View Full Version : Woah...I drew humans! O-o';; *dies*

21st July 2003, 09:17 PM
teh omfg... :>

Errr...yeah, anyway, lemme explain. I drew this picture when I was talking with Mew Master on the phone. Lol, we plotted to put all of the chars in the Chains of Dragons RPG into a tiny tent, and in the morning, all the girls kicked or punched the guys out because they woke up in...awkward positions...ROFL! Soooo...without further adeu...

((click (http://www.freewebs.com/smeargal/TentScene.JPG)))

Lol, the girl is my char Sora Hibari, and the guy sprawled across her lap is...well, we call him Sake. His name is too hard for me to remember anyway.

Errrr...yeah, I know that Sora's hand is kind of...odd...but I had to trace this to my comp with my tablet because my scanner is still outta whack. But aside from that, I think I did pretty good! C&C is greeeeaaaatly appreciated.


Interpol HQ
22nd July 2003, 02:27 AM
This is pretty good, though it would look better colored. I like how Sake is drooling while he is asleep. Hehe I wouldnt mind ending up in an "akward" position in a tent full of girls *gets kicked in the head* Hey!

Jay Umbreon
22nd July 2003, 03:10 AM
wooooooo, yah know, that could be interpretated as being dirty ;) lol...kinda looked that way to me at first. Well, considering you kind of implied that you don't draw humans that often, this is very good. I love how you've drawnt the bodies especially, and I think it may look even better with colour ^ ^ good job indeed.


22nd July 2003, 01:18 PM
hehe cute. good job with the poses, that kinda stuff is EVIL to me >_o; the only thing that bothers me is the guy's arm seems to be amputated at the elbow o.o;;; where it comes out from the sleeve, looks weird. (his left one btw) mmmyep. color it and it'll look even better. good job :yes:


Darkmaster Kagemusha
22nd July 2003, 09:52 PM
Lol. Denisu "Saké" Wamiyazen. I never pictured those two together, but then again, you call him a twit :P. Draw Kage someday, I'd like to see you're interpretation, lol.

Mew Master
22nd July 2003, 10:03 PM
*glares at Kat*

*whacks Kage over the head* Don't encourage her!

Kat, color it.... and I may not glare at you as much

~Mew Master

PS: And it's Wamiyazen Denisu, "Saké"

22nd July 2003, 10:20 PM
Reeeeeeplies...............And just so I don't say this to all of you, I do plan to color it. I'll post it in here once I've finished.

Himo: Not with these girls, you wouldn't. Rofl. Thanks!

Jay Umbreon: Yaaaaayers, you're right, I rarely draw humans, so this is a very special event. *gives everyone hats* Yay. O-o';; Thankers.

Katie: Lol, that part was where his sleeve shadows his arm, so that's why it looks odd. Should be fixed in the colored version. Gracias.

Kage: They aren't 'together.' O__o';; Jeez, I was blapping out ideas about a tent scene, and amidst the blabber there was the pairing ups. XD! Ooooooohh, you just wait, buddy, Kage wakes up awkwardly toooooooo! But thanks anyway, and I'll definately consider drawing Kage... XD!

MM: But...encouraging fun, preshioush, yesh... Otsukarisama, Denny-san.

Thankers for all the replies...
