View Full Version : ~^`The Space Pirates`^~(Sign-Ups)

11th June 2003, 03:46 PM
Okay,here's the plot-

The Truth-
The Space Pirates turned into "who they are" when they infused the phazon into themselves,and they took on a "human" form to hide the "true" idenity of them.Everyone who is a Space Pirate has this "human form" to hide "Who they really are".

What has gone before-
Before,the Space Pirates where raiders,burning and taking everything.They found this material called Phazon,and they incresed their technology.
The Space Pirates have invaded the Pokemon World,after discovering LOADS of Phazon(Sound familar,Metroid Fans?)under the surface.They are using it for reasearch,but they do that to cover up on the construction of the Eclispe Cannon.And they'll do anything to get it up and running.
Anything,and EVERYTHING they can do.The EC(Eclispe Cannon) has the firepower to destroy anything it hits in it's path. The Space Pirates will use this to demonstrate what Phazon can do if used wisely.

One of their experiments is using Phazon to combine a human with a Pokemon.
You guys are one of the humans,trapped in a chamber,just wanting to get out for good.

I'm one of the villians,I'll be in the base until you get out,then I'll get going to get you. So be on the lookout.
My Character-
Basic Form:
Name- Shador
Looks-Space Pirate General,commands the base next to the Omega Pirate.

Other Form-
Name-The Hunter or Shador.
Looks-Looks alot like Neo,except with Blue eyes.Has alot of weapons..including an Arm-Mounted Space Pirate Secruity Gun.Wears the cloak to hide his "true" idenity.
History- Was infused with Phazon,and he wears a cloak to hide
"Who he really is".

Okay,you guys post this for your character-

Origanal Form:
Looks-(Picture accepted)
History-(make it brief,nothing huge,please)

Name-(Must be different)
Gender-(Can be different)
Age-(can be different)
Looks-(MUST be different)
Pokemon-(What Pkmn DNA was inserted into you)
Abbilites-(what powers do you have)

I'll accept 5 LSU's.After the 5,I'll start,and you can decide who is leading the group,since I'm a villian.
Other stuff-
Make sure to post your character info when you first post in the story topic,please,and put a brief happening before you get involved,and when you emerge from your chamber.And when the Space Pirate puts the DNA into you,he'll put it through the neck. Ouch.Just put something like:
and end short,and it'll be fine.
That's all for now,and sign-up.Once 5 in a row,none more will be accepted.

Mysterious Druid
13th June 2003, 05:16 AM
Origanal Form: Human
Name- Dinny
Gender- Male
Age- 18
Info- Is an excellent trainer, although now his pokemon ar missing. Also knows marshel arts
Looks-Tall an scrany, has brown hair and blue eyes, whare a pokemon cap .
History- Captured after completing a catclismic quest. He was caught unawheres and was hirt in the back of the head
Other-Has a dagger concealed up his sleave.
Friends- None with him

Changed- Combined whith a growlithe
Name- Fire Baine
Gender- Unknown, He was combined with his old growlithe which was female.
Age- 18
Looks- He looks like a humanoid Growlithe
Pokemon- Growlithe
Abbilites- Dinny stays the same. but like an Animorph he can morph into a humanoid growlithe at will. This gives him extra srtenght for his marshel arts, and the abilitie to use growlithe attacks.
Other- I don't know what this is for.
Info- The same as Dinny, except on top of being as frail as a human apart from his pokemon powers he now can't swim in this form.
Friends- None at the moment.

Just one more thing, will you start in this thread or another?

13th June 2003, 05:28 AM
Okay, U R In.:yes:
About the start in another thread,I'll start it in another thread,so this doesn't get crowded.
Just remember to post your character in the story thread one your first post there.

1 Down,4 to go.

15th June 2003, 05:55 PM
You know, if an RPG is locked, you don't post it again. Locked means locked.