View Full Version : Here are some of my sketches of humans

16th June 2003, 01:41 AM
Here are two sketches of characters I made up, named "Angel" and "Vance" . They are meant to be a part of my artwork for school. They aren't Pokemon related, but I guess they can be trainers. My style of anime isn't like the Pokemon anime though :P

Angel (http://www.geocities.com/neolegends2000/angel.jpg)

Vance (http://www.geocities.com/neolegends2000/vance.jpg)

Interpol HQ
16th June 2003, 02:33 AM
I dont know why you said attempt, because these are excellent pics. I really like how you drew their eyes.

16th June 2003, 04:19 AM
Oh!..I made a mistake lol. I was meant to say my attempt of making a good sketch of a human. I usually draw only outlines with not much colour or shading what-so-ever.... I couldn't be bothered. So i decided to make an attempt to make it look good.

Thanks for the comment :)

Azura Stardust
16th June 2003, 07:16 AM
They're pretty nice, really ^^ I don't see anything majorly wrong especially for just normal plain ol' feel-good-whoohoo-draw sketches, so I won't make you feel bad by whining about stupid details like clothes folds ^_^;;

I think the eye style is very cute, btw.

One thing is that in Vances pic, he looks a littel... ur... constipated because of the way you very deeply shaded the contour on his cheek, plus his mouth looks all pursed up, so it looks like he's sucking on as weet or something. Is he? XD And his shoulders are boxy. But hey, that's cute. Your shading is pretty nice though. ^^

One thing about geocities though: You can't hotlink or whatever their images, i.e. you can't do this [img ]geocities img url[/img ] because they will not come up. At all. Thats the way it is. Even if you put in a link we still gotta copy and paste... evil geocities :( So next time try just putting the link and we'll go cut and paste it. Or some people do is put it in a text file but I kind of forgot how you do that.. my brother told me before o_o