View Full Version : The Eevee House RPG Version 2 (LSUs Welcome)
4th November 2002, 11:10 PM
:wave: Welcome to the Eevee House everyone. :wave: This is a place where you can let your adopted and captured pokemon hang out. (You can get adopted pokemon from the adoption centers in PCG). You can also make freinds. There are only a few simple rules...
1. No Flaming.
2. Now willful destruction of property. Accidents may happen such as a pokemon tripping and breaking a table.
3. Please make quality posts. We don't want this place closed.
And last
4. Have FUN!
A brief history of The Eevee House:
It was started as a club by Eevee Trainer Brad a long while ago as a club. It was where we could let our adopted pokemon out, and help them to develop persanilities. Brad pretty much turned it over to me to run a while back. Then it was closed by LP, some time later due to it being like an rpg. So here we are in our new hom.
The basis is you adopt pokemon from ACs or have them bred at the Breeding center. However, you won't find legendaire or dratinis. You have to earn a majrity of 100 stamps from the battle range to ask to breed fro a dratini. Or you could win won through selected games from time to time.
Here are some links that you might find helpful:
Dragon Tamers Adoption Center (
Pocket Monster's Breeding Center (
Poke Zoo Adoption Center (
Crystal Caves Capture Centure (
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. the people here are friendly and helpful.
Having said all that:
(Nala's NOV)
I walk over to the couch and release all of my pokemon. Jasmine is curled around my neck. She looks around eagerly to see if she sees Kidda anywhere. when she doesn't, she just lays her head down. Blazer walked over and sat down beside me on the floor next to the end of the couch.
(Sugar's POV)
I began to run about the new house exploring all the little nooks and cranines. I was a bit bored but i had a feeling that it wouldn't last that long.
Edit: Updated the links. ^_^
4th November 2002, 11:19 PM
Hey Amy thought I'd try this out. I've been here before but found that it was always a bit complicated for me. But I'll try it now!
Entering slowly, I looked around. It was sort of empty at the moment, only Amy and her pokemon were here.
"Wow!" Fury yelled, running into the house past me, whipping me with her six tails. "This is soo cool! Skitzo! Nails! Shadow! Nimmy! Check this out!"
"Hey Amy," I waved, walking over to the couch next to her.
"Hey Tara," Amy replied.
"Okay lets see..." I paused looking around. "Tara check out the stereo! How would Goldfinger sound on that?!"
"Loud," Skitzo replied. Skitzo was also known as Shinoda, and he was a psycho Eevee, just like I was a hyper Vulpix.
Nails the Totodile wandered in behind us, guiding Nimmy, Shinoda's daughter. Behind them Shadow entered, and sniffed around.
"Well, we're here," Nails looked around.
"Yay!" Nimmy cried.
4th November 2002, 11:30 PM
(Nala's POV)
"Hi Tara." I said. "Glad you could come. This really isn't that complicated. It's..." *gets pounced on by Sugar* "a place where you can just hang out and have fun with your pokemon. You can make friends and your pokemon can also make friends."
"This little practical jokster is Sugar. She has a habit of lying near the door to th Eevee House and tackling whoever is the next to enter. She's more prone to doing this when her boyfriend, Meowh_Kitten's flareon isn't here. And this arcanine here is Blazer. He's the first pokemon i ever adopted."
(Blazer's POV)
I smiled. We had a new person to enter the eevee house. Though i hadn't met her. Nala knew her and she knew Nala. I got up and walked over to greet her.
4th November 2002, 11:38 PM
I could see Amy and Tara talking, and by Amy's side sat a large Arcanine, which seemed to have the name Blazer. I grinned at Skitzo, who groaned and turned away to take care of Nimmy and avoid being involved with whatever I was scheming.
I ran over and jumped onto the table. I was about to jump off straight away and land on Tara, but instead the table was polished, and I slipped and fell forward, right into the side of the startled Arcanine.
"Oops..." I grinned sheepishly at the large fire dog. "Sorry bout that."
"This is Fury," Tara introduced. "Okay, let me put it this way..."
"I was the first pokemon she adopted and I'm alwasy hypo nice to meet both of you bye bye," I interrupted, before turning and running off, passing Shadow as she went over next to Tara.
"Well that was an interesting experience..." Blazer commented.
"Hi I'm Shadow," Shadow introduced herself to Blazer and Amy. Blazer nodded in return.
"Your friend, she's very weird," Blazer replied.
"Well what can I say?" Tara shrugged.
Dark Dragonite
4th November 2002, 11:48 PM
(DD's POV)
I entered the house, still missing Septiembre, and Outkast, but having Nave and Noel back, who quickly joined in with the rest of the Eeveelution gang. I waved to Tara, then ran up, grabbing Amy in a hug so fast we almost fell over. I had my typical huge grin on my face I got whenever Amy was around, and kissed her. I was a bit tired, and headachey before, but I felt better just talking with Amy now.
(Flare's POV)
I trodded in slowly, I had lost. I looked up at Blazer, trying to hide my disappointment, but it was obvious. I wanted to be so much like him, strong, and attractive, and perfect, but I wasn't, or atleast I didn't feel it right now.I sat myself down, trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes.
(Kidda's POV)
I rushed over to see Jasmine, and blew a few bubbles in her direction, to get her attention. I was excited, just cause I got to see my friend again. "What do you wanna do tonight??" I asked.
4th November 2002, 11:57 PM
It had been a while since I had been here. I walked toward the Eevee house and opened the door. Inside, I saw Mist and her Pokemon, and Nala98 and her Pokemon. I released all of my guys. Eevee, Smeargle, Ditto, Squirtly, Charmander, Thunda, Larvitar, and my new baby Eevee, Evan! Squirtly tugged on my jeans and I looked down. He started to say something and started pointing at Nala98. I thought for a moment...I got it.
"You want to go see for old owner right?" I asked him.
"Squirtle!" he nodded.
Squirtly's POV
Finally! We made it! The Eevee house was always so much fun! There was a giant pool in the back...I could live there all day! This place was great.
When we walked, I knew this was going to be a great day! I eyed a beach ball on the table. Perfect! I could play with that in the pool! I looked around some more and I noticed...Nala98! My old owner! I want to go say hi. So I walked to PMF, tugged on his jeans, and asked him if I could go. He thought for a while...why can't those humans understand us? It isn't that it? He finally says yes and I trotted over and waved...
5th November 2002, 12:00 AM
I picked up Charchoo, Nimmy's Charmander plushie, and gave it too her. The door burst open and in rushed Steve (DD) and him and Amy hugged and kissed. I could tell Tara was freaked out by that sudden event, but I couldn't help laughing. Blazer and Shadow were still talking about whatever they were on about, and Fury and Shinoda were running around playing some game.
"Nimmy," I called.
"Yesh Uncky Nails?" Nimmy asked.
"I'm gonna go for a walk around, want to come?" I asked.
"Yay!" she cried.
"Hey, actually, we'll go for a walk later," I told Nimmy. "Go play with Charchoo."
"Okay," Nimmy nodded and picked up Charchoo in her mouth and bounded off. I had just seen somethign that I didn't really like seeing.
In the corner, a Growlithe looked really upset. (I think its a growlithe. Flare is a growlithe right?) Walking over to it I sat down next to it.
"Heya, I'm Nails," I greeted. "Are you okay? Anything you want to talk about?"
Flare looked up at me.
5th November 2002, 12:00 AM
(Nala's POV)
I was talking when suddenly i was grabbed from behind in a hug. I knew who that was and I smiled. When we alost fell over i started laughing. Then Sugar, gave me and evil grin and walked between our legs tripping us and making the two of us land in a heap on the floor. Then Sugar climbed on top of us and gave us her famous angelic Who me expression. I burst out laughing again. Then i saw my old squirtle. I reached into my pocket, somehow conideringwe were all tangled up and pulled out a poke treat and handed it to him.
(Blazer's POV)
I saw DD and his pokes come in. When i saw that Flare was down in the dumps, i said excuse me to my new friends and went over to talk to her. "What's wrong?" I asked her. When she told me that she lost her battle. I nodded. If was your first battle right. You don't become a star over night. You do have your own shine though. It just takes practice. With practice comes experience. And with Experience you can do a lot. Don't be s upset over one loss. I've had a few losses, myself. But they were in the past and i don't remember much about them myself.
(Jasmine's POV)
"Hi," I said to Kidda. When she asked me what i wanted to do. I shrugged my wings. "I dunt no. What do you wanna do?" I smiled as i slithered down Nala's arm, to where Kidda was on the couch.
5th November 2002, 12:07 AM
"Is that what happened?" I asked.
Flare nodded, really dissapointed.
"Well dont' worry about it, believe me, with every battle you get wisdome," Blazer replied.
"Yeah, at least now you can plan a stragedy or something," I shrugged.
I don't think that helped.
THis place was new. Uncle Nails didnt' take me for a walk yet but I wold wait. Aunty Fury and Daddy were running around playing a game of some sort. Aunty Shadow was over with Tara, leaving me and Charchoo alone.
"Charchoo I love you," I told Charchoo.
Charchoo didn't really answer.
5th November 2002, 12:22 AM
I watched from afar as Squirtly embraced his old owner. Squirtly was having fun with the rest of them. I sat down at the red leather couch I usually sit in and put my backpack down. Smeargle was painting a picture of the pool and the PKMN in it. Eevee and Ditto were talking in the cosy corner, on top of a blanket. Larvitar was chasing Thunda again, trying to bite her tail off. I hugged my Charmander tightly, but gently at the same time. And the baby Eevee, Evan...he was crawling around in my bag. Playing with the little balls I had in there. He dug threw my clothes and towels. He bursted right out with shirt on his head. He looked like a hippie! He had a tube in his hand...oh no, not the Gene Accerator stuff!
Thunda's POV
"WHAAAAA!" I cried as I ran from the dumb Larvitar. He was always trying to rip my tail right off! I have to teach him a lesson someday. But for now...I'd have to put up with it...oh boy...he's getting closer...better get the cotton ball ready...
Evan's POV
"WOW! Look at all the neat stuff!"
There was so much stuff, and so many colors. Red, blue, green, yellow, I had to go though them all. I dug though the clothes and sniffed and smelled each one.
"YAH!" I cried happily. This was fun. Then, I found a clear thing. I took it out. It looked like...SODA! Yum! I popped open the thing and took a big gulp..."
Uggh! I feel funny...
5th November 2002, 12:29 AM
"Hey your're Frank aren't you?" I asked the dude sitting on the couch. Assuming I was right I turned my attention to what he was looking at.
His baby Eevee with a tubeful of Gene Accelerator in its mouth.
Nimmy joined Shadow and me and spying the other baby Eevee, she gave a sqeal of delight and dropped Charchoo.
"Baby!" Nimmy cried. "like me!"
"Um... this baby is about to evolve," Frank began. "But into what?"
"Anything is possible," I replied.
Fury and I sat down, tired, next to two pokemon. "Stop trying to bite off my tail larvitar!" the electric pokemon yelled.
"Thundra!" Larvitar complained, as he got shoved back roughly.
"Got a rocky problem hey thundra," Fury spoke up.
"Yeha," Thundra grinned. "I'm Thundra, but you already know that. Who are you?"
"I'm Fury and this is Skitzo," Fury replied.
"My name is actually Shinoda but she calls me Skitzo," I added.
Larvitar suddenly looked up and saw six of the nicest things he had seen. Leaping forward, he latched onto Fury's six beautiful tails.
Dark Dragonite
5th November 2002, 12:32 AM
(Kidda's POV)
I thought of something fun. "Watch this!!" I said, as I blew bubbles at Lavender.She leaped up, landing on Evangelon, who bit Jimi, who shocked Nave, who scratched Noel. Soon all the Eeveelutions, save Myst, were wrything on the floor. I gave a mischevious giggle.
(DD's POV)
I made sure Amy was ok when we landed, letting her fall on me. It kinda reminded me of that scene from The Lion King, where Nala is on top of Simba, and there is this sense of a romantic shared moment. I smiled up at her, asking: "Are you ok hun??"
I held her close, giving a kiss on the nose.
(Eeveelution gang POV)
After all that trouble, we decided we should have some of this fun, and invited Sugar along as we whispered a plot. As soon as we figured everything out, we lunged at Tara, yelling: "DOGPILE!!"
(Flare's POV)
"Yeah, I guess you're right" I said, still feeling a bit down, but better. I pawed at Blazer in a loving manner, waiting for his reaction.
5th November 2002, 12:41 AM
(Jasmine's POV)
I giggleds at what happened because of Kidda's bubbles. Then i saw an eevee. I tapped Kidda with my wing. "let's go say hi." With that i tied to fivure a way to get down from the couch.
(Nala's POV)
"I'm ok." I told DD and the others. "I guess Sugar's just bored. Uh oh. I think your eeveelution gang just accepted a new member." They huddled together, and then shouted "Dogpile" I braced but it wasn't us they went after......
(Blazer's POV)
I was glad that we could make Flare feel better. I winked over at Nails in a way thanking him for the help. Then she pawed my leg and smiled up at me and i blushed. Stammering.... I asked Flare if she wanted to work on target practice. I smiled at her. Then i asked Nails if he would like to practice too.....
5th November 2002, 12:45 AM
Larvitar let go as we heard a startled yelp from Tara as she was attacked by a whole gang of Eeveeloutions.
"Other Eeveeloutions!" I cried running over.
"They better not be attacking Tara!" Fury added.
"Its' only fun," I told Fury before joining the pile.
"Ack! Shinoda! Fury! you've betrayed me!" Tara managed to accuse playfully inbetween groans and yelps.
Taking my gaze away from the dogpile ontop of Tara, I looked over to where Nails was, and I could see he was obviously the third wheel.
"Hey Nails, are you getting hungry?" I asked, walking over to save him from being left out.
"Yeah, lets go get food," Nails smiled back.
5th November 2002, 12:49 AM
Oh no! He drank it! Evan started changing...changing form, glowing in the process. Note to self, never leave babies unattended. He grew and Umbreon! Cool! An Umbreon.
"Congratulations Evan, I think..." I said to him. I sighed as I looked at the empty tube. I guess I'll have to go buy another one...
Evan ran over too his mom and dad. I think they looked stunned.
My gazed turned to a pile of Eevolutions piled onto of a trainer. Hmm...some people just can't control their...AGGHHH!
Sorry if I was wrong. Is Tara a trainer or a Pokemon? Sorry again if I was incorrect in my assumption...
Eevee's POV
What happened to our baby?!?
He had become as big as me! Oh my! What is going on?
Evan told me that he drank this stuff he thought was soda and turned this way. Soda...sheesh...I walked up to him and snuggled him maternally and Ditto came closer to him as well. We told him that we were proud of him.
5th November 2002, 06:59 AM
I had walked into the Eevee house, refreshed for a new day! I let out my Meowth, whom I let run around to meet new friends, while I did the same. I noticed the very same person who had given me my bundle of joy across the room. Her name was Dark Dragonite, and I decided to say hi! I walked over to her. "Hey, I remember you! You gave me my meowth!"
(Meowth's POV)
My owner let me out of my ball. I guess the intention was to let me move around, and meet different pokes. I saw a brawl across the room. I decided to go see. Too bad I didn't miss the chair in my way. *CRASH* Sooner than an instant, everyone looked in my direction. I gulped...
5th November 2002, 08:48 AM
Link's POV
I walked to the Eevee House and knocked on the door. A person opened the door. I looked at them. "Hello" i said. I had my pokemon eggs in my hand. "Oh i know you" he said. "I gave you one of those eggs" he said. I thought a moment. It was DD. "Ok i know you now" i said. "Come in" he said. I walked in and saw a lot of pokemon and some of my friends. I just stood there looking. Then DD came over there and introduced me to everybody. "Everybody this is Link" he said. I saw a place to sit at a near by wall. I walked over there and sat and looked at everybody else. I got a little bored so i let out a few pokemon. I let out my Murkrow, Aipom, and my Sneasel. They smiled.
Murkrow's POV
I looked around. I was in a place i have never seen before. I turned around and saw my master Link. I flew over there and landed on his shoulder so i could just look at all the people and their pokemon. It was kinda weird being in a place with all these pokemon. I jumped down and started to talk to Sneasel.
Sneasel's POV
Murkrow jumped down from Link's sholder and started to talk to me. She had asked me how i felt about this place. I said, "Well it isnt all that fun" Murkrow noded. "I feel the same way" she said. I looked at Aipom hanging from Link's arm. I went over and sat beside Link. Murkrow just flew back on his shoulder.
Aipmon's POV
The other pokemon werent having fun. I got down from Link's arm and went to the Sneasel. "Hey" i said. "What" he said. "I just want to talk" i said. "Well i dont" he said. He turned and fell asleep. I got mad and hit him with my tail. He jumped up and almost scratched me with his claws. I caught them with my tail. "Why dont you like this place" i said. "Because i dont know any of these people" he said. "I know there is alot of people here" i said. We called Murkrow down and we started to talk. "What are we going to do" Murkrow said. "I dont know" Sneasel said. "Maybe we should just play it safe near Link" i said. "Ok" they agreed. We walked over to Link and just sat still looking at the other people. Link is doing the same.
5th November 2002, 04:13 PM
I entered the new Eevee House doors and looked around at all the new and old faces. I stepped aside when I heard the thundering thumps of my whole team's paws. BlueShadow flew past me, carrying all five of my Eeveelutions and Eevee. Then Zippo, Poisedon, and Rocky followed. Jayce and Jeepers rolled into the House, wrestling and biting each other playfully.
I walked over to Nala and DD and greeted them. Then I sat on the sofa. There just wasn't much to do here at the Eevee House anymore...
Knight of Time
5th November 2002, 04:21 PM
[My POv]
Walking into the Eevee House, I decided to take out Rocky, and I left him outside. Though he was too big to fit inside the Eevee House without curling up, which he could not do at the moment. Even though it saddened me a little to realize that Rocky could not be in the Eevee House, I knew that he was safe outside, and I smiled at him as I walked into the Eevee House, waving to Nala, DD, M_K and LV, as I decided to take out my copy of the movie called Inspector Gadget.
5th November 2002, 04:25 PM
OOC: Dark Dragonite is a guy.... ;) I'm a girl.
(Nala's POV))
I waved to the all the new people in the Eevee House. :wave: Then i walked over and said hello to MK. Jasmine slithered into MK's lap. Then i got an idea. I whistled for Blazer, Talut, and Blue. Thene we (M_K, Me, DD, Blazer, Blue, and Talut) began to plan for something special for the Eevee House. It was beginning to feel like the old times. Soon we dispersed and got to work
(Jasmine's POV)
Once Nala and the others got to talking again. I slithered down and over to where Kidda was. "Hi," i said smiling.
(Simba's POV)
I saw Sandie and smiled. I went to my hiding spot and pulled out the box i had for her. Inside it was a black collar with a pearl hanging frm it. I gulped and then went to look for her. I hoped Sandie liked it.
5th November 2002, 04:30 PM
OOC: Hey you guys, do you know when the flying race will take place?
<Blade's POV>
Flying around the house, I gathered the clan up for a meeting. Standing around, they listened as I explained our situation.
"Ok people, listen up. The Battle Tower has recently opened and we're in horrible shape. We haven't trained in months. Now, we're gonna our regime again."
The others nodded excitedly at the thought of training once more. Usually, others would hate it but our team thrives on challenges.
"Lyra, you're against Nightshade. Lee, you're against Drake, Apollo is against Aries, and I will team up with Shade. After 30 minutes, we'll take a break and then go to the bags."
Everyone nodded and spread around the house while Shade, Lee, Drake and I went out since we were too big. Nodding my head, we immediately started our program once more.
5th November 2002, 04:46 PM
Tara - who isn't a pokemon
I escaped thankfully alive from the dogpile and managed to make my way over to the other couch next to Frank before collapsing. "No more dogpiles on me!" I cried.
"Spoil sport," Fury grumbled.
"Wow you evolved it into an Umbreon!" I gazed at the Umbreon that Frank patted.
"I didn't mean to, it ate all the Gene Accelerator," Frank replied.
"Wow! Nimmy got baby friend who evolve!" Nimmy squealed. She walked up to Evan with Charchoo by her side. "hi, I Nimmy," Nimmy greeted.
"I'm Evan," Evan replied, his black tail waving around.
5th November 2002, 04:51 PM
Link's POV
There was alot of people in here now. All kinds of people just sitting around. Me, i was in the corner with nobody around me but my pokemon. My pokemon felt just like i did, Alone.
Dark Crow's POV
Link was just staring. He was alone and had nobody to talk to but us. I got the other pokemon and we started to talk about the situation.
Mr. Monkey Man's POV
Drak Crow had told us all to talk. I walked over there and we started to wisper. "So what are we supposed to do" i said. "I dont know" Dark Crow said. "Maybe we should leave" Dark Frost said. "No" I said. "Yah, Mr Monkey Man is right" Dark Crow said.
Dark Frost's POV
Nobody was agreeing with me. I wanted to leave. There was nobody to talk to. I saw Link turn around. He looked straight at us. He acted like he wanted to leave too. I walked over to him to show him i wanted to leave. I got my claw out and scratched him. He yelled. I smiled. The other pokemon came over to me and started to beat me up. Dark Crow was pecking me and Mr. Monkey Man was smaking me. I told them to stop. I was really sorry for scratching Link.
Link's POV
Dark Frost had scratched me. The blood was coming out really fast. I got up to see if anybody was noticing. "Does anybody have any bandages" i asked. I looked.
5th November 2002, 05:04 PM
"I'll be right back," I told Frank, going over to Link, who was bleeding. "Come into the kitchen, I saw some bandages earlier there."
"Thanks," Link accepted my offer gratefully, and hobbled into the kitchen.
I was surprised to see Tara and another guy walk into the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" I asked, closing the fridge.
"Getting bandages," Tara replied.
"Since when did you do first aid?" I asked.
"I dont I've seen it done though," Tara answered, grabbing the bandages and fixing Link's leg up.
"You want any?" Shadow asked, offering Tara and link some food.
Dark Dragonite
5th November 2002, 05:15 PM
(DD's POV)
I helped set everything up, waving to people as they entered the house, and stayed as close to Nala as I could. I watched as Kidda once again went off for some fun with Jasmine, thinking those two will be great friends. I noticed the Eeveelution gang running around while Nala was up on a ladder, trying to put up a banner. I tried to warn her, but it was too late, one of them knocked over the ladder, and she fell!! I lunged over towards her, catching her, and preparing to hit the ground hard. But we didn't, instead I landed softly in the arms of Mercury!! I thanked him, and asked Nala if she was ok. Then I turned to the Eeveelution gang with a lecture.
(Kidda's POV)
I saw Jasmine come over, and said "Hey" back. I asked her if she had any idea for something fun to do, that wouldn't involve the now-dangerous eeveelution gang.
5th November 2002, 06:44 PM
Link's POV
I couldnt believe it. People were actually talking to me. It was kinda cool having people to talk to. A pokemon named Shadow had offered me some food. "Ummm i guess i will have some" i said. It smiled. The girl named Tara Smiled too. I just smiled back.
Dark Crow's POV
Link had finally found someone to talk to. It was amasing. I walked into the kitchen with them and looked around.
Dark Frost's POV
Dark Crow had walked into the kitchen. I followed her into there to see what she was doing.
Mr. Monkey Man's POV
The other pokemon went into the kitchen. I didnt want to be alone so i followed them also. When i got into the kitchen i just looked at the girl and Link.
5th November 2002, 06:52 PM
:wave: "What is this stuff?" I asked Shadow, biting it.
"Biscuits," Shadow replied.
I froze. "What kind..." I asked slowly.
"Chocolate chip, not pokemon biscuits, relax," she sighed.
"I know the pokemon ones are over here," Nails input, holidng out a barrel of cookies.
It read Choc Chip Cookies
"Why does that say Choc Chip if these are the choc chip?" I asked slowly.
Shadow quickly looked over at her barrel, and grinned sheepishly. "I have to.. use the bathroom bye!" She anounced running off.
Snakes N' Legends
5th November 2002, 07:08 PM
<My POV>
I walked into the Eevee house with one new adopted pokemon. A Tauros was the perfect addition to my adopted collection. I released my first six adopted pokemon and then I released Tauros. I already had a name for it. Rage was its new name and Growlithe would be renamed Torch. Then I looked for a place for Tauros to run free. This place must have one, I thought. Then I noticed Nala and another trainer. I told Tauros to stay put while the others ran around. I told him that I didn't want to be kicked out because my Tauros caused havoc to the place. I walked over to Nala and asked, "Hey Nala, does this place have a range for Tauroses? Why I am asking is I need somewhere for Tauros to have fun, but at the expense of the house."
<Torch's POV>
So a Tauros was added to our group of fun loving pokemon and I got new name. Sure, Rage was better but Torch is better since it fits by name. All of us except Rage went to a corner to chat. No tag today but of course Poison Strike just slept all the time. I understood. Until he evolves into Arbok, a Ekans isn't that good at playing tag.
<Rage's POV>
I watched the others chat. Then I looked arond the house. I felt uneasy around here but I stayed put. TM told me to stay and I would. He was talking to another trainer. I had the urge to jump on him or run up and tickle him with my tail but I didn't. I had to resist the urge to do that. I waited for TM to come back over.
<Poison Strike's POV>
I woke up and saw the others chatting. For once, they weren't playing tage and for once, I had a plan. I might not be fast but I still could play the game. I stretched out my scales and crawled up to Bolt. Bolt didn't see me coming until he looked at me. I slid innocently like I wasn't doing anything. He turned back to keep on talking until I tagged him with my tail.
"Hey, Bolt. You're it." I yelled.
Then I started to slither off as fast as I could. I could see him get angry and stomping off at me. The others weren't following so he was going after me. This was perfect now I was going to be the one to have fun.
<Bolt's POV>
That Ekans!!! I knew there was something sneaky about him. I rushed after him but we did it in a way no one would get hurt. Suddenly, he stopped. I knew I had him until he flattened out. I was confused until that's when it hit me. Actually, it was when I tripped on him and started to tumble. I began a rolling fashion and rolled right into my friends. The rolling caused me to run into them and cause a counter effect. Everyone flew into the air. We all hit the ground. Poison Strike slithered over. Normally, I would have been mad but I started to laugh. I forgot all about the game.
Aipom Of Doom
5th November 2002, 08:06 PM
I walk up to the Eevee House, trailed by a long group of Pokemon. We all walk inside, and my Pokemon disperse around the area. Hydro(Wartortle) and Aqua(Totodile) run over to the pool, where I also release Flatten(Snorlax) and Lapras.
Flare(Charmeleon) and Blaze(Quilava) walk over to the kitchen. Mopia(Aipom) climbs up to a high shelf, where Zippy(Spearow) lands on the other side and stares at everyone
Aipom, Gaea(Sandshrew) and May(Eevee) walk around the living room, while Tyrant(Larvitar) decides to dig holes in the yard.
Tulie(my baby Dratini) curls around my neck and falls asleep, and Sai(Scizor), Thunderblast(Raichu), and I go to see what's changed around the Eevee House since it was closed down a long time ago.
5th November 2002, 08:17 PM
<Drake's POV>
I peered at Blade as we kept up our match. It was increasingly harder to see and we were both very tired. Deciding to call it a rest, Lee and Shade joined us as we walked back inside. We saw the others sprawled on the floor, dead tired. Motioning to them that the day was over, they happily cheered and dragged themselves into a pool. Since I couldn't join them, I went outside and looked at the stars, something I hadn't done in awhile.
<Shade's POV>
Lumbering into the pool, I gazed around. There were a lot of new people here but some familiar faces graced the house. I saw my former teammate, Gaea, walking around the House. I also Lyra's old boyfriend jump into the pool and having a good time. I sighed as I missed Ivy but she left to protect her best friend. It was a brave thing to do. Suddenly, Apollo poked me and asked me to throw him. Nodding, I grappled him with my vines and threw him far into the deep end, causing a big splash. Lyra and Aries also asked and they were thrown at the same time, almost colliding. Determined to be happy, I focused on the present and enjoyed the cool water.
5th November 2002, 08:42 PM
GEEZ! Those guys are a hand full. I handed Thunda the first aid kit and I contained Larvitar again. I took out a piece of paper and wrote Note to self, don't release Larvitar at the Eevee house. I put the paper away and looked up. The dogpiled trainer walked up to me and ploped down on the couch.
"No more dogpiles on me!" Tara cried. "WOW! You evolved it into an Umbreon!"
I told her I didn't mean too and that Evan drank all the Genetic Accerator Gene.
I watched as Evan walked over to a baby Eevee and started to play with it. I'm glad that Evan and Nimmy were having fun!
"I'll be right back," said Tara as she got up and walked over to Link. She brought Link to the kitchen. Shadow followed in as well.
Sorry Tara...wasn't sure about that...I'm still a little new here...
6th November 2002, 04:19 AM
I ran over to the sink and spat out whatever I was eating. Link shrugged. "If they are pokemon biscuits then they taste pretty nice."
I looked at him, scared.
"See I'm not the only one who likes them," Nails announced, jumping onto the bench where Link sat and grabbing a mouthful.
"Right..." I grabbed a drink of water and tried to rinse out the taste.
"Why did you evolve?" I asked Evan.
"I ate the stuff in the tube," Evan answered. "This is what happened."
"Maybe I want to volve," I paused. "Nah! Being me is fun."
"Maybe we can go play ball," Evan suggested.
"Yeah! Ball!" I cried. Then I stopped, and looked at Evan. "As long as Charchoo can come," I added, hoping he wouldn't htink charchoo was dumb.
"Charchoo can play," Evan replied.
6th November 2002, 06:14 AM
No one's listening to my posts... :(
Dark Dragonite
6th November 2002, 12:22 PM
OOC: GLY, we do listen to your posts, hence why I have to tell you I am a guy, and Nala a girl. I apologize if I haven't followed others posts too well, I seem to be fixed upon one certain special person. :D Please don't leave one line notes like that, as the Eevee House might get closed from spam.
(DD's POV)
I walked around, waving hi to anyone who was in the house at the time, hoping I would see Nala soon. Septiembre didn't look too sad from his loss, probably due to me helping him learn Giga drain through TM. All my pokes were surrounding me on the couch, relaxing, and waiting for their friends to arrive.
(Eeveelution Gang's POV)
We saw Septiembre spinning a web from the ceiling to the top of the couch DD was resting on. Myst decided he wanted to go sleep on DD's lap, so we let him go.He was still young, he'd have plenty of time to wreak havoc with us when he was grown, maybe after an Eeveelution.
(Flare's POV)
I padded around the front of the couch, hoping to see Blazer again, and soon. I watched the Eeveelution gang wonder about for about ten minutes, then decided to com over to DD's couch, and we all plopped ourselves down for a rest as well.
Knight of Time
6th November 2002, 12:35 PM
[My POV]
Coming into the Eevee House for today, I was a little nervous. Though my battle with Link 10 was surely going to end today, I had no idea when I would get Cybertron back. Knowing that it might win made me feel a little proud of myself, but I soon had a feeling that I might lose a battle someday, unless I trained a bit harder, and I decided to take out Hector for now, and I asked DD if Flare had a boyfriend already.
6th November 2002, 01:22 PM
OOC: Okay. Sorry. ;)
Ah! A fresh new start! I had to repair the chair that my Meowth had broken. These tykes can be a bit clumsy at first. I let her out once again, told her to keep an eye on where she was going, and headed inside with her. I needed conversation, so I decided to go to DD for one. He gave that Meowth to me, and since I had said my thanks, decided it was time for a good talk. "Hi, howzit goin'?" I asked.
Meowth's POV:
My master had let me out, told me to stay out of trouble, and let me on my way. I saw several pokemon pals, but I decided to head the same direction as Yoshi, and decided to talk with the pokemon there. "Hi, I'm Meowth, Who are you?" I said in my pokish toungue.
6th November 2002, 01:38 PM
(Nala's POV)
I had to laugh thise was fun. Blazer had offered to give me a ride to the Eevee House. He had used Extreme speed with a couple of agilities, and we were there in no time. We burst through the door to the EH, and Blazer slowed to a stop. I let go of his mane and climbed down. I quietly released the rest of my adoptees, and then i released my captured pokemon. Then i walked over to hug DD. I waved at all of the new faces at the EH.
(Blazer's POV)
I laughed. It was good to see Nala so happy lately. I decided to make up for Talut and my secret behavior. I wasn't about to tell her what we were plannig, so i just offered her a ride to the eevee house. She grinned, and hugged me. When we reached the house, guess who was already there ;) . DD. Nala climbed off my back and released her pokemon before walking over to hug DD. I felt someone poke my side, and i looked down to see Flare. I smiled. "You wanna just rest and whatch a movie, or do you wanna go into the back yard for some target practice?"
(Jasmine's POV)
I didn't see Kidda anywhere, but i was bored. I saw Dad and waved at him with my tail.
Snakes N' Legends
6th November 2002, 05:02 PM
<My POV>
I decided that if I got in trouble, I would but I should ask first. I got a Heracross. That was good news since none of my pokemon were Bulbasaurs. I released Rage. He looked at me. I released the others again. I knew they hated this but they had another friend to play with. Poison Strike had started a game of tag that they played earlier. Heracross, which I am calling it Sap Sucker since it fits, walked beside Tauros and me as I walked over to Nala. Nala was talking to Dark Dragonite, I think that's who it was.
"Nala, hey I want you to meet my update group of pokemon. My Growlithe which is renamed Torch is playing tag with the others. My Elekid named Bolt is also playing tag with the others . My Ekans named Poison Strike is playing tag with the others. although he usually sleeps. My Natu named Psywing is also playing tag with the others. My Scyther who is named Exit ... I didn't name him, it came with the name ... is also playing tag with the others."
I stopped to take a breather.
"This is my Heracross who is called Sap Sucker and this is my Tauros, which I named him Rage. Rage fits Tauros better than it did with Growlithe."
Suddenly, Exit flew awfully close. Scyther apologized and flew after Torch.
<Rage's POV>
As TM was talking to this Nala person, I was being polite and not trying to knock him down. I wanted people or pokemon that I wasn't rude. I looked at my new friend Heracross. Then I saw a Arcanine. I guess I wasn't the only large Pokemon in this house. Scyther doesn't really count. Arcanine and I were large pokemon, well not larger than Snorlax but you get the jist. I wanted to join the Arcanine so I kept on nudging TM and pointing towards the Arcanine.
<Sap Sucker's POV>
As I stood next to TM, I looked for a Bulbasaur to suck on. I was hungry. I needed some sap to suck on. I guess that's why TM called me Sap Sucker. Waiting for a Bulbasaur to arrive, I grasped my arms onto TM's Leg. I noticed that Rage was nudging him. I guess there was something about TM that made us like him.
7th November 2002, 12:56 AM
Suddenly my mobile went off in my pocket. Whisking it out I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Heya," it was Todd, my friend from outside of tPM. "Um... look... I only like you as a friend now..."
"Okay thats cool," I replied, with much fake enthusiasm. "I wanted to tell u the same thing but just couldnt."
"Okay, see you," Todd replied.
"Bye." I hung up. Link and Nails looked at me. "I'll be out the back if anybody needs me," I told them. They shrugged assuming I was fine, and went back to eating pokemon biscuits. I went out the back and found a place where i could be alone.
Just like I always was.
7th November 2002, 04:15 PM
"Don't drop it, Blue... *splat* Ah, dang it."
"Sorry, MK."
"It's okay, someone will eat it, the floor isn't dirty. Just go set the rest on the counters in the kitchen and dig in!"
I held the doors of the Eevee House open for BlueShadow to carry about twenty square boxes into the kitchen. I held five more and Christian was coming around the corner, holding five others with his Psychic attack. After the Umbreon had gone through the doors, I took a deep breathe.
"Anyone up for some pizza?!?! Dig in! It's on me!"
I grinned as those who wanted to eat ran into the kitchen. Then I looked around for Nala or anyone else I knew and released my team. They all smelled the air and followed everyone else into the kitchen, stomaches growling with hunger.
7th November 2002, 05:53 PM
(Nala's POV)
I slowly walked into the Eevee House after a stressful day. At least the history exam was easir than i thought. So i was in the mood to relax. I saw the pizza and then grabbed me a slice befroe heading over to where M_K was. I plopped down next to her. I was glad to see her. It had been a while. I put Snow Dogs into the DVD player and then released my pokemon who went to their usual blaces. Jasmine settled down on my lap.
(Jasmine's POV)
I didn't see Dad or Kidda anywwhere, so i just settled down on Nala's lap. I smiled shyly up at Nala's friend. I think her name was M_K.
(Simba's POV)
I paced around nerous. I hoped Sandie had liked her present.
(Kovu's POV)
I saw M_K and smiled. That meant that Sadie was here somewhere. I began to look for her.
7th November 2002, 06:18 PM
I smiled when Nala put Snow Dogs in and sat down beside me. I also grinned and tickled Jasmine under her chin. "How are ya, Nala? You look tired."
[Sandie's POV]
I spotted Simba and took off in his direction. By the time he turned around, I was already just a few feet in front of him, still running at full speed. I happily leapt into the air and tackled Simba, playfully sitting on top of him, nuzzling his face. Then I helped him up to his paws.
"Oh Simba, I'm so sorry I didn't have time to thank you for this gift eariler. I really love it, it's so pretty. Would you help me put it on? And I also have something for you..."
I gave Simba the box that held my new necklace. He took it out and put it on my neck and fastened it. I smiled sweetly at him and pulled out the bag I had.
"I know this isn't much, and it's not jewlry or anything like that, but I thought it would look great on you."
I watched as Simba opened the bag and pulled out an emerald colored cap. It was specially designed to fit a Vaporeon. There were hats for all the Pokemon ever found. Each had an embordery of that Pokemon and came with the option of having a name put on the side of the hat. So the hat had Simba's name sewn onto one side of the hat.
I hoped Simba would like it, it was kind of a last minute gift, but meant just as much.
"Oh yeah, it's waterproof, too. It's specially designed for a Vaporeon, after all."
I smiled shyly at him and nuzzled him happily.
[Sadie's POV]
I was walking around, being very bored. Then I saw Daddy. I ran over to him and greeted him warmly, with nuzzles and kisses. Then I asked him where Mommy was."
7th November 2002, 06:21 PM
I came in with a saddened Lyra and her battle ready teammates. Right from the get go, everyone smelled pizza.
"Pizza!", Nightshade cried out and rushed towards the food with the others right behind him.
"No!", I tried to stop them but they all rammed into 3 boxes, stuffing themselves to the core.
The only one who walked over with me was Lee. He always was the calm one, perfect to be a leader but never had the chance to be. Growing taller every second, he took out a piece of pizza and walked away, eating it. It was a wonder that he didn't look any taller than he already was. Perching himself on the top of the jungle gym, he took Nightshade's old spot and watched over everyone.
7th November 2002, 06:32 PM
(Simba's POV)
I smiled. I was glad that Sandie had liked her present. I was a little shocked that she had something for me. I opened it and saw a cute cap. I put it on immediately and nuzzled Sandie. "I like it. Thanks. You wanna go for a swim?" She nodded so we went to the pool.
(Blazer's POV)
I looked around for either Ace or Flare. I sisn't see either so i went over to atch the movie with M_K and Nala.
(Nala's POV)
I yawned after M_K mentioned that i looked tired. "Yeah." I told her. "I was up till like one something studying for the history test. I'm just relaxing for the rest of the night...
7th November 2002, 07:24 PM
I decided I had to leave for the day. Sadly, I grabbed my Meowth, and slipped outside. I will start a fresh new day tomorrow! And then, that's when I will begin to train my pokemon!
(Where can I train my Meowth?)
7th November 2002, 07:41 PM
I walked into the Evee House and hoped my team wouldn't wrek havok on everyone here and then I let them out of there Pokeballs.They all ran over to where the pizza was and I looked around for somone to talk to.
Temper's POV
DarkDragonRage let me out of my pokeball but I just decided to go get some pizza.After I got my pizza I went to sit down by DarkDragonRage.
Rougue's POV
It was easy for Temper to get a piece of pizza evey one moved out of the way for him.But I just extended my claws to the max and maneged to get one of the slices.The I looked around for another Pokemon to talk to.
Rini's POV
There where so many people and Pokemon gathered near the pizza I had to use my horn to squez in there succesfully and get a piece then I noticed that there was a pool and I just went ahead and swam around.
Kora's POV
I decided I didn't want any pizza so I just went to the pool with Rini and played with her,slitely hoping for more water pokemon to come and play.
Baby's POV
I used my BreedOn move VineWhip to get some pizza then walked around to see if there where any cute guys around.
Sage's POV
Aerial attack I picked up a Piece of pizza then I swoped over to a high shelf to eat it.
Sorry I would have made it longer but my sister is trying to get me off the computer by siting on my head.Bye
P.S.the pokemon names are matched below with the spieces.
7th November 2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by GymLeaderYoshi
I decided I had to leave for the day. Sadly, I grabbed my Meowth, and slipped outside. I will start a fresh new day tomorrow! And then, that's when I will begin to train my pokemon!
(Where can I train my Meowth?)
You can train your pokemon by writing stories based on the scenarios at the DT Battle Range. link can be found on fist post of this thread. You can also arrange a battle with someone and battle via the battle tower. it's on a trial run at the moment though.... Just be sure you read the rules carefully. Both are found in the PCG forum.
Any more questions, feel free to ask.
7th November 2002, 10:31 PM
"Ahh...a new day at the Eevee House."
I had been busy while I was gone. I went out and got a Gastly, who was floating right behind...HEY! Where'd she go? Anyway...I released everybody and I plopped into the red sofa I usually sat in. I whipped out a book, Pokemon Talk For Dummies! I noticed that everyone here could understand their pokemon...but I couldn' I decided to brush up on it.
Gastly's POV
What was wrong? He just yelled at me. All I did was pop out of the page he was reading...can't he take a joke? Oh well...time to find out some GOOD jokes and pranks...*takes out 101 Jokes and Pranks*...
That stupid Larvitar was chasing me again! Someday...he's going to get it. He chases me everyday! Frank said that he would stop releasing Larvitar...but he keeps forgeting! Oh crap...this is going to hurt...
7th November 2002, 10:55 PM
War- Jolteon (M) (Red eyes, purple tail, pink stripes, bluish-green spots)
Mars- Vaporeon (M)
Pride- Flareon (M)
Rouge- Meowth (F)
Twilight- Ponyta (F) (Black body, blue flames, brown hooves, lavender eyes)
Banshee- Houndour (F)
Grace- Growlithe (F)
Lemon- Vulpix (F)
Hawkmoon- Murkrow (F) (White feathers, silver-tipped wings and tail, icy blue eyes)
Rock DJ- Aerodactyl (F)
Kylie- Persian (F) (Black fur, yellow eyes)
Zeck- Elekid (F)
Drowzee (M) (White above the waist, black below the waist)
Slinking boredly into the house, glancing around with arms crossed, I glanced up at War who was happily sitting on my head. "Bored," I hissed, "Where has the stupidity gone?"
"Dunno," he barked, hanging down in my face, "Your one specialty... gone!" he cried, a grin spreading across his muzzle. I glared and shook him off as he landed swiftly on the ground, playful glare set in crimson orbs.
Blinking slowly and turning around, I cowered as a wave of twelve Pocket Monsters burst in. Pride was quickly scanning the area for any sign of Nala, Mars following his lead. Kylie mewed in a pityful tone and glanced around for M_K, as Twilight pranced in a circle, before running outside, leaving blue ash. Rouge yawned, then hissed as Hawkmoon knocked her down, the ivory bird making a way outside. Rock DJ flapped her wings and screeched in a yawning way, as Mystery huddled at the side of the couch, also yawning. Lemon, Grace and Banshee grinned and trotted around the room, looking for any other canine creatures.
(Just to say, my Pokémon can't speak English. XD I just make them in English sometimes so I can reply back to them, though they're still like... "Jolt olt" and "Purrrr-shiaan.". =P)
8th November 2002, 04:12 PM
[Jayce's POV]
"Hey Jeep, look! There are some new Pokemon here! GymLeaderYoshi's Meowth, over there, and then there's Discothéque's Pokemon, alone with a Meowth and Persian!"
Jeepers grinned and we both darted in the direction of the three cats. I approached GYL's Meowth while Jeepers said hello to Rouge and Kylie. We hoped all of them were friendly cats.
[Sandie's POV]
I smiled, relieved that Simba enjoyed his new hat. I knew it wasn't much and all that stuff, but it really did look cute on him. He then asked me if I wanted to go for a swim. I grinned and nodded, following after him and preparing to dive into the pool. But I stopped dead in my tracks before I got into the water. "Simba, is this necklace waterproof or should I take it off?"
8th November 2002, 05:17 PM
Meowth's POV: I saw a few other pokes coming toward me. Ah! Finally friends! I raised a friendly paw, concealing another round coin meowths all adore. I held it out for a sign of friendship. "Hello! How are you two?"
9th November 2002, 03:00 PM
Link's POV:
I kept eating the biscuits. They were pretty good. My pokemon were at my feet. I got some more biscuits and gave them to them. I had been holding the eggs i got in my hands. I looked down at my pokemon eating. Then something started to happen. The eggs that i was holding started to move. I looked down at them. As soon as i looked down at them the eggs were craking. One of the babys popped out. It was an Eevee. It had black colored fur, with a grey mane. "Ill call you Blacky" i said. He smiled at the name i just gave him. The other one hatched too. It was a normal colored Eevee. "Ill call you Tabi" i said. She smiled at the name too. I put them on the floor to explore. I watched the run around. Blacky went up to Mr. Monkey Man and he picked him up with his tail.
Mr. Monkey Man's POV:
I picked up Blacky and started to play with him. It was really fun. He finally got tired of playing with me so i let him go.
Blacky's POV:
This was a very big place. I played with a monkey. Then i got down and started to run around. I saw Tabi sitting in Link's lap. I jumped up there and sat down too. I wanted to take a nap.
9th November 2002, 07:41 PM
[Jayce's POV]
I smiled happily when the new Meowth spoke to me. I told her I was doing very well. I waved Jeepers over and we introduced ourselves.
"Hi, my name is Jayce. This is Jeepers. Be careful of her, she's wired with hyperness."
"Haha, Jayce. You're the one who's always hyper and running around like a maniac with his charm on fire."
"Shut up, Jeep."
"Whatever. So, do you have a name?" Jeepers asked the new Meowth.
Suddenly, I had an idea as Jeepers and I waited for the Meowth to answer us. I padded over to my secret stash of yarn balls. I had been collecting them ever since I first arrived here at the Eevee House.
I grabbed a bright yellow yarn ball and pushed it over to Jeepers and Meowth. I offered the ball to them.
"So you two want to play or not?"
11th November 2002, 12:41 AM
Thunda's POV
"I want to evolve!"
"," Frank struggled as he tried to remember what he read. "You want to evolve! But why?"
"That stupid Larvitar..." I grumbled as I rubbed the end of my tail. That Larvitar bit my tail so many times I think my tail is going to fall out!"
"Your sure about this?" Frank asked.
"Yes...I'm sure," I said. "Soon, I'll be able to pound that Larvitar to the ground.
I handed the last Genetic Accelerator Gene to Thunda and watched as she gulped it down. She was totally bent on getting revenge on Larvitar. Why did I adopt that Larvitar anyway...
Thunda started to glow as she evolved. She grew larger as she changed into a Pikachu...
Knight of Time
11th November 2002, 05:10 PM
[My POV]
As soon as I had entered the Eevee House for today, I suddenly heard a few buzzing noises from behind, and as I turned around, it was none other than Cybertron my Porygon, who had gotten its first victory at the Eevee House. Looking very proud of itself, I gave Cybertron a thumbs up and decided to take out my Game Boy Advance, and I got out my Columns Crown game and asked someone if they wanted to play against me in the mode of my choice...
11th November 2002, 08:47 PM
I smoothly ride through the Eevee House doors on BlueShadow's back, with Christian sitting in front of me. Blue lands us near the sofa, where Christian and I both jump off his back and sit down on the sofa. I put my backpack on my lap and unzip the main pocket and gently pull out a large, blue egg that shines with the reflections of the lights. I release the rest of my Pokemon team, so they would be able to watch the magic about to happen. I anxiously wrap the Dratini egg in a wool blanket and tap my foot as I wait for Nala, DD, Mirage, and Mercury to arrive, as I hadn't seen them around here yet.
[BlueShadow's POV]
I couldn't wait for that egg to hatch. MK told me I was going to have a brother or sister any time now. She hinted that she knew if it would be male or female, but wouldn't tell me. I guess she wanted me and the rest of the team to be surprised. MK also had something else she was hiding. I guess I'd just have to wait and find out. It will be great having another dragon on the team.
11th November 2002, 08:56 PM
(Nala's POV)
I flew into the Eevee House on Talut's back. I was holding Jasmine. She was smiling. Talut landed next to Blue and grinned. I clikmbed down making sure Jasmine wa ssafe. Then i sat down next to M_K. I high fived her. Mirage flew into the house soon after in dragonite form. I released the rest of my pokemon as Jasmine looked at the egg curiously.
(Jasmine's POV)
I enjoyed flying. i knew i had wings, but they weren't strong enough to lift me up. I know cause i've tried when no one as looking. I smiled when i realized where we were heading. I hoped Kidda would be ther. Nala had mentioned that i was gonna have a brother or sister. I didn't know what she meant till i saw M_K and the egg. I setted down on Nala's lap. Maybe Dad would be here soon.
(Blazer's POV)
I gathered around M_K along with everyone else. Watching an egg hatch was always special. But a dratini egg is even more special because they are so rare.
Dark Dragonite
11th November 2002, 09:14 PM
(DD's POV)
I flew in on Mercury's back, he was excited, I could tell cause he didn't stop to use the door, we went right through it!!
We landed, and he rushed over with Kidda to where the egg was, and hugged his daughter. I released Luna, Feizhi and Outkast to fix the door. then I huggles Nala tight, and watched in amazement.
(Mercury's POV)
I rushed in, I knew the other pokes could fix the door, as I took Kidda over to see Jasmine, who I hugged, and , gathered to see my new daughter or son.
11th November 2002, 09:28 PM
With everyone watching anxiously, the egg finally wobbles violently. Little squeeks and chirps are heard from inside the egg. I held my breathe as cracks formed in the egg shell. I playfully nudged Nala in her ribs and grinned and DD, silently whispering a grateful thank you to the both of them.
Finally, the top of the shell completely cracked and the tiny baby struggled to get out. I gently reached towards the cracked egg that was sitting on my lap and helped the baby Dratini out of the shell. I let my breathe out happily, gazing into the eyes of the Dratini.
She was everything I had hoped for. She was a female. She had wings. And she had gorgeous emerald green eyes that looked up at me for the first time ever. And my heart melted when a tiny grin spread across her tiny face.
I brushed the rest of the egg shell away from her delecate body and picked her up and wrapped the woolen blanket around her cool body. I smiled down at her. She was gazing around at the rest of those surrounding her. She looked into the eyes of Mercury and Mirage, then Jasmine. She smiled up at the three of them and continued to look around. She spotted Nala and DD next to me and cooed quietly.
All of us just couldn't help but quietly giggle to ourselves.
Her name was Khaisa. And it would forever be.
OOC: Thank you, Nala and DD, very much for doing this for me. I really appreciate it so much. =)
11th November 2002, 09:44 PM
(Jasmine's POV)
I watched the egg hatch curiously. Soon another dratini like me tumbled out. She even had wings, but her eyes were green not blue like mine. I smiled. Then i went over to Kidda to say hi.
(Nala's POV)
I smiled down at Khaisa. She was a beauy, just like Jasmine. M_K whispered thanks. I smiled and whispered back "You're welcome." Then the crowd around us dispersed. Then i huggled DD.
(Blaer's POV)
When the baby hatched i smiled, and decided to give them some time along. I padded over to the air vent by the wall. The cool air felt nice.
11th November 2002, 10:04 PM
Coming into the House, I discovered a crowd in a circle. Walking over to the edge, I saw a baby Dratini hatch out of it. Like most of the others, she was mutated but with green eyes instead of the normal. Smiling, I went to the other side for my own business. A Dratini was always nice to have but I didn't want one. I was happy with my own
Letting out all of my Pokemon, they stood around as I held out another Pokeball.
"Well you guys, since I gave up Gaea, I've always regretted it and wanted a new Pokemon. Now I got the last Pokemon to complete the team."
Throwing the ball to the ground, a small Cubone materialized. Looking around, he clutched his bone tightly in his hand.
"My friends, this is Orion", I said and let them get acquainted with him.
<Orion's POV>
Nervously, I looked around at my new family. Man, they were huge. A Kadabra came forward and introduced himself as Nightshade. He said that the Charizard was Drake, the Venusaur was Shade, the Warortle was Lyra, the Hitmonlee was Lee, the Scizor was Blade, the Umbreon was Tacoma and the Elekid was Lee. They all looked to be very strong and intimidating, especially the Hitmonlee and Scizor. Lyra came up to me and asked if I wanted to learn how to swim, to overcome my weakness to water. Gazing over at the pool, I seriously wanted to swim so I nodded and headed over with her and most of the team.
12th November 2002, 06:59 AM
Meowth's POV:
He asked me for my name. I said that I think my master was planning to give me a real nickname, but he just can't think of one. Then Jayce showed up with the Yarn ball. I almost instantly pounced it, knocking Jayce to the floor. Standing on Jayce with a yarn ball in my mouth seemed quite funny, and we all got a laugh out of it.
12th November 2002, 05:35 PM
(Nala's POV)
I slowly made my way to the Eevee House after a long day. The good news is that it was over and i could relax among friends. Jasmine was curled around my neck watching everything that went on. Tomorrow i would be having pizza in one of my classes. I had also registered for next semester and was looking forward to archery. Once inside i released my adopted pokemon.
(Jasmine's POV)
I looked around, but i didn't see Dad or Kidda. So, i just stayed with Nala. I yawned.
(Blazer's POV)
I decided to go into the back yard and work on my aim. Talut followed me and began to toss targets for me to try and hit. I smiled. A nice way to beat boredom. Then i went back to practicing.
12th November 2002, 05:57 PM
[MK's POV]
I had watched Nala enter the Eevee House from above. I was sitting on BlueShadow's back and were about to go in as well. I yelled for Nala, trying to get her attention, but she didn't hear me. I told Blue to land. He did and I slowly got off, with little Khaisa in my arms. Christian happily pranced in ahead of me while Blue hinted that he wanted to take Khaisa. I handed her over to him and led the way inside.
[BlueShadow's POV]
I couldn't be any more excited about the new Dratini baby. She was so tiny in my arms. She was only a bit smaller than the lenth of my whole forearm. Khaisa was fun to look at, very cute. But all she did was sleep most of the day. I knew that all babies slept a lot, but I wished in a way that Khaisa would get bigger soon so we could play. And when she got old enough, I would be able to teach her to fly!
[MK's POV]
BlueShadow had spotted Nala and little Jasmine and headed over to them. I grinned and followed him, greeting Nala and tickled Jasmine under her chin. I knew she didn't know me very well, but since her new sister stayed with me, I hoped she and I would get to know each other.
"Hey Nala, how are you two doing?"
Dark Dragonite
12th November 2002, 08:35 PM
(DD's POV)
I walked in, smiling at the new, and improved door, then released my team, as I walked over to Nala, giving her a hug and kiss, waving to MK.
(Flare's POV)
I padded about, looking for Blazer, and asking if maybe, just maybe, I should ask to be evolved now, I should still learn the same moves, and I'd be stronger in battles.
(Kidda's POV)
I rode about on DD's shoulder, enjoying the view, until we got inside, then my attention turned immediately to seeing Jasmine.
(Mercury's POV)
I was released inside, due to my accident yesterday. I didn't mind though, as I rushed over to see my daughters.Wow, I felt old.
12th November 2002, 09:14 PM
Thunda's POV
We were finally here...the Eevee House. Let's see that Larvitar mess with me now! I ran to the couch before he could see me. I stuck out my tail as bait and he started running toward it. I popped out and Thunderbolted it. He flinched for a moment...and the Thunderbolt didn't scratch him...drat...this is going to hurt...
PMF's Pokemon
I sat down after scoring a Thunderstone for 6 stamps! Yes! I started playing around with it, fiddling with it. This is fun, I thought.
13th November 2002, 06:10 AM
Gly's POV:
I saw My pokemon was having the time of her life. Then I had an idea. "Come here, Meowth!" I called. I had the idea for a nickname. I held her up, and proudly said, "Meowth, I have decided a nickname for you! You're new nickname is Jewel!"
Jewel's POV:
I gladly looked into my masters eyes. They were filled with happiness. He put me down, petted me, and let me run off again. I walked up to Jayce and Jeepers. "Well, my name is Jewel! You like it? I love it dearly!"
13th November 2002, 09:42 AM
(Nala's POV)
I waved at GLY, before turning my attention to DD i greeted him with a warm hug. I saw Flare looking around. I motined her to come here. She did and gently scratched her between the ears and whispered to her. "Blazer's out back with Talut. They're practicing on hitting moving targets." Then i waited tosee if she would go out bck or stay.
(Jasmine's POV)
I saw Kidda and waved at her using my tail. DD sat her down beside me, and i smiled.
(Blazer's POV)
Talut had moved further into the distance. I narrowed my eyes, and focused. I knew it would be tough but i had a feeling i could do it. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled a powerful steam of flame that reduced the stick to ashes.
Knight of Time
13th November 2002, 09:48 AM
[My POV]
Upon coming into the Eevee House for today, I decided to go to the pool area, and I took out my two newest Pokemon, Rage the L10 male Gyarados, and Aquo, my L5 male Wooper, and Rage decided to go for a swim, while Aquo and I went outside, and I opened my backpack to reveal a bow, some arrows, and a few targets (they are bull's eye targets), and I decided to try my luck with hitting the center, and I warned my friends to not touch my bow and arrows, since they could be dangerous, and that I didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone...
Dark Dragonite
13th November 2002, 10:30 AM
(Flare's POV)
I went over to Nala, smiling, as she scratched me. I smiled at the mention of Blazer, and licked her hand before running out to the back. I cautiously walked up to Blazer, not wanting to be an accidental target, and just blatantly asked him if I should ask DD to evolve already.
(DD's POV)
I hugged Nala back tightly. I then sat down, and wondered what was on tv.I quickly turned my attention to Feizhi who seemed to be pointing at me and laughing. I looked behind me to see Septiembre had made a web in the shape of a heart behind us. I smiled wide, seeing htis, and told Nala she should look behind us, waiting for her reaction.
(Myst's POV)
I walked about, not feeling up to joining the crazy gang's mischief, and plopped myself down by DD and Nala's feet. I ejoyed watching the others activities around the house.
13th November 2002, 02:49 PM
(Blazer's POV)
Talut smiled and pointed behind me. I turned around to see Flare. I smiled, as Talut flew into the EH. "Hi." Then she asked me if i thought that she should evolve. I took a deep breath. Then i looked down at her. "It depends on if you think you're ready or not. I waited till i was ready. It took a while, but i don't regret the wait. Bu if you want to evovle i don't see any reason for you not to ask him. But remember after evolving there's no turned back.
(Nala's POV)
DD whispered to look behind me and i did. I smiled. Septiembre was cute on his heart shaped web. I hugged DD whn i noticed Myst at my feet. I reached down to pick him up and then i rubbed his tummy and scratched him between his ears.
(Jasmine's POV)
"What ya wont to do?" i asked Kidda. I smiled and waved at Dad with my tail.
(Kiara's POV)
I jumped onto DD's lap and settled down. I purred when he scratched me between my ears.
Dark Dragonite
13th November 2002, 05:53 PM
(Flare's POV)
I stood there, thinking hard. Before I could decide, Septiembre came out, and handed me a bundle, wrapped in webbing. I was about to open it, but he spit string at my paw, telling me not to touch it, unless I was sure of what I wanted to do. I sat there, staring at the bundle, then at Blazer.
(Myst's POV)
I smiled as Nala picked me up and rubbed my belly, purring as she schratched my head. I was very content to be here, yet, for some reason, I couldn't stop my brain from contemplating all these other possibilities. What will I become, what awaits me in the futre, and the rest.
(Kidda's POV)
I smiled at Jasmine, as Mercury gave her a hug. "I'm not sure what to do..." I frowned a bit, and began thingking.
(Nave's POV)
I followed Septiembre out, wondering what he was up to. I then rushed over to Flare, advising her, that she shouldn't take the easy way out just yet. She should do her best, give herself a level goal, as Blazer did, then reward herself, when she's ready.
(DD's POV)
I smiled at Kiara, as I scratched between her ears, and yawned. I reached an arm overbehind Nala, giving her an optional head, or back rest, and a peck on the cheek. Once again, she made me deliriously happy.
14th November 2002, 06:04 AM
Jewel's POV:
I looked for a new thing to do. I saw Dark Dragonite, and decided to say hello. I scurried up, put on paw on his leg, smiled and said, "Meow!"
Dark Dragonite
14th November 2002, 12:33 PM
(DD's POV)
Flare rushed in, Nave following behind, carrying the Fire Stone. I looked at Flare, as Nave put the stone back in my pack. She said she would wait until she hit Lv.34, after learning Flame wheel, I would gladly help her evolve. She smiled at me, then ran out to tell Blazer the news. I thought to myself, uh-oh, now she's gonna want to battle everyday, but I would give her rests from battling, giving others chances to grow as well. I then saw a Meowth, I smiled at it, and pet her head, saying "Hi there."
(Eeveelution Gang POV)
We padded about.Waiting, for something, someone to come along to help us find some entertainment.We looked about, seeing everyone, then plopped down in a pile, waiting...
14th November 2002, 01:19 PM
Jewel's POV:
He scratched me on the head. OH, it felt GOOD! I wished he would keep doing it, but then I noticed HIS pokemon. I walked to them, and said, "Hiya!"
14th November 2002, 04:19 PM
[Jayce's POV]
So, our new Meowth friend was called Jewel. It was a pretty name. After awhile, Jewel left Jeepers and I and padded over to DD. I grinned and picked up my yarn ball and threw it at Jeepers. The ball hit her in the head. Jeep grinned and picked up the ball and threw it at me. I dodged it and ran over to the couch where Nala, DD, and MK all were with some other team mates. I leapt onto the couch and buried myself underneat Nala and MK's legs, hiding playfully from Jeepers. Soon, she was at the couch, looking from DD to Nala, to Nala to MK, and back again. Then she gave the three of them puppy eyes, or in her case, 'kitty eyes', trying to get them to tell her where I was.
[MK's POV]
I giggled as Jayce and Jeepers both ran around the couch. Khaisa was looking curiously at them, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, she sneezed. Giggling to herself, having no idea what just happened, she layed down her head on my lap and fell fast asleep.
14th November 2002, 05:39 PM
Jewel's POV:
Jeepers and Jayce we're coming to the couch. I went under with them and decided to have fun with Jeepers. I whispered to Jayce, and we pinned her down and tickled her! I have claws, so it made it worse. We even laughed ourselves.
14th November 2002, 06:20 PM
(Blazer's POV)
I saw Flare come running back out. When she said that she had set a goal for herself, I smiled. Then we padded back into the Eevee House. Things were kinda quiet. At least for now.
(Kiara's POV)
I settled down on DD's lap and soon fell asleep.
(Nala's POV)
I smiled at DD. I continued to rub Myst on his tummy. Then i hugged DD and smiled up at him. I hoped that he would get his card tomorrow. It would make tomorrow even better if he did.
14th November 2002, 06:43 PM
Oh no...not again...Larvitar had bit Thunda again...sigh...I picked up Larvitar, Thunda still hanging from Larvitar's mouth, took out a crowbar, and started to pry open Larvitar's mouth...*sigh* I need help...
Thunda's POV
This is not a good position...feel light headed...must be because I'm hanging upside down from a green lizard thing's mouth...this sucks...
Smeargle's POV
That's funny. I whipped out my art set and canvus and started to paint. This is going to be good...I'll call it, Pikachu...Out of the Larvitar's Mouth. HAHAHAHAHA!
15th November 2002, 06:41 AM
Gly's POV:
My Meowth had made some friends! That was great. I noticed a Smeargle nearby painting something. I trotted over to him, and said, "Hi!" I must've surprised him, because the next thing I new, I ended up with and "S" on my face.
15th November 2002, 09:37 AM
(Taut's POV)
*in a loud whisper* "Hurry up Blazer. We want to get this done before Nala and DD gets here.""I'm hurring. Fly on ahead start on the food. Then while its cooking you can help me with the decorations when i get there." I nodded. Then i used agility to get to the house. I flew into the kitchen and got busy.
(Blazer's POV)
I smiled as Talut flew ahead. We had been planning this for about a month now. The two of us wanted to do something special for Nala and DD since there were always there for us and each other. The i began to walk faster. i couldn't use agility or extreme speed because i would spill the stuff in the little red wagon i was pulling. Soon i reached the EH and then i began to decorate the best i could until Talut got finished in the kitchen. Then the two of us finished decorating the EH. All we had to do now was wait for Nala and DD to arrive.
Dark Dragonite
15th November 2002, 10:31 AM
(Flare's POV)
I ran back to the house as fast as I could, excited from my first win. It was a close one, but it brough me 1 step closer to my evolution. I took out a piece of paper, and scratched off "27", writing a "26" in it's place with a grin. I waited for Blazer to get done to run up to him...
(DD's POV)
We were on our way back to the Eevee house, when I had been called to make a few pit stops. I quickly ran to hand out a lapras at the Pokezoo, and Goldenrod Tower, to hand out some daily MGs. Walking hand in hand with Nala made me smile, everything felt so right with the world when I was with her. I almost had a skip to my walk, as we approached the Eevee House, and I gave Nala a kiss, saying: "Happy Anniversary hun"
15th November 2002, 07:15 PM
I walked into the Evee House and plopped down onthe couch an went to sleep after a hard and mortyfying week of school.But before I completly dosed off Temper curled up beside me,and shoed away everyone else.
Rini,Kora,and Baby's POV
Rini"come on everyone lets go to the pool."
Kora"I cant wait to get in that nice cool water and play around,I wunder if any other pokemon are going to be there.I do want to meet some of the other pokemon."
Baby"It's nice outside today,ill beable to get a tan.Ill be a nice olive green at the end of the day."
Rini"Ew I hate olives."
Baby"So your saying you want to eat me?"
Rini"You know what I mean!"
Rougue and Morganna's POV
Morganna"I'm bored wanna go hide somewhere and scare people?"
Rougue"Sure lets hide in the fridge.Mabye someone will need a drink or something."
Morganna"I hope,I haven't scared anyone for so long."
Rougue"Ya me neither.And with DDR asleep this is the perfect time to strike."
Knight of Time
17th November 2002, 12:38 PM
[My POV]
Walikng towards the Eevee House, I came in, finding myself greeted by my friends when I heard buzzing noises behind me. Even though I knew it couldn't be Cybertron, they were a bit louder than I figured, and I turned around to see Volts, who was feeling pretty happy after his first victory at the Battle Tower, boosting my record to 3-0. Even though I was on a 3 battle winning streak, I knew that all streaks had to end someday, and I went over to Gabi and Nala and asked them what they thought about having battle records in the Battle Tower for everyone, since I was a bit curious to see if anyone else was also unbeaten as of yet...
19th November 2002, 06:10 PM
When I entered the Evee House I plopped down on the black leather couch and relesed my 14 pokemon.7 from Dragon tamers,4 from Pokezoo,and 3 from Pokemon Avengers Capture Center.Morganna and Rougue hid in the fridge to try and to scare people.Baby,Kora,and Rini went out to the pool area.Temper sat down next to me.Sage went up to the rafters to keep watch on everything.QuikSilver and Venus went out in the field.Monorch and Clubes were playing fetch useing Clubes bone instead of a stick. Gala was painting on a black canvase becouse her silver paint would barley show up on a white one.And Ina and Fairy were playing tag.
20th November 2002, 02:14 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walk in after a long break from the eevee house. Then i release my adopted pokemon and my captured pokemon before settling in to write my paper. It was really quiet at tme moment.
(Jasmine's POV)
I looked around for Kidda. I didn't see her, so i made my way over to the pool. Simba was there, so i knew i'd be safe.
(Blazer's POV)
I padded to the a nice quiet spot, and laid don to take a nap.
20th November 2002, 04:49 PM
I enter the Eevee House happily, having not been here in a few days. I noticed how quiet the House was at the moment and spotted Nala writing a paper. I didn't want to disturb her, so I turned to my team and told them to keep things down for her. Nala looked up then and smiled. I waved at her, but didn't go to talk. Instead, I just walked around the House, bored.
Then I looked down and saw little Khaisa tapping my ankles with her wing. She looked at me and then towards the pool and back at me again. Jasmine was in the water, swimming around with Simba. I grinned and grabbed my bag and went into the restrooms to change my clothes. I came out with my bathing suit on. Khaisa smiled happily and tried to talk, but only came out with cute jabber.
I picked her up and we headed to the water. I sat down on the edge with my legs in the water. We were on the shallow end of the pool. I'd have to teach Khaisa to swim before I could actually swim along with her. I got into the water the rest of the way and held Khaisa in my arms. I let her get the feel of the water for a few minutes before slowly walking around with her, letting her get the feel of the moving water on her body rather than the still. I told her to pump her wings as if they were arms and she'd swim much faster.
Soon enough, Khaisa was swimming by herself, gracefully pushing her body along the water's surface with her snake-like motions and the push of her wings.
I couldn't have been prouder of the little Dratini. She learned so fast. I watched as she happily swam over to Jasmine and said hello in Dratini-tongue.
20th November 2002, 07:02 PM
It had been days since we had been here. Time rolled by fast...especially since we were constantly going to the hospital either for Thunda's tail, or battle wounds at the Pokezoo Battle Tower. At least it gave me time to finish reading that book. I sat down on the red sofa and sniffed the leather. Same as always. I sighed and started to write the next chapter in my Fanfic.
Thunda's POV
I sighed. Another day, another bite. If he keeps this up, I wont have a tail! I walked outside and sat behind a bright green bush. This should be a safe spot...
Evan's POV
YAH! Another day of fun! I quickly ran though the Eevee House, searching for a playmate. I saw the Larvitar sniffing around, searching for Thunda. It was fun watching then run around! I saw Squirtly practicing his dives in the pool. I wanted to play too, but I can't swim. I sighed. There was no one around... Then, I saw Jasmine! I ran up to her to see what I could do...
Dark Dragonite
20th November 2002, 08:54 PM
(DD's POV)
I walked in, a bit worn down, and saw Nala writing. I walked over, giving her a hug, and kiss, then decided to let her work in peace, as I continued reading my book.I released my pokes, allowing them to roam where they may.
(Kidda's POV)
I quickly dove in the pool on Noel's back, swimming cautiously over to Jasmine, cause there was someone new there.
(Flare's POV)
I had a plan, but I'd need all of Outkast's and Evangelon's psychic powers to pull this off. I told them to make a projection image of me, walk past Blazer, at the exact moment, I tossed a rock over near him, to wake him up. I watched as Blazer watched my projection leave, then another one of me walked past. I saw the look on Blazer's face and started to giggle.I asked them to make one sit down in front of him, then I walked over, sitting next to it. I blew smoke, and watched the projection disappear as I had asked Outkast and Evangelon to do. This was priceless I thought, as I went up to hug Blazer.
(Myst's POV)
I walked around, still having a bit of a limp from my battle. I didn't like it at all, but tried to stay cheerful as I was rushed over to by the Eeveelution gang, and helped up on DD's lap. I began to purr happily, hoping my leg would get back to normal soon.
20th November 2002, 09:14 PM
Larvitar's POV
SNIFF! Hmm, I smell her now. I ran outside and scanned the area. SPLASH! GAH! I was wet! That stupid Squirtle splashed me! After taking care of that Pikachu, I'm going after that shell head. I saw the baby Umbreon talking with some others. Then, I swirved around, I think I've found her...
Thunda's POV
Oh no...I think he found me. Then, I saw him walk off. I gave a sigh of relief. That was close. For a second there, I thought I was...CHOMP! GAH! NOT AGAIN!
WHAM! What the...
I looked down and saw Thunda and Larvitar, Larvitar at Thunda's tail...*sigh* not again...I broke out my crow bar and began prying...
21st November 2002, 05:57 AM
Gly's POV:
I walked into the Eevee house, and once again, it was a great day. Except for the fact that my Meowth was hiding from me again... She knows this annoys me, but it's fun. I looked everywhere, even places that I never seen, then I walked over to that wall, and banged my head on it.
Now, a lesson about walls. If you bang your head on a wall, you'll get all the pain in the world, but the wall won't feel a thing. My brain processes at as much megahurtz as any Yoshi, and it hurts pretty mega right now after banging it on that stuid wall. But then, a ball of unknown fur fell into my hands. That's when I figured it was Jewel!
Jewel's POV:
Hee hee! He couldn't find me on top of this wall! Oh, wait, he's coming over here, and...
He was banging his head in frustration! He could have done that somewhere else! Why here? Well, needless to say, my cover was blown, and I fell into his arms. Oh well, it was fun! Not for his poor noggin though... Hee hee!
Totodile Lover
23rd November 2002, 08:38 PM
yeah... I really am forgettin things.. I totally forgot about this place yes I know pathetic -.-''. I am sorry.
TLs (pov)
I walked into the house, what I had totally forgot about. O I am pathetic.. I knew I was forgeting something.. But wat? I was here.. I was sitting down.. My pokemon were..
Ops.. I let out my two old pokemon the only to I hadn't forgotten at home. I released them. The yelped happily, befor jumpin onto my lap. The nuzzled eachother happily. Blackout, and Raidar. Both happily think about what they would've done without this beautiful place.
We all turned are attention to Gly. Whamming his head, on the wall. I watched as his meowth fell into his arm. His face frowned when it happen. He caused himself to have pain. But atleast he got his Meowth down. :D
Blackout(heck remember its a SHE!!!)POV
I smelt coffee....
COFFEE?? Where was the coffee! I smelt the coffee now to find the expresso coffee!!! Tehee!! I looked around. I fallowed my nose right into Shocker.. SHE HAD MY COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"GIMME COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!" I yelped at her, she was taken back at my burst of energy.
"GIVE ME COFFEE!!!" I said, stealing the cup off her, and running. She was right on my tail. I yelped as she scratched my tail with her claws. I quickly ran under the couch, where she couldn't fit. I stuck my tung out at her. He grummbled and walked away. I snickered..
"my coffee.." I nuzzled the cup, befor comtinuing to drink MY coffee.
I walked away, frowning, why did blackout never steal someone sles coffee? She always went after me. I sighed and now, was off on a quest to get more frecking coffee.
I looked up at the counter, there it is. The Expresso Coffee machine. I now decided to find Away up.
Energy suddenly took over me, I needed to let it out. I looked down under the couch.. Blackout and her coffee. Lucky bugger gets Expresso.
"Urgg. I'm going for a swim.." I muttered. Jumping in.
"OH MY GOD IT'S FREEZING!!!!!!!!" I screeeched
25th November 2002, 12:51 AM
(Nala's pOV)
"Man, i've been busy lately," I muttered to myself on the way to the eevee house. It was late, but i needed a chance to relax. It would be when i finish this english assingment before i could get active on tpm again as much as i would like. When i reached the house, i released my pokemon. Then i walked over to the sofa and sat down. Jasine began to tickle me with her wings, tryign to help me stay awake.
25th November 2002, 06:09 AM
~Gly's POV:
Yes, I seemed to realize that I grabbed some attention from banging my stupid head against the wall. Head against the stupid wall, I'll say. Had my head been stupid, I would have only been insulting myself.
Now then. Where was I? Oh, yes. Insults.
Insults are bad news. They can cause sadness, anger, and... Forget the stupid insults.
I was in the house of E. E. V. E. E. and I was having a good time. It wasn't till I walked to a large couch that I realized Jewel had run off again. Argh... *sigh*
Jewel's POV:
Hee hee! I had jumped from Yoshi's arm, and he didn't notice, because he was trying to remember how to get back on track with his story. I Straddled up to Jayce and Jeepers, said hi, talked a bit, played for a moment, then said good-bye, and decided to have some fun with another trainer.
I went to Dark Dragonite, and started to go around his legs. When he looked down at me, I looked at him, Meowed, and surprised him when I climbed up his back, and went in his shirt. (I wasn't using claws, see.) Woah, THAT got 'im rowled up!
25th November 2002, 04:17 PM
[MK's POV]
"Christian, I really hope you're sure about bringing these here. They might get damaged somehow. You know I've spent over a thousand dollars total on them. *sigh* Don't give me that look, Chris. If those drums get busted with holes in the heads, I'm going to have to spend another fourty dollars on them! And if those cymbols get broke, I'll have a heart attack! That'd be another $250, each!!"
"It's okay, MK. I'll make sure they are put away each day, they'll be safe, I promise. Just trust me."
"Alright, Christian."
Christian had managed to talk me into bringing my drumset to the Eevee House so he could play them. It was actually a smart idea, as we were here more than we were at home, giving me and him hardly any time to practice on them. I was just worried that with all the action going on here at the Eevee House that they might be damaged somehow. I just hoped that I was worrying too much.
I shook off my worry and helped Christian unpack the drums from their cases and set them up in a corner that was out of the way. Then I winked at Christian. The crazy Umbreon put a hat on his head and pulled it backwards. His bangs fell out of the hole thing in the back of the hat. Silly thing looked pretty cute, truthfully. He then began to play the drums, hoping to not really disturb anyone here in the House.
I looked around for Nala after I had Chris all set up. She was sitting on the sofa with Jasmine. I released all my Pokemon team and pick up Khaisa and headed over to sit with Nala. Khaisa shyly smiled at Nala and Jasmine, having not really spent a lot of time with either one of them.
25th November 2002, 10:04 PM
(Nala's POV)
I smiled and waved at M_K. When she walked over and sat down, i plopped in the movie Snow Dogs. Then i reached down and gave Khaisa a gentle pat on the head, as Jasmine slithered over to her sister and laid down beside her protectively.
(Jasmine's POV)
I didn't see Kidda anywhere, so i decided to spend some time with my sister. I had grown some, but i was still small. Yet, she was smaller than i was. I deceded to stay near her at least until Kidda showed up where we could play. Maybe when Khaisa was older, she could play with us.
(Kovu's POV)
I saw Christian, so i decided to walk over. I padded up to him. "Hi," I said. "hey, Kovu," he replied back. "I just wanted to thank you for a challenging battle. You battled very well. Maybe we can have a rematch some day?" I stopped talking and waited for his reacton.
(Aiyana's POV)
I was still a little nervous. Nala's pokemon were making me feel welcome. but i hadn't been here before. I decided to go over to where Nala was. I saw one of her friends beside her. I hopped up on the couch on the other side of Nala. Then i heard her speak. "M_K, this is my new houndour Aiyana." Her friend, M_K reached over and rubbed me between the ears. I barked happily and settled down on Nala's lap to watch the movie. Jasmine was beside Khaisa on M_K's lap.
27th November 2002, 08:35 PM
I struted into the eevee house holding onto my charmander egg and sat down on the black leather couch next to Nala and waited for the egg to hatch."Hi Nala heres the charmander I supose we wait for it to hatch"I let out my 16 pokemon.Whom all sat around me.Temper on my lap,Ina right inbetween Nala and me sniffing Aiyana,Sage perched on my left sholder,Ranma on the right,Rougue on my head,Morganna sitting on Rougue's head,Kora,Rini,and Baby Sitting on the arm of the chair QuickSilver
lying on the ground but being tall enough to lay her head on my lap and look curiously at the egg,Venus welcoming herself to Nala's head,Gala hanging on the window seel with her tail and holding on to Myst,Monarch was sitting on the arm of the chair by Nala also sniffing Aiyana(Whom by now was officially weirded out),
and Clubes and Storm were finally able to shimey up on my lap on either side of the egg.All waiting for it to hatch.
Knight of Time
29th November 2002, 10:25 AM
[My POV]
Things were as good as usual for me. With a new Pokemon in my captured aresnal, I decided to take out a yellowish silver Pokeball, and I opened it up to reveal my new female Scyther, Cyara, and I felt a little hungry, so I also decided to take out Chaos, my male Houndour, and we decided to light a small fire to cook a few hamburgers, like when I used to have Pyro, my old male Charmeleon.
[Cyara's POV]
Upon seeing Chaos light up a fire, I stepped back. Knowing that the heat might melt my razor sharp scythes, I went outside, and decided to look for a male Scyther to befriend me...
baby jolteon
29th November 2002, 10:41 AM
(baby jolteon's POV)
I walk in the Eevee House joyfully, having not been here in...months?I release Flame(Male Quilava),Doomer(Male Houndour),Sparky(Male Pikachu),Angel(Female Growlithe with White where orange should be and Amber(::new::Female Vulpix).I flop down onto the couch and watch as they all scamper around happily.I yawn and strech my arms out, rather boredly.
(Angel's POV)
I walk around the Eevee House looking for someone to talk to or play with. I give up on my search soon after and walk elegently out the door and into the backyard.
(Flame's POV)
I run around the Eevee House wildly grinning michieveously[I can't spell]. I run out the door, trip over a rock and hit Angel. My eye's widen as Angel glares at me(not the move glare o.<). I run back in the house and salm the door shut.
(Amber's POV)
I sit alone in a corner, sadly hoping someone will come and talk to her. I sigh and look around with droppy eyes.
29th November 2002, 11:38 AM
Jewel's POV:
I saw a sad looking female growlithe walk out the door. I looked up at DD, said my goodbye in meowth, and straddled out the door. I saw her drooping over the sidewalk, and I walked over, an said, "Hi, what's your name? I'm Jewel!"
Gly's POV:
I saw my Meowth follow a pokemon out the door. Maybe they'll make friends. Anyhow, I walked over to a couch and sat down. I saw the "Pokemon Monthly!" magazine on the table nearby. I picked it up and started reading.
"Well, Officer Jenny's Growlithe had quintiplets! That'll be a handful." I said this out loud, so when I continued reading, before I said more things out loud, I hadn't realized a few people were staring.
29th November 2002, 11:49 AM
[Ace's POV]
Today was boring. There wasn't anything to do and no one to talk with. I guess I could go take a walk outside. Maybe I would see Blazer. I kind of wanted to get some target practice in. Its never too early or late to start.
With my mind set to spit some fireballs at old cardboard targets, I went outside. I saw some unfamiliar Pokemon out there. I continued on my way to the other side of the field so I would be out of the way of others. As I trotted along, a Growlithe caught my eye. She was just like me, except white. I smiled as I saw a Quilava tripped over a rock and hit the white Growlithe. I was only thinking how stupid he must feel when I myself ran smack into a tree. I was knocked down to the ground. Dazed, I shook my head and looked over at the white Growlithe. She and the Quilava must have moved away. I felt slight disappointment. I had thought in the back of my mind that I might have been able to make friends with them, the Growlithe, at least. I sighed and prepared to practice hitting targets.
[Christian's POV]
I looked up when I heard Kovu's voice, only to see his friendly face. I smiled when he told me I had given him a challenging battle. "Thanks. You too. It was a lot of fun. That Toxic attack of your's is mightly powerful. I think I'm going to have MK teach me that attack when I gain to level 60 and earn a free TM. I think a rematch in the near future sounds great."
[Khaisa's POV]
I was beginning to get stronger by the day. I was now able to move around as I pleased, but I had trouble getting down from high places. I guess I haven't mastered the art of slithering around very well... Oh well, if my sister could do it, so could I! I was really glad she was spending time with me right now. MK had told me a lot about her, so I was anxious to get to know her a ton more and maybe become one of her best friends as well as her sister. I wondered where my mom and dad were...
baby jolteon
29th November 2002, 12:16 PM
(Angel's POV)
I still glare over at Flame but turn around when I hear a voice behind me.I see Jewel and smiles; "Hello, I Angel." I hear a thump behind to my left and jump and a bunch on leaves fall on me. I lay there for awhile and pop back up and shake the leaves off. I look around a little puzzled. I spot Ace and smile "Hello."
Knight of Time
29th November 2002, 01:40 PM
[My POV]
Upon seeing that baby jolteon/Kiwi Twist had returned, I gave her a thumbs up, then told her Growlithe that I had a surprise for her, and I took out a Pokeball, and opened it to reveal my male Growlithe, Hector, and I was very surprised to find Hector actually liking Amber.
[Hector's POV]
Upon seeing Amber, I felt very happy to meet her, and I asked her if she wanted to be my g/f and/or shake paws with me, since I loved meeting new friends...
baby jolteon
29th November 2002, 01:50 PM
(baby's POV)
Looks over at Dark and whispers softly thanks.(for helpping Amber and your the first to actually notice who I am and that I've come back >.<)
(Amber's POV)
I look at Hector ashtonished and decides a hand shake should be best for now. ^^; She extends her to shake Hectors hand "I'm Amber ^^"
29th November 2002, 02:50 PM
I've decided to rename some of my Pokémon, so... whee. O_o
Mars - Vaporeon (M)
Pride - Flareon (M)
War - Jolteon (M) - Purple tail, pink stripes, bluish-green dots, red eyes
Makoto - Drowzee (M) - Black below the waist, white above
Twilight - Ponya (F) - Black fur, lavender flames, blue eyes, brown hooves
Lemon - Vulpix (F)
Grace - Growlithe (F)
Ciara - Houndour (F)
Kaiya - Persian (F) - Black fur, golden yellow eyes
Aiko - Meowth (F)
Nariko - Elekid (F) - Blue stripes
Hawkmoon - Murkrow (F) - White body, silver wings and tail, icy blue eyes
Rock DJ - Aerodactyl (F)
Quickly slinking into the house, with Aiko curled on my shoulder, pawing at my hair, I glanced around and tossed twelve Pokéballs on the ground. All the ones released simply yawned, most slumped over on the ground, snoring comicly. Blinking, I simply muttered, "Lazy little freaks." Rock DJ shot a sharp glare towards me, as a sweat drop appeared. "Joking!" I franticly called, waving my arms.
<Mars POV>
Finned-tail coiled around my front legs, I simply glanced over the area, still with no sign of RG and Rainbow. Pride lied at my side, waiting for the same reason as me. "I'm not giving up." the flat tone of my voice was out shone by the deadset gaze in my eyes, peering at the door, waiting.
"Nu-uh... zzz..." Pride has his head nestled in his paws, snoring much like the others. I swear "Z"s were floating around him. Shooting him a glance, I quickly jumped up, the hair of my back standing up with me.
"WAKE UP!" hearing a yelp, I saw War lying on his back on the floor, looking at me as if I had gone mad. Twilight neighed and eyed me, the black hue of her fur seeming grey now, bright blue eyes wide. This is gonna be a looong day.
29th November 2002, 05:31 PM
It started to get kinda boring just sitting there waiting for the egg to hatch.Clubes was reading a book called baby pokemon for dummies which was oppened to the charmander page.And he said aloud,"Beware the hatching of this pokemon,when ready to come out of its egg thats when the tail will start burning cousing the egg to catch fire and melt the egg away.FIRE IS HOT!"I know it says this book is for dummies but no one can be that dum.Just as I said that the egg started to catch fire and I quickly put the egg on the ground and slowly I could begin to see a little charmander.He opened his eyes and looked around at everyone. Quick silver then started to lick the eggshells off his head.I then decided to name him Mars.
Rini,Kora,and Baby's POV
Rini"O cute to bad he cat get close to water."
Baby"Great another fire type.Hey can you to teach me how to swim."
Baby"Because im going to need some kind of defense against these fire types!"
Temper's POV
Hmm this isnt good that charmander is going to get all the attention.Its not fair.I was here first!
Morganna and Rougue's POV
Rougue"Do you think that we could teach that little charmander the fine art of deviouseness?
Morganna"Well if we do we cant hide in the fridge anymore."
Sage's POV
Wow when Mars becomes a Charizard ill have a flying buddy!This is great!!
QuickSilver's POV
What a cutie!Ill watch after him and take care of him and love him and cuddle him and teach him and keep him safe and keep him warm.Ill take care of him like he was mine!!
baby jolteon
29th November 2002, 05:53 PM
(baby jolteon's POV)
I see the adoreable little charmander pop out of the egg and smile. I can't help from say, "Awwwww!What a cutie." I said trying to keep quiet. I reach out to pick it up but I restrain myself. I bring my arms back quickly pretending she hadn't even thought of picking the charmander up.
(Flame's POV)
He runs in the house and hits Kiwi(bj)and watches her fall down.He yelps again after seeing another glare and runs for his life.
(Mermaid POV)
I watch flame run past me and to where he was running from then lies back down on the ground till she hears....Flame run into a tree.I runs over to him and looks at him with -_-; on her face. "Flame, you really have to start looking where your going, your not a Cyndaquil anymore." I watch him as he nods and wonders off. "Not that would have anything to do with it." I say to myself.
(Angel's POV)
I tilt my head slightly, looking at Ace waiting for him to say something :)
Rambunctious Jamirus
1st December 2002, 10:47 AM
I walked in and looked around, grinning on how the whole place looks.
Kiwi walked up to me, smiling as well. "Hey, RJ. How's the place?"
"Same as the last time I came," I said, smiling. One of my PokeBalls shook and popped open. Arashi stood there, stretching.
"Finally! I'm out for good!" he exclaimed.
More people, recognizing the Typhlosion, came over, welcoming me back to the place.
I pulled the rest of the PokeBalls off of my belt and tossed them. The rest of my guys and girls popped out, stretching and saying "hi!" to all their friends.
I plopped down on the couch and looked around at the place some more. I was happy to be back.
Ram's POV
I finally popped out of the PokeBall after a long 5 months. I stretched and looked around. The Eevee House!
Blaze walked over and nudged me. "How's it going, Ram?"
"I need caffeine," I said, sniffing the air.
Blaze's eyes grew wide and he tried to pounce on me.
I ran away from him and into the kitchen. I slid to a stop and rummaged through the cabinets. Cokes galore were in front of me. I quickly gulped down a few and immediately the burst of caffeine took effect. I burst from the kitchen and through the House, a few of the ones who knew me screaming after me. I wasn't looking where I was going and suddenly hit the wall. Dazed, I shook my head, trying to clear my vision.
RJ grabbed me by the collar and dragged me back to where she could watch my every move. Today would be a good day.
baby jolteon
1st December 2002, 10:56 AM
(Flame's POV)
I see Arashi and I run toward and pounce on him. "Ha ha!" :D I said. "where've you been?"
(My POV)
I say want RJ said I said o.o and nods smiling.(:yes: except once)
(Angel's POV)
I look into the house and she my brother, Ram under RJ's supervision.I begin to get an urge to run inside and say 'Hi' but I decide not to, feeling it would be rude to leave the other growlithes here.
Knight of Time
1st December 2002, 11:11 AM
Walking up to the Eevee House, I went in carrying all of my Pokeballs, when I was surprised to see a familiar face who I had not seen for a long time at the Eevee House. Upon seeing that Rambunctious Jamirus had made her return, I told her that all of my old adopted and captured Pokemon had been released, and that I had new Pokemon in their places, and so I took out a few Pokeballs, and opened them up to reveal a male adopted Pikachu named Mr. Zap, a female captured Chansey named Lucky, a female adopted Smoochum named Chilly, and a male Abra named Mystic, and I decided to keep watch over all four of them as they went in search of a few friends...
baby jolteon
1st December 2002, 11:30 AM
(Thunders POV)
I walk up to Mr. Zap castionusly(sp?).Once I reach him "Hi, I'm Thunder ^^;"
(Amber's POV)
I tilt my head at look at Hector curiuosly.I wait for a reply patiently, or was he one of the other pokemon that was released?
1st December 2002, 02:52 PM
[Ace's POV]
"Uhhhh... hi. Heh... there's a tree there, did you know?"
I smiled as I rubbed my head with my paw, hoping to at least draw a smile on the white Growlithe's face. Hopefully she wasn't interested in not becoming friends with me, now that I had made a fool out of myself. "Oh, my name is Ace, if you haven't already heard. What's your name?"
[MK's POV]
I just happened to look out the window and spotted Ace. He was talking to another Growlithe and had a silly grin on his face. I smiled happily. He looked like he was trying to make a new friend, but he also looked nervous. That pup never had been big with making friends. He only had Blazer to look up to. I only hoped the Growlithe he was talking to would accept him.
baby jolteon
1st December 2002, 05:06 PM
(Angel's POV)
I smile at him and giggle quietly. "Hi, I'm Angel, nice to meet you Ace. Oh and don't worry about making a fool of yourself, I've seen wrose." I glance at Flame and look back at Ace. "Well, lets go inside.I'll introduce you to my brother Rambunctious." I walk toward the house and Ace follows behind me."
1st December 2002, 10:49 PM
(Nala's POV)
I couldn't believe how busy everything got all of a sudden. It was like my professors had a meeting and decided to organize quizzes, papers, etc all due withing a day or two at the most of each other. Now that i had finally finished with all of that, it was getting close to final exams. Next week, with a few exceptions. I have two coming up wednesday and Thursday. Jasmine nuzzed my neck as if she could sense the tension that was building up in my system. Aiyana was bouncing along happily at my heels. I took a deep breath before releasing my other adopted pokemon. They went to their usual spots while i headed over to the sofa. I popped in the Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring into the dvd player and settled in to watch the movie. Aiyana jumped on my lap and i had to laugh. It seemed like i was the only one here right now.
(Sugar's POV)
As soon as i emerged from my pokeball i stretched, my spiky fur sticking out further than usual. Then i began to smooth it down. When i had finished, i looked around for Jesse. When i saw that he wasn't here, i smiled and looked down at the gold bracelet he had given me. The jolteon charm hanging from it sparkled in the light. I looked over at the pool, and saw Simba swimming with his emerald green hat. I smiled, before glancing over at Nala. The only thing missing here, apart from Jesse and my teammates loved ones was Steve. I smiled happy that Nala had finally found someone that cared for her. Then i glance around, before grinning evilly and stalking off.
(Kovu's POV)
I looked around and saw Sugar stalking off. I had to suppress a chuckle when i saw Salem looking from the pool to Ayla back to the pool. That boy needed to become more observant in his surroundings. I think the others realized that, and in addition to having fun picking at him, were honestly hoping that if he got caught offguard enough times, he would actually be more observant in the future. I shook my head and joined Amy and the others that were watching the movie. I had fun during the Dragon Games and even though i did not make it to the finals, i couldn't wait to see how it ended. I had friends that had made ti to the finals, and i knew that Nala was proud of me. She noticed me, and began to scratch me between my ears and i purred happily.
(Salem's POV)
I saw Ayla head off into the training section of the house. I was trying to figure out whether to join her, or to join Dad who was swimming in the pool. "Gotcha!" "Ahhh!" I screamed because the next thing i knew i was pinned to the ground by Sugar. I pushed her off me. "You need to be more observant," she told me. I nodded, and then she had to add something else. "Especially considering the fact that you're an espeon." It was then that i decided what i was going to do. I headed off after Ayla, to join her. Maybe i could start working on my observation skills.
Dark Dragonite
2nd December 2002, 08:51 AM
(DD's POV)
I walked in, apparently just missing Nala, and sighed. I had some things to do quickly, so I released Spooky and Ryu, to tell them of their entrances into the Pokemon Avengers Tournement. I saw Ryu was pawing ast my pack, where I kept my stones and other evolutionary devices, and I picked the little Pikachu up. "Are you ready to evolve?" I asked, and he nodded. I took out the stone, and handed it to him, placing him on the floor as he was surrounded by a bright, white aura, his legs and arms growing longer, his tail becomming thinner, and longer, and his yellow fur turning an orange. Ryu had evolved into a Raichu!!
Ryu hugged me, and I brought out my TMs, to make sure they would stand a good chance in the tourney. I sprinkled the poweder over them both, Ryu learned Double Team, and Iron tail, Spooky learning Double team. Now, just wait for the other 3 TMs, I thought, hoping I could get them on soon, as I crashed on the couch for a nap.
2nd December 2002, 10:11 AM
(Nala's POV)
I yawned, walking back to the Eevee house. Jasmine was still aslee around my neck. She had staye duplate to watch the movie with Aiyana and me last night. I released my adoptees outside. Then I entered the Eevee House and smiled when i saw Steve was there. I quietly snuck up behind him and covered his eyes with my hands. I waited for his reaction.
(Blazer's POV)
I padded into the Eevee House and settled down in my normal spot. Everything was quiet today. Salem headed off toward the pool with Ayla at his heels.
(Sugar's POV)
I made my way over to a high shelf, and jumped up onto it. From there, i could see if Jesse or anyone else i knew would come into the EH.
2nd December 2002, 01:12 PM
Gly's POV:
I walked sadly into the Eevee house. I was walking through town the other day, when Jewel was hit my a car. She was okay, she escaped with only a broken leg, but Having to see her handicapped with a cast really made me feel bad. I let her walk around, and I sat on a couch, my head in my hands.
Jewel's POV:
Well, my owner wasn't too happy about what had happened to me. I was hit by those moving things on the roads, and I broke my front leg. I trotted to a spot by the entrance, hoping I would see Jayce, or Jeepers, or someone...
Dark Dragonite
2nd December 2002, 03:23 PM
(DD's POV)
I had felt a familiar pair of hands over my eyes, knowing it was Nala, and leaned up to kiss her. I was smiling as she took her hands away. I hugged her tight, having missed her a lot. I then invited her to dit on the couch with me, and maybe watch a movie.
(Flare's POV)
I ran in happily, winning a battle, and growing closer to my goal, 24 more levels!! I raced up to Blazer, telling him the good news, as I now had 2 more attacks, and should be stronger.
(Princess's POV)
I had won my match, defending Pory, and happy to grow closer to Nidor's strength.I stomped around, happy to see Flare, and DD happy as well, then laid down next to Nidor, resting.
2nd December 2002, 06:59 PM
(Nala's POV)
I hugged DD and walked around the couch and sat down beside him. Then i popped in the movie The Fugitive into the DVD player. I released my captured pokemon, and then scooted closer to Steve and proceeded to watch the movie. I smiled as Kiara jumped on DD's lap.
(Lucky's POV)
I felt my self and the others being released. Shadow and Flare walked over to greet some members of DD's captured team. I saw a meowth with something on her leg. I walked over, and said hi.
(Blazer's POV)
I smiled. "Way to go!" I told her. Then i stood up, stretched, and we wnt outside. . It was a beautiful day, and i just stood there, letting the wind ripple through my fur.
(Jasmine's POV)
Yawning, i slowly opened my eyes to see we were at teh EH. I smiled when i saw Nala and DD so close together. I slithered down, and began to look around for Kidda or my Dad.
3rd December 2002, 07:56 AM
Jewel's POV:
I looked up. Someone had distinctively said, "Hi." It was another pokemon pal. It asked what I had on my leg. I glanced sadly to the left. "It's a cast, for my, um, broken leg." I said. Apparently, I stood out, so I might need to get used to things for a while.
Gly's POV:
I was traumatized too much by her incident, that I crept once again to the wall, and--
--hit it with my head again, and I'll never do that once more, because now I have a splitting headache. As I said before, you may hit the wall all you want, but it still won't hurt the thing, but it'll do considerable damage to you instead. I staggered to the left, and fell to the floor, spirals in my eyes.
3rd December 2002, 05:49 PM
[Ace's POV]
"Angel? That's an awesome name." I smiled, proud of myself for finally meeting someone new, and followed Angel into the House. She told me she wanted me to meet her brother, Rambunctious. He sounded neat, what with a name like that. When we entered the Eevee House, I caught eyes with Blazer. I glanced at Angel, who was leading me to her brother, and smiled back in Blazer's direction. He winked at me. I grinned again and pranced along after Angel.
[Jayce's POV]
"Hah! Take that! ... Ouch! Let go, Jeep, let go!" I had leaped at Jeepers and tried to pin her down, but somehow she flipped me over and pinned me instead. She had grabbed my tail in her mouth and was biting down as hard as she could. I kicked and squirmed and finally wriggled out of her grasp. I stuck my tongue out at her and we both started giggling. I took the advantage and tackled Jeepers again, this time successfully and began to tickle her.
Totodile Lover
3rd December 2002, 06:05 PM
Blackout's (POV)
I had just finsihed my coffee, and I looked over a gly.. Lying. Lifeless with spirals in his eyes. I giggled then lept over to him. And licked him on the cheek. Iwas surprised when he suddenly snapped his eyes opened to meet mine. "Hi." I yelped happily. All of my trainers pokemon agthered around him. and then tickled him.
baby jolteon
3rd December 2002, 07:03 PM
(Angel's POV)
I look back at Ace and smile at him "Thanks you, my trainer opicked it out, of coarse >.<" We reach the area where my brother is and introduce them both to each other. "Ram, this Ace, Ace this Ram." I said with a smile. I watched as they both shake paws and say 'Hello' After a short while of silence I break in, "So do ya'll wanna do now?" :)
3rd December 2002, 08:06 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walked back into the Eevee House carrying my bookbag on my shoulder. I had to chuckle. Jasmine looked so cute in it with just her head poking out. Blazer had wanted to stay at the Eevee House the other night so i had let him. When he saw me, he ran up and licked my face as a greeting. I reached up and scratched him between his ears before walking over to the couch where i let out all my adopted and captured pokemon.
(Jasmine's POV)
After Nala settled in, I crawled out of her back and headed over to the pool. I didn't see Kidda or Dad anywhere, and as long as Simba or Ayla was around Nala didn't mind me swimming. I saw Simba and smiled at him. Then i grinned and playfully splashed him.
(Aiyana's POV)
I jumped up on the couch and then i jumped onto the back of the couch and laid there watching Nala.
Totodile Lover
3rd December 2002, 08:15 PM
blackout's POV
I heard nala come in. I wondered if she remembered me, I ran from Gly, you was being tickled to death. And ran to nala, and jumped happily up beside her. Until I noticed a new pokemon. "Hey! I'm Blackout." I yelped happily.
3rd December 2002, 09:01 PM
Gly's POV:
I was quickly awakened with a tickling sensation as I HHE EE HAA AHOO HO HAHAA was surrounded by a bunch of lunatics! RAHHAH hHAnYHEHE Hoo HAH!!! I had to get out of there! I quickly got up, tickled back, and ran straight into the south side wall, knocking myself out...
Jewel's POV:
I looked at my trainer. Poor him. I felt sorry for the guy. Then, when he couldn't stand any more, he got up, attacked back, and ran into the wall, getting unconcious once again. I went over in a small limp because of my leg, and gave him the Emergencie Licks procedure. No luck.
4th December 2002, 02:12 PM
OOC: KT, you don't happen to have an adopted page, do you? You know, like the one you asked for through the PM?
[Ace's POV]
"Ram, this is Ace. Ace, this is Ram." Angel introduced me to her brother, Rambunctious. I smiled at him and shook his paw in greeting. Angel then asked us what we wanted to do. I shrugged my shoulders, having absolutely no ideas. I knew that there were thousands of bouncy balls stored in the closets for us Pokemon or there was a swimming pool... wait, nevermind, we couldn't do that... Could we? "Hey, its not possible for us to be able to swim in the water, is it? Or would it hurt us too bad?" I asked the both of them.
[Jeeper's POV]
Me and Jayce stopped goofing around when we saw GLY banging his head against the wall. He blacked out and woke again. Then he ran into another wall and blacked out again. What a nutter... When he finally woke up again, Jayce and I were staring at him. When he caught my eyes, I gave him a 'raised-eyebrow' look and shook my head. I then poked Jayce and ran off. I spotted Ace and a few other Pokemon I didn't know. Jayce and I decided to leave them alone, in case we would have been interrupting anything.
[Khaisa's POV]
I was getting bigger by the day and more active as well. I was finally able to play with my team mates when I wanted to without having to go to sleep five minutes later. I thought it was time I started to explore the Eevee House on my own. So I slithered down from MK's lap and onto the floor. It was pretty cold on my skin. I shivered and continued on my way. I made my way into the kitchen and smelled the air in there. I smelt all kinds of food. After deciding I would wait for MK to get something for me to eat, I slithered over to the pool's edge and saw Jasmine and Simba in it. I also saw Sandie. I waved at Jasmine and Simba, hoping they'd notice me. Then, to my surprise, Sandie jumped up out of the water and sat down next to me. She was always so kind to me, almost treating me like her own daughter. "Even though you already know how to swim, Khaisa, would you like to go for a ride?" "Sure! Thanks, Sandie." So I wrapped myself halfway around Sandie's neck, so I wouldn't fall off of her as she swam. She jumped into the water and smiled sweetly in Simba's direction. She leapt in and out of the water, going in and out of the water's surface. She almost made me want to be able to swim and leap around just like she did.
Totodile Lover
4th December 2002, 04:14 PM
Shocker (POV)
I had given up on my coffee. I knew blackout would just take it again. I goran and headed to the pool. Unfortnatly, unlike raidar, blackout and all the other pokemon. I was to afriad of water. All it did was remind me of drowning.
I lowered my head, I always wanted to swim, but never had the courage. I was.. Way to scared.
"I wish I had a friend.." I muttered.
I eventually got used to the water and happily splashed around, I saw shocker on the edge. I didn't bother talking to her. She was quiet and no fun. I ignored her and kept swimming.
baby jolteon
4th December 2002, 06:51 PM
OOC:I don't have one, first I don't understand and second I can't get pictures for my pokemon.But I can give you the sorta thing through PM
(Angel's POV)
I think for awhile finally say something, "I think it would hurt us but not as bad as pure water."(cloriene)(sp)"wanna try putting our paw in the water instead of getting in?" I asked softly. I thought about maybe asking my trainer but thought that I better not, after all, she's really stupid >.<
(Flame's POV)
I over hear Angel, Ace and Ram talking and walk over to them. "It hurts!" I warned them, "I was splashed once o.o and it really hurt!!!So I suggest that you don't go in there."
4th December 2002, 09:34 PM
(Aiyana's POV)
I walked into the Eevee House with my ears drooping. I had just lost a battle, and though Nala had said that she was proud of me i still felt bad. As i thought about what had happened, my tail sunk lower between my legs. I saw a bunch of other pokes and i half smiled. I still didn't know that many. The only ones i knew were my teammates.
(Nala's POV)
I saw Aiyana. I tried to help her feel better, but it didn't work. I hoped that she could make some friends soon. I looked around and waved at M_K. I looked for Steve, but i didn't see him, so i decided to walk over and talk to M_K.
(Sugar's POV)
I smiled when i saw Jesse. I dropped low to the ground and slowly began to sneak up on him. When i was close enough, i dashed in and tackled him playfully to the ground, licking his face. "I missed you," I told him purring while i nuzzled him.
4th December 2002, 09:54 PM
Ahh...the Eevee House...
It had been weeks since I came here...few weeks too long...I had missed this place...
I walked in and watched as my Pokemon scrambled in, reaquanting themselves in the place they had come to love. Eevee, my first pokemon ever, scrambled over to a corner with Ditto, and started gazing in each other's twinkling eyes.
Smeargle, set up his canvas and began to paint another masterpiece with vivid reds, blues, and greens.
Squirtly, scrambled out the door and back to the Eevee House's grand pool.
Evan, my Month old Umbreon, scrambled over to a lone Houndaur. Good thing he didn't see the cake I had behind my back...
Gastly...was probably in the cake, getting ready a silly prank by popping out of the cake...
I walked to the red leather sofa, my sofa. I had always sat here, everytime I came here, I sat here, in the red leather sofa. I sniffed the air around the sofa. Still had the leathery smell, just like always.
My Charmander sat down right next to me and we got ready to enjoy another night at the Eevee House.
Then, I caught something in the corner of my eye...oh no...
"Larvitar...leave Thunda alone..." I cried out. Larvitar was commiting his daily Eevee House ritual of chasing Thunda around the house and then clamping his teeth in her tail...*sigh* I took out my crowbar in preparation.
5th December 2002, 05:12 PM
(Aiyana's POV)
I had settled down in a quiet corner. A few seconds later, when i looked up, I saw an umbreon. "Hi," I said nervously.
(Nala's POV)
I looked around for Steve, but i didn't see him. So i decided to pop in a movie and settle in. The Eevee House would probably be getting active soon. I put The Santa Clause into the DVD player and turned it on.
(Jasmine's POV)
I settled in Nala's lap as we wattched the movie. I hoped Kidda would get here soon so we could all watch the movie together.
(Blazer's POV)
Having made sure everything was at least going semi-smooth inside the eevee house, i went outside to work on target practice. As soon as i exited the house, i paused and sniffed the air. Nothing unusal on the breeze, i thought to myself as i stretched and yawned. Then i padded over to the outside training area and began to practice on my aim.
(Sugar's POV)
I padded back and forth. I missed Jesse and Torrey. Salem was watching me out of the corner of his eye. However, he wasn't paying attention to Sweetie, and i had to laugh as she pounced on him. I winked at Sweetie, before walking over to the door. I hoped that M_K would arrive soon. I would just have to be ready when and if she does.
(Dodger's POV)
I was bored. I looked around. Everyone else was having fun. I shrugged and flew out of the Eevee House. There was nothing like the freedom i felt when i was flying.
(Simba's POV)
I watched Jasmine and Nala from the pool. I missed Sandie. I was getting kind of bored, so i climbed out of the pool and walked over to the group that was forming to watch the movie and i settled in.
Totodile Lover
5th December 2002, 05:16 PM
Blackout POV
I yelp happily, and licked her face, hoping to make friends with her.
"I'm blackout!" I yelped happily again.
My moon on my head, started to blow sky blue, meaning happiness.
I blush in embarrasment.
8th December 2002, 03:36 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walked in after a being gone a few days. I needed to take a break from studying and this place seemed to be a good idea for somewhere to relax. Jasmine was curled around my neck looking around curiously. Once i was inside, i released the rest of my pokemon and most of them went to their usual spots. Aiyana curled up next to me on the couch.
(Sugar's POV)
I began to sneak up on Salem. He didn't seem to notice me, and i pounced and hit the floor. Then i heard him yelp. It seems that he may have sensed me but he failed to notice Sweetie. "You're getting better," I told him as i brused myself off.
(Blazer's POV)
I walked outside a few minutes enjoying the fresh air before heading back inside and lying on top of the air vent. Yawning, I watched what went on in the house from my spot.
8th December 2002, 08:34 PM
I walked into the Eevee house nervously. Was I welcome? I'm not sure. My pokemon were though. they dashed into everything running to and fro chasing each other like they owned this place. I sighed and ran after my pokemon to try to catch them.
Charmanders POV + Growlithes POV
We dashed around toghether and dove into a cabinet of..... CANDY!!!!!! We ate Crunches, Smarties, And our favorite, M&Ms!!!! We didnt usually get these treats from our master. He said something about cavities.
Ponytas POV
I galoped around the field in the eevee house hopin to find a fellow Ponyta. But i didnt see one. I walked inside and saw a lot of people i didnt noe. ALOT! Practicly all. I went out agin and saw some poekmon in the field. There was 1 ponyta and i galloped up to the ponyta eager to make a conbersation.
Sandshrews POV
I dashed into the Eevee House, out of it and staright into the sandbox! I started a digging contest with a Nidoran and a Lavaritar. I won!:D We made a sand castle toghether and then dug some more! It was great!
Onixs POV
I entered the Eevee house nervously. Id never been here before. My master said that i needed to relax from battles and just play. So i followed sandshrew and watch him have a digging contest with a male nidoran and a lavaritar. i was the ref.
9th December 2002, 03:12 PM
Gly's POV:
I came skipping into the house. No one had noticed till I yelled "WAAAAHEEEYY!!!!" Then Everyone stared. I sat there blinking. I had, uh, forgotten what I was cheering about. I looked around. Shoot, I always hate it when I forget something truly important to me. Then I saw Jewel, and I remembered. "Ladies and Gents, my Meowth, Jewel, has finally reached her first day without her cast!" I seemed happy enough. A few people were still giving weird looks, but a few people more smiled, and even gave the thumbs-up. I smiled. But then, I fell off the table I was standing on, and heard a cracking noise in my leg.
Jewel's POV:
Oh, Happy day! I Had gotten rid of that nasty cast, and I didn't need to limp! Everything was great! I went over to Jayce and Jeepers, and tackled Jayce, and we played tag for a few minutes. Then, I heard a yell, and reconized it as my masters:
10th December 2002, 05:44 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walk into the Eevee House glad that two exams are out of the way. I only have three more left. Then I finally get a short break. Which is good because i really want to wrtie some more. Once inside, I release all of my pokemon except Jasmine who is already out curled around my neck. Aiyana jumps on my lap, as the rest of my pokes go to their usual places.
(Jasmine's POV)
I raised my head and looked around for either my Dad or Kidda. I didn't see either one of them so i just rested curled up around Nala's neck.
(Sweetie's POV)
I was bored. I had picked on Salem enough for now. I began wondering around the house looking for somthing to do or someone i knew to enter the house. I saw my ball laying where i had left it the other day, so i picked it up and went over to Nala's pack and dropped it in there.
(Aiyana's POV)
I settled doen on Nala's lap. There was hardly anyone here. I laid down watching what went on in hopes that i could make a new friend or two.
Dark Dragonite
10th December 2002, 06:40 PM
(Kidda's POV)
I entered the house in Mercury's arms, waiting to see Jasmine, both of us giving her a hug when we went over to her.
(DD's POV)
I entered, glad to see Nala in here again, and hugged her tight, giving her a peck on the cheek. I had missed her greatly, and told her I had a little gift I knew she had wanted.
I gave her a wink, handing a bottle, obviously wrapped in the shape of one, and watched as she opened it to reveal a white juice. "Merry Christmas hun!!" I said, as I watched Mercury hang a bit of mistle toe above us. I smiled, leaning in to kiss her.
10th December 2002, 07:12 PM
(Nala's POV)
I smiled when i saw Steve enter. I waved at him, as he came over. When he said he had something for me, i looked up at him puzzled. He handed me a small present. I opened it and saw a white jusice. "Are you sure about this i asked smiling. Then i dug around in my pack and handed Him a night stone, accelerator gene, and a hoot hoot plushie. "It's not much, but here." I said as i handed the stuff to him. While i waited for him to answer my question, Mercury hung a mistletoe up. It was actually the first time i didn't mind being under one either.
(Jasmine's POV)
I smiled when i saw Dad and Kidda enter. They both hugged me. "Kidda, wanna go swim in the pool?" i asked her before waiting for her answer.
(Aiyani's POV)
I saw jumped down off Nala's lap when Steve arrived. I saw a growlithe nearby. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Hi. My name's Aiyana. What's yours"
Dark Dragonite
10th December 2002, 09:38 PM
(Kidda's POV)
"Sure!!" I said, looking up at Mercury, and asking him to take us to the pool. I lept in, enjoying the cool water, splashing playfully with Jasmine, until Noel lept into the pool, and vanished into a mist. "How did he do that??" I asked.
(DD's POV)
"Hun, I want you to have it, don't worry about the other items, you don't have to, my present is you being here."
I hugged her tight once again, watching as Septiembre made a spiderweb in the shape of a heart.
(Flare's POV)
I had been the winner again, closer to my goal.I wanted so badly to be stronger than anyone else, well, maybe not Blazer, I don't think I'd ever get that strong. I padded about the house awaiting Blazer's presence.
10th December 2002, 09:46 PM
(Nala's POV)
"Awwww," I said smiling. "I want you to have the items as well." Then smiling. I think Sweetie would like to be the recipiant. You want to give it to her?" I said handing him the bottle back.
(Jasmine's POV)
"I don't know," I answered Kidda. Then i smiled, playfully splashing her. She splashed back and soon we were giggling
(Aiyana's POV)
I walked off. I guess she didn't hear me. Note to self. Learn to speak up so that you can be heard.
Dark Dragonite
11th December 2002, 12:04 AM
(Flare's POV)
I thought I had heard someone, but I wasn't sure, I was too busy thinking about my win, and Blazer. I decided to turn back and look to see someone. I saw a houndour, she looked a bit dejected, so it must have been her I ignored. "I'm sorry, I was busy in my own world there. I'm Flare, who are you??"
(Kidda's POV)
I decided to get curious, and splashed int he direction I had seen him vanish into. I heard him say something, and I laughed, until he shot a water gun at me.The Vaporeon then reappeared in front of me and Jasmine. He was big, but not frightening at all, especially not with his bow. I turned to Jasmine, and said: "I wish I could do that, vanish into thin air."
(DD's POV)
I thanked Amy, putting the items in my pack. I then turned to Sweetie, handing her the bottle, and holding it as she drank all of the funy looking liquid, and sat back next to Amy as I watched the chage...
11th December 2002, 01:24 AM
(Sweetie's POV)
When i saw DD enter the house. I walked over with dad following me. I jumped onto Steve's lap purring a greeting. When DD offered me the juice i smiled and looked up at Dad. "If you want to, and Steve doesn't mind giving it to you." Nala had also asked him if he was sure about this. DD said that he was sure. I smiled at the rest of the phrase. Then Nala handed the jusice back to him and said he could give it to me if i wanted. DD held the juice out where i could lap it up. It actually tasted pleasant. Then Nala and Steve snuggled close and watched me. I felt a slight tingling sensation as a silvery glow surrounded me. When it faded, i was white. I walked over to the pool. I smiled. My gem had stayed red but the rest of my fur ws a pretty white. Then i walked back and jumped on DD's lap purring happily. Dad nuzzled me before going off t have a look around the place.
(Aiyana's POV)
As i turned to walk away, my ears drooping, the growlithe spoke. "I'm sorry, I was busy in my own world there. I'm Flare, who are you??" I smiled. "It's ok. I need to learn to speak up. My name's Aiyana. I'm a membr of Nala's team. I'm pretty new so i hardly know anyone besides my team mates.
(Jasmine's POV)
"Yeah, that would be cool." I answered Kidda. Then i looked over at Dad. He was flying. I smiled know that eventually i could do that as well. I turned my attention back to Kidda. What do ya wanna do now?" I asked.
11th December 2002, 06:26 AM
~Gly's POV:
I was sitting up blinking. I believe I broke my leg. A few people stared. To my surprise, I was able to stand up. I felt no pain in my leg. "It's a mira-" I started to say, but then my eyes fell on a branch that stuck to me on the way inside, that made the cracking noise. "-cle?" I finished. Everyone became relieved and went back to their business. Oh well. Saved everyone a trip to the ER.
Jewel's POV:
So his leg wasn't broken at all. What a relief! I thought for a second he wasn't kidding! He wasn't, but the stick he sat on did. Anyways, I was walking around when I saw Sweetie. I went over and said hi.
23rd December 2002, 11:37 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walked into the Eevee House after having been away for an extended period of time. No on else was there, so i released my pokemon, and proceeded to the closet where we kept the holiday decorations. Talut helped me drag out the boxes of Christmas decorations. Talut began to hang red and green streamers while i got to work putting the artifical tree together.
(Sugar's POV)
I smiled at Nala. I was in a good mood today which was why i decided not to pull any mischief while she was putting the Christmas tree together. I looked down at my paw and smiled t the gold bracelet and jolteon charm on it. I missed Jesse. Maybe i would get to see him soon.
(Jasmine's POV)
I watched with intrest as Nala got to work decorating the house. I glanced around but saw neither my dad or Kidda, so i settled down and watched Nala and Talut
Knight of Time
24th December 2002, 08:04 AM
[My POV]
Twas Christmas Eve today. With Christmas Day only one day away, I realized how long I had been gone from the Eevee House, and I walked in, only to find Nala and her Pokemon, and I decided to help, taking out Chaos, my male Houndour, as I looked for some popcorn and string that could be used as a decoration for the artificial tree, and within several minutes, I had a bowl of unsalted, unbuttered popcorn ready to use, when I suddenly noticed Chaos jumping up and down, as if he wanted some.
Telling him that this popcorn was for a decoration, I asked him if he wanted to play with any of Nala's Pokemon, and he nodded.
[Chaos' POV]
Upon being stopped from eating some popcorn, I was a little upset, until I learned what it was going to be used for, and I waited as Kyle created a chain of popcorn and showed it to Nala.
24th December 2002, 09:57 PM
I walked into the Eevee House, like Darkprince, after such a long time. I smiled at the sight. The House was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations. Red and green colors filled my eyes. It looked wonderful. I knew it was Nala who did a lot of it, and it looked like Darkprince helped out a ton as well. They did a wonderful job. I released my whole team and pulled my pack off my back and walked over to the Christmas tree. I began to pull out handfuls of holiday greeting cards with little candy canes attached to the envelopes. Names were written on the front of each envelopes with fancy handwritting. There were cards for everyone, trainers and Pokemon alike. I placed each card carefully under the tree and hoped that everyone would enjoy the cards. Pleased with myself, I walked over to one of the sofas and sat down. Christian leapt onto the sofa next to me and curled up. He had a small candy cane in his mouth and was happily eating and licking it. His purrs were loud and obvious. He loved Christmas.
The rest of my Pokemon team all went to their usual places and talked to their friends.
25th December 2002, 08:34 PM
Gly's POV:
I walked with Jewel through the crunching leaves towards the Eevee House. I could see decorators all over the place. It gave me good feeling around Chistmas time. I looked at Jewel. She had never seen such splendor. She looked puzzled, and I decided it was time to go in for a while. I walked inside, and ran directly into a Christmas Tree. It was mine, actually. I had ordered it for my little spot near the couch around thew holidays. I staggered, and picked up my tree. I set it up near my spot on the couch, and began decorating it. I was about to ask Jewel if she would like to help, but she had wondered off. To see her friends no doubt. I continued working, excited about the holidays.
Jewel's POV:
This was confusing. Why were there colored thingies on the EV House? Why was there colored trees? I had never even heard of such a thing. What was with he strange glass balls? I couldn't even bat at them! They can break! Who ever heard of a ball that breaks?? This was getting confusing, so I left my pal to torture the tree, and I went to Jeepers and Jayce, and asked them, "What in the name of the PokeGods is going on around here?!"
4th January 2003, 11:54 AM
(Nala's POV)
I walked into the Eevee House fter a long abscence over the holidays. I couldn't stay long but i was gonna let my pokes spend the day here while i went to go watch a movie. I released my pokemon before gettig busy taking the decorations down. Jasmine was asleep and Talut was holding her. Aiyana was busy exploring the house. It was still new to her. Finally I was finished. I called my pokes over and told them to behave while i was gone and if there was any signs of trouble for one of the fliers to come and get me.
(Sugar's POV)
I was bored stiff. I mised Jesse and Torrey as well. I pacred around the house. I didn't know what to do.
(Blazer's POV)
I padded over to my spot by the air vent in the floor, and watched evreyone. I yawned and laid my head on my paws and took a nice nap.
6th January 2003, 11:51 AM
This was it: The Eevee House. I couldn't believe I finally found the place. I had been looking for what seemed like forever, trudging through the snow and the chilling winds that blew. I hated cold weather. Switchblade hated it, too, for it made his systems lag. He became unusually grumpy despite his usual cheerful nature, and did not so much as beep through the entire journey. Poor Porygon. Evenstar didn't seem to mind, though; she kept her charming feline smile all the time, and her icy crystals sparkled in the falling snow. The cold was just perfect weather for a Sneasel such as she.
Shaking myself, I half pushed, half fell through the door, tired beyond belief. Quickly I shut the door behind us and sad down to catch my breath. Some people looked at us amused, but I just laughed and couldn't help it. I was just glad to have finally escaped the cold, and sighed happily as warmth and blood began to flow again through my frozen cheeks. Switchblade looked happier, too. Evenstar just stood there calmly, gazing around slowly at the new surroundings, intrigued.
Switchblade the Porygon's POV:
The cold outside was a nasty business. We had to travel for miles, and it was freezing. There was some thick snowfall that we had to get through, and we would have been lost if Evenstar hadn't helped to lead us. It was a good thing she was around, or we'd have been stuck in the cold freezing for a terribly long time.
I could see, now that my trainer had gotten over the cold, that she was still exhausted, and furthermore she was quite unsure of herself. I guess she hadn't thought of what she'd do after we actually got to the Eevee House. I wasn't quite sure, either. What were we supposed to do here, anyway? I tugged at my trainer's jeans, and she nodded. I darted off, looking for someone to ask about this place. Whatever we were supposed to do here, it looked like fun! I smiled happily.
Evenstar the Sneasel's POV:
If I had understood what my trainer had read to me properly, this Eevee House was a place where we could meet other pokémon and trainers. It sounded like a great plan, especially because all three of us were relatively new to the Dragon Tamers. I could already see that Switchblade had gone off in an energetic hurry, and I porbably should have started to introduce myself to the others, too. Something worried me, though...
I turned to look at my trainer. She didn't look very sure of herself, and it seemed like she didn't know what to do. On top of that, I could see that she was thoroughly exhausted. For her and Switchblade the journey through the cold was a struggle, but Switchblade was resilient, able to bounce back to life almost immediately under many circumstances with limitless energy. My trainer lacked that kind of energy. Quietly, I walked to her, took her by the hand, and led her to a comfortable looking sofa nearby. She sat down gratefully, but she was still tense and would not relax. I hoped she would start to enjoy herself soon. For the meantime, I went in search of a glass of a cool drink for her before I started to meet the others.
Baby Blue Eyes
8th January 2003, 08:08 PM
8th January 2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Baby Blue Eyes
Joey and his pichu, PicPic entered the Evee house
"It's pretty cool here. Have some of my pokefood. I need to leave. Have fun, PicPic!" "Pichu! Pichu!"
I looked around and awed at everything. This is so cool! I played with a ball, but I was lonely. This was my first time to Evee house. Since I was bored, I took a nap. But a pokemon appeared in my head. I started to wave but he disapeared. That really spooked :( .
No no no...
You didn't read the the first post did you? The Eevee House was created so people who have adopted Pokemon could RP with them. Unfortunatly, I see you have no adopted Pokemon, and just made up one. That's no cigar. You can aquire an adopted Pokemon in the Poll, Clubs, and Games forum in the Adoption Center threads (there in there, just look for em).
8th January 2003, 09:01 PM
Baby Blue Eyes, welcome to the eevee house. Pokenmasterfrank is correct. This rpg is a little different from the rest. Please read the first page for additional info and links. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask, we don't bite. ;)
(Nala's POV)
I walked into the eevee house after a long and rather busy week. As i walk over to the couch, I release my pokes who go to their usual places. I saw Char, and smiled going over to talk to her. "Welcome to the Eevee House. I hope you like it here."
(Sweetie's POV)
I looked around the EH. Since i didn't see anyone that i knew, I walked over to Amy's pack and dug around in it till i found my ball. Then i began amusing myself, playing with it.
Dark Dragonite
8th January 2003, 09:20 PM
(DD's POV)
I ran into the house, not having been there in forever, and rushed over to Nala, grabbing her tightly into my arms, and kissing her. "Hey hun, miss me?" i whispered, smiling wide.
I had only let one pokemon loose, and that was Myst, who limped around, I wondered if he would ever be fully healed from that injury.
(Myst's POV)
I hobbled over to DD, nuzzling his leg, then Nala's, I felt safe with them, and I hoped I would be healed, and a normal eevee like those I've seen here before.
9th January 2003, 06:30 AM
Well, me and Jewel were back in the saddle after a few days' absence. When we walked in, however, I noticed something was wrong. Then it had hit me.
Jewel was hiding from me again.
She had gotten into a bad habit of annoying me like this. So I looked. I looked under the couch, under the tables, near the bar, but she wasn't anywhere. Then I remembered her last hiding place. I looked above the front door, and...!
I didn't see her, and my grip loosened, and I landed on my behind, scrunching my green Yoshi tail a lot. It hurt. It hurt more when I banged my head on the wall in frustration.
Ouchies... Then, I saw her hiding in a fern. I didn't bother to even LOOK there... ._.
9th January 2003, 04:22 PM
[MK's POV]
BlueShadow gracefully pumped his powerful wings through the cold air. I shivered under my heaviest coat as I held on tight. The wonderful sight of the Eevee House finally showed itself as Blue slowed in the air. He prepared himself for a graceful landing and helped me down off of his back. I thanked him for the ride here and release Christian and the rest of the team and walked with all of them into the warmth of the Eevee House.
I spotted Nala and DD in their usual place and went over to greet them both. Jesse and Torrey sat down at my feet and gave Nala a look that asked where Sugar and Ayla were. I smiled at their priceless expressions.
"So how was your Christmas?" I asked Nala and DD. I told them that I had a wonderful one and got brand new Sabian cymbals for the good 'ol drum set here at home. I also said that I had bought a Super Rebound R/C car off of Ebay after Christmas and finally got it on Tuesday. Its a blast!!!
[Christian's POV]
I rolled my eyes happily when MK told Nala and DD of her Christmas at her parent's house. She was really excited and happy about the new cymbals to add to her drum set. But they were about to the point where they and the drums both were driving me nuts because she played and practiced them so much! Oh well, if it makes her happy. =)
I got bored listening to the three of them chat so I found an empty chair and curled up in it to take a nap.
[Jesse's POV]
I walked around, looking for Sugar. I had a Christmas present for her. It was like the braclet I had gotten her in the past, but different. When I found her, I greeted her with hugs and licks. Then I handed her a wrapped gift and told her I was sorry it was so late, but at least I got it to her. Inside the box was a silver necklace that had pastel heart charms on the front, where it would be seen most. The colors where pastel red, pink, blue, green, and some other colors. I hoped she'd like it.. I waited with ants in my fur as she opened the gift.
12th January 2003, 01:23 PM
Evenstar the Sneasel's POV:
I saw to it that my trainer got a cool glass of lemonade. She smiled at me gratefully when she took it, then began to talk to Nala who greeted her. She looked much better now, especially after the refreshing drink. I smiled, then walked quietly away to find Switchblade.
Switchblade the Porygon's POV:
I couldn't believe it. I was having so much fun! Whee! I darted around the room, zig-zagging between trainers and their pokémon, and(accidentally) upsetting a jar of icy water. People were getting annoyed, but I couldn't help it. This place was huge, and I had all the time in the world to explore!
Baby Blue Eyes
12th January 2003, 03:24 PM
I walked into the Eevee house and released my Lvl 8 Paras named Para. "Have fun, Para!"
"Wow! This is awesome!" I put 2 socks on my mushrooms and took some poke food out of a container and ate it. I started to play with a ball, then I decided to say :wave: to everybody.
17th January 2003, 12:53 AM
(Nala's POV)
Walking into the Eevee House i immediately noticed a few faces. I greeted them before i got busy making sure everything looked nice. Then I released my pokemon, who headed straight for their normal spots. Since it was late, Jasmine was asleep curled around my neck. Aiyanna greeted the pokemon beore returning to where i was and settling down.
(Aiyana's POV)
IAfter i was released i saw many new faces. I introduced myself and then i returned to where Nala was. I needed to make some close friends but i was a little nervouse. I mean i was friends with my teammates, but still... I jumped gently on Nalas lap and curled up.
(Blazer's POV)
I softly padded over t one of the air vents and plopped down. The air was refreshing. The house was quieter than usual these days but there were a few new peeps and if anyne could wrassle up the usuals, it was Nala. She seemed busier than ever these days yet she seemed to enjoy it.
Knight of Time
17th January 2003, 12:25 PM
[My POV]
Once again, personal matters had been making my visits here a bit uncommon these days. Knowing that some new friends had already made their first appearances in the Eevee House, I thought about C04621's Porygon, Switchblade. Remembering the day I adopted Cybertron as a L9 Porygon, I took out Cybertron's Pokeball and released the Porygon, hoping it would be able to meet Switchblade sooner or later.
[Cybertron's POV]
Upon hearing one of Kyle's friends had a Porygon of her own called Switchblade, I thought for a moment. Since I never made friends with another Porygon or a Porygon2, I wondered when Switchblade and his trainer would soon arrive, and I jumped up next to Kyle, who had sat down on a nearby couch upon releasing me from my shiny pink and blue Pokeball.
18th January 2003, 08:38 AM
Wow, I felt a lot better after drinking the lemonade that Evenstar handed me. She was really a great help. I felt refreshed. Still, I was kinda tired. I lay back on the couch, listening to the others around me talking. The couch felt so comfortable, and the voices were like a soft song lulling me to sleep...
I jerked up in surprise. Was it just me, or did I see a Porygon...? Whoever it was, it wasn't Switchblade. I could tell just by looking whether a Porygon was Switchblade or not. Besides, Switchblade was special; I didn't point it out often, but he had been born with a rather abnormal birthmark on his chest: a deep blue kanji character the shape of the Fire Blast symbol: Japanese for "big". I had puzzled a lot of times over what that had meant, or if it really had any meaning at all. I also wondered why I had a strong instinct to refer to Switchblade as a "he" all the time... Porygons' genders were supposed to be unknown. Perhaps I was better at understanding pokémon than I thought.
Switchblade the "male" Porygon's POV:
I hated to admit it, but I was finally tiring myself out. Bursting through huge houses and winding in between trainers and their pokémon at full speed is not a good idea, especially if you do it just after having experienced the worst winter ordeal of your life. I had to slow down, or I would expend all my energy just messing around. I guess I was just really excited.
Something caught my attention, though; I heard a trainer yell "Go, Cybertron!" Not unusual for pokémon to have nicknames, but it was what I heard next that really intrigued me: the distinct, mechanical cry of another Porygon. Of course, I darted off to investigate.
Sooner or later, I saw the other Porygon (Cybertron, I presumed) looking for someone. I had a strange feeling it(I said "it" because I really couldn't tell Cybertron's apparent gender from here, though I pretty well knew I myself was a "he") was looking for me... or something. Well, I decided to make an entrance - a big one.
Emitting a loud, mechanical whine, I drew Cybertron's attention to... myself. That is, myself dashing at it with a burst of alarming speed. Cybertron sort of freaked and froze stiff. Laughing all the way, I could tell that it didn't notice the blue glow that already surrounded my body... Nor did it notice that the closer I got to it, the higher up I lifted my body. Soon, Cybertron was convinced that I was going to crash directly into it and kill it, but by now I had lifted myself enough so that I would pass over its head. I sailed nonchalantly by, pretending that I wasn't suddenly flying at insane speeds like a diving aircraft. I decided Cybertron had enough, though, and I actually felt rather bad that I had scared it so much in the first place. It was as pale as a cadaver.
Sheepishly, I came to a halt, then turned around to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Switchblade. Were you looking for me?"
Evenstar the female Sneasel's POV:
So many pokémon, so many faces... Yet all of them were strangers to me. I had a lot to do: introducing, meeting, talking. I intended to know everyone of them sooner or later.
Someone caught my attention, though. Where my trainer was sitting, I saw a shy-looking Houndour lying curled up in Nala's(I learned to refer to the trainer as Nala when I had brought my trainer a drink) lap. I think Nala referred to the Houndour as Aiyana. Anyway, Aiyana seemed a little eager, but withdrawn. She looked like she wanted to make friends, but lacked the courage to do it. I was going to meet everyone, and Aiyana was a good place to start.
I walked up to Aiyana and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Evenstar. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aiyana."
19th January 2003, 06:45 AM
My Pov
I walked in, nervous.Well, I had promised my pokemon that I would let them have some play time.I released my pokemon.Out came Volty, Singer, Woolly, Burner, Stinger, and Snowy.They went in different directions.But, Stinger stayed with me.
Volty's pov
Woolly had decided to come with me.We were pretty hungry, so Woolly opened the fridge and and got us two snacks.We had a contest of who can eat their snack first.Woolly won.
Singer's pov
I walked around for a little bit, then saw a couch.Well, I was preety tired so I layed down and sang myself to sleep.
Burner's pov
I went with Snowy.We decided to just go and see if the clouds made patterns that we knew."Oooo, look up there, it's a jigglypuff!"Snowy Exclamed.
My pov
Meanwhile, I was helping Stinger improve it's aim.Left, right, left, right,....... "All right, you got it!"I finally said.*Stinger Bees triumphantly*
Knight of Time
20th January 2003, 02:10 PM
[My POV]
Upon seeing Switchblade for the first time, I scratched my head in confusion. Knowing that Cybertron wasa a few levels higher than Switchblade, I could see that Cybertron was scared, and I watched as it went back into its Pokeball, as if it was afraid of Switchblade.
Even though I was not angry at Karin nor Switchblade, I was quite surprised, and I asked Karin if she had ever been to the Pokemon Zoo Battle Tower in PCG, telling her that I had a 6-0 record there, and that I was looking forward to a challenging battle there with one of her Pokemon someday in the future.
21st January 2003, 08:01 PM
(Aiyana's POV)
A sneasel approached me. I slowly raised my head, smiling as she introduced herself. "Its a pleasure to meet you too. My friends sometimes call me Yana for short." I smiled. Then i hopped down from Nala's lap. "You wanna explore this place?" I asked curiously. Evev though i had been there several times, most of the time i had stayed with Nala so much of the house was a mystery to me.
(Nala's pOV)
I smiled as it looked like Yana had made a new friend. I looked over at Salem. For once, he was actually payng attention to the things going on around him. I smiled.
(Sweetie's POV)
I walked over to the pool and took a galnce at myself. I still wasn't used to my new color, but i liked it a lot. I silently wondered if any of y friends would recognize me that hadn't seen me in a whil.
Lady Vulpix
26th January 2003, 02:57 PM
I entered the Eevee House and noticed there was no one around. "Oh, well, I'll take a rest," I said to myself and sat on the couch. Caledor, my Espeon, curled up by my side and waited to see if anyone showed up.
Water Angel and Pidgeot went to the swimming pool and enjoyed the large extension of water.
The rest of the team walked around, except for Lagi and Ventura, who were still at the Battle Tower.
26th January 2003, 09:55 PM
I walked into the Eevee House, curious to see what might have changed while I was gone. I seemed to have made it a habit to forget about visiting more than once a week... I miss the old days of the EH. These days are still just as great, but not the same. I sighed and sat myself down quietly on a chair next to the sofa where Gabi was resting. I released my team and gave them a signal that told them to keep as quiet as they could. They all smiled and went to their normal spots.
[Jesse's POV]
I didn't see very many people or Pokemon around, so I walked around, hoping to spot Sugar somewhere. If she wasn't here, she'd hopefully be here soon. In the mean time, I went outside to get some fresh air. I spotted a huge apple tree in the backyard that I hadn't ever climbed before. So I happily approached it and leapt from branch to branch, higher and higher until I reached the very top of the tree. I could see everything from here. The sun was shining warmly on my frizzy fur and that felt good. So I curled myself up and basked in the sun and finally fell asleep.
[Jayce's POV]
I poked Jeepers with my paw. She poked me back. I returned her poke. We kept this up until we finally ended up rolling around on the floor, wrestling playfully. Strangly enough, I always ended up being pinned by her. We laughed and played together for awhile until we finally got bored. I led the way around back and noticed Jesse sleeping in that big tree. "Jeep, wanna go climb trees?" "Sure!" So we raced each other to another not-so-big tree next to the one Jes slept in. We quickly climbed its branches and wrestled around in it. Bees and other bugs were buzzing around the fruits and leaves. I was really glad winter was starting to go away and spring was about to come. The warm weather always made me feel great!
Lady Vulpix
27th January 2003, 07:45 AM
I noticed M_K enter the Eevee House and, when she sat next to me, I sprang up.
"Hi, M_K! It's good to see you again!," I greeted my friend. "How are you?"
27th January 2003, 09:16 AM
(Nala's pOV)
I walked into the Eevee house smiling. I was having a good day. My second class on both Monday and Wednesday was cancelled due to the room it was held in being remoddled. I released all of my pokemon except Sugar, Kiara, and Talut who were in battles at the battle tower. Then i walked over to the couch where M_K and LV were sitting. I smiled and waved.
(Sweetie's POV)
I slowly, and silently padded after Dad before playfully tackling him. He quickly had me pinned though and was soon tickling me which caused me to laugh.
(Aiyana's POV)
I looked around curiously.
Lady Vulpix
27th January 2003, 10:45 AM
I waved at Nala and said hi. It was always nice to see her. However, I explained that I had to go. My free time was over and I had to meet my thesis partner right at that moment. I sighed. Maybe another time. I just hoped I could get a free day soon.
I said "see you" to Amy, M-K and all the pokemon around, picked up my team and left... for now.
27th January 2003, 03:08 PM
My Pov
"All Right, you can go and play now."I said to Stinger.Meanwhile I was sort of tired, so I went on a couch and preety soon I was catching some Z's
Woolly's Pov
After that eating contest with Volty, We decided to see if we could make any new friends.Pretty soon we had met Sugar.
Stinger's Pov
After that workout, I was really tired.I decided to go in a nearby tree to get some sleep.I noticed here were a few Pineco, but just in case they self-destruct I used Harden on myself before falling asleep.
Snowy's Pov
We found a few more shapes.Prettty soon just from looking at the sky we were sound asleep.
Singer's Pov
I woke up pretty soon, refreshed.Then I noticed that It was so quiet. I wonder why.
27th January 2003, 07:09 PM
Evenstar the female Sneasel's POV:
"Yana?" I asked. "That's a nice nickname. I think I'll call you that. I haven't yet explored the Eevee House, and I would love to go around it with you. It'll be fun!"
Switchblade the "male" Porygon's POV:
I scared Cybertron into its pokéball. Oops. I went up slowly to its trainer, Dark Prince, hoping I could apologize.
When I was gently woken by Switchblade, I was surprised to hear that he had scared a fellow Porygon into its pokéball, but I guess I shouldn't have put that past him. He was very intelligent, but playfully mischievous most of the time. He only got serious when he started a battle, and then his joyous attitude would completely change to one of deadly, solemn focus. Then, he was quite unstoppable; for even when he was behind in battle, he could think up clever strategies on the spot to make awesome comebacks.
What really surprised me, though, was that Dark Prince challenged me to a battle in the Pokézoo Battle Tower. I had never been there before, though I had wanted to try it out. But I had only been around a short time, and my pokémon weren't exactly at high levels. Still, I gladly accepted the challenge.
"Maybe Switchblade can battle Cybertron to make up for today's incident?" I suggested. "He didn't mean to scare your Porygon, and I'm very sorry. I'm certain he wants to befriend Cybertron, and what better way than in a Pokémon battle?"
[EDIT]: OOC: Kyle, how many levels does a pokémon gain for each battle it wins in the Pokézoo Battle Tower?
Knight of Time
28th January 2003, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Charizard04621
OOC: Kyle, how many levels does a pokémon gain for each battle it wins in the Pokézoo Battle Tower?
A Pokemon only gains one level when it wins at the Pokezoo Battle Tower.
[My POV]
As soon as I heard Karin's challenge, I accepted. Telling her that Cybertron had the most wins of any member of my adopted and captured Pokemon combined, I took out Cybertron's Pokeball, and opened it up to reveal the still a bit shaken Porygon, and watched as it shook itself, as if it had become a tough and fearless leader of my Pokemon, and I told Karin that I would have to either wait until my battle with Rachel (DarkPrincess) would finish, or have it postponed to a later date, and I soon waited for Amy (Nala98) to come, wondering what she would do about my idea.
Lady Vulpix
28th January 2003, 09:35 AM
I managed to come around again and found Karin. I'd never seen her here before, so it was a nice surprise. :)
I overheard her question, and decided to reply: "pokemon gain 1 level for each battle they win at the Battle Tower."
I smiled, hoping I had helped.
"By the way, hello," I added, noticing I hadn't said that yet. "How are you?"
Then I noticed I had been too late with my answer, said hi to DarkPrince and asked both if they wanted my help at the Battle Tower to ref their battle.
Knight of Time
28th January 2003, 09:44 AM
[My POV]
Upon hearing Gabi's request to ref my battle with Karin, I nodded for a few seconds, then I thought about my battle with Rachel. Knowing that I would have to either end it or postpone it before battling Karin, I asked Gabi if Rachel and I could postpone our battle for a while, so that Karin and I could battle our Porygons at the Battle Tower.
Lady Vulpix
28th January 2003, 09:57 AM
I explained that people can be in more than one battle at the same time as long as the challenges were issued on different days. Unless the same pokemon were in both battles.
"So, unless Cybertron is battling Rachel, there's no need to postpone that battle," I told him. "Shall we head to the Battle Tower?"
28th January 2003, 06:49 PM
My Pov
I woke up, refreshed.I noticed that Nala was in the room next to the one I'm in.Maybe now was my chance!I quickly got up, and saw her.I asked"would you like to battle me?"
Stinger's Pov
I woke up, seeing that I fell down.Presumably because of the Pineco.Anyway, I went back to the room that My trainer was in, having a strong instinct that he wanted me.
Volty's Pov
We decided to look in the nooks and crannies of the house and we weren't the only ones, Singer, Snowy and Burner had joined us.Heck, we looked like a pokemon Pep squad.
29th January 2003, 06:44 PM
"Hey, Gabi!" I replied, probably a little too late. I wasn't responding very soon today; I was just tired and spaced out, I guess. Heck, I was spaced out all the time, anyway. Always dreaming about something; I was hardly ever fully awake. The only time I'd become alert was when my pokémon were battling. Funny; I was like Switchblade, in a way. Except he was always hyper and happy instead.
"Well," I said, turning to Gabi and Kyle, "what are we waiting for? Let's go! This'll be fun!"
Lady Vulpix
30th January 2003, 07:50 AM
"Ok, let's do it," I said to Karin. I headed for the Battle Tower, where I found Ventura, my Venomoth, who had just won a new battle against a Fire pokemon. I congratulated her and thanked Matt, Amy and Kiara for the great battle, but that's part of another stoy and should be told at another place. ;) So, the battle between the two Porygons began.
30th January 2003, 08:52 AM
(My POV)
I heard 100Fang ask me if i wanted to battle. Turning to him. "Not sure. The only pokemon low enough to battle that i woould like to use ina vattle is my L.7 houndour Aiyana.
I waved at LV. Then i released Kiara.
(Aiyana's POV)
I smiled and went off with Evenstar to explore the Eevee House.
(Blazer's POV)
It didn't take a genious to see that Amy was stressed. Things would get worse before they got better, and i really hoped they got better for Amy and her friend's sakes. I licked her hand before heading off to my usually spot.
(Kiara's POV)
I felt myself bing released. I smiled when i saw some familiar faces in the EH. Then i quickly touched up my mane which was sticking out in several directions.
30th January 2003, 11:58 AM
(My POV)
I finally summoned the courage to try making new friends and entered the Eevee House. I released my first two (and also, my only two) Pokémon before sitting on the couch.
(Pixie's POV)
I shook my fur as I was released for the first time. I looked around and saw my trainer sitting down. I smiled and ran up on the couch and climbing into her lap. I curled my six tails and nuzzled. My trainer laughed and petted my back.
(Neon's POV)
As I was released for the first time, I quickly found a pool to swim in. I splashed about for a while and looked around, looking for new friends to make.
30th January 2003, 02:29 PM
My Pov
I know! I'll use Burner or Snowy!Stinger, Would you please be kind enough to go get Burner and Snowy For me?I explained to Nala that Burner was my lv.7 Magby And Snowy was my Lv.6 Swinub.
Woolly's Pov
I just saw that Stinger had Appeared. He said That 100Fang wanted Snowy and Burner.So they went. Still, we had a big group.
5th February 2003, 09:37 PM
(Nala's POV)
I walked back into the Eevee House and once more released my pokemon. I had been busy these last few days studying for tests. Turning to 100Fang, Aiyana is L.7 and knows: Leer, Ember, Mud Slap, Roar. I watched as Ayla and Salem went over to where the pool was. Sweetie was rambling around i my pack. She pulled out everything, including the beah ball, until she found her own violet ball. Then she put everything back in before running off to play.
(Aiyana's POV)
I heard Amy talking about me so i listened carefully. Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Jasmine slither over to the pool after nala had set her down. Ayla saw her coming and jumped out and didn't get back in until jasmine was safely in the pool.
6th February 2003, 05:10 PM
My Pov
"Hmm, let's make this a fire type battle."I said to Nala."Burner's male, lv.7 and knows Cross chop, ember, and Leer.Stinger and Snowy, you two can go and play now."I said to the both of them.They went, happily.
Singer's Pov
We saw that Stinger and Snowy had appeared."Where's Burner?"Me and the others asked in Unison."Going to a battle with him."they said.
Lady Vulpix
6th February 2003, 05:26 PM
<Gabi's POV>
I popped out of nowhere Tsunami-style (not Ventura-style, though; can't compete with her at that) and overheard Nala and 100Fang talking about a battle.
"Is it ok if I watch?," I asked them after saying hi to both of them.
At that moment, Tsunami and ventura were already out of sight, though I could easily tell where Tsunami was There was only one large extension of water in the Eevee House where the Vaporeon could lose himself at his leisure. Water Angel was also there; she always enjoyed spending hours inside the huge swimming pool of the Eevee House. I could see her head coming out of the water from where I was.
6th February 2003, 06:00 PM
(Nala's POV)
Fine with me. Do you want to make the challenge or me? I waved at LV. "Hi," I said. I had decided to take a break from studying and stop by the Eevee House. It was good to see a good friend there.
(Jasmine's POV)
Soon, i got tired of Swimming. I told Ayla and she helped me out of the pool. There were more people around toay.
(Aiyana's POV)
I sat down by Amy's feet, listening to the converstaion. I saw many new faces around though and that just made me curious
Lady Vulpix
6th February 2003, 06:48 PM
<Gabi's POV>
As usual, I was happy to see Amy at the Eevee House. I walked to her side and prepared myself to watch the upcoming battle.
<Tsunami's POV>
The water got me distracted and I didn't notice Jasmine's presence until she left; but then I saw Ayla and swam to where she was. I decided to show myself and say hi to her.
"Long time no see. How are you?," I asked her.
6th February 2003, 07:05 PM
(Ayla's POV)
"Yeah. I'm doing pretty good. How are you doing?" I asked, as Salem swam over and said hi as well. Ever since his battle at the Christmas party, he's been paying more attention to his surroundings, but still not enough. I had an idea. I smiled. I just had to wait for the perfect time...
(Sweetie's POV)
I walked over to where Dad was. He was sitting down in his usual spot watching everything that went on. I playfully tackled him. He smiled and then pinned me, and started to tickle me. I laughed until i finally managed to wiggle free, and ended up bumping in to Kiara. "Sorry," i said as i walked off after sticking my tongue out playfully at Dad. Then i walked over to where i had left my ball and put it up where no one would trip over it.
Lady Vulpix
6th February 2003, 07:58 PM
<Caledor's POV>
I spotted Kiara and Sweetie, and the ball close to them, and concluded that I couldn't find a better combination. Sweetie looked great now and Kiara... well, she always did. I ran over to them and cheerfully greeted them.
"How long has it been since we last played?," I asked them.
<Tsunami's POV>
I saw Ayla smile as Salem came by. I said hi to him, keeping an eye on Ayla. I didn't know why, but the expression on her face made me feel that something was coming and I didn't want to miss it.
6th February 2003, 08:10 PM
(Ayla's POV)
Well, you can certainly tell that Sugar is my mom. I guess i am sort of like her on some things, but i too have my own way of doing things. I kind of made myself less noticable and let Salem talk with Tsunami. I could tell that Tsunami sensed i was up to something, and i just winked and made an almost imperceptable nod with my head over in Salem's direction.
(Sweetie's POV)
I smiled as Caledor cam over. "Hi," I said greeting him. Kiara also greeted him. "How long has it been since we last played?" He asked. Kiara chuckled and said, "Too long." We walked over to a spot where we had more room then i toosed the ball.
(Jasmine's POV)
I managed to make my way back over to where Nala was. As soon as she spotted me, she picked me up so that i wouldn't get hurt. I smiled a huge smile at the people that were around me.
Lady Vulpix
6th February 2003, 08:24 PM
<Tsunami's POV>
As Ayla winked and quietly pointed with her head at Salem, I gave her a quick and tiny nod and began to talk to the Espeon.
"How are things going?," I asked him, trying to start a conversation.
<Caledor's POV>
I grinned broadly when I heard Kiara's reply to my question. "Too long," she'd said. I prepared myself for the game and, as soon as Sweetie put the ball into play, I jumped at it and picked it with my front legs, then tried to lift it with my tail but only managed to send it rolling backwards.
"Nevermind," I said to myself. "Next shot will be better."
<Sylvan's POV>
I noticed the cute Jasmine's smile and slowly moved towards her, trying not to scare her. I stretched out my right vine and softly caressed her neck. Lagi came closer too and smiled at both of us.
6th February 2003, 08:52 PM
(Salem's POV)
It had been a while since i had seen any of my friends, so i didn't mind talking. "Pretty good," I answered. Ayla wasn't talking much, but i didn't think anything about it.
(Ayla's POV)
Things were working out. I slowly submerged myself in the water. Salem wasn't even paying any attention to me. Then I slowly swam underneath him, careful as not to make the water so much as ripple. Then i waited for te precise moment...
(Kovu's POV)
I watched as Sweetie, Caledor, and Kiara played their game of ball. I smiled. Then i laid my head down on my paws and took a nap. Things were going smoothly for once.
(Nala's POV)
I saw Sylvan and Lagi. Smiling, i noticed Jasmine Smiling so i sat her down near them. I knew she would be safe. Then, i was distracted by a yelp from the pool. It was Salem. I had to chuckle. Ayla had swam underneath him and yanked down on hi legs. As soon as he had recovered, he splashed Ayla and soon there was a spash fight in the pool.
(Jasmine's POV)
As soon as Amy had sat me down, I smiled up at them. "Hi," I said in a cheerful tone.
8th February 2003, 07:21 AM
My Pov
"I think I will If you don't mind."I said to Nala."Now off we go.Also, Burner, can you round up the others?""Mag, Mag"he said and ran off.Pretty soon, I got all of my pokemon in their Pokeballs.
10th February 2003, 04:19 PM
(Neon's POV)
I giggled at the sight of a Vaporeon splashing an Espeon. Wanting to making friends, I quickly joined in the splash fight, jumping up and down into the water like a crazed Magikarp! :D
(Pixie's POV)
Looking at Neon, I shook my head in hopelessness, but I almost laughed. She looked absolutely ridiculous!
I jumped out of my trainer's lap and looked around for any friends I could make.
Lady Vulpix
11th February 2003, 09:51 AM
<Tsunami's POV>
I burst into laughter when I saw Ayla soak Salem, and when the Chinchou joined in and the whole thing became a splash fight, I couldn't do any less than join the fun! I was soaking my friends playfully when I was suddenly hit by a Water Gun shot at my face. I looked ahead to see where it had come from, and saw that naughty Espeon friend of mine glowing blue. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he smirked and said "Oops!" But I knew he had done it on purpose. So I shot my own Water Gun at him.
<Caledor's POV>
When I finally got to catch the ball and throw it cleanly at Kiara, the noises coming from the pool called my attention. I turned to see what it was and saw Tsunami throwing water at Salem. Doing that to me was one thing, but did he have to do those things to all Espeons? I took my chance before the ball came my way again to throw a Water Gun at my Vaporeon friend. Of course, he stroke back. I knew he would. I knew him better than anyone. I was abaout to retaliate with another attack when the ball came my way again...
"Maybe later," I shouted out so that Tsunami could hear me.
I was in the middle of a ball game and I didn't want to miss it. I was a bit sorry for Tsunami, though. I bet he wasn't expecting that reaction from me. Or maybe he was. He knew me well too.
<Iael's POV>
I saw the little Vulpix looking around and thought that it could be nice to be with her. I'd spent too much time alone. I walked to her side and said "hi" to her.
For those who don't know, Tsunami is a Vaporeon, Caledor is an Espeon and Iael is a Stantler.
11th February 2003, 10:11 AM
(My POV)
I had to leave for a while to pick up my new adopted Pokémon from the Dragon Tamer's Adoption Center. But seeing that Neon was having a lot of fun and that Pixie was making a new friend, I knew that they wouldn't miss me.
(Pixie's POV)
I looked up at the massive Stanler, but I wasn't afraid. I felt better that I could have someone to talk to. "Hi," I replied. "MY name's Pixie."
"I'm Iael," the Stantler answered.
"Iael?" I cocked my head. "Never heard of that name before."
Before I could continue the conversation, I saw a Magby and a Zubat enter with my trainer. I was delighted that we have more in our group.
(Nightscream's POV)
I paid little attention to everyone as I off my new trainer's shoulder and up into the shadows of the ceiling. I hung upside-down and sighed. If I had eyes, I would have closed them.
(Neon's POV)
Noticing the new Zubat's attitude, I stopped splashing and stared at him. "Hmm, wonder what his problem is," I said to myself.
Of course, I had no time to wonder as another Espeon and another Vaporeon joined in the splash fight. I couldn't resist! Now I was splashing even worse than a Magikarp! :D
(Torchure's POV)
I approached my new Vulpix teammate and her new Stantler friend. "Hi, I'm Torchure."
The little Vulpix laughed and rolled her pretty coat on the floor. I knew why she was laughing, and honestly, I didn't mind. I think my name is a funny one, too.
11th February 2003, 03:46 PM
My Pov
"You did good at the battle at the tower."I said to Nala."It was a lucky chance after Burner being blinded by mud that he managed to get a Cross Chop in there."Then I released my pokemon.Out came Stinger, Volty, Singer, Woolly Burner, and Snowy.I, meanwhile went to the Adoption center, I hadn't adopted any pokemon in a while.
Volty's Pov
I decided to roll around with Woolly.Preety soon we were outside, enjoying the sun and laying down .And we weren't the only ones.The others were trailing us as well.
Knight of Time
7th March 2003, 11:30 AM
[My POV]
Things were going somewhat fine for me recently. Upon making my return to the Eevee House after being away for over a month, I walked in as Ariana and Cybertron went in behind me. Of course, neither of them were in the same mood. Seeing a sad look on Ariana's face, I could see that she was really upset over losing to Scorcher, Gabi's captured L15 male Growlithe. Knowing that she was very close to winning when she was defeated, I decided to give her a long rest, returning her to her Pokeball as she had requested upon coming in. As for Cybertron, I could see that he was quite energitic today. After winning his fifth straight battle against Switchblade, Karin's Porygon, I thought to myself. Even though Ariana and Cybertron were in opposite moods today, I sat myself down on an unoccupied couch, and decided to look in my backpack for one of my three Fire Stones. Finding one within a few seconds, I decided to take out a Pokeball, and I opened it up to reveal my male adopted Eevee, Pyro. Figuring it was time I should evolve him into a Flareon, I asked him if he was ready to evolve.
[Pyro's POV]
Upon hearing that Kyle wanted to evolve me, I nodded. Not minding evolving at all, I watched as Kyle brought a Fire Stone near me. Deciding to touch it, I could notice my body starting to glow a bright white colour, and within a few seconds, my body began to grow and change shape, as I could feel a ton of heat inside my new body, and I immediately jumped into Kyle's arms, licking him carefully, hoping I wouldn't accidently burn him, and I could feel great strength coming into my new body as I jumped onto the floor near Kyle.
8th March 2003, 01:16 PM
[MK's POV]
I walked around my room, hurrying to finish getting everything together. Christian, Jesse, and BlueShadow all sat on the floor, watching me with silly grins on their faces. We were getting ready to head over to the Eevee House. It had been a few months since we were last there. It seemed like no one really visited much anymore, so it was collecting quite a lot of dust. But we were all eager to see it again anyways.
Once everything I needed was packed into my backpack, I returned Jesse to his Pokeball and led the way down the hall and outside. There, BlueShadow knelt down and I hopped onto his back, helping Christian up as well. He happily sat in front of me. I nodded at Blue and off we went.
We soared through the clouds of the sky, the cool breeze hitting our faces. It was finally almost time for spring. And I couldn't wait. After an hour or so of flight, the Eevee House came into view. I couldn't tell if there was anybody there, but I hoped there was. BlueShadow landed on the ground and let us off his back. I thanked him for the ride and released my whole team. One by one, they all materialized out of thin air with huge smiles on their faces. Then, we all went inside together, hoping to find someone we knew to talk with.
Lady Vulpix
8th March 2003, 01:28 PM
...and found...
<Gabi's POV>
Me and my team. :D
It had been many days since my last visit to the Eevee House, and even longer since I'd last seen M_K, so it was nice to come in and see her.
I waved at her while Lagi went to meet BlueShadow and hugged him. My other pokemon just walked/swam/flew around, except for Tsunami, my Vaporeon, who began to jump excitedly from one side to another.
8th March 2003, 02:43 PM
<My POV>
It had been months since I had last been in the Eevee House. I don't know why I hadn't been in here, I just hadn't. I walked into the house. I saw a lot of people in there as usual. I went into the corner that I had sat in some months ago. I could feel people shifting their eyes at me, watching me walk along. I didn't have many friends, so I just liked to be alone a lot. I sat down in the corner and got out some of my pokeballs. I released some of my favorite ones. "Go Blackie, go PsyCat" I said quietly. My two Eevees that hatched here before poped out of their pokeballs and appeared beside of me. I looked at them and started to rub their fur. They smiled happily.
<PsyCat's POV>
I looked around the room as Matt was rubbing me. I could see a lot of pokemon that belonged to other trainers. I smiled and layed down. Matt continued to rub me.
<Blackie's POV>
I could see that PsyCat layed down. I got away from Matt and ran over there to her. I layed beside of her and we both started to look at the other people in the room.
8th March 2003, 03:22 PM
<My POV>
Walking into the Eevee House in what seemed like forever, I released everyone, who proceeded to dive into the pool, except for Drake who went to sleep on one of the couches and Orion, who stared at the others in the pool.
"You want to go in?", I asked him.
<Yes, but I'm a ground type, weak to water>, he replied, downcast.
"Well, I had a Sandshrew before you came along that also was afraid of water but she overcame her fear and began to swim, despite her weakness."
Motioning for Lyra to come over, I pointed at Orion.
"Remember Gaea? Well, I want you to do the same thing with Orion."
<A pleasure>, she smiled and grabbed Orion and dragged him over to the shallow end.
<Lyra's POV>
"Ok, take a step slowly into the pool. I'm sure you'll feel a bit of discomfort at first but you'll get over it soon."
Nodding, the kid dipped his foot into the water and quickly retracted it. He gave a small grimace and put his foot back in, a bit longer this time.
"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?", I said.
"I'm not a water type so I'm not loving it", he mumbled under his breath.
"Oh give me a break", I rolled my eyes. "Your teammates weren't swimmers until I got in. Even Nightshade swims now to toughen himself up physically."
We watched Nightshade do a couple of laps then proceeded to teleport up into the air and do a cannon ball, much to the amusement of everyone else as they were splashed.
"Men", I grumbled.
Turning back to Orion, I told him to put both feet in. Doing it quite slowly, my patience was wearing thin as he put them in and took them out repeatedly. Looking at my trainer, I shook my head until Orion stayed in for a long enough time.
"Easy", he smugly said, as I rolled my eyes.
15th March 2003, 05:51 PM
I walked in, and took a seat by a table near the pool. Aquarius immediatly dove into the pool, mostly because he hasn't taken a swim in about 3 months (mainly my doing). 17 went transparent and began to loom around the Eevee House. Sapphire and Shadow were at the Breeding Center, so they weren't here. Draco and Hydro began talking again, and Blazer and Ebony were wrestling.
I sat there and waited for someone to come talk to me, as Ieal stood next to me.
16th March 2003, 06:44 AM
<my pov>
As I came back from the Adoption center, I wondered if Planty and Fighter, My Hoppip and Tyrouge would get along with the others.As soon I came, I released my two new pokemon.Planty seemed to have a trait that let her make friends easily.However, Tyrouge seemed to have much more trouble.It seemed like Hoppip and Tyrouge were friends from before.
<woolly's pov>
As We were laying down, we saw a Hoppip and Tyrouge Climbing up a tree.Man, who could they be?
<fighter's pov>
Planty and me were climbing up a tree when we saw some other pokemon."I wonder who those pokemon belong to"I said to Planty."Who knows" she replied.
16th March 2003, 09:28 AM
Gawd, it's been so long since I had come to the Eevee House. I was walking up the path to the front door holding Jewel, my prized Meowth. It would kill me should anything happen to her. There was a time when I was so scared, I thought it'd kill me. Why? Because Jewel had chased a bird, and fell into my large pond in the backyard. It's really deep, and she didn't know how to swim, so she started to drown. I got so scared, I didn't care if I got wet, my friend was in danger! I was able to save her, and to take stress off the whole thing, I decided to come here for a bit. When I walked in people kinda stared since it was a long time since a Yoshi walked in the building weilding a blue hat.
"Hey, guys! Remember me? Gym Leader Yoshi? Owner of Jewel, my kitten meowth?"
They seemed to remember, because they quit staring. I noticed someone familiar coming towards me, so I set Jewel down to go play.
Well, we were finally here! My owner set me down to talk to someone that was coming. I decided to go have some fun, and went looking for Jayce and Jasper. Whenever I had found them, I planned a pounce attack on Jayce. It was great to be back! I just found them now, I crawled in my crouching position, and--
16th March 2003, 01:09 PM
I rushed to a seat, and quickly sat down, holding the Pokemon Egg in my arms. Shadow and Sapphire crowded around me, their front legs on my knees, examining the egg. They were almost as impatient and excited as I was. This was going to be their very first baby together. Draco and Hydro stood to the left of my chair, and Ebony, Blazer, Slick, Cinder, and 17 crowded around me. Ieal to advantage of his height, and overlooked from behind. We all awaited for the glorious moment for the egg to hatch to come upon us.
Suddenly, the egg began to shake violently, and a cracked started to form at the top. It slowly made its way down to the side, and more cracks started to form. A huge portion near the top of the egg plopped into my lap, and the baby Eevee's head emerged from the egg. Eevee struggled to break free of the egg, but couldn't. Sapphire lightly bit the back of its neck, and pryed it free of the egg's grasp, and gently set it in my lap. After closer examination, we discovered that it was a boy.
"Meeeww," Eevee said in a soft whisper. I disposed of the egg to the nearest trashcan, as the baby Eevee curled up on my lap, and began to rest.
"I will name you Domino," I told it. I don't think it heard me, because he was in a very deep sleep.
16th March 2003, 05:10 PM
(Nala's POV)
I quietly made the trek back to the Eevee House. It had been a while since i had last been here. First, it was several tests i had to study for, then i went on vacation. It seemed like the Eevee House had been slightly more active lately. Jasmine was curled around my neck, watching how i went. Once inside, I released the rest of my pokemon, before heading voer to the couch to sit down and enjoy watching my pokemon play. Aiyana cam and plopped herself down by my feet.
(Jasmine's POV)
Once we were inside the Eevee House i plopped onto the sof before Nala picked me up and sat me on the floor. Then i headed straight for the pool. Ayla and Simba were close behind me. For that matter, Salem was right beside Ayla. They were back after being gone for two days. i didn't really worry about it. As soon as i reached the pool, i slid in. The others also joining me. Ayla stayed close so if I needed her she could reach me.
(Blazer's POV)
I went over to my usual spot and sat down. I was content to watch to make sure nothing bad happened. The younger pokemon were always fun to watch.
Black Articuno
17th March 2003, 08:19 PM
Stats: in my sig link
.................................................. ................................
My POV(Haha, no one knows me namey)
I walked in to the Eevee House V2, and first released my Captured Pokemon(at least I hope they're allowd in here). Baron rests up for his first battle with Faithless's Summer, and Ruben begins playing Hid-and-Seek with Gidha(named because she hid so good, I tripped on her, hense how she's here now.)
I then release my DT Pokemon, who act accordingly: Allura and Skye fly up to the rafters and talk silently. Prowl growls at me before going into a shady corner and sleeping. Omni stays close to me, young and unsure what to do. Sunny, failing to provoke Prowl into a game, sees the large Arcanine. His tail swishes back and fourth thoughtfully as he watches around the House. Sunny sneaks over to him, and attemps to catch his tail, to my amosement. Omni, boredom getting the better of him, climbs up the couch and, exausted, slipps down the fromt onto Nala. I giggle at his startled look. Meanwhile, Sunny finds herself with an Arcanine's tail under her small paws, and a BIG looking Arcanine lookibg at her. She bares her teeth in a nervous and fourced grin.
17th March 2003, 11:28 PM
Welcome to the Eevee House Black Articuno. Catured and Adopted are both allowed here, which reminds me, I need to up date the lins on the first page. ^_^ Anyway, read the first post here for rules and a short history of this place. I hope you enjoy it here and have as much fn as i have had. If you have any questions feel free to ask. We don't bite and the people you find here are very friendly.
*end of welcome, and begginning of post*
(Nala's POV)
It wasn't long before the house became active. I smiled as i watched pokemon play and have a good time. Aiyana was lying at my feet. I decided to release my captess. it had been a while since i had let them out here. So on by one, they emerged. Shadow (umbreon), Flare (vulpix), Racer (ponyta), Squirt (totodile), Toby (houndoom), Sebastian (horsea), Oliver (meowth), and Sizzler (charmander). They stretched bfore going off to explore.
As I watched them wander off, I felt something soft land on my lap. I looked down to see a little Eevee. I smiled, and scratched him between his ears and under his chin. Then i whistled two different whistles. I smiled as i saw Salem, and Ayla climb out of the pool. They shook themselves dry before walking over to where i was. Jasmine had gotten tired of swimming, so Ayla gave her a lift to where i was.
(Blazer's POV)
I felt something catch my tail. I looked and saw a growlithe. I smiled, at the site. I had to laugh as she bared her teeth. "Aren't you a spunky one?" I said, as I winked at her.
Black Articuno
18th March 2003, 04:35 AM
Omni's POV
I blinked at Nala in confusion as she whistled twice, and looked around for who would come. A Vaporeon and an Espeon came over swiftly, and it didn't take me long to recognise them. "Mama! Daddy!" I said, and scrammbeled down from Nala's lap. I came off at a funny position, and almost felled on my head when a pink-ish/purple-ish glowing caught me. After I was righted in the air, I looked at Daddy, who had caught me with Confusion. I began running towards them, before I realised that was running in the air, and still glowing. Daddy set me down, and I tried running to them again, with more success this time. "I fall'ed" I said before snuggling against them. How I'd missed them!
Note: Omni doesn't know quite a few of these words, but it was easier to describe what happened with them.:P
Sunny's POV
I wagged my tail when the Arcanine spoke to me. Boy he could look big. I began bounding happily around him, before sitting next to him, pausing for a breath and asked, "I'm Sunny! What's your name? Wanna play?"
AntiAsh Superstar
18th March 2003, 04:54 AM
"Hello my people, your goddess is here!!!" We hadn't been to the Eevee House in quite some time. Always too much to do. But trust my team to make a spectacular entrance! Before anyone could stop her, Kirei the Espeon burst through the door, announcing her arrival with the biggest flourish she could manage. Behind her stood a motley crew of characters. Pearl the gentle Ninetales. The big-mouthed, vitriolic Umbreon called Milliardo, close to Pandora, his equally fiesty Houndour companion. Katnip, the cheerful, competitive Raticate. The sullen, withdrawn Paras known as Scratchy. Lucky, a generally shy, sensitive Meowth. Kasumi, a Growlithe with a rather perverted mind. Sindel, the world's nosiest Kadabra. Beckham, a Wartortle who thought life was one big party. And of course, their trainer. Me. I was at the head of this group, and I was just as chaotic as the rest of them.
"Their goddess?" Milliardo rolled his eyes. "Since when were you their goddess?"
"Hey, it's the new religion, Kirei-ism. Don't knock it!" The Espeon grinned brightly. "Founded upon partying and talking nonsense 24 hours a day!"
"Wow, where do I sign up?" Beckham chipped in, sporting his usual goofy grin. "Sounds like my kind of religion!"
"Cool, you're now my head priest, Becks. Go out and spread the word, my good man! Only tell them their goddess might need a bit of a lie down soon, she's still got a terrible cold."
"Which is your own fault, next time you might like to test the temperature of water before diving in. You're getting no sympathy from me." Milliardo was tiring of this conversation, so he set up his usual position in the corner cuddled up to Pandora, leaving the rest of the team to wander about the house and socialise at their leisure.
"Like anyone ever expected sympathy from Milliardo..." Kirei shook her head in bemusement before focussing her attention elsewhere. The team had drifted now, exploring the Eevee House with their usual unruliness. Sindel had set up base in the kitchen, the desire to put her spoon to some practical use apparently having overcome her again. Beckham was off looking for Caledor, knowing full well he could find some entertainment wherever Gabi's Espeon was. And as for the others... well, they were all over the place. It was hard to keep track of them all, so nobody even tried. They were more than capable of looking after themselves anyway.
Lady Vulpix
18th March 2003, 09:07 AM
<Gabi's POV>
I walked into the Eevee House without knowing who or what I would find, nor what I would do here this time. Actually, it was Caledor who pulled me in, reminded me that we hadn't spent more than 5 minutes here for a long time. After the Winter Games, Caledor had become even more active and joyful than before (which I hadn't thought possible).
It turned out that I found some friendly faces here. I was surprised to see Ade; I hadn't been able to talk to him for months. I'd seen him at the games, but he had left before I could reach him.
"Hi, Ade!," I greeted him. He turned around and noticed me, so I walked to his side and asked him how things were going.
In the meantime, Beckham and Caledor found each other and shared a warm greeting, determined to have fun. I wondered what those two would be up to.
Tsunami jumped straight into the pool.
"If anyone wants to take a dip, you'll be welcome!," he called out. "Only one rule: no zapping!"
Water Angel got in too, followed by Lagi. This time Pidgeot stayed out, apparently wanting to stay away from a probably messy crowd.
AntiAsh Superstar
18th March 2003, 04:10 PM
"Oh, hi!" I greeted Gabi as she approached. Always good to see a friendly face. "Sorry I haven't had the chance to talk lately, life's been pretty busy for me lately. Still is, really." I paused, allowing a slight smile to cross my lips. "Bet that surprised you, normally I've nothing to do at all! How're things with you?"
Meanwhile, Beckham had been catching up with Caledor, explaining all of the latest goings on in that infamously rambling style of his. Eventually he somehow managed to get his point across. "So what do you fancy doing? You know me, I could talk for my country but I'm not so hot when it comes to planning things. If you asked me to think of a plan that wasn't 'make it up as we go along' we'd be fossilising before I thought of anything. I think I've got that habit off Ade, actually. Weird, huh? Anyway, what was I on about? Oh yeah. Got any plan in mind or what?"
Sindel stuck her head out from the kitchen and let out a call to anyone in the house who could understand her. "Anyone want to give me a hand here? I could make cookies if anyone's interested, but I could do with knowing where everything is first."
"So just nosy about until you find things, that's what you're good at isn't it?" Milliardo yawned from his corner. Both he and Pandora seemed half asleep. "Oh, and tell me if there's any milk or something in there, would you, Thingy? I'm thristy."
"Come and find out for yourself, you lazy bugger!" the Kadabra shot back at her less than helpful comrade. Obviously she wasn't going to get any help out of him!
"How warm is that pool, exactly?" Kirei peered critically at the water that several pokémon were already playing in. "Call me weird but I'm suddenly scared of water of unknown temperatures."
"Ain't ya practially invitin' someone ta come an' push ya in by sayin' that?" Katnip wandered over to the Espeon's side, idly contemplating a few circuits of the water to keep in shape.
"Oh yeah, better not let Milliardo hear me say that then!"
"Knowin' yer luck he'd prolly slip on a patch of wet ground tryin' ta sneak up on ya an' end up fallin' in himself!" Katnip giggled. Kirei's tendencies to unwittingly defy the laws of probability were coming into effect too frequently for it to be sheer coincidence. Talk about a living good luck charm! "Anyways, why don't ya just try the water out if ya want ta have a paddle? I'm sure it ain't gonna freeze ya ta death like the last time ya took a plunge." So saying, the Raticate hopped nimbly into the water. "See, it's fine!" Kirei, however, seemed less than convinced.
Lady Vulpix
19th March 2003, 11:25 AM
"Well..." Caledor began, "When I come here I either go to the swimming pool or play with Gabi's ball or... hey! I have an idea. Would you like to try Gabi's Beach Ball? Water pokemon can do amazing things with it. I know where Gabi keeps it. She always complains when I take it, but I know she really doesn't mind."
I told Ade my latest news, which in general weren't news at all. I was still as busy as ever. But it was good to find some time to have fun with my friends.
Amber saw Sindel readying herself to prepare some cookies and offered her help. "I'm not familiar with this kitchen either," she said, "but maybe together we can find everything and make something good."
Tsunami listened to the conversation between Katnip and Kirei and, once the Raticate had jumped into the water, he turned to Kirei and assured that the water was perfect. "The nicest water after the Glacier Peak springs and the lake where we had the picnic," he declared. "Come in, it's great!"
Saying this, he dived into the water and disappeared.
19th March 2003, 12:35 PM
I walked in and took a seat by a table. I let everyone go, and they all went to their usual places. Domino curled up on my lap, and decided to take a nap, and Slick got up onto the table, and mutated into a Bulbasaur for no apparent reason.
<Sapphire's POV>
I turned around, and waited for Shadow, who wasn't released yet. It seemed as if Jay forgot to release him from his Pokeball, so I crept over to his pack, grabbed Shadow's Pokeball, and threw it to the ground."Ha ha; sorry about that, Sapphire. I guess I had forgotten about him.I nodded, and walked away with Shadow.
<Ebony's POV>
"Hey, Blazer, come here," I told him. He came over, and asked"What is it, Ebony?""Jay has a little red ball that we can play catch with, if you'd want to. It's in his bag.""Sure. I'll go get it."
19th March 2003, 02:22 PM
(Nala's POV)
Once more i made my way down the familiar and well worn path to the Eevee House. Once i reached it, I released all of my pokemon outside. I hoped no one happened to be in front of the door, especially with Sugar in the lead.
(Aiyana's POV)
Now that i was finally familiar somewhat with the rest of the team, and somewhat with the Eevee house, I decided to go off and explore rather than just hang around doing nothing. I still kept my distance from the pool in my exploration of the house.
(Salem's POV)
I saw Dad and Ayla heading for the pool. I shrugged and ran after them. I slowed down when i got near the pool, i wanted to try and surprise Ayla like she had been doing me. I carefully climbed into the pool trying not to make it ripple too much. i thought that she hadn't noticed that i was behind her until she spun around in the water and "BOO!"
Black Articuno
19th March 2003, 03:17 PM
Sunny's POV
I saw the female Houdour, and turned to Prowl. "Go say 'hi' to her. She'd like you." "No way." Prowl said softly and turned to go to explore the shadows in the house. I nipped him on his retreating tail. He turned to me. "Why not?"I growl curiously at him. I smelled his embarassment. "Why do you care?" He growled. I but him again, and ran as he gave a snarl before chasing after me. Too bad I hadn't found where the fine China was...
G2G. bye.
AntiAsh Superstar
19th March 2003, 05:14 PM
"Hmm, interesting!" Beckham was always up for trying anything different, and when Caledor mentioned this magical Beach Ball it was too good an offer to refuse. "Sure thing, I wanna see what these amazing things are that I can manage with this thing! Although knowing my luck it'll just explode in my face. Funny things, these beach balls, you know. Still, no harm in trying, huh?"
Sindel thanked Amber for her offer of help. "It's nice to have some help for once," she commented. "The guys I live with are nice enough I guess, but one half can't cook and the other half won't. I really don't know why I started baking, I guess I was just so sick of the spoon that I ended up with that I had to do something useful with it!" Between the two pokémon they managed to find all the ingredients needed, and set about the task with gusto.
"Oh, what the heck, I've been won over." It didn't take a lot to convice Kirei to play, and with both Katnip and Tsunami's approval the Espeon resoned the water wasn't such a bad prospect after all. "Here I come, ready or not!"
"Hey, does anybody have anything worth watching on video around here?" Pearl, ever happy to just curl up and relax with some good company, figured a movie would be the ideal distraction.
"She means does anyone have some sentimental pap that'll have the rest of us throwing up, that's what she means." The Ninetales chose to ignore Milliardo. It was just his way of pointing out their tastes were different. Hopefully somebody else would be able to point her in the direction of whatever videos the Eevee House had to offer.
19th March 2003, 08:27 PM
(Sweetie's POV)
"Hey, does anybody have anything worth watching on video around here?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see that it was a ninetales i hadn't met before. I immediately jumped down off the couch. "They're over here," I said as i led the way to the cabinet where the movies weere kept. It was kept with the door slightly ajar just in case any of the pokemon wanted to watch a movie. "We have all kinds here. Anyway, my name's Sweetie," I said.
(Nala's POV)
I was keeping an eye on Sugar. She was bored, so that meant the possibility of pouncing was pretty high. She had been better about it lately, but if she was bored, or in one of those moods watch out. Sure enough she was crouched and ready to spring. Her inteded target was Jay. O.O "Sugar NO!" I shouted, running to get between them. In the end, i was the one that she pounced on. I sighed as i looked a the jolteon on my stomach. "Sugar..." I started, but then the familiar "Who me?" expression returned. Sighing once more, "No pouncing on people inside the Eevee House." She nodded, befoe running off and disappearing. I turned to Jay and shrugged. "Sorry about that. She's just antsy cause she's bored"
(Kiara's POV)
I watched everything that was going on. Kovu was out in the backyard talking with Blazer. Talut and Flame were practicing with the punching bags. Dodger was nowhere to be found as usual. Jasmine had gotten tired, and retreated to her pokeball for a nice quiet nap. Simba, Salem, and Ayla were in the pool. I hadn't been in it since i was an eevee. Correction. I had once by accident. It was right before the first hockey game, but it wasn't on purpose. The pool had been frozen over so we could practice. I was trying to shoot the puck with my ember. Bad idea. I melted the ice and fell in. Simba had dived in and pulled me out before any serious damage had taken place. After that, it was decided that i would be the goalie. I guess i lost track of time while i was thinking. I was jarred out of my thoughts by Aiyana sitting down next to me. I smiled and said "Hi." Then I saw one of my daughters across the room. I just watched her from afar.
19th March 2003, 10:51 PM
[Jesse's POV]
"No pouncing on people in the Eevee House, Sugar! But I can pounce you, right?" Before Sugar could turn around to see who was speaking to her, I leapt into the air and tackled her to the floor. I began to tickle her. She began kicking and struggling to get out of my grasp, but I held on tight, overpowering her. She finally ran out of energy [for the moment] and I let her up. I gave her a sideways grin and greeted her with a Flareon hug. "How've you been, Sugar?"
19th March 2003, 11:05 PM
(Sugar's POV)
I sighed, Nala had prevented my fun. At least i wasn't in trouble. I sat down and watched the pokemon in the pool. As i stared at Ayla, I thought about Torrey and Jessy. My ears drooped as I wondered what they were up to. "No pouncing on people in the Eevee House, Sugar! But I can pounce you, right?" Before i could do anything, i was pinned to the ground by somone. I struggled till i was lying on my back. It was Jesse!!! He started tickling me before i could ger free. I struggles a little bit, but eventually let myself be overpowered. I stopped moving, letting him think I had ran out of energy, then i licked him on his face. When he let me up, he asked, "How've you been, Sugar?" "I've been ok. I really missed you and Torrey." I told him before i nuzzled him purring.He grinned at me an gave me a hug.
19th March 2003, 11:39 PM
<Hydro's POV>
Since nothing was really going on, and I hadn't gone swimming in a long time, I decided to do so. "Hey, Aquarius, come swim with me," I told him."Ok. I guess I can go. I have nothing else better to do."I jumped into the water, and Aquarius followed me. I swam far down to the depths of the pool, at least 40 feet. Once I got there, I turned around, and discovered that Aquarius was nowhere in view. I turned around, and was startled by Aquarius's sudden appearance."I guess you never realized that I can vaporize myself to blend in with the water....
20th March 2003, 12:03 PM
[Jesse's POV]
I returned Sugar's lick happily. Then I turned my head to see where our son was. "Hey Torrey, come on over here, your mother is here." Torrey flashed a grin and trotted over to where we were. He too greeted Sugar with a hug and asked her how she was doing. "Where's Ayla? I haven't talked to her in some time. "Yeah, where's Ayla at? I've missed her a lot, too!" I said eagerly. I wondered how much she had grown and changed since I last saw her. When Torrey was looking away, I whispered into Sugar's ear, "I'll try to come as often as I can... School work and bored-ness seems to be keeping MK away from here these days...
[Sadie's POV]
MK told me that I was full grown already and wasn't going to get any bigger until I evolved. I wanted to show my mommy and daddy how big I had gotten. I didn't seem any bigger, but I guess I was. Maybe Mama and Daddy wouldn't recongize me! I started to get scared and started wandering around without looking where I was going. Somehow, I ended up wandering right over to my mama, Kiara. "H-hi Mama! Do you remember who I am?" I asked hopefully. Surely my own mother wouldn't forget me. I smiled when she smiled at me first.
20th March 2003, 12:32 PM
(Kiara's POV)
As I watched, she came closer. "H-hi Mama! Do you remember who I am?" "Of course I do, Sadie." I gave her a hug. She had grown all right.
(Ayla's POV)
I heard Mom calling me to come over to where she was. "I'll be back later," i told the others, before climbing out of the pool. Once i was dry, I headed over to where i had heard Mom calling me from. When i reached her, I couldn't believe my eyes. Dad and Torrey were here! I ran over to them and i was immediately smothered by the two of them in hugs. I enjoyed it. I hadn't seen them in ages, but i didn't mention it because i could see how much Mom had missed them and i didn't want to make her feel worse.
20th March 2003, 05:57 PM
[Sadie's POV]
I couldn't have felt happier. I smiled at her and returned her hug. "Where's Daddy at?"
[Torrey's POV]
After greeting Ayla, I sat quietly, listening to everything they were all talking about. It was just natural in my nature to be calm and quiet. Mom and Ayla were so full of stories that I had no need to speak. Dad and Mom kept making playful gestures at each other, I had to catch Ayla's glance and roll my eyes at the two. She giggled and I started to laugh as well. "What are you two laughing about?" "Nothing!" We both said at the same time. Gosh I'd missed being with my whole family so much!
AntiAsh Superstar
21st March 2003, 09:31 AM
"My name's Pearl. Thanks for helping, by the way." The Ninetales offered a friendly smile to Sweetie as she led the way to video cabinet. The selection was bewildering to say the least. Half of the videos on offer seemed to catch her eye at once, the other half she had never even heard of. This was going to be harder than she imagined. "Wow, that's quite a selection, I've no idea which to pick now!" Pearl turned to address Sweetie again. "Which ones would you recommend?"
Elsewhere in the Eevee House - or more specifically, in the corner now home to my Dark types - trouble was brewing.
"Oi. Milliardo. Are you asleep or what?" Pandora poked the Umbreon with her front paw.
"Maybe I would have been," came the testy reply, "if somebody didn't keep jabbing me in the ribs every ten seconds. What's up with you, anyway?"
"Oh, so just because I fancy a change from sitting around all day means there's something wrong with me, does it?" Pandora looked as if she were about to become really furious, but then caught herself, her expression softening slightly. "Let's do something, Milliardo, I'm bored with being so antisocial."
"Well what do you suggest? The pool's getting more crowded by the second, we've no chance whatsoever of getting anything interesting on the TV now that Pearl's taking it over. We could go outside, I guess, but all that'd happen is we'd end up lounging about out there instead of in here." The Umbreon fixed his Houndour companion with an odd look, a slow smile creeping across his face. "And if you're really desperate we could always..."
"Hold it right there with your Sumi-isms, buster." Pandora rolled her eyes. "Plenty of time for THAT later, if you haven't managed to drive me to murder by then. I don't know what to do, that's why I'm asking you, moron! Let's at least get some music playing."
"Not a bad idea. Hey, throw something at Ade and tell him to stick a CD on, would you? The louder and the more furious, the better." Milliardo finally stood up and stretched. "In the meantime, I guess a walk wouldn't be such a bad idea, but I'm not being held responsible for any riots caused by us actually mingling with everybody."
17th April 2003, 06:31 AM
-----------------------------Wurmple's POV-----------------------------------
Hi. I'm Wurmple. I'm currently at level 7 and was just adopted not to long ago by Pokemon Geek. He's new to the forum and decided to leave me here while he went to school. I love to play and won't attack unless someone makes me really mad or hurts my master. But don't be afraid to come near me. I hope that I can evolve into Silcoon and then a Beautifly. But there's a chance that I may not because I evolve differently at night. I hope all you other Pokemon trainers will become Pokemon Geek's friends and PM him. Then we can all be friends! I'll tell you more about my day here later. Bye!:wave:
21st April 2003, 08:20 AM
------------------------Wurmple's POV----------------------------------------Hooray! My Master Just Adopted A Swinub And Now I Have A New Friend! I Am So Happy.:P
Lady Vulpix
21st April 2003, 09:57 AM
I'm happy for you, Wurmple. :)
The Eevee House has its ups and downs, and right now it's going through an inactive phase, but I'm sure it will have another peak of activity soon. Then you'll be able to make many new friends. :yes:
21st April 2003, 11:11 AM
----------------------------Silcoon POV-----------------------------------------
Hi! I'm Silcoon! I just evolved today! Now I can really become a beautiful Beautifly! *SIGH* I always wanted that but was afraid that I would evolve at night and turn into a Dustox. Snubby is a lot of fun to be around. We BOTH enjoy eating chocolate and various sweets and playing hide and seek together! Bye bye for now!:wave:
22nd April 2003, 09:20 AM
Silcoon's POV
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! My Master Just Adopted Another Pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Houndour! Now I Have Two Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P By The Way, PM My Master Today And Wish Him A Very Happy Poke-rrific Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)
22nd April 2003, 09:37 AM
Matt's POV
I walked into the Eevee House. It was a very nice day out. I looked around the room. It wasn't very many people in here today. I sat down on the couch. It was very nice and soft. Actually, it was the very first time I have gotten to sit in it. I laughed and took out two pokeballs. They were my two Eevees. "Go Blackie and PsyCat," I said. My two Eevee poped out of their pokeballs and onto the couch. I smiled as they jumped off of the couch and started playing. I took out two Gene Accelarators and layed them beside me on the couch. I was ready to use them.
Blackie's POV
It was very nice in the Eevee House today. I was playing with my best friend, PsyCat, too. We were chasing each other. Then, Matt came over towards me. He held up a thing I had never seen before. I thought it was just food and ate it. Then I started to feel weird. My body started to grow. Then all my fur turned black. I had evolved into an Umbreon!! I smiled at what just happened. I looked over towards PsyCat. She was really scared.
PsyCat's POV
I couldn't figure out what had just happened to Blackie. One minute he was an Eevee and the next he was an Umbreon. This was really getting scary. I didn't know what to do. Matt came over to me. "Your day will come, Psycat.." I cried a little.
Knight of Time
22nd April 2003, 10:01 AM
Err, Matt, for an Eevee to evolve into an Umbreon or Espeon, I think you have to use a Night Stone or Day Stone respectively. ^_^
It was a pretty good day for me. After celebrating my twentieth birthday almost two weeks ago, I decided to open up the two newest Pokeballs. Enlarging both of them, I opened them up, the sky blue one revealing my new captured female Altaria, Myst, and the yellowish green Pokeball revealing my captured male Chikorita, Leif. Knowing that it was such a wonderful feeling to have Myst on my side, I smiled, and decided to take out a third Pokeball. Opening it up, the Pokemon inside turned out to be my female captured Eevee, Luna. After seeing Matt's Eevees evolve into an Umbreon and Espeon, I thought to myself for a few minutes. Knowing that Luna's dream was to become an Umbreon too, I began to listen as she made a special request...
Luna's POV
After being let out of my Pokeball, I smiled at Kyle. Agreeing with him strongly that my biggest dream would be to evolve into an Umbreon, I watched as Kyle brought over a small, black stone. "What's this, Kyle?" I asked. Hearing from him that this was a special Night Stone, I decided to touch it, and to my surprise, my body also began to glow white, before I also got a bit bigger, my fur turning black, as well as a few golden rings appearing around my body, and I smiled at Kyle again, before jumping up into his arms.
After seeing Luna evolve into an Umbreon, I was proud of myself. However, I noticed something else in Luna's eyes. Seeing hearts in her eyes, I suddenly had the feeling she was beginning to fall for Blackie, Matt's male Umbreon, and I watched in surprise as Luna jumped out of my arms and walked towards Blackie, eager to say hello to him...
Lady Vulpix
22nd April 2003, 10:45 AM
Not exactly, Kyle. Gene Accelerators are just as good, only that Eevee will evolve into Espeon if it's used during the day, and Umbreon if it's used at night. So, unless the sun rose right in the middle of Matt's post, what he described would be impossible.
28th April 2003, 12:34 PM
(Nala's POV)
I slowly made the trek back to the Eevee House. I had been so busy these last few weeks that I hadn't had time to make all of my rounds. Which meant, I rarely had the time to visit. Once there, I released all of my aoptees as well as my captured pokemon. I looked around for Steve, but I didn't see him.
(Aiyana's POV)
Things hadn't changed all that much since i was here the last time. Bascially all that had was that i had a few more moves and was at a higher level. I looked around, but didn't see anyone i knew. I decided to just stay in the background.
(Sugar's POV)
I was in a good mood. I had finally had a battle finish. I noticed Salem was daydreaming again, so i pounced on him. The look on his face was hilarious. I walked off laughing.
Knight of Time
28th April 2003, 01:05 PM
It was a wonderful day for me. After earning my first 2 vs 2 victory a few days ago against Frank, I patiently waited for Sheldon and Rocky to appear, until I heard a knock on the door. Going to the door, I noticed Sheldon right away, and I could easily tell by the look in his eyes that he was proud of his first win, and I asked him if Rocky was outside as well.
Sheldon's POV
After hearing Kyle's question, I nodded. Telling Kyle that Rocky was outside, I gave him a thumbs up for my win with Rocky, and I watched as Kyle thanked Rocky for helping me, returning him to his Pokeball before I decided to come in, taking my place next to Kyle...
7th May 2003, 04:59 PM
Rachel's POV
I stepped into the Eevee House than looked around. A smile spread across my face remembering the memories she's had in this place from the days before. I released all my Pokémon and let them roam around and explore. Evylan laid down on a couch and stared around at the others dully. Lirima was sitting besides me like always. I took out a small bright orange egg with black stripes along it from my bag. Than, I set it down on the ground and Lirima curled herself around it like a protective mother. Zorro climbed on Lirima's back and playfully nipped at her ear.
Lirima's POV
We all stepped into the Eevee House again. It's been a long time since I was last in here. I still remember being a tiny Meowth playing around with the others. Now, I'm a fully grown Persian. Rachel took out her Growlithe egg from her bag and set it on the ground. I knew what I had to do next. I curled around the egg, warming it against my silky fur. Zorro got playful and starting to nibble my ear. He's such a silly puppy. I'm proud to be the "mother" of the team. Nothing makes me happier than taking care of babies. I just wish I had one of my own..
BTW: I used to be a member of the Eevee House and I decided to return, that is, if people want me back
Knight of Time
7th May 2003, 05:17 PM
Welcome back Rachel! :)
After seeing Sheldon take his place next to me, I smiled, before a familiar friend made her first appearance in such a long time. Hardly remembering the last time I saw Rachel in the Eevee House, I told her how happy I was to see her here again, and I took out Hector's Pokeball, and let him out. Knowing that he could hardly wait to see his son hatch, I watched and smiled as he began to wag his tail happily, until I saw Clover come through the open door. Seeing that she was happy for her victory, I told her that I would be soon ready to evolve her upon the learning of Sweet Kiss, and I watched as Clover jumped onto the couch, standing next to Sheldon just as I noticed a small crack appear in the egg Rachel was holding...
7th May 2003, 05:24 PM
I looked down at Lirima to notice her moving away from the egg. It wasn't until she got up that I realized it was cracking. Zorro crept up to the egg and gently sniffed it. When it cracked again, he leaped down, growing at it. Lirima pushed the wolf pup gently aside. Within a few minutes, a tiny Growlithe puppy had broke free from the eggshell. He opened his eyes slowly and peered around the room slowly. I smiled than looked down at DarkPrince's Hector, wondering how proud he was.
Lady Vulpix
8th May 2003, 08:42 AM
Welcome back, Rachel!
It's nice to see the Dark royal family together again. :D
I've been coming to the Eevee House erraticaly ever since it was first created, and so far I've only brought my adopted pokemon with me (mainly because having adopted and captured pokemon together would have caused a disruption in space-time continuum and nobody wants that, right? ;)) What I mean is it wouldn't fit the storyline. :P
But now I'd like to announce the birth of Skydancer, my 'captured' Swablu!
Thanks again, Kyle and Amy, for making this possible!
Knight of Time
8th May 2003, 09:01 AM
Things were going great for me. After seeing Rachel for the first time in quite a long time yesterday, I congratulated her on Chaos' birth, and I became even happier when Hector began to bark happily at the sight of meeting his new son. To make things even better, I soon noticed Gabi come in with a male Swablu she named Skydancer. Taking out Myst's Pokeball, I opened it up to reveal the graceful Altaria, and I could see that she was just as happy to see her own son as well, and I congratulated Gabi on Skydancer's birth, knowing that this was a big moment for Hector and Myst as their faces lit up from all the happiness they were experiencing now that they were parents...
8th May 2003, 12:20 PM
(Amy's POV)
I walked in, with all of my captured pokemon at my fet. Well all except for Shadow and Mirage. We had just paid a surprise visit to Sizzler and his new family ^_^. They were doing well.
(Flare's POV)
I had to chuckle. Both Amy and Shadow were in for a surprise. Well, Shadow sorta knew what i had been planning. I was able to talk to Mirage and Mirage had agreed to help out. Amy looked at me, again with a suspicious look on her face cbefore she released Sebastian. Then she took out an egg from her bag. My eyes widened. I knew right away that it wasn't an eevee egg in which i breathed a sigh of relief. I caught Amy's eye and raised an eyebrow. She chuckled. "You aren't the only one with secrets and surprises. My face burned with embarrassment, btu it wsn't noticable with the color of my fur. Instead, I saw Ivy struggling to get a closer look so i picked her up by the nape of her neck and jupmed onto the sofa. About that time, the pale blue egg began to shake.
8th May 2003, 03:19 PM
Chaos' POV
This is so weird. One minute I was nice and toasty in my egg shell, hearing the noises outside and now suddenly, I'm out in the cold and everything feels like it's spinning! I can't see a thing and did I mention I'm cold?!? I started to whine sadly, waiting desperatly to be warm. Than, some strange creature wrapped me in something that made me all warm. When I opened my eyes I saw something else looking at me. It was a bit bigger than me and it was cleaning me.
I noticed Chaos weeping so I wrapped a blanket around him gently. Hector began to clean his new son like dogs do. With his little nose, Chaos slowly sniffed Hector's nose than he made a little eep sound and curled around in the blanket and was soon fast asleep. Than I noticed Amy and Gabi around their new Swablu egg and smiled. Swablu are very beautiful Pokémon afterall.
8th May 2003, 06:21 PM
(Amy's POV)
As i watched more cracks appeared in the shell, and beore too long, trhe contents of the egg, a baby swablu, was visaible. Sebastain looke don proudly at his son. The tiny baby, tried to stand on his feet, but they weren't strong enough yet,m and he fell down. I smiled. He sure was one with spirit. That was it. I'd call him Spirit. ^_^ I gently removed the pieces of the egg shell as Spirit yawned and closed his eyes, asleep.
(Flare's POV)
I could tell that Ivy wanted to play with the baby, but like here the baby needed his rest. "Come on," I said as i carried the struggling chikorita off. "He needs his rest." At that, she settled down.
8th May 2003, 08:53 PM
I smiled down at my new little Growlithe. He seemed awfully small, even for a newborn. When I attempted to pet him, he whined a bit than nuzzled against Hector's leg. "He's just a baby," I thought to myself, trying to keep a smile on my face. Juliet wandered over and gently finished cleaning the baby. The Growlithe raised one of his paws and swat at her face playfully. Afterwards, he started nibbling on Juliet's ear and crawled on her. He seems like a playful little guy. Perhaps I'll name him Chaos. From his behavior, it seems that he thinks Juliet is his mother already. All of my young Pokémon see Juliet as their mother. Zorro seems to think that's his mommy too. Legolas is the only young one that knows better. This got me thinking, Juliet has been with me for a long time, and for a long time she's been a Vulpix. Maybe it's about time she becomes an offical adult and protecter of my Shadow Rebels. I took a small red stone from my bag. As I held it in my hand, a flare lit up inside and the stone burned in my hand. The inferno inside the rock blazed wildly inside. Quickly, before I could seriously hurt my hand, I held it onto Juliet's head. The fox got confused by what I've done but than her whole body burst into flames. Of course, being a Fire-Type, it didn't hurt her at all. Her arms and legs grew longer. Her six tails split into nine. When the flames died down, Juliet was standing before me no longer a Vulpix, but a full grown Ninetales. A quite beautiful one at that. Juliet knew what just happened. She pounced on me, pinning me to the ground and licked my face. Than, she pranced around the Eevee House, carrying Chaos on her back and showing off her new look. Zorro followed his "mother".
8th May 2003, 09:07 PM
Snabu's POV
Me, Chris, Slubba, Ocam, and Sasha walked in to the Eevee House. Well, me and Slubba sort of slided in. We saw two Growlithes, a baby and an adult. Sasha, being a caring Growlithe, ran over. "Hi! I'm Sasha!" She said. I slided over to a baby Swablu and Chris followed me because two trainers were there too. "That's a cute baby Swablu," I said. "I'm Snabura, or Snabu for short. That's my trainer Chris."
Sasha's POV
I was overjoyed to see a young Growlithe. After I introduced myself, I cuddled the baby Growlithe, who's name was Chaos.
Knight of Time
9th May 2003, 11:56 AM
Things were going very well for me. After witnissing the birth of Hector's new son, Chaos, another cracking egg caught my eye. After seeing it hatch, I began to watch it revealed a baby Swablu, who turned out to be a male Swablu just like Skydancer. Amazed at the fact that Myst had twin sons, I smiled at both Skydancer, and the second Swablu, whose name I heard was Spirit. Of course, these surprises weren't the only recent ones, as I suddenly noticed Rachel's Vulpix, Juliet evolve into a Ninetales thanks to a Fire Stone. Congratulating Amy and Rachel, I quickly turned to Rachel again, and took out most of the Pokeballs containing each of my adopted Pokemon, and opened them up to reveal Sheldon my male Squirtle, Mr. Zap my male Pikachu, Cybertron my "male" Porygon, Chamo my male Kecleon, Chilly my female Smoochum, Chaos my male Houndour, Sparky, Volts my male Elekid and Volco my male Magby, watching as they each looked eager to make new friends they never saw before or didn't see in a while...
9th May 2003, 03:48 PM
Slubba's POV
I saw the newly sent out Smoochum and approached cautiously.
"Hi! I'm Slubba! And you are?"
Ocam's POV
I walked over to a cool Pikachu and introduced myself.
"Hi! My names Volcamel, or Ocam for short. What's your name?"
I followed Snabu to the two baby Swablu and I was about to introduce myself to the two trainers there but Snabu did it for me.
10th May 2003, 12:20 PM
(Nala's POV)
I made my way back to the eevee house, this time with my team of fourteen adoptees. They were all excited, but they wouldn't tell my why. I sighed shaking my head. Something was up, but I wasn't srue what. As i looked around, the place looked fairly empty. I shrugged, and popped in a movie as i began to straighten things up.
(Aiyana's POV)
I was in a good mood. We all had a surprise in the works for Amy, and the good news was she honestly didn't hjave a cue as to what it was. I jumped up onto the sofa and waited for her to get done and sit down. I also hoped that some of her friends would arrive. Kiara walked over and sat down beside me. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to. I enjoyed her just being there.
(Sugar's POV)
I watched at the others helped sneak Sparky out of the Eevee House unnoticed. My part was if Amy had happened to notice them was to create a diversion. Luckily, I didn't have to. Lately, I jsut wasn't in the mood for jokes. I missed Jesse and Torrey. I hoped that they would show up soon.
10th May 2003, 01:04 PM
Um...I shall enter:
~Laura's POV~
I entered the Eevee House with nervousness, I was invited after adopting my new Ponyta, Skyler. Aerwyn followed me with slight nervousness also. I saw somebody pop in a movie in the slightly empty house, that's when I realized it was welcoming.
"Hello," She said, "Welcome to the Eevee House. I heard that there was a newcomer going to arrive...So, I guess that's you."
I nodded...And patted Skyler on the head slightly. She smiled back as we entered the place...I felt welcomed and I slightly smiled...I hope nobody would decide to not accept me...
*Skyler's POV*
I followed my new adoptive owner, Laura into a house she was invited to after adopting me. I saw her sigh slightly before she opened the door. When we entered, I stared around the room...It felt somehow...welcoming. I noticed somebody placing a movie in. She greeted Laura and she walked in with a slight smile as she patted me on the head. I hope Laura would be okay....
11th May 2003, 02:32 PM
"Hello everybody!"I said.I'm Yoku!I relesed all of my pokemon.Warrior and Tackle looked for Blaze.Courage perched on my arm and Niga floated around the room.I carefully sat down.I said"I dunno how I came here but I guess I'm not welcome.
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