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26th June 2003, 07:25 PM
Legacy of Ice

Chapter 1

A Doctor’s Visit

She lay there, motionless and in silence, waiting for the voice of her mother to awaken her. “Lorelei, honey, wake up its time to go to the doctor,” Lorelei’s mother said in a rather squeaky voice. “I don’t want to go,” replied Lorelei hastily, she had already been awake but still lying there in bed motionless and eyes closed. “You have to, dear…… Now wake up! I’m not going to say it again,” Her mother said now sounding more stern and mother-like. “Alright,” replied Lorelei after a long pause. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the glare coming in from the windows of her room. Then in a sudden motion she sat up and at first stared at the belongings in her small, tidy room. Slowly she crawled out of bed, and looking only at her bare-feet she walked to her bathroom.

She stood in front of her bathroom mirror, which now reflected upon an eight-year old face. She stared at her features: brown hair, green eyes, and a rather silky body. She stared for a while before reaching for her toothbrush. She walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and happy to go about for this was Sunday and there wasn’t any school. Slowly, she dressed herself.

“Hi, how are you doing today,” a nurse called as Lorelei and her mother entered a clinic located on the southern side of Celadon city. “Perfect!” Exclaimed Lorelei, before her mother could answer the question. “Do you have an appointment,” asked the nurse. “Yes, we do…. We’re here to see Dr. Kim for Lorelei’s Annual Physical Check-up,” explained Lorelei’s mother. “That’s right, you are the Korino’s correct?” The nurse asked again. “Yes, that’s right our appointment is at nine-thirty.” “Yes, alright just take a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly,” the nurse said while pointing to the chair in the direction of a chair found in a corner of the clinic. “Come on Lorelei, the doctor will be here soon,” her mother had found her looking at a poster, which had a poke ball on it and with the words Pokemon League written across it. Lorelei found unusual curiosity in this poster, but kept her questions to herself. Just as her mother and Lorelei sat down, her name was called. Lorelei walked into the doctor’s office and closed the door behind her. Pokemon Weekly was the magazine Lorelei found her mother reading when she stepped out of Dr. Kim’s office. Her annual physics were done, but why was she not leaving yet…. “Why not?” She questioned herself. Dr. Kim signaled for Lorelei’s mother…. She would have to stay a bit longer. As Lorelei sat down, her mother walked into Dr. Kim’s office. “Mrs. Korino, please make yourself comfortable,” Dr. Kim said directing his eyes to a chair as he sat down. Mrs. Korino took a chair and moved it directly in front of the desk in which Dr. Kim was presently seated. “Mrs. Korino, Lorelei is perfectly normal, other than the fact about her vision…. Dr. Kim wasn’t able to finish. “We are presently trying to find her a pair as soon as possible,” said Mrs. Korino hastily. “It’s not that” a long silence erupted, before the doctor continued to speak. “Well you see, Mrs. Korino, Lorelei has a very weak mental composure, and any sudden change of emotions in her and she may just crack.” “Doctor, what do you mean by crack?” “Lose-it is a simple way to put it,” explained Dr. Kim. Usual cases such as these are very much focused on being perhaps unwelcome at school?” Dr. Kim was now starting to sound like a fortune-teller to Mrs. Korino, but still she answered. “Yes, I’m afraid she is being picked on by the bullies at school.” “Well is there any way to stop that?” “I’ve tried to talk to the principal, but however the bullies don’t stop.” A long silence followed until finally Dr. Kim spoke. “Well, see what you can do about it. If worst comes to worst, I’ll take care of this thing myself.” “Thank you, Dr. Kim,” Mrs. Korino replied for she was happy to accept any sort of help. “You’re very welcome,” replied Dr. Kim, standing up to open the door. “And thanks for your time.” Lorelei and her mother walked back to their house. On the way Mrs. Korino explained everything, and Lorelei vowed never to cry again…. At least when fending off a bully. That night Lorelei sank into her bed, thinking about her vow and what might happen the next day.