View Full Version : -Pokemon: The Elements of Hell- (starts! LSUs accepted)

17th May 2003, 11:29 AM
There was always a myth within time that the main elements of Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire would battle chaoticly and end up losing their energy...Discoveries have found this was happened, and their energy formed into cards...Ho-Oh of Fire, Groudon of Earth, Kyogre of Water, and Rayquaza of Wind....The rest of the energy formed 36 other cards...of different forms of other Pokemon.....
~~4,000 Years Later....~~

The legends seem to pace through your head...And you wish to search the Pokemon world for these 40 elemental 'cards'....Without any warning at all....You realize all news is flashing a huge collision that involved creating four new elements: Mist(Water/Wind), Eruption(Fire/Earth), Ash(Fire/Wind), and Typhoon(Water/Earth) within 'staffs', and other staffs of the main 10 elements. You catch a glimpse of this....And realize it was all coming true.

That night, you awake suddenly, realizing that a 'staff' has appeared in front of you. You suddenly realize that this was one of the staffs shown early that day, and you pick it up...You soon hear a voice pacing through your head, learning you have controlled an element. You'll soon learn to master spells, learn more of the element(s) of yours....And capture the 36 cards and stop the collision between the main 4...

Okay...Let's get down the fourteen elements:
Mist(Water/Wind)-Taken by me...
Eruption(Fire/Earth)-Taken by Dogman
Typhoon(Water/Earth)-Taken by Opaque Onigoori
Ash(Fire/Wind)-Taken by Becca of Team Rocket
Wind-Taken by Dark Templar 8
Electricity-Taken by E_Eevee
Ice-Taken by She_wolf_warrior
Light-Taken by PoLIzumi-Chan
Dark-Taken by PoLIzumi-Chan

And the rules:
1. No evils...
2. Unobtainables allowed...But NO legendaries! ^_-
3. Neutrals okay!
4. There can be people from the same place, too....^_-
5. And yes, there can be siblings...-_-;

Cardcaptor Sign-up form:
Age: (10-17)
Home Town:
Staff Appearance:
Spells: (3 to start...But can learn more...)
Pokemon: (Up to 6...Of course...)
Relations: (--; Must I HAVE to explain?)
Other: (--; Yet again...)

Neutral form:
Age: (10-17)
Home Town:

My form:

Name: Laura Rider
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Hazel green eyes, mid-neck length dark brown(almost black) hair with blue highlights, and deeply pale skin. Height around 6'1" and weighs about 110. Known to wear a black jacket over a black long-sleeved tee, and navy-blue khakis with several pockets and a length that her black combat boots are barely visible. Also wears silver rimmed, oval-lensed, black tipped glasses(nearsighted) and sometimes uses clip-on shades over them, a silver chain necklace of a ying-yang, and a black chain necklace bearing black stars with small sapphires in their centers.
Personality: Is mainly dark(dark depressive, but can be evil...), silent, and anti-social. Seems lonely, but hates admitting it.
Home Town: Fortree City, Hoenn
Element: Mist(Water/Wind)
Staff Appearance: Has a deep blue orb with a silvery mist within it, and is of a silver handle.
Mist Tornado- Her orb creates a small water-filled tornado and fires it at the enemy.
Mist of Healing- Heals herself or somebody else.
Misty Flow- The mist in her orb sprays at a fast rate at the enemy
History: Life couldn't be at its easiest pace for her. Even though her Mom's best friend was Winona, she never had many people to turn to: Her father had divorced her mother and moved to Johto when she was eight. She tried to keep it easy, but failed at many attempts. She just continued life lonely and outcasted until she was 10: that's when her mother gave her a Dratini as a birthday gift, and Winona gave her a TM40, Aerial Ace. She went and trained Serenity, and has been okay ever since, even with her other Pokemon.
Relations: ;.; None yet...
Other: Why must we have an other....*pushes it out of the way*

Laura Rider

I sighed as I sat among one of the towering Japanese-styled gate-like thing over the path to the Pokemon League building in Ever Grande, my faithful Dragonair, Serenity, eating a Sitrus Berry next to me. Even though I have completed the league, I like to return here for thought....Which was why I was here: to think of what happened last night.

I picked up my staff and stared at it, it was exactly like one of those shown on the news yesterday afternoon...But was it coincidence that it appeared to me? The tropical breeze and scent of fragerant flowers was calming my outside in my deep thought, nothing like my home of Fortree City. It was a town among a forest near a river, and between two areas of extremely thick grass. My mother's friend, Winona was the Gym Leader there....But she wasn't as strong as my mother's younger brother, Steven Stone himself. He was the league's strongest trainer, but I ended up stronger than he.

I sighed and looked at my staff, its orb glinting in the sunlight....Was it destiny, or was it nothing?

OoC:There....We start like that. We're in different places in Kanto, Johto, and/or Hoenn, but we'll meet once the first card is revealed....But not until others post.:End

17th May 2003, 11:52 AM
I walked down Fortree City's ground level with my 2 strongest pokes out. Celestial my Ninetails, and Matthias the Raichu. Matthias walked up ahead, sniffing around for berries as Celastial remained at my side. I just had the staff in front of me "This is probobly the weirdest day of my life. Well, it isn't everyday that a weird staff appears. But hey, I ain't complaining"Matthias comes back, tail wagging

Krystalline Kabutops
17th May 2003, 11:55 AM
Name: Mya
Age: 17
Gender: F
Appearance: She's tall, about 6'3. She wears baggy jeans and a baggy grey t-shirt. Her hair is blue with streaks of brown, and goes down to her shoulders.
Personality: She's very withheld in front of strangers, but very open with friends. She's a nice person, and can usually be relied upon.
Home Town: Lilycove
Element: Typhoon (Water/Ground
Staff Appearance: The handle looks like it has muddy water inside, and it's a transluscent blueish brown all around.
Muddy Water: A gehyser of muddy water spurts up out of the ground beneath the foe.
Aura: Is surronded by a shield of water.
Clone: Creates a clone of self mad out of mud.
History: Grew up in a decent household, never really figured she belonged there.
Relations: I'll be your friend Becca, if you'll be mine?
Other: *Pulls out bazooka* I'll give YOU other!!!

I sat in a tree, eating an apple as Typhoon tried in vain to climb a nearby tree. "Give it up Typhoon, you were built for swimming, not climbing. Still, if you want to be up here, I guess I can help." I recalled her, and sent her out into the branches. She wobbled, then steadied herself. I stared at the staff I was holding intently. It was very beautiful, but what was it for, and why did it look like the staffs shown on TV last night? It made me think of Whiskers, for some reason. Sighing, I just layed down on a branch, staring at the sky and thinking.

17th May 2003, 11:56 AM
Name:Akina Morioto

She's about 6 foot 4, with Deep Blue Hair in a Style Like Kouji's from Digimon Frontier, with a Bandana on and everything. She wears a Yellow T-shirt, Blue Oversized Parachute Pants with Yellow Pockets.Her eyes are a Lighter Blue.She's Well Built, but really isn't athletic..
She's very shy, and a Loner. She perfers to work Alone than in a Team. When she has a friend, her Protecting them is her first Priority.
Home Town:SlatePort
Staff Appearance:A Tall, Deep Blue Handel with Swirls of Yellow, and Yellow Rhimestones. On the Tip, and Yellow orb with a Swirling blue on top.
1.Light Blessings-Basic Healing attacks.
2.Shining Glory:The orb in Staff Glows, and a Tall, Glowing Figure of Akina Apper's, and Goes through the Opponent, Slashing them and Draining Energy. The Energy can be used for Healing.
3.StarLight Velocity-Her Staff Creates these little Star thinggs, and when her Staff Slashes through them, they go faster than anything to the opponent, Making Little Explosions.

Pokemon: (Up to 6...Of course...):

History:Her mom is a Rich, stuck up brat who acts like a InMoral B*tch, and a Seven Year old. Her Dad and her Twin Moved Far away...When they where young..She got a Skitty from Her mom as a "Plea"...Her mom's this sorta Model..She know's of Akira's Existance, and Prays that she will find her.
Relations:Akira's Twin
Other:I 0wnz your others!

I sat up on the Hill outside the town. The wind in my Hair, the light, glistening on my face..

'Was this meant to be?'I though as I looked at the staff that laid upon me last night. The Handel was a Deep Blue, and Yellow Sparly Swirls withe Yellow stones, and a Yellow orb with swirls of blue inside on the top..

'Where is Akira?What is she doing?I wonder..'

Akira, along time ago,left with my Dad. She's my twin, and Probably doesn't know it..

"Ahh!"I screamed in Pain. You know, twin's go that, Psychological Link with them, right? Akira must be in pain.

I sat up, and looked around..

Name:Akira Morioto

She's Akina's Twin..-.-..Anyway..
She has a Deep Sea Blue hair, and Light Icy Blue Eyes. She wears a Deep Navy Blue T-shirt, and Icy Blue Pants with Deep Navy Blue pockets. Also, When she see'a Akina, she thinks..

"I'm I looking in a Mirror?"
Unlike Akina, who is Not Outgoing at all, She's very fun to be with, and very gentle. She wouldn't harm a Fly, much less a Pokemon. She's a Breeder, really. Like Akina, When a Friend is in Danger, she'll put herslef in the danger instead of a Friend.
Home Town:Sootopolis
Element: Darkness
Staff Appearance:A Tall, Black Based Handle with swirls of Deep Blue, and Deep Blue Rhimestones. The Top has a Metal Moon about 1/2 a Foot, in a Cresent Position. The 2 Tips of the Cresent moon Hold a Black orb, with Blue Sparkles in it.
Lunar Ecplispe: With Akina's Consent, she'll Take the Star Light Velocity attack, and absorb it in the Moon. A Bkast of Light and Darkness are Sent to the Opponent.
Moon's Enlightment-Healing Attack, Takes in Moonlight.
Darkness Streak- Like Akina's Shining Glory,A Spirit Like form of Akira Apper's, and Aid's to Akina's "Spirit". The 2 are more powerful together.
1.Delcatty(She got one from her Dad)
History:Her Dad left Her Mom when she was only 4. Her Dad gave Her a Skitty to entertain her. She know's nothing about Akina though.
Relations:Akina's Twin
Other:Again, I 0wnz your Otherz!

"Ahh!"I screamed in pain as I tripped over a Rock, onto the dirty Plains below..

I was at Slateport to pick up something for dad..

"Damn it.."

I then reached for my staff, which had a Black handle with Purple Swirls and Rhimestones, and a Cresent Moon with a Black orb on top..

'Was this meant to be?'I thought, but I felt like I have said that before...But how?

17th May 2003, 12:02 PM
I sat on a rock, looking at it. The staff started to become cold "What the....." I quickly dropped it on the ground. "I stand by what I said earlier, this is DEFINETLY THE WEIRDEST DAY OF MY LIFE" Celestial sniffed at the staff curiously

17th May 2003, 12:10 PM
Name: Evelien King
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: She medium height and build with short, curly black hair. Her eyes are a pale grey color. Wears tennies, gray sweatpants, white tanktop, gray bandanna
Personality: Rather volital o.O Has an exposive temper and is never afraid to speak her mind. She resorts to fists often when words fail her. Despite that she's fairly easy to get to know and usually makes friends.
Home Town: some insanely small town no one's ever heard of o.O
Element: Electricity
Staff Appearance: White and blue lightning (twined and twisted 'round each other) shaped rod with a bright yellow orb on top.
Spark: Basic electric offensive spell. Stings quite a bit ^^
Retrieve: Basic healing spell. Sucks electric energy from the surrounding air to heal.
History: Boring. Was raised by her older sister when their mother picked up and left. Started out with sparky the eevee. Poor but never lacking for anything. Yada yada.
Relations: none so far o.O
Other: she likes chocolate


I stared intently at the long, thin rod shaped staff. How in the world it end up in my room was a mystery. The even bigger mystery was how I managed to find the blinking thing. The shaft was smooth, almost like the carved volcano rock I saw in the museum. *ztt* Was I imagining things or did the stupid thing just shock me? Rei rolled over letting a few sparks drift from his cheeks. One landed on my hand giving an unpleasant jolt. Well, so much for that crazed idea. Rubbing my stinging hand I swatted Rei. The fat little mouse grumbled and burrowed under Striker. That annoyed me. Leaping up I grabbed a handy-dandy super soaker and doused the three electric type.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauties!" I proclaimed loudly.

"Nine?" Cano emerged from the hallway. No doubt he was mooching off my older sister. I followed his ruby gaze to the staff.

"Dunno. Maybe I bought it, forgot it, lost it, and it resurfaced after a couple years?"

"Rai."Rai snorted as my older sister entered the room. well, not exactly entered. More like hovered in the doorway with the 'I'm not seeing this mess' look. Her blue eyes locked on my staff still clutched in my hand (ready to bop Rei on the head). Her mouth fell open and she promptly fainted. Luckily, Cano, always the gentleman decided to catch her... sort of. Actually she flattened him.

17th May 2003, 12:21 PM
I quickly tied it on a rope, and wrapped the rope around me, and continued to walk. Matthias' started to complain "Rai rai, chu". I sighed "Look, we can either stay here and hear you complain, or we can be quiet and search for food?" Matthias leaped onto my left shoulder

17th May 2003, 12:34 PM
Laura Rider

I kicked my legs slightly as they hung off the edge, the mist within my orb flowing around. I held my staff up in the air, then the orb's mist flew around the area fastly, now the area was enveloped in a deep mist.

"Serenity....I must admit, but that was strange....."

"Nair...." Serenity nodded, her body crystals glowing in their normal deep blue color. I sighed as the mist faded...

"Wow...I found a new ability," I told Serenity, "That makes three abilities learned since yesterday. Now...what to call it, what to call it..? Oh! How about Mist Flow."

"Dra!" She replied in agreement....I stared at my staff in confusion, still wondering what it was for exactly.

"But I still wonder who ended up with the other 13...We'll never know...Until we find out."


"You're right...We must find out...But where to first?"

She shrugged, not knowing where we should search first....It could take forever to find out...But we don't have forever.

"I think we'll check the harbor town of Slateport, first." I replied, and returned her. Then I sent out Izumi, she flew into the air, then back down to me, "Riaa!"

"Hey, Izumi...Can you take me to Slateport?"

"Altair...." She nodded, and allowed me to leap onto her back. I poked her neck to motion her to lift into the air, then our westward journey began.....

17th May 2003, 01:01 PM
I called out my Arcanine Charlie, and recalled Celestial and Matthias. I leaped on his back "Charlie, sniff out some berries". Charlie gave out a howl "Arrrrrrrrrrc", and started to sniff im the direction of Lillycove. Looking at the staff, I picked it up from my rope "I wonder what this thing can do?". I waved it around, being ready of what might happen, but nothing did "What a rip off". The crystal top began to glow.An icy wind picked up with snowflakes falling. I looked up, seeing the storm "I take back what I said"

Shadow Djinn
17th May 2003, 01:34 PM
I want the wind LSU so could you reserve it because I have really little time right now..

17th May 2003, 02:03 PM
Sure thing DT8...^^

17th May 2003, 02:43 PM
Eh, I'll join

Name: Samuel Coffin
Age: (10-17) 12
Gender: M
Appearance: Glasses, black hair, olive skin, tall, Asian look
Personality: Smart, witty, sarcastic
Home Town: Lilycove, Hoenn
Pokemon: Qwilfish F, Mantine M, Relicanth M, Whiscash F, Slowking M, Lanturn M
History: He has a fairly normal life. He and his friends started an unofficial gym in Lilycove. They are known for their extreme skill.
Relations: Nope
Other: Nope

"Qwilfish, Sludge Bomb!", I yelled. "Victreebel, use a Razor Leaf attack!", the boy cried. It was an exciting battle in the unofficial Lilycove Gym Water Arena, where an aspiring young trainer was battling the co-leader: Me! The spiny fish hacked up a large projectile, sending it flying towards Victreebel. Victreebel sent a barrage of sharp leaves, which broke apart the bomb. It exploded, sending sludge everywhere. The sludge flew into Victreebel, burning her. "No!", the kid screamed. "Aha! Sludge Bomb again!", I replied. Once again, Qwilfish spat up a bomb, which flew right into Victreebel, exploding. She was sent flying back. Victreebel didn't get up. "Ah, another notch in my proverbial victory belt!"

17th May 2003, 03:12 PM
The icy wind tossed my hair around. The winds picked up. Charlie pawed the ground, and started to run. I held on tight to his neck "I really don't deserve this"

Krystalline Kabutops
17th May 2003, 05:35 PM

When I awoke, it was dark, and Typhoon was nudging me. I recalled her and jumped out of the tree. It was late, but my parents wouldn't care... They never cared. As I walked, I tapped the ground with my staff. A little trickle of water sprang up. "Huh?" I tried it again, but with more force. I heard a rumbling, and jumped out of the way just in time. A geyser of muddy water blasted into the air, just where I had been standing. I got soaked in mud, and walked the rest of the way home filthy. When I finally got back, Mom and Dad didn't notice. I went up to my room to change. After some thinking, I pulled out some deep blue cut-off shorts and a dark brown t-shirt. I fell onto my bed, putting the staff on my desk, and sighed as I fell asleep.

17th May 2003, 08:21 PM
Laura, if you want, since your Near Slateport. Akira is in the beach part. Akina is near the Pokemon Contest House.

"Go!"I said, and Released my Delcatty..

"DELL!"She yawned..She then stared at the staff with amazement..



"NEW flash!A story you will only see on Slateport Channel 5!A Eruption has become, and 4 new element's, Contained in Staff's, along with the other 10 elements.."

"Yao Ching, reporting..."My Flat Screen TV Said, as I turned it off..

"Yeah..right.."I said, and Fell Asleep..

I woke up a Hour later, and something was overme that looked like me(Shining Glory), and Disappered, to reveal one of the Staff's from the TV..

"Woah..Me?"I said, as I held it..As I did, I felt power being blossomed within me..

'Was it meant to be?'


"Shining Glory!"I whispered, and Spun my Staff like a Baton. A Misty Light form of me was Created, and Smiled.It flew up, and then down..

I was happy..so happy..I made a new attack..

These Orbs of light, like stars, appered. I slashed through them, and they flew over to a tree, and created little Explosions..

"StarLight Velocity.."


"Go!"I said, and my Delcatty came out, all in smile's...

"Look Delcatty!"I told her..

"Darkness Streak!"I whispered, and a Dark misty form of me was infront. It flew to Delcatty, and Patted it..

"Del!"It said, and it played with her..

I then somethign comeing over the horizon..

"A Altaria?"I questioned, I also saw a person..

My 1000th POST!!!

Krystalline Kabutops
17th May 2003, 08:40 PM

The next morning, I decided. I was going ro leave these people posing as parents and take the ferry to new lands. I slipped out of the house, with my staff in hand, and ran towards the ferry. I made it just in time, and climbed aboard. I released Typhoon, and whispered "Our journey begins!" As the ship sailed along, I realesed everyone, and they all either swam alongside or sat on deck with me. After a few hours, I saw a bit of land ahead. I recalled everyone, and The ship landed within minutes. I got off, and marveled at the city. It was huge! I came to a tiny map, which pointed the way to the beach. Ah, the beach! One of the few places all my Pokemon could come out! I started trotting towards the beach, and saw a blue-haired girl, like myself! I waved, but she was looking at the sky. I walked over to see what was so interesting.
Ooc: I can never go long in an RPG without discovering someone else... @_@

17th May 2003, 09:11 PM

"Are you okay?" My sister stared up at me her mouth going up and down. The funny thing was all that come out were this silly little squeaks.

"Where did you get that?" She finally managed. Cano wiggled out from under her as she sat up. He tossed his head and whipped his cream tails around smartly.

"Uh... I found it? What's the big deal?" I tossed the staff from hand to hand. Surprisingly it was rather light.

"Those... things were all over the news last night! Get rid of it." Unnerved by her weird attitude I clung to the staff tightly.

"Um, nope. What was the news about?" My sister was a news fanatic. She never missed a minute of it. I, personally, could care less.

"That's dangerous!" She sputtered making a grab. Miss! I scampered deeper into my lair careful not to disturb any of the mess. "Get rid of it! I'm serious. Dump it in the ocean or something."

"Or not." I countered, "Well, if you won't answer me I'll just have to find out for myself." Without another word I did a terrific leap out the window. Too bad it was only four feet off the ground. Rolling, Rei and Striker dog piled me. Sparky jumped out dantily. The four of us hasted to skiddatol. The nearest town was Slateport. Luckily, Sparky had grabbed the emergency-run-out-the-door kit. Taking it from her I slung the small backpack over my shoulder and we set out to find some answers.

18th May 2003, 06:09 AM
I held on tight to Charlie as the blizzard brewed. He began to loose his footing on the light layer of snow. "My eyes lay half open "This is definetly not my day"

18th May 2003, 11:42 AM
Girafarig: In....Yay, first neutral.

Laura Rider

I then approached Slateport, which above ground looked like a small pathway of stone that lead to a sandy garden of flowers of red, green, and white. I sighed, and whispered to Izumi to lower us down to the first alley we see. We flew over the rooftops, then spotted a dark-yet empty-alleyway. We lowered and I leapt off, returning Izumi.

I needed to land in an alleyway so nobody would be suspicious about the fact I had a staff. I looked around to see all clear and calm, then I walked into the street. Maybe I would check around the Contest House, Slateport's main attraction besides a beach. I approached, and saw a girl probably my age, maybe a small bit younger, releasing a Delcatty to show it her staff of deep blue and yellow. The colors seemed to match her appearance, and I guessed it was that of the light element.

"Uh...Hello?" I called out, seeing if I could get her attention.

"Hn?" She slightly asked, looking down to her Delcatty, "Oh...Hello."

"What's your....name?"

"Akina," she replied, "Akina Morioto."

"Hello Akina, I'm Laura, Laura Rider."

"Nice to be an aqquaintance of the champion's niece." Akina replied.

"Yeah...You sorta remind me of somebody...Oh! You're a model's daughter."

She nodded, "Wait....What's that staff for?"

"Well....It's this staff of the Mist Element, combonation of Water and Wind, you know."

"Oh...Like my Light Staff."

"Right...That's why I'm searching for others chosen to bear a staff."

"Oh....wait. There might be somebody on the beach...One of Slateport's major attractions you know."

"Right." I replied....And we start to walk towards the beach....From a stone pathway, to a sand-covered garden we go.

We approached the beach, and spotted a girl same age as Akina, but her staff was black and deep blue with a black moon crescent on its top. She also had a Delcatty, but it was playing with some sort of black mist.

"Uh....Hello? Can you here me?" I called out to her, then I noticed Akina's eyes widening at the girl with the Darkness staff.

"A....A....Akira.....I've found you." She said with a startled tone, eyes starting to water.

The girl with the staff of Darkness approached us, and scanned the two of us.

"Um....Hello. You must have been looking for me. I'm Akira Morioto."

"I'm Laura Rider."

She turned from me, and looked at Akina, "Am I looking in a mirror?"

"No," she said, "I'm Akina. Akina Morioto."

"Your last name...It's the same. And our names, they are nearly the same. But our appearance, we're nearly alike....Are we...?"

"Yes, Akira. I'm your twin sister."

"But I've never heard of you before...."

"I understand...But I remember. Our parents separated when we were four." Akina replied.

"Ten years without any knowing....Ten years."

"I see....." I replied, "I guess this is the reuniting of long-lost twins."

I sighed....They're actually lucky. I'm just an only child with a dream of being able to adapt with calling my pokemon, Serenity, Izumi, Aerwyn, Arioki, Inuyasha, and Dusk my siblings. It was hard...Because it wasn't the same as having a human sibling...It made me want to cry....But I didn't.

18th May 2003, 12:09 PM
"Nice to be an aqquaintance of the champion's niece"I said to Laura...

"Yeah..You sorta remind me of someone...You a Model's Daughter, right?"Laura replied..

I nodded. I didn't want to be known for that. The only time I ever appered in a Ad was with a "Mother and Daughter" line of Clothing.I got $100 for it..

"What's that staff for?"I said as I scanned over my Staff, then her staff..
"Well....It's this staff of the Mist Element, combonation of Water and Wind, you know."

"Oh...."I said..

That was one of the New Elements...

"Just like my Light staff."

"Right...That's why I'm searching for others chosen to bear a staff."

"There might be someone on the Slateport Beach..One of Slateport's Major Attractions.."

"Yeah."She said, and we started to walk on the Stone Pavement of the Town. My Eye's looked around to see if anyone had a staff, but to no luck..

We finally got to the beach, and I saw Kids, 2 girls, each with a staff...


"Uhh..Can you hear me?"Laura yelled to them. I scanned the girl with the Darkness Staff..

"Ak...ir....a.....Is it you?I finally found you!"I said, all Happy. I was eve starting to Leak out of my eyes, something I don't do normally..

The girl talked ot the boy, and walked over..scanning us with her Icy blue Eyes, Like mine.

"You must be looking for me. I'm Akira Morioto, Pleased to meet you."

"I'm Laura Rider"

She waved, and walked over to me..And Examed me..She looked into my Eyes, my Hair. And My Height.

"Am I looking in a Mirror?"She said, in shock..
"No, I'm Akina Morioto."

"Our last name is the same, And our Names are almost the Same. But our Apperance,we are Almost Carbon-Copy's...Are we?"She asked..

"Yeah, I'm Your Twin Sister.."

"But I've never heard about you from Dad.."

"I understand, But that Day 10 years ago is like Yesterday in my mind. Our Parent's Splited and Divorced when we were four."I told her.

"Ten...Ten Years...And I never knew.."

"I see...And Long Lost Twin Reunion.."Laura said, and Looked down. She tried not to cry..

'Poor Laura'

"So, Mom.."

"She's a Model..Does nothing good for her. She acts like a spoiled brat."I told her.
"Dad is a Engineer. I've only seen you in a Mother Daughter show.."

"Don't remind me.."I said. I was forced to do that. And that Extra Change.


'My..twin?I never knew!'

"Don't remind me.."She replied..

"So, your Mom is Kasumi?"

"Dad's Kouji, right?"She asked..


She had a Delcatty similar to mine, and both played with Darkness Streak attack..

"It's safe to come over!"I yelled to the kid with the other staff..

Krystalline Kabutops
18th May 2003, 01:58 PM
Ooc: Is the other kid Mya, or has she evaporated?

Shadow Djinn
18th May 2003, 02:07 PM
Name:Hunter Kisagi
Age: (10-17)14
Appearance:Looks like Sasuke from Naruto..ill find an image later
Personality:Dead serious all the time, usually calm.
Home Town: Sootopolis, Hoenn
Element: WInd^^
Staff Appearance: Green and has blue swirls around it. The pointis sharp like a sword
Spells: (3 to start...But can learn more...)
Sonic WInd: Fires a blast of wind from hand
Sonic Wave: Fires a sonic wave or soundwave at ttarget
Pokemon: (Up to 6...Of course...)


He always snuck into the Cave of Origin when he was young to train his pokemon, and no one knew. But one day, Wallace found out but let him go. Then once when he was in there, he battled a man who beat him in a battle. He started to train at the Cave of Origin physically, and slowly he started to get more serious. Then when he saw Wallace battle, he travelled the 3 regions to collect all the badges.
Relations: (--; Must I HAVE to explain?)
Other: (--; Yet again...)Can run really fast and jump high.

18th May 2003, 02:10 PM
Okies...You're in.

18th May 2003, 02:59 PM

On the edge of town I recalled my pokemon. They could be a bit wild and it was safer for everyone if I confined them until we reached the beach. The beach was great, if I were someone with a staff that's where I'd go anyway.

Reaching the hot sand I wished I had on flipflops instead of tennis shoes. I could feel gritty morsels of sand rubbing between my toes and over the bridge of my foot.

Off to the side was a group of youths. I would've kept walking except I noticed that they had staffs too. Mine was slung over my back and tied in place. Heavy or not it was such a pain to carry. Figuring that it'd be best if they saw the staff when I just walked up in the middle of them I pulled it out and walked forward. They seemed to be in the middle of some joyous/shocking discovery. Not wanting to interrupt I stood there, watching them.

18th May 2003, 03:51 PM
I told Charlie to go to the higher grass and trees to wait until the blizzard clears. He sat by a large tree. In seconds, the snow stopped. As I looked out, I also became suspicious "Was it this staff that did this?"

Krystalline Kabutops
18th May 2003, 06:03 PM

When they were done introducing themslves, I introduced myself. I noticed a girl in grey nearby, and she was holding a staff. "Come on over, whoever you are!" I shouted, and she walked over. "I'm Eveliens, you are....?" Once we had told her all our names, and showed her our staffs, she asked "So.... Does anyone have any idea why we have them?" No one spoke. It was still a mystery as to why the staffs had appeared to us. Destiny, or coincedince? It was too early to say. I sat down and released everybody, thinking about my staff.
Ooc: Whoah, that's like what, 5 chars in one place? 0_o;

18th May 2003, 06:27 PM
"So.... Does anyone have any idea why we have them?"Eveliens said, and Silence arose to think..

"Hey, Akira. Let me hold your staff."I whispered to her in her ear. She shook her head yes..

'Wouldn't I be more fit for Darkness?If it was Destiny?'

I grabbed onto the Black pole. For a Minute. I could hold it, Spin it. But after that, It got so heavy, It was like a Snorlax Sleeping on my Hand..

I gave the Staff back to Akira when..

BRRINNNGGG!!My Cell Phone rang. It was Blue and Yellow, Like my Clothing..

"One minute."I whipsered to them. I turned around so they faced my back, and answered it. Akira was listening to my Conversation.

"Hi Hun!You see, today, you forgot to Come into the Studio!My Agent want's to Model you off again for his Junior's Section. And, I told him about that staff you got, and he want's to design after it!"Kasumi said..

"It's mom."I told Akira, holding the Speaker so Kasumi couldn't hear..

"I'm Sorry, Mom. But I went out to think a Bit, and for some air. I also meet up with some kids."I told her.

"Great!You can bring them over to the Studio!I'm sure they wouldn't mind at all. It would only take a Half of a Hour, then you'll get paid your Money."

"Ok..Mom. I want you to speak to someone.."I told her, and handed the phone over to Akira.

"You guy's wouldn't mind a Pit-Stop? I promised my mom something for some extra Change. A stop at the Studio.I can't give up on a promise!"

"Hey!Mom!"I yelled into the phone..

"Tone it down."Akina whispered to me..

"Akina silly!It's still you!"Mom said..

"No, Ma. It's Akira.."I told her..

I heard a loud scream. And She takled again..

"Akira, hun. I'm sorry for what I did 10 years ago.."She said, a little more cheery than before.

"It's ok. Though it would've been nice. To get a Call."

"I didn't get a notice of where you had lived. Otherwise, Everyday I wouldv'e called..."

Krystalline Kabutops
18th May 2003, 06:50 PM

I heard Akina's phone ring, and she seemed to be saying something about a studio. Probably for her mom's modeling career, I thought. It seemed that her mom wanted her to get over there, and us as well.... I recalled everyone (MAN were they getting pissed at me! In, out, in, out...), and picked up my staff. We weren't leaving yet, it seemed that Akira was talking to her mom. I tested my staff, causing little geysers to spring forth everywhere. I decided that this wasn't so bad, on a new adventure with new friends. Better then at home, where I was lucky to get any attention at all. I felt my pocket vibrating. My Pokenav. Probably a soliciter, but why would they call a Pokenav? I pulled it out and looked at the number. My parents. I decided to ignore them, let them worry about me for once. It kept vibrating, and I turned it off. Maybe they'd appreciate me now that I was gone.

18th May 2003, 10:38 PM
Laura Rider

I then heard Akina's cell hone ring...She answered it, and then I noticed the tone, it was Ms. Morioto....I sighed and remained silent over the phone call....Apparently, it was a good timing for a reuniting of daughter and mother. I listened carefully and slowly cried a little....I sighed, then sucked up the tears so Akina wouldn't see it. I just pulled away into myself, and waited through Akira with Ms. Morioto. After the call, Akina looked up.

"Hey Laura.....Wanna go with me to the modeling?"

"Sure...I guess.....At least I know my mother wouldn't mind....She knows I'll look out for myself...."

"Great." She nodded, and motioned me and Akira to follow her to the modeling studio...Yet again, we change from the sand garden, to the cobblestone pathway.....

OoC(Post tag): Tag! You're it PoLIzumi! ^_^:End

18th May 2003, 11:16 PM
As Me, Laura and Akira walked to the Modeling Studio, I saw Laura trying to hide her tears..I don't know why though..

"This is it...Slateport Agency."I said, and Pointed my staff to the Sign...

"Wow."Akira and Laura said. It was humungous..

As we walked in, A Scurity Guard stopped us for a minute, and let us by..

"Sorry, Miss. Morioto"He said,"And Guests."

We walked to the Elevator, and I Punched in for Story 5, the Juniors section..

"Akina!You made it!And Look, 2 other friends!Even...Akk..."Kasumi(Akina call's her mom her real name, Not Mom) said.

"Akira, Ma"Akira signaled.

"Laura Rider..."Laura said..

"Well, You 2 are welcome to stay in the Living Room Area. There are snacks and stuff there. And a TV...It should only take a minute.."Kasumi told them..

"Help me, Akira..Switch Places.."I whispered..
"No way!"

I was dragged into a Dressing room, and I saw 2 Outfits. One was a Kimono, with a Blue with Flower's Design, and a Yellow Tieing thing..And the Other..

"AHH!!!"I Screamed. It was a Blue Silkly Shirt with a Yellow Silky Long Skirt..

"Not..a skirt.."I said, and Mom opened the door..
"Akina, If you are going to do this, Wear that outfit.ALL DAY!"She shouted like a 7 year old..

She slammed the door, and I was stuck..

The first thing I put on was the Kimono..


Heh!Opaque, Tag, Your it!(Muah!)

19th May 2003, 07:24 AM

I continued to walk to Lilycove with Charlie. I looked at the staff "Maybe I shouldn't screw around with this thing anymore" I thought of what happened with that blizzard. I put it back on the rope. Still hungry, I searched for Cove Lilly(the hotel) to get a room for a bit. Before I walked in, I checked out my wallet, there wasn't enough to get a room "Dang it.....". I recalled Charlie, and started to walk to Lilycove's beach and shallows

Krystalline Kabutops
19th May 2003, 03:50 PM

I was watching some wheel of fortune thing on TV when someone whispered, "Psst! Mya! C'mere!" I saw it was Akina, in a kimono. She pulled me into a corner and asked "Mya? Could you do me a favor?" Well, I'd only known her for an hour, but I couldn't think of anything too extreme she might ask for, so I said yes. She practically dragged me to a dressing room, and pointed to something on the floor. "Put it on." She said. I unfolded it, and saw what it was. "NO WAY! There is NO WAY I'm putting that on!" I yelled. "Mya, you promised..." She said, an evil smile on her face. Resigned, I started putting it on. "You owe me." I muttered.

19th May 2003, 04:19 PM
Opague, Make the thing you put on a Skirt and Blouse in Different Colors...Or another Kimono...

"You owe me." Mya said, and put on the ?Mystery? Clothing, which revealed to be a Red and Green Skirt and blouse..

"Thanks...You'll most likely go on After my Second Outfit...We will go 50/50 on the Money.."

"Better.."Mya Lingered off, and I ran off, to the main Picture room..

"Just in Time, Akina!"Dustin said. Dusty, as I called him, since he is like, 60 years old,he acted like my Granddad..He was a Great Trainer when he was young..

"Now, Pair off. Alicia, go with Hikari. Jessy, go with Akina..."Dusty said, and pointed where we needed to go,and Me and Jessy, who was in Red and Yellow..

"Now!You Beautiful Babes!Smile!Dance"Dusty took picutes as we all posed in Different position. I didn't like the job, but I had to have mom Happy.

"Now, the Next outfits.."

I ran into the Dressing Room, and Mya sat..

"When am I going on?"She asked.
"After this one.."

I closed the curtain, and dressed into the Blue Tee-shirt and Yellow Silky Long Skirt...I then saw something..My Other Outfit was gone..

I stomped out of the Dressing room, and to my mom..
"Where is MY OUTFIT!!"

"It's in a Backpack. With other things. If you and your firends are going off, You'll need some clothing. Also, you are wearing that for the rest of the day"Kasumi said as I stomped off, with steam coming through my ears.

I did the shoot, and came back in..

"It's your turn...Then come back. I'll pick the Envelope up, since I need my ID, then I'll give you some of the money.."

"Ok.."She lingered out of the room..

"God Speed, Mya."I joked around, and closed the door.


I saw Mya go out of the Dressing Room in a Modeling Outfit, and I knew, Akina let her switch with her..

'She's going ot have a blast...'

I looked back at the TV and, Wheel of Fourtune was over. I switched channels around, and Law and Order:CI was on..

"Do we??"Laura asked..

I jumped up and down..
"Yep..We do!"

19th May 2003, 04:23 PM

I looked at my reflection in the water, lookinf at the reflection of the staff. She took her mind off the staff, and looked at the sky "I wish I captured a bird. Then it would be worth facing the Gym Leaders to gain the ability to fly" I got up, and kicked the sand. The S.S Tidal set off with a blast of steam. I looked at the source of the sound, and a thought went theough my head "Of course, if I could get a ticket, maybe I could get around faster". I headed for the city again

Krystalline Kabutops
19th May 2003, 05:03 PM

Jeeze, this was nervewracking. As I left the room, Akina said "God speed, Mya." and winked at me. I'd have to make a note to never promise Akina anything again until I knew what it was. I managed to find my way to the main picture room, and was told to go next to this one girl wearing sky blue and bright red. I really had no idea what to do, so I just sat at ease in various positions, while the others seemed to love it. I would have paid anything to get out of there, but a promise is a promise. After what seemed like forever, We were told to get on the second outfits. 'Akina didn't mention this...' I thought. 'I'm only supposed to be doing one!' I retreated to the room, and noticed a new set of clothes, and the absence of my original ones. I groaned. I had heard Akina's mom say something about having to wear the clothes all day, but I thought that just went for Akina.... Sighing, I pulled on the new skirt and blouse and walked back into the picture room. It seemed to take double the time. At last, we were freed, but I still wasn't. My clothes were confiscated, and I was stuck in this for the rest of the day, if I had heard Akina's mom right. I wandered back into the dressing room, and sat moodily in a chair. Akina was back, and looked just as depressed. "All day?" "Yep." she replied gloomily. It was only 10:AM. This was going to be a long day. There was no way 50 percent compensated for this.

19th May 2003, 05:21 PM

I walked to the Cove Lilly Hotel, and rang the little bell:D . A man came "Yes, may I help you?". I nodded "Yes, I need a job to earn some $. Any jobs open?". The man nodded "Yes, do you mind cleaning?". I frowned, but knew that paychecks would get me out of here "Uhhhh.....sure, why not?". The man gave me a feather duster "Good, you can start now. There is a room that needs dusting". I started to mutter silently as I walked into the room

19th May 2003, 09:27 PM
Mya sat down, gloomly. She sat down, next to me and said..

"All Day?"She asked.
"Yeah...But they Give us these backpacks and crud...."A said,"And a whole bunch of Stuff. I got 2 backpacks, you can have one."

I opened my Newest backpack out of all 12 I have had. A new Video Camera, with a Lightblue and Yellow Skin.My Old clothing 2x, and a Nother set of this Skirt outfit..

"Hey, I'll go get the Pay."I said, and Released my Volbeat,"I always get more when My Volbeat is out..Can you also watch my Staff?"

I walked out,and 5 minutes later, I came back, with a Envelope..

"200k PokeYen(Or 100kYen)..That's a lot.."I said, and handed 100kPokeYen to Mya..


Krystalline Kabutops
19th May 2003, 09:38 PM

I looked into my pack glumly. My normal clothes, some extra food, my pokeballs, a book, and a copy of the set of clothes I had modeled earlier. I pulled out some fruit snacks and had a few. I noticed something I had overlooked, a blue and brown burret. It fit perfectly, and I tied my hair into a ponytail. Despite the new acquisition, I was still gloomy about the fact that eventually I'd have to meet the others in this outfit. Suddenly, something struck me. "Akina, are we gonna have to do any more modeling today?" I asked as she handed me my half of the cash.

20th May 2003, 10:43 AM

To be honest I wasn't all that interested in the modeling bit. Still, it would be interesting to look around. Even though it probably wasn't allowed. The worse they could do was kick me out after all. I glanced over at Laura and Akira, they were watching tv. If I wanted to that I could've stayed at home. Akina had dragged Mya into the back. Ignoring pointed signs and curtains I wandered around careful not to interrupt anything important. Dress as I was I surprised no one stopped me. Eventually I stumbled across Akina and Mya. Both of them were dressed up nicely and suddenly I was very pleased that I never modeled before.

"Uh, hi guys. You look nice." I complimented leaning on my staff. "Are you done?"

20th May 2003, 02:58 PM

I walked into the room, it was filled with dust and cobwebs. My eyes lay half open "It better be worth it". I got the duster out, and used to reach up to the high parts. After, I called out Celestial and Stryk. "Ok guys, give my a helping...uh...paw with this. Use your tails to dust this place so I can get a paycheck for a ticket" They nodded, and swished their tails on the tabled to remove the dust

Krystalline Kabutops
20th May 2003, 03:41 PM

I looked at Eveliens, embarrassed. "No, we have to wear this all day." I looked disgustedly down at myself. I hated skirts. They were the worst invention of all time. Whoever had invented it had had waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on his/her hands. "I just hope we don't have to model any more today. Do we, Akina?" I asked nervously. I croosed my fingers, hoping for a break.
Ooc: It's your call, Polizumi.

20th May 2003, 04:03 PM
"I just hope we don't have to model any more today. Do we, Akina?"Mya Pleaded..

"I don't, You do..They like you so much.."I said, sarcasiticly..
Mya looked like she was going to choke me..

"I was just kidding. We can leave in a Minute.."I told her..

20th May 2003, 04:12 PM

As I worked the webs and Celestial and Stryk took the dust, the place was nearly spotless at the end of the shift. I brushed off dust that was on the coats of my pokes, and looked at the room "I hope all this work is worth a half-decent paycheck". I recalled my pokes, and walked into the lobby. "Ok, it's the end of my shift so can I have my check?" The man passed an envolope with the paycheck in it. I quickly opened it up, and it was just below of what I needed for the ticket "DANG IT!"

Krystalline Kabutops
20th May 2003, 04:33 PM

"Good. But why do we have to wear these all day if we're leaving soon?" "Because my mom wants us to advertise these. That's part of the deal. We're walking advertisements." I sighed. "Well, at least no one I know from home is in Slateport." I gathered up my stuff, and went into the waiting area. Akira said "Wow, you look good! " "Don't remind me." I grumbled as I sat down to watch whatever was on. I realized how that Akina's mom would never know if I took mine off later, I tested a button. Stuck fast. Dang, they were smart. No way to get out of it for 24 hours. Either microchips or some kind of temporary glue. Whichever it was, I was extremly pissed. With my luck, the glue/microchips wouldn't work and it'd last even longer.

20th May 2003, 04:41 PM

I shouted "COME ON, I ONLY NEED A FEW MORE DOLLARS TO GET A TICKET. I BEG OF YOU!!!!" In my mind, it said I did something incredibly stupid. But I felt good that I was making a stand. The other guests were shouting back having heard my rave "SHUT UP FOR GOD'S SAKE". The man shook his head "Leave now, your fired" I leaned up on the desk "I will leave ONLY if I get a ticket first. Incredibly frustrated, he gave me a ticket "Here, NOW BEAT IT!". Grabbing the ticket and putting it in my pack, I hurried to the docks "That was easier than I thought"

20th May 2003, 05:59 PM
OoC: --;; Sorry for the absence....Will start from the waiting room post...:End

Laura Rider

I watched Mya enter the dressing room in a modeling outfit....I knew Akina would let her switch with her....

"She's going to have a blast...." I said to myself, then looked towards the TV....Wheel of Fortune was over and Akira flipped channels until we came to Law and Order: CI.

"Do we??" I asked her.

She jumped up and down, "Yep...We do!!"

I nodded and took a sip of my Coke can....then looked towards the TV...I sighed, then suddenly grabbed one of my Poke'Balls.....I looked over at Akira's Delcatty, then looked up.

"Hey...Akira, Is it okay if my Espeon plays with Delcatty."

She nodded, and I let out my faithful Espeon. Aerwyn mewed in delight after strecthing, then bounced towards Akira's Delcatty. They at first introduced themselves to eachother, then began to play 'tag'. I slightly smiled at the sight, then turned back to the TV....it was now a commercial break.

"Hey Akira...What do we watch after this?"

She sighed, "I dunno....But if you ask me, I think TRL(Total Request Live) comes on after this....It's about 3:45,"

I nodded, "Okay with me. ^_^" Then waited through the commercials....I slumped in my chair and drank a bit more of my drink....Then turned to Aerwyn and Delcatty, they were now having a few staring contests....

20th May 2003, 06:15 PM
OOC-It's ok



I released Matthias as I walked into the harbour. When I got to the counter, I dug into my pack, and got out my ticket. They allowed me through. I bent down and put down my hand for a high five "Am I good or what" Matthias slapped his paw on my hand "Rai rai". I picked him up, and boarded

21st May 2003, 12:13 PM
Heh..I'm a Law and Order fan..So sue me!

As my Delcatty and Laura's Espeon played with each other, sometimes by staring at each other..or even Tossing back and forth a Empty Dive Ball I had..

I couldn't concentrate on my Favroite show..I had songs stuck in my Head..One was "An Endless Tale" By Wada Kouji and AiM, and Another was "Starting Point" by Wada Kouji, AiM, and another guy...I was thinking about Akina..

'I wonder...Why did I get darkness, and Akina get Light?By what it seem's, I fit Light more...But even that staff Rejected my Presence, and sent wide open arms to Akina, probably last nite...'

"Hey Akira...What do we watch after this?"Laura popped up..

"I dunno....But if you ask me, I think TRL(Total Request Live) comes on after this....It's about 3:45,"I said..

"Okay.."Laura said, with a happy face..

I deeply searched in my pocket, and Took out Umbreon's Great Ball, and Tossed it..

"Go!Umbreon!"I said,"Go play with Delcatty and Espeon.."

But it Didn't instead, it came onto me, and sat down, like a Cat, and Cuddled..

"Nothing is wrong"I whispered in her ear..But something must of been, Umby never really did this..


21st May 2003, 03:17 PM
An hour later, I was at Slateport "Matthias, this place is HUGE!. Bigger than I imagined it". I walked around the streets, sightseeing with my ice staff at hand. Matthias squimmed out of my arms, and walked around by my side, sniffing and pointing at the fading scent of the group that has previously came here, and to the Studio "Chu rai". I kneeled down "What is it". Matthias ran off in the direction. I ran after him

Krystalline Kabutops
21st May 2003, 03:53 PM

As I sat, resigned to my fate, I realesed everyone except Whiskers and my Barboach. They started having a battle royale wrestling match, which was very funny but a little dangerous. As Total Request Live came on, I thought about home. Maybe the folks were worried. Most likely not. They were probably partying their butts off. I looked at the book in my pack. It was entitled The Angel Factory , and looked interesting. I started to read, and lost track of the time. I looked at the TV. Yugi-Oh was on! I hastily marked my spot in the book and started to dance to the theme song. The fact that my skirt was billowing and the stares I was getting made me sit down, blushing furiously as Kaiba engaged Yugi in a duel.
Ooc: o.0;............... No, I don't dance to the theme song in real life. ;0.o

21st May 2003, 03:57 PM
Matthias padded up to the entrence, trying to find a window. His tail wagged. I ran up up to get him "Matthias, your going to get me in trouble". Matthias squeeled loudly "RAI RAI CHU!". I started to get really annoyed "Shuttup or someone will hear you"

21st May 2003, 07:04 PM
As Mya started to dance at the Yu-Gi-Oh! theme song, my Volbeat's Tail Glew..That meant trouble outside.

I looked out the window, and a Girl, with a staff, and A Raichu were causing chaos..

"Child!You have no place here!"Vince said, the main Security guard, told her..

"My Raichu sense's something!I must enter!"She said..

I opened the window, and Pointed my Staff, to show I had one to to the Girl, and yelled..

"It's ok, Vince. Let her through...Come up to the 5th floor."I yelled at her..My Voice somewhat got magnified by my Staff..

21st May 2003, 10:00 PM

Well, things just got a little more interesting. Usually I was the one being loud and causing a lot to trouble. Of course, Mya's dancing was pretty amusing. Akina shouted out the window to left the girl through and invited her up. Well, things couldn't go more smoothly. Somehow all of us ended up together. Now, what that a good thing?

22nd May 2003, 02:49 PM

As I recalled Matthias, I walked in with staff at hand "Maybe this thing ain't so bad after all". I walked up to the 5th floor like Akina said. A thought went trough my mind, she had a staff, and so did I. I got a feeling that maybe more did too