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22nd May 2003, 02:53 AM
The Champ From Celadon City
Brian Andrew Clark Lewis

CHAPTER ONE - The Sewers of Celadon.

I couldn't believe I was still in Celadon. I should be gone by now, and on a boat bound for Johto. But my ship was delayed because of bad weather at sea, and so I find myself still in Celadon City when I should be in New Bark Town. It?s my birthday today, and I'm supposed to be getting my first Pokemon.

I stopped pacing my room long enough to glance out my bedroom window. Celadon's skyline glanced back at me. Nothing but tall buildings and an orange haze. They call Celadon "The Big Orange" because of the smog that constantly fills our skies. Some people hate it, and say it causes poison Pokemon to gather in town. Other people, mostly the people who make the smog, love it. Me? I was born and raised here in Celadon, and so I guess I have a love/hate relationship with it. But right now I guess I hate it, if only because I'd rather be looking at my first Pokemon instead of the smog.

There is no Pokemon Lab in Celadon. Most people around here get their first Pokemon from the casino. Pokemon are offered as prizes, the idea is that they are an award for winning the casino's games. But most people have figured out that you can just buy enough tokens from the cashier to get a prize Pokemon without wasting hours at the slots. Most Pokemon labs offer a choice between fire, grass, and water type Pokemon. These beginning Pokemon are usually rare, and selected not only because of their element type but because they make great Pokemon for beginners and can also stay with that trainer for his or her career. Not so when you grab a prize Pokemon from the Game Corner.
Celadon City's casino offers only three Pokemon: Ekans, Koffing, and Porygon. The Porygon requires so many tokens that only the richest of the rich can afford to buy it directly. That leaves Ekans and Koffing for most people to pick, unless they want to go to another town for a better choice. I wanted a better choice. I wanted a Chikorita.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my left shoulder. I then angrily ran down the steps, told my mother I was going out for awhile, and let the slamming of the front door punch out a period at the end of my sentence.

It's only another week, I told myself, over and over. Next Tuesday and you'll be on your way to Johto.

The poison Pokemon that congregate both inside and outside the city limits have given a bad name to Celadon. To try and counter this bad reputation our gym leader, Erika, made the city gym a grass type gym. The idea was to promote trees, and flowers, and forests by using grass type Pokemon. The decision backfired; every challenger with a poison type on their team managed to pummel their way through the gym like a locomotive. Erika had to strengthen her team by using grass/poison types like Victrebell and Venasaur. She's a tough gym leader, and it's technically a grass type gym, but everyone in Celadon knows that the only reason our gym is on the map is because poison runs through the veins of Erika's pokemon.

I walked down the paved streets of our city, and thought about my future Pokemon. My parents had arranged for me to begin my Pokemon quest in New Bark Town, and receive my first Pokemon from the lab there. When I saw the Pokemon I could choose from I instantly fell in love with the adorable green Chikorita. Green is my favorite color after all.

I was so deeply dreaming of my future Pokemon that I almost walked right past the large crowd that was forming by the pond. I snapped out of my reverie and walked over to the edge of the crowd, which had formed along the shore of Celadon Pond. A large man with black hair that was slicked back along his scalp was shouting into a megaphone. The crowd of people seemed enthralled with what he was saying.

"Just look at this pond!" he shouted. "Filthy! Disgusting! This is where our children swim and fish? It smells. It's more sludge then water. I wouldn't put so much as my pinky in this water, let alone swim in it. I sure as heck wouldn't eat anything that came out of it."

The crowd mumbled in agreement. The pond was filthy, but had it always been? Had there been a time when it was clean and clear? As if he sensed my thoughts, the man continued.

"I'll show you why the pond is like this," he shouted into the megaphone. The man then proceeded to take a large fishing net and dunk it in the murky waters. After a few seconds he pulled in the net, and as the filthy water dripped away it became clear he had caught a Pokemon. It was a Grimer.

"Griiiiiimer..." the Pokemon spoke.

"This lake is filled with Grimer!" he told us. "It's become a serious problem. They came here for no reason I can think of, and they polluted our pond!"

The crowd was getting riled up. Several people shouted back words of agreement. Most made noises of disgust at the sight of the Grimer in the mans net. With an indifferent motion, the man dumped the Grimer back into the Pond and it instantly disappeared.

I spotted a familiar face in the crowd, Roy my next door neighbor.

"Who's that guy?" I asked him.

"The name's Fillamar," he told me. "Some hot shot from out of town. Don't know why he's so concerned with how we do things here in Celadon...but...he makes a good point."

"Do you know where the Pokemon for our casino come from?" Fillamar asked the crowd. "The owner hires Pokemon poachers to bring in Koffing and Ekans by the truckload. Then all the kids get themselves a poison Pokemon, play with it for a few weeks, and abandon it like all the others. Where do you think those Pokemon go? Do they just disappear? Or do they stay in town and bring pollution with them?"

I wanted to ask Fillamar if the pollution really came from a released Ekans, or those rows of industrial factories we have in town.

"I say it's time you hired a Pokemon poacher to bring poison types OUT of Celadon. I say it's time...you hired me."

There was something wrong with the way the crowd immediately agreed. There was something wrong with the mysterious stranger who proudly called himself a poacher. There was something wrong in Celadon City.

22nd May 2003, 09:47 AM
It was kinda good, it's in need of better description and it shouldn't go so quickly

22nd May 2003, 10:20 AM
Having nothing else to do until my ship set sail next week, I went in to see Fillamar. He had rented a large cabin across from the Grimer-filled pond. The cabin was pretty secluded, which is why no one lived there normally. Most people needed to surf on their pokemon just to get across.

But Celadon City was my town. I grew up here, and I was no stranger to this pond. I walked the muddy trail along the pond's edge and managed to make my way to the cabin without getting wet. Fillamar wasn't to be found, but what I saw told me more then that horrible poacher ever could.
Cage after cage was stacked out back of the cabin. I saw nets and ropes and other nasty means of Pokemon capture. Most disturbing was the small size of the cages and the price tags affixed to them. Fillamar wasn't trying to help Celadon City with its pollution problem. He was conning the town into paying him just so he could poach Pokemon and then sell them for even more money. He was nothing but a greedy crook.

Poison Pokemon are still Pokemon, and no Pokemon deserves to be kept in a tiny cage by someone who isn't even its trainer! If the town knew this about Fillamar, then there is no way they'd let him get away with it. I decided to run and tell everyone what was really going on, but just as I turned my back I heard a cry for help. It was the cry of a Pokemon.


I spun back around and examined the cages. They were all empty. Fillamar was no doubt out gathering Pokemon by the dozen and coming back here to stick them in cages. I had to go tell everyone...but I couldn't leave a Pokemon in trouble. I tried to find where the cry was coming from.

"Where are you?"


The cry was coming from inside the cabin! I checked the door, and found it was locked. But the side window wasn't latched and I managed to get inside. A tiny cage was sitting on the floor. Inside the cage was something I had never seen before...a green Grimer.

"Grimer!" the pokemon called to me as soon as it saw me. It had very little room to move in the cage, but it did it's best to move around franticly. "Grimer, Grimer, Griiiiiimer..."

A green Grimer! I'd heard tales that one in every million Pokemon is born with different coloring, but never had I seen one myself.

Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps. It must be Fillamar! He was no doubt going to sell this rare Pokemon to the highest bidder. I had to get Grimer out of there, and fast!

I ran over to the cage and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. There didn't even seem to be a lock. There must be some trick to opening it, I reasoned. But I didn't have time for tricks and clever games, a key was turning in the keyhole. Under a nearby desk I spied a box filled with pokeballs. It was a long shot, but it was all I could do.

I grabbed a pokeball and threw it towards the cage with Grimer. The Pokeball sprung open as it neared the Pokemon, and Grimer turned into a bright white light and was sucked inside the ball. But no sooner did the ball fall to the floor then it sprung back open, and the bright light reformed back into Grimer...still in the cage!

"What's that?" Fillamar's muffled voice called from outside. "Who's in there?" The door unlocked and swung open.

"Grimer!" I said. "I promise if you go inside this Pokeball I'll get you out of here. I'll take you someplace far away where this poacher won't harm you. I promise."

"Hey! You! Kid!" Fillamar spat as he saw me crouched by the cage.

I grabbed another Pokeball and threw it at Grimer. The Pokemon turned into energy once again, and passed through the metal bars into the pokeball. This time, instead of falling to the ground, the Pokeball sprung back through the air and landed back in my hand.

"Alright!" I cheered, and quickly ran for the window.

"Come back here!" Fillamar shouted. "Do you know how much that monster is worth!?!"

"All Pokemon are worth more then money can buy!" I yelled at him and then jumped out the window.

I ran back down my trail, but Fillamar was close behind. I lost my fotting as I neared the main road and fell to the ground. Fillamar was still a ways behind me, but he saw I had fallen and took advantage of the situation. I saw him reach into his pocket and pull out a Pokeball.

He threw the ball at me, and as it got close it sprung open and in a blinding flash of light a Pokemon appeared. It was a Tentacruel!

"Tenta!" it happily cried. "Tenta...cruel! Tenta."

I jumped back to my feet and started to run again.

"Tentacruel!" I heard Fillamar behind me. "Stretch out your tentacles and wrap that brat up tight!"

I heard an eerie noise that was no doubt the sound of tentacles whipping out towards me. I knew I'd never be able to outrun them, so I decided to outthink them. I came to complete halt and let them hit me. Since I had stopped short of where Tentacruel expected me to go, it's tentacles knocked me back instead of wrapping around me.

I was hit with more force then I could imagine. I was hit so hard my entire body hurt, and I knew I'd have some nasty bruises where Tentacruel had hit me. I was hit so hard in fact, that I was sent flying away from the pond, across the main road, and down below the gutter into the deep sewage canals we have in the city. I hit the ground hard, and it took me a few minutes to come to my senses enough so I could get back on my feet. By the time I had regained my footing, Fillamar was within arms reach of me.

The canals were deep, and most people didn't go near them, let alone look down into them. They were the sewers of Celadon. I was out of sight, and out of luck.

"Now I've got you," Fillamar cackled, and reached for another pokeball.

22nd May 2003, 12:20 PM
The two pokeballs flew out of Fillamar's hand and into the air. The now familiar flash of energy raced towards me, and I soon found myself face to face with a Machoke and a Golem.

"No more games," Fillamar sneered. "Hand over that shiny green Grimer. Or else."


"No!" I shouted, hoping someone above on the street might hear me. "I made a promise!"

"Tisk, tisk," Fillamar chuckled. "Looks like I'll have to take it back by force. Golem!" The monstrous rock Pokemon snapped to attention when it?s trainer said its name. "Knock some sense into this brat with your rollout!"

The Pokemon uttered a growl and then spun towards me like a giant boulder. I braced myself for the hit. It never came. I found I had shut my eyes in fight. I opened them, and saw the Golem had collided with something other than me.


No one on the streets had heard me, but the Pokemon in the sewage canals had! These canals were filled with Muk. And rumor has it they were all a very high level.

"Muk, Muk, Muk."


Two more Muk came out of the shadows. The Golem pulled itself away from the gooey Muk and returned to Fillamar?s side.

"They must sense your friend," Fillamar said with a sneer. "But I caught that Grimer! It?s mine!"

"Muuuuuk..." The larger of the three Muk's moved menacingly close to Fillamar. As it did so, the Machoke and Golem turned into energy and disappeared back into their pokeballs.

"What? Come back out here you cowards!"

It was then that it really dawned on me that I was standing deep in the sewers. I found it strange that there was no foul smell, and that the ankle deep water flowing through the canal was crystal clear.

"Why is it so clean down here?" I asked aloud.

"Idiot," Fillamar laughed. "Don't you know anything? Grimer and Muk don't make pollution. They absorb it."

"But you told everyone..."

"I told them what they wanted to hear. If you see a sewage monster in a filthy pond, it makes more sense that the Pokemon made the pond filthy."

"But it didn't!" I shouted at him. "It's there because it's trying to clean up the pond! And that's why you wanted to capture all our Grimer!"

"Of course!" he laughed. "Silph Co. is just one town over. Their factories make just as much pollution as Celadon's, but Saffron is clean as a whistle. Why do you think that is? Because they are smart, and train Grimer to help keep the town clean by sucking up all the pollution their factories make. And I'm going to make millions selling them a truckoad of Grimer!"

"Not anymore!"

"Tell your friends to let me go, and I'll split it with you...eighty-twenty!"

There was a flash of light, and the shiny green Grimer appeared at my feet. It had left its pokeball all on its own.

"Griiiiiimer..." it growled at Fillamar.

"Muuuk. Muk."



Grimer was exchanging a few words with the Muk, and they did not sound too pleasant. Fillamar could tell no one was buying what he was selling.

"Uhhh," he stumbled, "maybe I can make that seventy-thirty..."

"I think if you want the pollution processing powers of Grimer and Muk so bad..."


"...then we should let you have it!"

Instantly, Grimer and the three Muk let loose a blast of sludge from heir bodies. The sludge hit Fillamar like a ton of bricks, and sent him flying off into the sky and out of sight. I could still hear him shouting "Fifty-fifty?" As he was blasted off through the air.

Back in town, I told everyone what had happened. When the mayor learned that Grimer and Muk were in our town because they wanted to help clean up the polluted areas he declared that an anti-poaching law was now in effect. The Grimer and Muk are to be left alone, and are no longer considered the shame of Celadon, but rather the pride.

The day before my ship was to set sail I hiked out into the woods. I went further then I ever had before. When I finally stopped, I took out the pokeball with Grimer and released it. It appeared at my feet in a burst of energy.

"Griiiiiimer." It rubbed up against my leg in a friendly fashion, and I bent down and hugged it. I was afraid the poison might make sick, or that Grimer would be filthy and gooey, but in actuallity its skin felt like pizza dough. I laughed at the feel. I liked it. The Grimer looked up at me and I knew that a Grimer would never allow its friend to be poisoned by touching it, just like fire pokemon never burn their trainers.

"You're free to go, Grimer. I promised you I'd let you go far from where anyone could get you. You'll be safe way out here."

"Grimer? Grimer. Grimmmmmmer."

The Pokemon did not leave my side.
Not then.
And not ever.

22nd May 2003, 06:41 PM
That was pretty good. I knew you kiked Grimer and Muk, and it's always a good thing when you can use a pokemon you really like in a fanfic. I hope there'll be a sequil, and I an already guess the team the treainer will have.

23rd May 2003, 10:42 AM
If you plan on catching the Pokémon in your sig, get rid of the sig. Nobody wants spoilers unless they ask for it

23rd May 2003, 02:18 PM
Nice lil fic. It's nice to see some less popular pokes catch some attention.

Count von Dark
25th May 2003, 04:32 AM
Ahhh... This is absolutely great! I love the view of the Grimers and Muks and the plot is good, it's very very original! The name is funny too. I hope this fic continues!