also I thought of the Fire/Water combo, but other people have already mentioned that. What they haven't is it's possible signature attack; Steam Jet, an 80 strength Water attack with a 50% chance of Burn.:o

Of course my fav would be a Demon Pokémon. It would be Psychic/Ghost (anybody else thought of that combo?) and über nasty. With Hypnosis and Dream Eater and Nightmare and Psychic and Shadow Ball and Mean Look and Astonish and, oh Gawd it would be so cool!

I think it would be called Oniki, the Demon Spirit. Any ideas for an english name?

9th May 2003, 07:04 PM
Well,most good Combos are made already,but there's some I'd love to see:

Dragon/Steel-An 00ber Combo,kinda like Steel/Psychic.A pokémon there would look AWESOME!

Fire/Water-One I want badly!It could go with a new Legendary Trio they should've made(The Fish Trio,representing the Sea).

Fire/Ice-If there's Ghost/Dark,Grass/Flying,etc.,why not Ice/Fire?

Pure Flying for once!!Swellow was kinda destined to be the first pure Flying,but Nintendo screwed it(Check patterns,ALL Normal/Flying,with the exception of Togetic and Swellow are brown-colored!)

Psychic/Ghost-This one'd be great!Too bad it's 4x Weak V.S. Dark AND Ghost.

Dragon/Dark-Just for the sake of it!

Grass/Fire-Would be interesting...


Electric/Ground-Come on,Electric needs more Combos!

Fire/Dragon-A nice Combo,and a senseful one!

Those are some good ones.

9th May 2003, 08:38 PM
Psychic/Dark: Only weakness is Bug, immune to Psychic

Dark/Dragon: Weak to Ice/Dragon/Bug/Fighting, but resistant to Psychic, Ghost/Fire/Grass/Water. Also, something with this type combination would look pretty darn cool.

Ice/Dragon. A strange combo that neutralizes Dragon's main weakness.

Ice/Grass: Pine tree pokemon?

Ground/Grass: Potato pokemon? Peanut pokemon?

Fire/Grass: NYA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Feel my wrath, sea monkies!!!

Fighting/Ghost: Matrix-style fighting pokemon!

9th May 2003, 09:14 PM
Dark/Poison w/ Levitate: Woohoo! No weaknesses! It should be a Pokemon which resembles a dark shadow with a tint of green here and there.

Ice/Grass: Some white rose...would learn Mist, Haze, Will 'o Wisp, and other cool semi-ghostly moves!

Fighting/Flying: Pokemon really needs one of these.

Fire/Psychic: A fiery witch/wizard Pokemon...that would be great!

Water/Dark: Not sure if there is one yet, but sure!

Poison/Dragon: Gargoyle Pokemon. (Would be smallish and really fierce!)

Fire/Fire: A Pokemon that cannot survive without powerful heat and flames....heheheheh.

9th May 2003, 09:19 PM
A normal/ghost type with high attack would be ownage.

9th May 2003, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Orion,the Blue Star

Pure Flying for once!!Swellow was kinda destined to be the first pure Flying,but Nintendo screwed it(Check patterns,ALL Normal/Flying,with the exception of Togetic and Swellow are brown-colored!)

I said this once in a thread in GC, but it can stand to be repeated.

If a pogey were pure flying, it would be just a pair of wings. Everything has to be a flying SOMETHING. It's a tack on type. You have to think of, for instance, Pidgeot, Xatu, or Crobat would be without their wings. Okay, Crobat would be a worthless torso without his wings, but besides that.

9th May 2003, 10:12 PM
Maybe a fighting/electric evolution for electabuzz. It already looks like it should be a fighting type, so why not?

9th May 2003, 11:15 PM
Hey if you guys want me to post there weaknesses and resistances I be more than happy to as I already half them down. And whoever said that they can't believe noones mentioned Grass/Fire and Water/Fire check MY POST. IT HAS THOSE TYPES along with there weakness and resistances.

9th May 2003, 11:21 PM
Dragon/Steel, Dragon/Ghost, Dragon/Fire is kewl.

I'd still want a pure dragon type though.

Flying/Fighting is nice

or maybe Dark/Fighting (thinks of kewl ninjas ;p)

I want a Bug/Ground(that is usable lolx..) too!

9th May 2003, 11:35 PM
I know it's been said, but water/steel would be nice to see.

something like a crab/lobster/shrimp or a cuttlefish would be cool too.

Also, a fighting/steel would be cool too.

9th May 2003, 11:46 PM
Water/Steel Pokemon EQUALS and BIG, GIGANTIC HIPPO...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10th May 2003, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Umbreon007

I give up on trying to get me pic(sig)to work. bah Ok, today's your lucky day. All you have to do is add "http://" to the start of your address.

Steel/Steel would be very nice indeed.

10th May 2003, 02:24 AM
I think something with a really bad element would be interesting... like a type combination with five or six 4X weaknesses. Seriously tho, the more weaknesses they have the stronger its stats could be to balance it out. It'd be a nice thought anywho... seeing how Nintendo would balance out something like that...

10th May 2003, 11:20 AM
Or perhaps something with three types..Meh, a hell of alot of weaknesses, but alot of resistances with that, and alot of STAB options.

I would like to see an ice/electric pokemon, not because it gains any type advantages, but because it could get STAB from Icebeam and Thunderbolt, and would just plain look cool.

10th May 2003, 11:40 AM
Dark/Steel anyone?

...and for Water/Dark...There's Corphish/Crawdawnt, and Carvanha/Sharpedo...

10th May 2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Marl
I think something with a really bad element would be interesting... like a type combination with five or six 4X weaknesses. Seriously tho, the more weaknesses they have the stronger its stats could be to balance it out. It'd be a nice thought anywho... seeing how Nintendo would balance out something like that... Well,that's only possible by making a "Combo" with the same Type.I've checked most Combos of different Types,and there's no more possibility for 4x Weaknesses.The top was and will always be Two 4x Weaknesses.The only possibility would be to make same-Type Combos.The worst'd be Grass/Grass,4x Weak to Fire,Ice,Poison,Flying and Bug.I doubt that'll be done someday,however,would be cool to see an Ultimate 00ber-status Grass/Grass 0wning everything:D

10th May 2003, 02:49 PM
Id like a Steel/Fire but that mean he would just kill him self...*thinks*...LOL! that would be funny and since it has only 1 weakness which is Ground x4 it probally would never happen...

10th May 2003, 02:52 PM
I used to want a bug/ghost but thought they'de never make something that odd! :P Now what I want most is a bug/dark and poison/dark. I only use bug, ghost, and poison (with the exception of lunatone) so I'd like a way to incorporate dark.

10th May 2003, 02:52 PM
4x ground, water, fighting to name some

10th May 2003, 02:55 PM
i was looking threw this tread and found this...

By: Venusaur99


Despite how stupidly obvious it is it still hasn't been included.

Neither has Fire/Grass...

Something is going wrong there methinks...

looks like your the stupid one because i already posted that (Fire/Water) on the first page... maybe you need to take reading lessons :rolleyes:

10th May 2003, 02:57 PM
Literacy is over rated.



srg. syphillis
10th May 2003, 02:59 PM
i thinkl that more pure types are needed, pure dragon and more pure steel pokemon would be good but i'd like to see a grass/dragon as well.

10th May 2003, 03:01 PM
another dual type...hmm...id say Electric/Rock :D

4x Ground

thats all i can think of...

10th May 2003, 03:44 PM
hey people, and what about new types?!

here are some ideas:

weakness: fire, flying, rock
resistance: electric (x0), plant, bug, ice

-maybe not cause it would be too similar to plant type. cause wood is related to plant.

weakness: dark, ghost
resistance: steel

-nah. maybe too much alike to electric.

weakness: all
resistance: none
super effective against: all

-this would be a little queer

weakness: dark, light, electric, fire, water
resistance: psychic (x0), rock

-um. ok, maybe too much

well, these were some weird, but possible ideas. did you know that the creator of pokemon originally made 15 types? and he also made more than 1000 pokemon. maybe for the next generation, there will be 2 new types and 200 new pokemon. maybe they will be called Pokemon Ununium and Pokemon Ununbium. The third game would be called Pokemon Ununtrium. (all named after synthetically, huma-made, elements) :P

10th May 2003, 03:50 PM
...weird types...

Gnome Slayer
10th May 2003, 04:19 PM
I don't like the the idea of new types, however I think there will be two more eventualy (I seem to remember hearing Satoshi Tajari thought up 14 types in the begining.)

On topic, I think there should be more ghost combos, Ghost-Grass, Ghost-Fire, Ghost-Electric, Etc.

I don't want any more dragons, (I hate them all, especialy KINGDRA) exept maby a Dark-Dragon would be cool, as would a Steel-Dragon, but that's only because I like Steel and Dark....

A realy good combo I just thought of would be Steel-Dark. Yes, I've decided that's the best type combo posible. (besides grass-dark, but we have that)

Also we need a Water-Bug that doesn't evolve into Flying-Bug.

Agent Elrond
10th May 2003, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by DelusionsOfEuphoria
I said this once in a thread in GC, but it can stand to be repeated.

If a pogey were pure flying, it would be just a pair of wings. Everything has to be a flying SOMETHING. It's a tack on type. You have to think of, for instance, Pidgeot, Xatu, or Crobat would be without their wings. Okay, Crobat would be a worthless torso without his wings, but besides that.

I thought up a concept for a pure flying pokémon, it would be a sort of wind spirit kind of guy. I was thinking it could be the next Mew/Celebi etc.

With it's own personal move: Tornado.

And about new types, how about a Magic type:

Weak against: Steel, Psychic, and Dragon
Resistant to: Dark, Ghost, Fighting, and Normal.
Not very effective: Steel, Psychic, and Dragon.
Super effective: Dark, Ghost, Fighting, and Normal.

Bizzare but cool. :D

10th May 2003, 04:39 PM
an electric pokemon with thunderstorm...its like rainy day, or sunny day or w/e there called

10th May 2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Umbreon007
I give up on trying to get me pic(sig)to work. bah

You forgot to add http://.


Yeah, I would also like to see an Electric with the ability to Levitate. It would have no weakness, and if it were Legendary with awesome stats, wow!



10th May 2003, 06:51 PM
I don't think wood type would be at all possible. Grass type is supposed to represent ALL plant-related things and even fungi (which technically aren't plants).

Light I could see but only if it represents "good" instead of literal light. Maybe it'd be better off reffered to as "angel" type. I think an angelic type (dark was "devil" in japan) is quite possible for the upcoming types (if they do use them). The only other "element" I could possibly think of for a type would maybe be a germ/virus type. No, it's not the same thing as poison :P I'm thinking extremely tiny, weird parasitic pokemon who's attacks could all drain stats (lowering one of the opponent's stats and raising the same one for the germ). Could be super strong against normal types but weak to fire, and poison types could be totally immune to them (they need an edge). No clue what another type could possibly be (it WON'T be based on an animal. People suggest "lizard" or "reptile" type a lot but frankly that's just stupid. Those aren't elements. Bug, grass and dragon get their own types because they're different from normal animals. Lizard type is like saying there should be a "fish" type and "bird" type)

...Maybe they'lle have some really really bizarre type, like "antimatter" or "chaos" (those might be silly too though)

10th May 2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Scythemantis
I don't think wood type would be at all possible. Grass type is supposed to represent ALL plant-related things and even fungi (which technically aren't plants).

Light I could see but only if it represents "good" instead of literal light. Maybe it'd be better off reffered to as "angel" type. I think an angelic type (dark was "devil" in japan) is quite possible for the upcoming types (if they do use them). The only other "element" I could possibly think of for a type would maybe be a germ/virus type. No, it's not the same thing as poison :P I'm thinking extremely tiny, weird parasitic pokemon who's attacks could all drain stats (lowering one of the opponent's stats and raising the same one for the germ). Could be super strong against normal types but weak to fire, and poison types could be totally immune to them (they need an edge). No clue what another type could possibly be (it WON'T be based on an animal. People suggest "lizard" or "reptile" type a lot but frankly that's just stupid. Those aren't elements. Bug, grass and dragon get their own types because they're different from normal animals. Lizard type is like saying there should be a "fish" type and "bird" type)

...Maybe they'lle have some really really bizarre type, like "antimatter" or "chaos" (those might be silly too though)

This is how I look @ your suggestions:

They fall in these categories:

Chaos- Dark
Antimatter- Ghost
Lizard or Reptile- Dragon

Now, I have always thought of Ho-Oh being the only Rainbow type Pokemon. Maybe Mew aswell... But, since they haven't done that... I really doubt it's going to happen.

Well, even so, these are the types that might happen in future games:


Or simply, some Pokemon will have 3 types:



11th May 2003, 02:33 AM
Antimatter=ghost? A ghost is basically a dead spirit. Antimatter is a substance that destroys everything it comes into contact with. I did say chaos sounded silly, though, I was just using it as an example of a weird type. I wasn't suggesting lizard/reptile though, I was saying how silly an idea it is :p

11th May 2003, 02:51 AM
id like to see a type that resists everything but everything resists it (dual types get 4x resistance) and hopefully they wouldnt pair it up with other types... but even alone the advantages are too great

11th May 2003, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by PopCoRn
i was looking threw this tread and found this...

looks like your the stupid one because i already posted that (Fire/Water) on the first page... maybe you need to take reading lessons :rolleyes:

Yes I know? I just wanted to prove the point that Nintendo/Game Freak were the ones missing out something stupidly obvious, not anyone here. (I've just re-read what I put, and it doesn't even seem to vaguely imply to me that I'm trying to say people here are stupid. *shrugs*)

Am I not allowed to say something just because you already did?

11th May 2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Gnome Slayer

Also we need a Water-Bug that doesn't evolve into Flying-Bug.

Personally, I thought that Kingler and Crawdunt should have been Water/Bug.

If I could control the making of the game, I would hvae had Charizard being Fire/Dragon, Septitle Grass/Dragon, and Flygon Bug/Dragon, plus few other changes that i can't think of right now...

As for NEW type combinations.... i would have to say....

*shrugs* meh... electric/ground.,... steel/ghost.... *shrugs.. i can't think of anything more...