View Full Version : "Egg" Island

17th December 2002, 03:25 PM
Meowth's site has the video, but how exactly do you get there without cheating? Do you have to get the 5 stars or something? Thanks!

Topaz Pochena
17th December 2002, 03:33 PM
Yea. I THINK that after you get all 5 Stars you receive the INFINITY TICKET from someone, then you can board a ship that takes you there.

Kari and Mewtwo
17th December 2002, 04:09 PM
ya, you need the 5 stars first, but if all you get is latios in sapphire and latias in ruby, then i dont think theres any point to it at all. personally, i like latias more than latios, mainly since her defenses are higher.