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View Full Version : Of Music and Blood~ PG-13 to Mature!~Let the bloodshed begin!

10th June 2003, 12:23 AM
Jephed got up, clutching his guitar, and headed toward the door.
"Get back here. Put down that guitar. Where do you think you're going?"
Jephed did not put down the guitar, but turned to face him. "Out of here," he said, meaning out of tests and recommendations, out of fifty years of clerical work and monitored drug intake and team counseling meetings and retirement planning, out of the safe, static world into which he had been born. Out.
His father knew what he meant. "Look. Jeph. Son." The old man fumbled toward him with a callused hand. "You ain't thinking of going to the gangs, are you?"
Jephed looked steadily back at him and did not answer. It was no use answering. His father would never understand how the street gangs were where life was, life bone-deep and sky-high, life rich in danger and bloodletting and dying. And they were where the music was, real music with muscle and nerve endings in it, not the pasty-soft sellout stuff that the holocubes played.
His fathers eyes went hard. "I should have broken that blasted guitar in half the minute you brought it into the house."
"So break me in half," Jephed said. His music was his life. He knew this the way he knew few other things. The way he knew his mother had loved him, giving him life before she died. The way he had once known his father loved him... not he felt not so sure.
"Listen, punk." His father went quiet and stony, a stocky rock of a blue-shirt man in the middle of the shabby room. "If you walk out of here, don't ever come back."
Jephed nodded. "Bye," he whispered. He went out the door.

~Taken from "Who's Gonna Rock Us Home?" by Nancy Springer, found in May/June 2003 Cicada Literary Magazine

It's the future. Life is plastic; you're sent to school at an early age to be taught how to be a contributing citizen. When you enter your teens, you begin to regularly take "cope", a drug that causes euphoria and serenity. You're tested, and assigned a job. You do that job for fifty years, and they you're sent off into retirement. Sounds great? Not really.
Some... some discover music. They discover life the way that it once was. When it had possibilities. And they realize that they don't need the structured life that they lead. They need something... more...

There are three distinct gangs. The story "Who's Gonna Rock Us Home?", which this RPG is based on, covers the experience of a young man who joins the Ax Warriors. Consequently, the story covers the most about them. But I'll do my best here.

Ax Warriors- In the story (it's a short story, BTW), the members of the gang are noted to like classics such as Springsteen and Elvis. Some of the characters are-
Luz- She's a sassy one. Described as "Black-leather short skirt, black-lace bra top, glossy black hair. Hispano." She's hot and she knows it. She gets away with a lot more than most.
"Big Man"- "He was the leader; Jephed could tell it be his tough wedge of a face, by the red kerchief on his head, but his curt tone." He's the leader of the Ax Warriors. Heartless, he gives Jephed a task that is cruel, and it becomes his demise.
This is to give you an idea of how the Ax Warriors are, if that's your gang. Remember-
"The only drugs and Ax Warrior needs are his woman and his brothers and his music."

The Freaks- There's a battle between the Freaks and the Ax Warriors, so I know a little about them. They're described as "all boots and muscle and tattoos". They most likely listen to metal, from the classics of Metallica to the newer stuff from KoRn. They're the toughest fighters around. Not someone you're going to want to mess with.

The third gang is The Rockin' Death. Ginger has a control of them. If you wish to join that gang, get clearance from me and her first please.

LSUs- sign up here please. The form follows...
Age: 15-21 please
Gang: Ax Warriors or the Freaks
Looks: Include scars/tattoos too people. They're not something that can be avoided!
Instrument: Bass, guitar, improv drums, whatever. In this world, you don't have any excess equipment, like amps and whatnot. They're all built in; coolies, huh?
Weapon(s) of choice-
History: NOT OPTIONAL! Put what kind of family you came from, why you left, what your job would have been, ect.
Relationships: Do you have a person that you have bonded with? Someone that's your partner? Someone you care for?
Other: =-o!

My sign up ^_^
Name: Varda Morgil
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Gang: Freaks, w00t!
Looks: She's got the Metallica insignia on her right shoulder in black (of course). She's really tall, about 6'5, and like the Freaks' usually are; all boots, muscle, and tattoos. Not exactly the most feminine to one who doesn't know her, she's got an ultra feminine side to her that is rarely seen. There's a scar running from her left ear to below her left eye. She's got piercings up the wazoo (he he, fun word!), including all the way up her ears, both eyebrows, and her lip. There may be more, you just don't see 'em ;). She wears a black tank top and black jeans with heavy black motorcycle boots. This is the girl that could beat Arnold's arse... on a scale of one to ten, where ten is pretty muscular and fifteen is the superb female bodybuilder, she's 17+...
Personality: Despite her outward appearance, she's very kind towards those she cares for. A powerful fighter, she knows she's strong, but also knows that she doesn't have to use her strength to get her way. Never one to use over kill, she only uses as much force as is needed for the job and saves her energy for more important things.
Instrument: Bass and electric, and vocals... leads, w00t :P
Weapon(s) of choice- sledge hammer and/or nice long chain
History: She was bound for secretarial work when she and some close friends said 'screw it' and created the gang. They're a force to be reckoned with. She looks out for her followers like a vicious mother of her children, but she doesn't baby them. Instead, she seems heartless and inhumane towards new kids, but it's all got a purpose. She would die for her friends, and they know it. So, she's obviously the leader...
Relationships: her gang of course, and "Jaymz" ^_~
Other: =-o!

-=-Varda Morgil-Leader of Freaks-=-
I walked down the dark, deserted street alone. I had, yet again, snuck out from our current resting haunt for yet another meeting. This time, with the leader of the Ax Warriors. This was the first time that I would speak with him except on the battlefield. It would probably be the last. Various groups had been meeting, gangs and others, all outlaws, because of the recent crackdown from the police. It was making it hard to get on. Food was harder to find... it was no longer the trip down to the dumpster at McWendyKing (OOC: no joke, this is the chain in the story! :End) at three in the morning and scavenging for scraps left by the pampered little people. The police had been haunting the MWK, and just about everywhere else that we could get food from. They thought that if they starved us, that we'd surrender to the law. I would rather starve to death with my "family" and my music than give in to the corporates.
"Hey, Bike Dike, this is Ax territory. Get out or else!" came a threatening voice. I had wondered how long it would take for them to notice my presence.
I crossed my arms. "I'm not armed. Attack me if you will, I could still probably kick your a** all the way to Main and back," I shouted back. There was murmuring.
"Is that her?" "Must be, can't figure who else has an attitude like that. She didn't even get mad at my biker dike remark... damn..." "Ah, shut up, someone get Big Man."
I smiled to myself. The Ax Warriors were so... simple. They bickered amongst themselves, but otherwise, they didn't challenge authority. The Freaks, on the otherhand, were fun; I was constantly challenged by newcomers, and it wasn't uncommon for people to get upset and begin to beat the sh!t out of each other. I grinned again as the explosive combo of Jaymz and Morbid came to mind. Those two were often at each others' throats. I wouldn't take 'em without it though, it gave kick to an otherwise laid-back life. He he... kick... like what Jaymz did to Morbid's-

"Morgil, what do you want?" grunted the overgrown cow that was Big Man. I stared him straight in the eye, and he glanced away. No one could stare me down.
"You know just what it is that I want Man," I responded softly. The members of Ax that were behind Big Man shivered. I didn't have to yell, scream, or rant. I just had to speak calmly... and it still was extremely unsettling.
Even Big Man looked a little frightened. "No offence Morgil. You can't be too carefull these days..."
I snorted. "Whatever. I don't need to be carefull, unlike you Big Man. People don't enter my crew unless they're really willing. We don't have to worry about traitors..."
"You're walking on thin ice Morgil. I respect you for coming here unarmed, but you're still on my turf. You're still standing due to my hospitality."
I laughed. It was a cold, cruel laugh, the kind that a master of torment watching her victim slowly die from agony. Big Man's eyes dialated in fear; he tried to hide it, but I still saw right through him. Pitiful male...
"I'm standing because you're too afraid to attack me. You know that you and your whole gang couldn't bring me down," I threw in his face. He became red with rage.
"That's it Morgil, you're not welcome here and you know it. Get out, or else!" he snarled at me.
I laughed again. "Or else what? You'll send your scrawny little followers after me?"
He roared, pulled out a large, improvised knife, and charged at me. I stood there, no longer smiling, but not looking overly serious. He was just a few feet away, and I dodged his attack. His eyes widened in surprise, not believing that I could move so fast. He came around again at me. I kicked his hand, and the stupid, useless peice of metal that he had been holding went flying. Now, he finally saw that I had the upper hand all along. I didn't need a weapon. I was a weapon.
I carried through and jumped on my foot that was still on the ground. It hit him in the chest and he flew backwards, but not before it hit him again in the chin. Blood and saliva flew through the air and splattered the ground.
Big Man got up and wiped the blood streaming from his mouth. I wondered how much damage I had done; had he broken some teeth, or peirced his tounge? No matter, he still wasn't giving up.
He came at me again, and we locked hands, trying to push the other over. It was part of the gang ritual. However, I had an advantage that he didn't have...
My boot found an area that I had found that guys really didn't like to be kicked. It was rather amusing to me, but apparently Big Man didn't feel the same. He fell to the ground, purple-ish in the face, gasping for air.
"Sorry bout that, but I don't really have all night to go about beating your a$s properly," I said turning away. I looked at the Ax Warriors standing in the alleyway.
"Don't just stand there you baboons, get him out of here. Good Lord, no wonder you follow him, you'd never make it with my crew..."
The sun was just coming up as I walked into the old lumberyard where my gang was. No one was awake yet, or so I thought.
"What did you do now?" came a grumpy voice.
Ah, sh!t... I thought. Mike, or Jaymz as we called him, was up already.
"Nothing, just went for a walk down yonder senic path..." I said innocently.
He looked at me critically. "Right, and it was raining blood? Or, were the blood trees in bloom? You went to Ax territory didn't you?"
I bent over a rainbarrel and dipped a bucket into it and poured the water over my head. I shook my hair out, the black whirling around my head. I went down for another bucketfull when he slapped my ***.
"What the hell!" I cried out. Faces popped out of the woodwork, literally, looking around.
"Naughty girl, Varda, I TOLD you not to go!" Jaymz chided me.
"That's it boy!" I whispered, throwing the bucket down and I tackled him.
"Ah, sh!t, I thought that something was actually happening..." "Oh, plenty's happening, the question is, do we want to watch anymore?" "Probably not..." "Why do they have to do that in publid?" "This ain't exactly public man..." "Shut up, you know what I mean. It's kinda sick, ya know." "Heh, you aren't all so proper and secret when it's you gettin laid. Last night comes to mind..." "You're just jealous. "Jealous of what? You got your *** kicked last night." "You're about to get your *** kicked..."
I gained the upperhand as usual. "Boy, I'm leader here, and I don't need you telling me what to do, got it? I'm the goddess and you're my worshipper, don't make me tell you this again." I snarled at him. I had him pinned down entirely, and he wasn't going anywhere unless I changed my mind.
"You are a goddess, and a goddess in a wet shirt too," he said, winking.
I raised an eyebrow. "What if I was a goddess without a wet shirt?" I said slowly, smiling slighly.
"Hmmm... not as good as a goddess without-"
He suddenly found himself quite busy with something much better than talking. Or maybe not suddenly, but it did happen rather quickly... of course, when I want something, I don't wait; I get it. And this is something that I wanted very much.

10th June 2003, 01:38 AM
aite, so i need to add my charavcter bickers with Jaymz...thats alright

Name: Dino "Morbid" Cazares
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Gang: the Freaks
Looks: around 6'0", decent build, Has spikey stringy black hair, that flows all over the place, intense blood-red eyes, a black goatee, his ears are pierced and have earings in them (not studs), a black fire tatoo runs from his shoulder to his mid-wrist on his right arm, and on his left arm in Old Englsh letters, it says Rachel. He wears a Fear Factory T-Shirt, with a black leather trenchcoat with the sleeves "ripped" off. He wears long baggy black jeans, a Iron Clad belt, a chain wallet and a normal chain (both attach to his belt)
Personality: Is quiet, keeps to himself, and likes to play the guitar and write sad depressing lyrics...he does however sometimes bicker with Jaymz...
Instrument: Accoustic Guitar, Lyrics (sp?), and works the digital sound keyboard
Weapon(s) of choice- Throwing Shuriken
History: Was abandoned by Parents, and grew up in the street...he eventually met Rachel, his love, and th only light in his life...who was savagely beaten to death...by the Ax Warriors, this is why he joined the Freaks...to seek vengeance onm the Axe Raiders...He listens to KoRn, Disturbed, Slipknot, and others not only to wash away the pain...but to build up his anger as he plots his revenge...
Relationships: No one...his girlfriend was killed by members of the Ax Warriors...
Other: nothing much...

-/- Morbrid -\-

As the dawn-ing sun rose, I walked along the sloping downward sidewalk of Sunset St....

Seems odd because much of my day isnt spent between these two times of the day...

Then I thought to my self that sounded like a good theme for a song...

As I sat down on a bench to write some lyrics on the margins of a tossed-aside newpaper, a multi-colored hair girl sat approached and sat down next to me...

"hello Morbrid..." she said, "Odd to find you out here at this time of the day..."

"Well Raven...ive got to go meet Varda in an hour..."

Raven is one of the newer members of the Freaks...she was a tall lanky teen-age mexican girl, with straight black hair, and in the front, two streaky lines of light green and pink, plus her short leather jacket, striped t-shoirt- and short black blouse, gave her a punky-like attitude...

She had joined the Freaks because her family was a broken one, her mother constantly abused her, and her father was...well an a$$ hole who left them to poverty...

When she joined the Freaks, Varda had assigned him (Morbrid) to show her the ropes...And she took to them well since it was very normal for her...

After making small talk, the duo headed torwards Terrow St. where he and Varda normally met to discuss the next moves, and any sign of hope or refuge from the Law...

As they approached, Raven turned around and left for the makeshift base, I waved an continued forward...

But I stopped for a moment and stared at the bridge...that very same bridge...

I could still see her, clother nearly torn completely off, flesh exposed, being flunged into the river...

I shuddered as I knew I had to move on...


As I turned the corner, I saw Varda coming to chat...accompanied by Jaymz...

I was not suprised, as I knew Jaymz had been flirting with her for a long time...but what ive always wondered is, was it love?...or power?...

He glared at me, and I glared back...

The shadows of the midday sun began to set in, as Varda scoffed at us an began the meeting...

Half-listening I thought about Jaymz...

he had always been competing with me since he and I joined on the same day...

for some reason he had something to prove to me...I dont know why...and I dont know why I tried to prove him wrong...

Then I turned to Varda and listened to her continue...

10th June 2003, 02:13 AM
Name: Ryan “Jinzo” Kel
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Gang: The Freaks
Looks: Tall and Lanky. He has green dyed hair that's all spiked up and brown eyes. He wears a white, torn up shirt, a black leather jacket with picture of red and black fire and the words FIRE RULES!! in blood red. He also wears baggy, army pants, black boots (which are at least two sizes too big!) and black motorcycle gloves. He has four earings on his right ear and three on his left. He's got a black tatoo (similar to Zell's from FF8) on the right side of his face and a massive burn mark on his back.
Personality: A bit of a wacko. This guy flirts with every cute girl he meets. He loves to wreck havoc and to mess aronud with electronics.
Instrument: Drums
Weapon(s) of choice- Flamethrower and a Taser gun.
History: His parents died in a car accident when he was only two. He was then taken in by some guy who worked in a junk yard. His main hobby was messing around with machines. He then came across an old flamethrower and repaired it. His foster dad was then killed in a shoot out. He bashed the living s**** out of one of the guys and stole his taser gun. He then lived into the gutter for a few days before meeting Varda and joining the Freaks.
Relationships: He keeps trying to sleep with Raven (buts gets the crap kicked out of him as a result).

That okay Dru?

10th June 2003, 02:22 AM
Sure thing ^_~ accepted.

The Muffin Man
10th June 2003, 02:49 AM
Name: Mike "Jaymz" Hetfield
Gender: male
Age: 18
Gang: the Freaks
Looks: He stands about 6'0", with a medium build. He's rather small, as far as the freaks go. He has a long scar across his chest and a black Metallica insignia on his left. Despite being short, he has a muscular build. His strength is apparent, as his tertiary(3rd) weapon weighs a good 10lbs, and he wields it like a pencil. He wears all black, and has short spiked hair, the tips died black...
Personality: He is pretty dark and withdrawn, except for fellow freaks. He prefers to keep to himself unless he truly cares for a person. Unlike Varda, he is more than happy to go overboard with whatever he does.
Instrument: Rythme(sp?) Guitar, and vocals
Weapon(s) of choice- Katana stolen from antique store, a desert eagle, and a staff made of lightweight stainless steel.
History: He's lived with his parents all his life. He was assigned a job as a Sticker Factory worker(WTF? o_O; ) but eventually broke lose, and has been on the run since. His parents have always encouraged him to run away and free humanity from this mess, and were slaughtered for it...
Relationships: Varda Morgil
Other: o_O Wheee...

I smiled up at Varda as she pulled her shirt back on and jeans...I gently ran a hand down her arms...so powerful, yet gentle. How could she back so much muscle onto an arm so soft and smooth? I smiled and kissed her lips. She blushed gently and helped me up. I smiled and held her close, she blushed and kissed my lips, before pushing me away. I quickly pulled my clothes on and dashed to the 'community center'...a shack of steel and wood the freaks had put up themselves. There WAS a reason we were MUSCLES, tatoos and boots.
Morbid made a comment about her moans attracting cops, and she did something we all knew she was capable of doing.
"LEAVE ME THE F**K ALONE!!!!"She snarled, and literally tore the door of it's hinges. It didn't take a great deal of force to do so, but her massive arms barely flexed as she tore the door down. I ran inside to find her, sitting in her chair, gripping a thick branch tight. She pushed down, and the wood easily gave way to splinters...
"Glad you're gentler with my wood..."I murmered in her ear.
She blushed deep red, and shoved me back with more force than she had intended, but did not rush to my side. Instead, she picked up a weight, about 90lbs, and began curling it with one arm.
"Fellow Freaks..."She began, "The time has come we stop hiding!! It is time we STOP just messing around with childish toys...we're not weak, pre-determined little boys and girls..."
"Umm, to be fair, Varda, how many girls, let alone boys, can do 100 curls with 90lb weights and forget what she's doing?"I smiled.
"Gimme a break. I lost the 120..."she smirked back at me.
She tossed the weight to her other hand, continuing to lift it easily and talking.
"So what do we do?"Morbid asked.
"We fight."
"Yes, WE...Scared?"
Morbid shook his head.
"You're more man than the entire Axe Warriors could handle..."
I spun around with my katana to his throat.
"Listen, you ***, she's more WOMAN than you'll EVER have, let alone be able to HANDLE..."
I threw him down and turned, Varda was doing relatively simple one-armed pull-ups. "Simple", as she had "only" 200lbs strapped to her legs this time...I tried to listen, but I could only stare at her arms, pumping so sexily up and down as she lifted her body higher and higher...
"Alright, Everyone out. Meeting over."She grunted, and finished her 20th pull-up with her other arm, and pushed the weights aside. In mere minutes, we were lying in the heap of dirty laundry, our own dirty laundry on top of it once more...

;) When all you have left is sex and rock, Metallica needs a break.

10th June 2003, 10:01 AM
XD that was funny Mike

-/- Morbrid -\-

Well I had a tendancy to let my mouth run off...

And when Jaymz's katana was at my throat I knew I had done it again...

After Varda ended the meeting, I decided to hit the underground level of the "Base"...

In the underground, many of the more newer Freaks lived there, somtimes I went down there to talk to them, and find out why theyre here...

Sometimes I went down there to hear and see what music some have written...

Down in the underground is where bands were formed for the Freaks, and where lines were drawn between Friendship, Love, and Hatred...

When I heard a crazed bashing of drums, I could only know that meant Jinzo was at the drums again...

I sighed and moved into the drum room...

He was there smashing the f*ck out of the drum set...

"JINZO" I said loud enough for him to hear, as he turned his head my way and stopped for a bit, "I told you, we had to steal those out of a Old Man's garage last Sunday! So dont break em...aite?"

Jinzo of cource, knew I was just joking, and got up[ off his a$s to shake my hand

Jinzo has been the opposite of Jaymz for me...Jinzo has stuck with me for years...even IF he's gotten in trouble with Varda for flirting with her...

As we turned left on Calcas Blvd., Raven skate-boarded by...

I thought, *oh no...here it goes again...*

Jinzo opened his big mouth and said, "Whats up Raven?"

Now Jinzo has been known for horrible pick up lines that even Johnny Bravo cant rival...

And hes gone home many a time with a huge red hand print on his face...

"Hi Morbrid, Hi Jinzo..." said Raven, who passed us by on the way to the Underground...

"Dammit, it didnt work again..." cursed Jinzo..

I just laughed sarchastically and said, "hell maybe if you try harder she'll like you..."

Then with another step, the two of them headed for the Slushy Mart to try and steal some food...

(uh can I use Slushy Mart or is there something like it in the book?)

10th June 2003, 01:48 PM
*points at sig* Yup, I've done it now... If I'm gone for a streach of time and don't post, Mike is in charge...

DB- I spose so... just keep in mind that the police are constantly on the lookout for outlaws. Maybe your character runs into some trouble on the way back or something...

-=-Varda Morgil-=-
End of meeting. Time for more... "important" things...

Before we knew it, it was midday already. And I was tired... I snuggled up close to Jaymz.
"So, what happened last night?" he asked.
"Huh? Oh, with the meeting. Big Man's being his usual stubborn self. Didn't even get to talk about the problem. I'm not going to waste my time by going back either. Though I'd be surprised if he was able to talk..."
Jaymz raised an eyebrow. "What did you do to him?"
I laughed. "Guys tend to be rather sensitive about a particular spot. Well, my knee kinda had a crash course in the art of ballet... I starred in the Nutcracker last night."
I winked at him and he grinned. "Bad girl... I told you, you have to play nice..."
I grinned right back. "I play rough, got a problem?"
"Not really..."
"Good, cuz I wanna play again..."
The sun was going down. With the sun went the power of the Corporation. As darkness deepened, so did the power of the gangs. I struck a chord on my bass.
Jinzo and Morbid were back from a raid on some food mart. They looked like they'd had a little too much fun. Jaymz's hair was all over, but he looked so cute like that that I didn't point it out. Of course, many of the others, including Morbid and Jinzo, found this rather amusing...
I didn't really have much insparation right now. My blood was still a little warm, and I would have liked to be doing other things, but my obligation as leader required my presence.
"Right people, quick session, and we're off to kick some Ax arse!" I yelled.
War cries echoed through the underground chamber. We hated Ax, and they hated us. Of course, we were gonna beat them bad. They didn't even know that we were coming... plus they didn't know where we were right now. For all they knew, we were still down in the wharves.
I quietly started up with KoRn's "Thoughtless". Jaymz followed in on electric. Then, silence. Like a roaring tide, the rest of the gang came in.
"Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies...
I'm above you, smiling as you drown, drown, drown.
I wanna see you try to take a swing at me!
Come on gonna put you on the ground, ground ground..."
Again, Mike joined me with the pre-chorus.
"Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the f**k you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me,
I want you crying with your dirty a** in front of me!"
as was typical, the whole gane joined in with the yelling chaos of the chorus.

The beauty of music... Now my blood was hot, hot with the desire of the fight to come...

10th June 2003, 03:44 PM
I am here, but I will post in a bit later from now...

10th June 2003, 04:18 PM
Name: Raven Nyfleyht (nye-flay-ght)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Gang: Freaks ;)
Looks: Tattooed on her back, in silver and red, is a full-scale replica of the symbol from the cover of Disturbed's Believe album (click here (http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000069KN8.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg) to see...), on her left hip is a single short-stemmed black rose, fully in bloom, small drops of blood dripping off the thorns (scrollwork underneath says "Beautiful but deadly"), and encircling the middle of her upper right arm is part of a black, red, and bronze-scaled cobra (just above the scaled circle, the rest of the cobra is reared up, poised to strike. Brilliant red eyes, silver fangs). 5'11", blood-red hair cut to chin-level (no bangs), mirror-grey eyes. Tongue (small silver barbell), eyebrow (small silver hoop) piercings, both ears pierced (between the two, 8...various). Black leather bikini top, black mid calf-length skin-tight leather pants, tucked into knee-length black leather boots. Uniformly black and blood red makeup.
Personality: Dark, can be rather moody at times, but she's actually a rather nice person once you get to know her. Has her wild side (and will be the first to tell you that getting the tattoo on her back hurt like a b*tch). Her more somber moods are punctuated by writing poetry, which she sometimes turns into music (she's her biggest critic). Her anger is shown in her music (either translated into creativity, the odd screamed lyric, or in the drumbeats).
Instrument: *looks around, considers her options* Drums! Vocals too.
Weapon(s) of choice- Brass knuckles, throwing knives, a rawhide leather whip, and plenty of other various implements of torture and destruction ;)
History: Was once bound for a life of making those little music-playing holocubes...after a few times hearing the boring, sugary "sickening" music those things put out, then the idea of spending the next 50 years listening to that crap, well...she absolutely snapped, running away from it all. Music is her drug, not "cope"...
Relationships: The gang is her family, she's yet to meet the man who can tame her. Sure, Jinzo's been trying, but he's had no luck...the only thing she truly cares for is that drumkit (she gets VERY cranky when someone breaks it).
Other: *begins throwing holocubes at Other*

Note to DB: You might wanna go edit if you were describing my character...she looks NOTHING like that :)

Raven Nyfleyht

Raven roared along with the rest of the gang, her raspy alto blending in perfectly. She started swaying just a little, as the infectious euphoria of the sound hit her like a tidal wave...

One hand reached down, tapping the skateboard propped up next to her seat. She'd taken up skateboarding out of utter boredom, but it served in so many ways...including dodging Jinzo's uninspired and bland come-ons. One of these days, he'd get either some sense beaten into him or have his mental capacities rearranged so he could come up with more original material.

She moved gracefully and easily, the tattoo on her back rippling with the movements. She'd be running on adrenaline and euphoria for the next several hours, enough to help put a dent in Ax and enjoy it. She'd have fun, certainly.

The Muffin Man
10th June 2003, 05:17 PM
Mike - just a quick session

As we finished, I held everyone back.
"Back on your instruments, boys and girls..."I said. Varda picked up her bass and stepped back, as Morbid and Raven got into positon. Morbid and I began strumming the opening chordes...and then Dru came in, along with Raven. The tempo immedietly picked up, as we switched our grips and began playing much harder and faster...

Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me


Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
never ending potency
Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity
I could feel the music flowing through my fingers, into my guitar...

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me


Circle of Destruction, Hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, Dominating flurry
We create the Battery

Smashing through the boundaries
lunacy has found me
cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression
turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery

Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me


I put my head down as we played the last chorde, and let it slowly hum out...it so perfectly described our life now...we would not be stopped.

EDIT - Might add more later ^^;

10th June 2003, 08:30 PM
aite music time ppls

-/- Morbrid -\-

Jaymz finally belted out the remainder of the song and it sounded sweet and sorroful at the same time...

Jaymz finally stepped down and let me lead in lyrics for the next song...

I stepped up to bat and called Lich, the mechanics guy, to put in the correct tempo on the keyboard as we started...

I let out a grunt as the music started


As Jaymz began to pound on his guitar, I felt the emotion of pain and rage enter me as I began to sing...

I am a duplication


There was no love...
There was no love for ME
There was on-ly HATRED!

I am HATE!

My hair began to sway with the volent motions my body made as I sang...

Every day I feel ANONYMOUS HATE,
Forever in the shadow OF DISGRACE!

I am HATE!
I... am... HAAATE!!

Then I remembered Rachel's death, and began to slow down the beat... Jaymz kept with the beat well, and so did the others...

Filled with Pain,
A bruised and darkened soul

Spare meee...
From theee...
Life thats full of MISERY....



As I took a breath, the thoughts of the Ax Warriors entered my mind...and a burning hatred filled my voice...


I am HATE!

Filled with pain...
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare mee...
From thee...
Life thats full of MISERY!!

I am SO
Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare mee...
From thee...
Life thats full of MISERY!!


I am so
Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul...
Spare mee...
From thee...
Life thats full of MISERY!!!


as I ended, Raven patted me on the back, and I went back to the guitar spot...letting whoever wanted it the main spot...

Ginger Cat
11th June 2003, 09:32 PM
*feels special to have control* ;)

Name: Rhapsody Staton
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Gang: The Rockin' Death
Looks: Pretty much like this- http://www.boomspeed.com/why_bother...Singingcut2.bmp
Only, he has hair... It's black and semi-shaggy. And he's a bit lankier.
If that makes any sense.
Wears the dress shirt and pants, occasionally with a suit jacket, often without. Has a tatoo of a knife with a lollipop -- the Lollipop Lust Kill symbol (see here: http://www.boomspeed.com/why_bother/SingAndPointcut.bmp). Obviously bears INCREDIBLY strong resemblence to Evvy of Lollipop Lust Kill (in truth, he's related to the guy... explain it all right?).
Has a scar under his jaw on the right side... It quite large and jagged... He's got another across the left rib cage.
Eyes are a gleaming gold color. Often has the twisted expression on his face, or a darkly amused one. Nails painted black. When in need of a coat, wears a black trench coat.
What else? Ah, yes. His canines are shaved slightly to look like vampire teeth.
Personality: Angry, angst-ridden, and emotional. Tends to be dark, attracted toward the "Darker" side of life. The music that he writes is strongly based on the anger, resentment, and futility that he often feels. He sees the world as it is; a wasteland. In a large part of his being, he'd love to see the whole world burn. Has a serious problem with society in general. He sees his own faults and those of others magnified greatly.
Instrument: Mostly vocals and electric guitar. Can play drumset, as well as some electric bass.
Weapon(s) of choice: Dagger that looks like the one on his tatoo, some scalples (at least one of which is rusted), needles, assult rifle, various handguns, lighters, other objects that produce fire... Hell, I won't lsit 'em all. Suffice it to say that he's got a large stock of weapons, and enjoys them all. He always has the dagger and at least one handgun.
History: His family was the typical "we're under this lovely spell" type. As for hismelf, he often fell into looking at music and literature that was considered blasphemous by the "happy police". The drugs never worked very well on him, though often it was said that he'd get past it. He never did, obviously. There was talk of sending him to work at an Electronics Company, but it never happened. He left without much of a farewell to his parents, seeing them as the molded creatures that they were, and left for music, which seemed to be the only way out. He started a group on an impulse; the idea came about from items and articles, CDs and pictures, that he had found hidden away--these of a band called Lollipop Lust Kill. The group he started, the Rockin' Death, is a Death Metal group formed to be much like Lollipop Lust Kill. Since the formation, he's been writing and performing music with the others of his group, always resentful, angry, and searching for answers.
Relationships: Not really... Aside from being a relative of Evvy's somehow... *shrug* He's really the only one here from the group at this point... Maybe ever... *shrug*
Other: The members of the Rockin' Death share many of the same views as he; angry, looking into the world, searching. All are ready to kill. Although they aren't the strongest, they are fairly strong (though not heavily muscled) and quite noticably intelligent/sly; this trait helps them immensly. They're into blood and murder, as well. This is definitely helpful to them--they can kill easily without caring. They like it, and therefore do not usually hesitate to do so. Their methods of killing are often very creative; they range from quick kills with guns or explosives to days of torture. As a note about soley Rhapsody, he's a bit of a necropheliac... As well as an insomniac. He likes the night, though. He's also VERY much into murder, though not of those he is close to. It's... a bit of an odd situation.

Rhapsody Staton

I leaned against the wall of the alley, one of the places in this oh-so-beautiful society that was almost dark. Glaring at those who passed by, perhaps giving them something to think about in doing so, I tossed my cigarette to the sidewalk, then crushed it under the heel of my boot. There was no wind; it was a fair day, though many seemed to be. Had the government found a way to control the weather? I didn't doubt it.

Despite the warm weather, I'd contemplated wearing my coat. In the end, however, it'd seemed like it wasn't worth it. No use attracting attention. Not at that point, anyway. I wasn't going out to make a point... only to listen. To think.

I had recently heard whispers of the other groups of this town; one in particular. They called themselves the Freaks. Music is a beautiful thing, and I'd heard that they could weave dark dreamscapes effortlessly, amazingly. This was what those who were run by society missed. How the hell could they miss out on that sort of ecstacy?

I'd said it many times before, and I'd say it again. Without the music, there was no life on this earth. The darkness that we lived in, the rebellion we pushed day by day, was all that held vitality anymore. The others had to meet death. Death was beautiful; almost as beautiful as music.

My own group was into this music. Into death, too. We were an interesting group... Interesting.

"Watching your blood run
Crimson and true
Now I can see how
It's the best part of you,
The only life
A trickle beneath the surface..."

The lyrics ran through my mind as I thought about the intricacies of music, the life onstage. I had heard that they had a habit of singing older songs; fairly decent songs. Someitmes, the older ones were better than newer ones; at least most were nearly as complex and flowing in thier own manners.

This group, as I'd heard, was an interesting one. Willing to fight, willing to work... Something there, perhaps.

As the rush of the people around me continued, I pulled out another cigarette and a lighter. For a moment I watched the flame, entranced by the brilliance. Than the fire was gone and I once more turned to thoughts of this life that we had built.


La la...

EDIT. Whoo, late editing... That better?

12th June 2003, 05:29 PM
I leaned against the wall, watching the others play. My turn was coming up. I pulled out my drum sticks and gazed at them. The word 'JINZO' was engraved on them.
Time to get to work boys.

The Muffin Man
17th June 2003, 08:46 PM
Not letting this die...

24th June 2003, 11:48 AM
Damn straight...

Ginger- we're not in public... we're underground. ^_^; we're outlaws, can't be seen by the public...

Going on with the jam at this point would be rather useless... We had our energy, and now we would use it.
I put my bass down and picked up my sledge hammer, which was leaning against one of the dingy walls of the underground. A good forty pounds at least, it could bash in an Ax skull like a child's. I slammed it into the wall, and the crater left by the impact was rather impressive, if I did say so myself.
"Time to show the oldies crew that WE are the future. We're not takin' their sh!t anymore," I growled. The rage that I had felt the previous night was returning. I didn't even have to see myself to know that my eyes were flashing in anger. I wiped a stream of sweat off my forehead to avoid it getting into my eyebrow peircings. When it did, it hurt like a b!tch...
I pulled on my gloves. They were my pride; they had been plain black leather, and I had cut the fingers off and the wrists had several rows of spikes. I gripped the hammer tightly. It felt good to hold it again, after being at "peace" for so long...
People began to mobilize around me. I wrapped my chains around my left wrist and arm.
Slowly, we filed out of the underground. Raven looked a little nervous; this was her first fight with us. I winked at her.
"Don't worry, little sister, you'll be fine," I whispered.
She nodded. She wasn't worried, I could tell, but there was quite a bit of adrenaline in her system. I had a bit as well... I loved a good fight.

Sorry, I've got other things to look into... :/

25th June 2003, 06:22 PM
I grinned like a madman as I grabbed my flamethrower and tazergun.
"Good to kick some Axe Worrier *** again isn't it?" Morbid said, gripping his Shuriken.
"It sure is," I replied, "Time to roast some assholes!" I then looked over at Raven, who seemed a bit nervous.
"Don't worry baby," I said, "I'll looked after you."
"But who'll be looknig after you?" she replied slyly.
"Ouch," Morbid said, "That had to hurt."

19th August 2003, 07:47 AM
I'd like to apologise for being gone for so long. But I'm back in school, and I would like to keep going with this. I have a computer class every other day, so, I hope that you guys are willing to pick up the ball and start running again...

21st August 2003, 07:33 AM
-=-Varda Morgil-=-
The night air was calm, and almost cold. Winter was fast approaching, and soon... soon things would be really dangerous. Footprints are left behind in snow, and could betray our location to the police and the other gangs. Not good. And food was hard to find... street venders were rarely found in the cold, produce not being too popular at that time of year. Customs from a by-gone age when nothing was grown in the winter. That wasn't a problem now, with everything grown in special indoor greenhouses... but still, people never change.
The moon was full. Not the best, but at least the buildings were tall and gave plenty of shadow to the streets. Darkness was our friend... at least, when people were paying attention. Jinzo was so set on getting with Raven that he may not pay attention to where he was going... young men stumbling over trash cans made quite a bit of noise, I'd found.
Slowly, we filed out of the old lumberyard through various entrances. It took too long to get everyone through the same gap in the fence. Everyone had their own way to get out, it seemed. Once we left, there were no words spoken. We all knew where we were going, and from here on out, to each his own.
The sounds of ancient and boring music were drifting down the street from the Ax alley. They hadn't even bothered to move. Idiots...
I loosened my grip on my hammer, letting it slide so that my hand rested between halfway and three-quarters down the shaft.
I cleared my throat. "Come out, Big Man, or you'll really get it!" I yelled. It was time.

Ginger Cat
21st August 2003, 09:39 PM
*twitch* No time...
*twitch* But...
Damnit, I like this RPG....

Rhapsody Staton “Come alive and murder your senses…”

There was going to be trouble tonight, it seemed. Nothing for these automatons running about the streets, no, but for the gangs. Or, rather, for one gang in particular. There seemed precious little chance that the Ax Warriors would come out of this with even their lives. How very interesting tot think that one gang could entirely take out another, yet here was an obvious possibility of such an occurrence.

Rania was supposedly going to meet me in a short while; if all went well, we’d be playing tonight. With any hope, the policemen would be fixated on the gang war. Of course, it did seem likely that they’d ignore this entirely. After all, why should they interfere when those they hate so deeply are destroying themselves? To those bastards, we are as animals. They don’t care if we die, if we kill ourselves, so long as we don’t interfere with their society.

Too bad for them that we have every intention of doing just that. If everything goes as planned, society will wake up some day. If only every one of those who sat mindless could see what we were and what we had, the world could be regained. There could be some sort of sense to the whole of society. Now, however, there was nothing.

Thus our hobbies, our obsessions, became vital tasks. Did anyone see it as such? Who knew. Not that we entirely respected the lives of the wasted. In fact, those lives weren’t truly lives, anyway. They lived in lies. We brought them out of these lies. If not through music, then we released them from the haze of their lives.

We didn’t pretend that what we did was righteous, we didn’t need it to be justified. We saw means for it, we felt the need for it. Yes, I could have explained it to any who cared to ask. Would they listen? Doubtful. That never really mattered to me, though--whether they believed our reasons or not. What mattered was that we lived, that we made our music, and that we could do as seemed necessary for us. Perhaps even to bring the world into this glorious life.

Another cigarette gone to waste. Damnit. I’d have to procure more soon. Ah well, that wasn’t difficult. Security may have been increased in some areas, but in others it was nonexistent. One simply had to know where to go. That and the fact that we were working on our own products. That could turn out to be rather useful, no doubt.

Where was Rania? She’d find her way over eventually, yes, and until then I suppose I could focus on what was about to unfold. As we often do, Rania and I had agreed to meet between what had been deemed by the Freaks and the Ax Warriors as their territory. Territory in this city? Fie, who needed it? We preferred to move about as we would. Had we staked any sort of claim, it would have been to a back part of the city, not a big-time piece in the center. Then again, we didn’t have the numbers of other gangs, perhaps.

The music of the Warriors had been cut off abruptly as a voice called to them. Yes, this was it. How very interesting to witness a gang war, perhaps the demise of one group. When Rania arrived, I could leave with her, could enter with her, or could tell her to get the hell back to our own little base and enter myself. I wanted to see this for myself, and so the two latter options seemed the most acceptable. Was it foolery? Perhaps, but I’d resigned myself to the thought of my own demise long ago. Better to give this a shot than to miss out entirely.

It was always better to give something a shot, to take a chance.
